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in short supply中文翻译,in short supply是什么意思,in short supply发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

in short supply中文翻译,in short supply是什么意思,in short supply发音、用法及例句

in short supply

in short supply发音

英:  美:

in short supply中文意思翻译



in short supply双语使用场景

1、Good agricultural land is in short supply.───良田短缺。

2、When money is in short supply many businesses fail.───由于资金短缺,许多商行破产.

3、Food is in short supply all over the country.───食品在全国各地都供应不足。

4、Fresh water and other commodities are in short supply.───淡水和其他商品短缺。

5、Eggs are in short supply.───鸡蛋供应不足.

6、But these precious metals were in short supply, having been sent abroad to pay for imports.───可是当时金银都运往国外支付进口物品, 因此国内金银同样短缺.

7、Basic foodstuffs were in short supply.───基本食物紧缺。

8、Cigarettes are in short supply, like everything else here.───和其他所有东西一样,这里的香烟也供应不足。

9、These goods are in short supply.───这些货物供应紧张.

10、Food was in short supply at that time.───食品一时接应不上.

11、Food is in short supply all over the country.───全国普遍食品供应不足。

12、Nowadays that sort of innocence is in short supply.───现在那种天真烂漫很少见。

13、Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.───开采的原料供应短缺。

14、Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.───可开发利用的原材料供应不足。

15、Eggs are in short supply now.───现在鸡蛋缺货.

16、Apples are likely to be in short supply this winter.───今冬苹果可能供应不足.

17、Labor was in short supply , and real wages were much higher than in England.───劳动力很缺, 实际工资远远高于英国.

18、Food is in short supply.───食物供应不足.

in short supply相似词语短语

1、labour supply───劳动力供应

2、short spell───短暂的咒语

3、inexhaustible supply───源源不断

4、energy supply───能源供应;电源;供能供电

5、in short───总之;简言之

6、housing supply───住房供应量

7、in short order───迅速地,立即

8、blood supply───血液供给

9、to short story───短篇小说

辨析in brief和in short。麻烦最好给几个例句?


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