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already gone中文翻译,already gone是什么意思,already gone发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

already gone中文翻译,already gone是什么意思,already gone发音、用法及例句

already gone

already gone发音

英:  美:

already gone中文意思翻译



already gone双语使用场景

1、Life is always like this. Those should be over has not ended yet, but those should be continued has already gone away.───生活就是这么无奈,该结束的还没有结束,不该结束的却很快结束。

2、Alex has already gone.───亚历克斯已经走了。

3、When he returned, she and Simon had already gone.───当他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。

4、At a factory down the road, the response to queries was more brusque. "We've already gone bust, " said a man, and hung up.───在同一条马路上的另一个厂那里,我们得到一个男人更粗暴的回答:“我们已经破产了!”接着电话就给挂断了。

5、The front windows bear the faint glow of dying fireplace embers . The children have already gone to sleep.───壁炉的火快要灭了﹐前窗映着微光﹐小孩已经上床了。

6、It would be wrong to conclude that, in trying to get ahead of the crisis, the euro zone's policymakers have already gone too far.───假如说,结论是欧元区决策者们已经为设法战胜危机走得太远了,那就错了。

7、' We are worried that it has already gone too far , and that it is going to be a bubble that bursts , ' he says .───他说,我们担心已经热过头了,将会出现楼市泡沫并会破裂。

8、by the time she got to the train station , the train had already gone.───当她到达火车站时,火车已经走了.火车走是在她到

9、The thieves had already gone.───小偷们早已逃走了。

already gone相似词语短语

1、ready room───待命室;准备室


3、;east bone───胸骨;胸叉

4、ready money───现金;现款

5、dead zone───死区(电波不能到达的地区);盲区;[通信]静区

6、ready moneys───现金;现款

7、doer and gone───adj.十分遥远的

8、ready monies───现款

9、head tone───头音

already gone歌的意义?

already gone的意思是我已经去完了

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