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serves as中文翻译,serves as是什么意思,serves as发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

serves as中文翻译,serves as是什么意思,serves as发音、用法及例句

1、serves as

serves as发音

英:  美:

serves as中文意思翻译



serves as双语使用场景

1、The path serves as an approach to the boathouse.───这条小路是通向那个船库的一条路径。

2、A substantial part of this gap serves as a cash buffer, ready to be used if the borrower defaults.───这一差额中有很大部分将用作缓冲资金,如果借款者违约,便可随时动用。

3、While XQuery was designed for querying large document bases, it serves as a fine tool for transforming simple documents as well.───虽然XQuery是为了查询大型文档而设计的,但是对于转换简单的文档,它也是一个不错的工具。

4、His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the committee.───太为该委员会接受的议案来说,他的无通货膨胀法案可作为一个有益平衡。

5、The entire assembly is usually submerged in an oil both which serves as an electric insulator and a cooling medium.───整个装置通常是放置在石油中的,既作为电绝缘体又做冷却介质。

6、Whilst it serves as confirmation of what you have been given, it can also be confusing as you cannot necessarily put it into a time frame.───虽然它给予你们作为一种确定性,但当你们不能够必然地把它放进一个时间结构中的时候,它也会变的让人困惑。

7、The Press Secretary serves as the President's mouthpiece.───新闻部长担任总统的代言人。

8、She said that her firm helps companies quickly apply for legal status and that she serves as the corporate secretary for many companies.───BrendaCheng说,辉道帮助其他公司迅速申请合法地位,自己出任了很多公司的公司秘书。

9、Their gathering serves as a prelude to the two-day spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank, which begins the next day.───这次会议是第二天召开的为期两天的国际货币基金组织和世界银行的春季会议的序幕。

serves as相似词语短语

1、serves out───发球

2、server farms───服务器农场

3、server farm───服务器农场

4、series commas───连续逗号

5、serve up───上菜,准备饭菜






serve 的介词短语: 1. serve as: 充当,担任 2. serve on: 参加,加入 3. serve up: 提供,端出 4. serve to: 使……有益于 5. serve out:完成,坚持到底 serve as 是指充当某一角色或担任某一职务,

例如:Mary serves as our manager. 意思是玛丽担任我们的经理。 serve on 是指参加某一组织或机构,

例如:John serves on the board of trustees. 意思是约翰参加了监事会。 serve up 指为别人提供某种物品或服务,例如:The restaurant served up delicious food. 意思是餐厅提供美味佳肴。

serve to 意思是使某种行为有益于某人或某事,例如:It serves to remind us of the importance of exercising. 意思是它提醒我们做运动的重要性。 serve out 指完成某项工作或坚持到底,例如:He served out his contract. 意思是他完成了合同。

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