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08-01 投稿


interpreter 发音

英:[ɪnˈtɜːrprətər]  美:[ɪnˈtɜːprətə(r)]

英:  美:

interpreter 中文意思翻译



interpreter 短语词组

1、compiler interpreter system ─── [计] 编译程序-解释程序制, 编译程序-解释程序系统

2、LISP interpreter ─── [计] 类LISP语言解释程序

3、interpreter interpreter ─── [计] 解释程序的解释程序

4、interpreter program ─── [计] 解释程序

5、graphic interpreter ─── [计] 图形解释程序

6、read interpreter ─── [计] 读入-解释程序

7、language interpreter ─── [计] 语言解释程序

8、command interpreter ─── 命令解释程序 [计] ─── 命令解释程序

9、posting interpreter ─── [计] 算后翻译程序

10、interpreter-oriented instruction ─── [计] 面向解释程序的指令

11、function interpreter ─── [计] 功能解释程序

12、interpreter operation ─── [计] 解释操作

13、dial pulse interpreter ─── [电] 拨号脉冲解译器

14、pure interpreter ─── [计] 纯解释程序

15、interpreter card ─── [电] 译印电码

16、Multi-interpreter System ─── [计] 多解释器系统

17、interpreter language ─── [计] 解释语言, 翻译语言

18、form-based command interpreter ─── [计] 基于格式的命令的解释程序

19、multilevel interpreter system ─── [计] 多级解释系统

interpreter 词性/词形变化,interpreter变形


interpreter 常用词组

simultaneous interpreter ─── 同声传译员

interpreter 相似词语短语

1、interpret ─── vt.说明;口译;vi.解释;翻译

2、interpretates ─── 解释

3、interpretess ─── 口译译员

4、intercrater ─── 中间带

5、misinterpreter ─── 曲解者

6、interprets ─── 解释;作口译

7、interpreted ─── v.理解;解释(interpret的过去式和过去分词);把…理解为;演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色);口译

8、interpretated ─── 解释

9、interpreters ─── n.解释器;直译程式;[计]解释程序;口译者(interpreter的复数)

interpreter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In other words, the interpreter brings to the text his own set of presuppositions which causes him to misunderstand the text. ─── 换句话说,解释者将他自己的一些先入为主的想法带进他要解释的文本,从而造成误读。

2、You can interpret this term in many ways. ─── 你可以对这个术语作多种解释。

3、To interpret utterances by lip reading. ─── 唇读通过观察口形来理解话

4、The pitfall is that the results will be difficult to interpret. ─── 困难在于试验的结果将是难以解释的。

5、There is an active demand for interpreter during the trade fair. ─── 在贸易洽谈会期间,对口译员需求很大。

6、Well, I can interpret it for you. ─── 不要紧,我可以给你翻译。

7、They volunteered me for the job of interpreter. ─── 他们擅自指定由我担任口头翻译。

8、As you might expect, this is not a good thing, and the Python interpreter won't behave nicely if you try to do it, as shown in Listing 5. ─── 正如您可能认为的,这样并不好,如果进行此操作,Python解释器将无法很好地工作,如清单5所示。

9、She was engaged as an interpreter. ─── 她应聘当译员.

10、A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome. ─── 一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。

11、She thinks of putting in for the position of interpreter. ─── 她想申请当译员。

12、He only spoke Chinese so someone had to interpret. ─── 他只会说中文,所以得有人翻译。

13、Good speaker should interpret his point clearly. ─── 优秀的讲演者应该清晰地阐明自己的观点。

14、In today's lecture I'd like to interpret this problem broadly rather than in depth. ─── 在今天的讲课中我想把这个问题阐述得广泛些而不是深入透彻些。

15、APL and BASIC interpreter is usually used to run language. ─── APL和BASIC就是通常用解释程序加以运行的语言。

16、They engaged the girl as an interpreter . ─── 他们雇用那个女孩当翻译。

17、You are declared guilty of Interpreter Caduca's murder! ─── 你已经被指控犯下对翻译者卡都卡的谋杀罪!

18、At this point even the interpreter broke into tears [weeping]. ─── 到了这时,连翻译员都哭了[哭泣]起来。

19、An interpreter must be fluent in at least two languages. ─── 一名口译人员必须流利地讲至少两门语言.

20、Keeper Fred: [heard] Interpreter Caduca? [seeing her dead] Caduca? ─── 守卫者弗雷德:[听到声音]翻译者卡都卡?[看到她死了]卡都卡?

21、Mr. Tang acted as interpreter. ─── 唐先生担当口译工作。

22、Interpreter): Now, I welcome your questions. ─── :欢迎大家提问。

23、They had a talk without the intervention of an interpreter. ─── 他们在没有译员介入的情况下进行会谈。

24、Do you have the qualifications necessary to be an interpreter? ─── 你有成为一名翻译的必要条件吗?

25、Miss Liu, could you interpret this sentence for me? ─── 刘**,你能帮我翻译一下这句话吗?

26、She is determined to be an interpreter. ─── 她决心要当一名口译者。

27、She is not a qualified interpreter. ─── 她不配当翻译。

28、How do you interpret his refusal to see me? ─── 你是怎样解释他拒绝看我的?

29、The work of an interpreter is to interpret. ─── 口译者的工作就是口头翻译。

30、Yet people still seem to be unsure how to interpret it. ─── 但对其如何界定人们似乎还不大有把握。

31、They were talking to some foreign sailors through an interpreter. ─── 他们通过翻译和外国海员谈话。

32、An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge. ─── 圣师解释宗教神秘含义或传授宗教知识的人

33、Can you interpret the meaning of these passages? ─── 你能解释一下这几篇文章的意思吗?

34、He serves as an interpreter for us. ─── 他给我们当翻译。

35、The foreign guests were accompanied by an interpreter . ─── 外宾们由一个翻译陪同。

36、The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday. ─── 昨天内战夺走了一位联合国译员的生命。

37、He insisted three years is not enough for a good interpreter . ─── 他坚决认为,培养一个好翻译,三年是不够的。

38、They talked to each other through an interpreter . ─── 他们通过译员互相交谈。

39、She acted as our interpreter. ─── 她给我们当翻译。

40、I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year Major Birse. ─── 去年我有一位可钦佩的译员伯尔斯少校。

41、You can interpret the term in several ways. ─── 你可以对这个术语作很多的解释。

42、B: Are you alone or did you come with an interpreter? ─── 你是自己一个人还是和翻译一起来?

43、She works as an interpreter in that company. ─── 她在该公司里担任翻译员。

44、How do you interpret this sentence? ─── 你如何解释这一句?

45、She was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles. ─── 她因演绎莎士比亚戏剧角色而出名。

46、Assist shop personnel to interpret drawings. ─── 协助工厂相关人员理解图纸;

47、Then I worked for an oil company as an interpreter. ─── 之后我到了一家石油公司作翻译。

48、The best interpreter of your dreams is you. ─── 你的梦的最好释梦者就是你!

49、Could you interpret what he just said to me? ─── 你可以把他刚说的给我翻译一下吗?

50、The clarity of resolution can be never too good for interpreter. ─── 对于解译人员来说,清晰度可能从来都不是很满意的。

51、The simultaneous interpreter needs lots of intelligence and knowledge. ─── 同时通译者需要许多的智慧和知识。

52、In the beginning he said he was not an interpreter of Krishnamurti's teaching but he became one right after that. ─── 在开头他说,他不是克的教诲的解释者,但后面的话证明,他其实是。

53、Function is the inner loop of the Python interpreter. ─── 函数是Python解释器的内循环。

54、She interpret his silence as arrogance. ─── 她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。

55、A woman who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed. ─── 受神启示说话的女人受神启示说话的女人或作为神所表达的意志的阐释者

56、SP: Well, you should have had an interpreter with you. ─── 可能我不知道自己应负些什么责任。

57、She fancies herself as an interpreter. ─── 她自认为是位了不起的囗译者。

58、They just made the point again in passing that during my visit to that country, an interpreter would always be at my elbow. ─── 他们只是顺便又提到了这一点:在我去那个国家旅行时,会有一位翻译一直在我身边。

59、Please come with your interpreter next time. ─── 下次请带翻译来。

60、Andrea: Interpret the character as you see it. ─── 以自己的理解来诠释角色。

61、The students were asked to interpret the poem. ─── 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。

62、He offered himself as an interpreter. ─── 他毛遂自荐作一名译员。

63、FONT size=3>11. Can you act as my interpreter? ─── 你可以做我的翻译吗?

64、The Perl interpreter has many options. ─── Perl解释器有许多选项。

65、To interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult. ─── 同声翻译是极困难的。

66、Anyway I feel interpreter method of Feng Tian is quite barpque. ─── 反正我觉得丰田的翻译方法挺怪异的。

67、They talked through an interpreter for half an hour. ─── 他们通过一位翻译谈了半个钟头。

68、Can you interpret the passage? ─── 你能解释这一段吗?

69、Interpreter: We generally pay by remittance, T/T and D/D will do. ─── 定呢?我觉得信用证付款将是一种很好的方式。

70、To interpret(utterances) by lip reading. ─── 唇读通过观察口形来理解(话)

71、Interpret Scripture literally and grammatically. ─── [1] 按字意和文法解释《圣经》。

72、Technical Translator and Interpreter, Bosun Tools Co., Ltd. ─── 2001年3月-2003年10月:博深工具有限公司,技术翻译。

73、To serve as an interpreter for speakers of different languages. ─── 作口译给说不同语言人充当口译

74、I'm not quite sure how to interpret that question. ─── 对于怎样解释这个问题我不十分有把握。

75、They volunteered me for the job of interpreter. ─── 他们擅自指定由我担任口头翻译。

76、Can you act as interpreter? ─── 你能担任口译吗?

77、She thinks of putting in an application for the position interpreter. ─── 她想申请当一名译员。

78、She is an excellent interpreter before so I commend her to my boss. ─── 她过去是一个出色的口译员,因此我把她推荐给我的老板。

79、He knows a little Chinese, so he can do without an interpreter. ─── 他懂一点中国话,所以可以不用译员。

80、Her brother is an interpreter. ─── 她弟弟是翻译。

81、His paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature. ─── 他的绘画显示了他是一个敏感的自然阐释者。

82、She earned her living as an interpreter. ─── 她靠当译员谋生。

83、DNS server unable to interpret format. ─── dns 服务器无法解释格式。

84、He served as the interpreter for the conference. ─── 他担任这次会议的翻译。

85、One of them has even offered to be our interpreter and guide! ─── 其中一个还当上了我们的翻译和向导。

86、I'm an interpreter and English teacher. ─── 中兆花园对外商铺里有换拉链的。

87、To interpret at the UN is a difficult task. ─── 在联合国做口译是件难 度很大的差事.

88、She was joined the high commission as an interpreter. ─── 他作为翻译成了高级专员公署中的成员。

89、As the subject of cognition, the interpreter is an active creator of the meaning instead of a passive recipient of it. ─── 作为认知主体,译者不是意义的被动接受者,而是意义的主动创造者。




Translator:英[trænsˈleɪtə(r)] 美[trænsˈletɚ]

n. 翻译家; 翻译者; 译员; 翻译机

Interpreter:英[ɪnˈtɜ:prɪtə(r)] 美[ɪnˈtɜ:rprɪtə(r)]

n. 解释者; 口译译员; [军事] 判读员; [自] 翻译器


We need a simultaneous interpreter.


She works as a translator of technical texts. 她的工作是科技翻译。


interpreter 是两类不同人之间的媒介,比较口语化。但是translator一般是自己工作,会翻译一些文件,有的时候会用上字典。interpreter一定要跟进说话人的思路,同时把语言变成两个人能听懂的语言。



n. 解释者;口译译员;[军事]判读员;[自]翻译器词典


1、Speaking through an interpreter , the President said that the talks were going well.


2、asign language



3、Aristide spoke to the press through an interpreter.  


4、I'll act as interpreter.   


5、e was an official interpreter to the government of China.  





n. 翻译家;翻译者;译员;翻译机


1、Aristide spoke to the press through an interpreter.


2、I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original.


3、In future, I could be also a translator of China literature.



4、He is a translator of this company.


5、I am a Freelance Translator.


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