rafters 发音
英:[ˈrɑːftəz] 美:[ˈræftərz]
英: 美:
rafters 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 椽
rafters 词性/词形变化,rafters变形
形容词: raftered |
rafters 相似词语短语
1、rasters ─── n.[电子]光栅;试映图
2、draftees ─── n.被征召入伍者
3、ratters ─── n.捕鼠者;背叛者;网络摄像头黑客
4、crofters ─── n.小农场中的佃农,自耕农
5、crafters ─── 气泡孔;针眼
6、wafters ─── n.转盘风扇
7、rafter ─── n.椽;筏夫(等于raftsman);vt.装椽于
8、afters ─── n.正餐后的甜食
9、raters ─── n.估价者;评定等级的人
rafters 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、rafter was not well received. At first it was just a rustle ─── “筏夫”并未受到欢迎。起初只是出现一阵低语声。
2、He did not whitewash the walls around the palace or the buildings nor decoratively carve the beams, square and round rafters, and pillar. ─── 区别善恶良莠,表彰善良人家,提倡公正节操,以法制禁止奸邪诈伪。
3、The study, with its bamboo curtain, carved rafters, and dressing table cum sleeper, is the most warm and peaceful spot in the apartment. ─── 书房以竹帘和彩画梁、妆台隔开卧床,是屋子里最温暖宁适的角落。
4、The grain of the year before still lay in such immense heaps on the floors that the rafters could hardly bear it. ─── 去年的粮食还囤积在楼上呢,屋梁都快压塌了。
5、It includesten modules for the analysis and design of multi-span and cantilever beams, laterally loaded columns, floor joists, roof rafters, rectangular footings and continuous footings. ─── 它包括10中模型用于分析和设计多指距和悬梁,侧面安装栏,地板托梁,屋顶椽,成直角的地位和连续的地位。
6、The main hall of the main building, construction on the platform abovezhong yan xie shan ding , brackets Shop for Friday, 5mian kuo , five deep into the rafters. ─── 主建筑正殿,建造于台基之上,重檐歇山顶,斗拱五铺作,面阔五间,进深五椽。
7、auxiliary rafter ─── 便缘辅助椽子
8、? expects that ? word used in a place name ? reason ? toad prostitute calls the o leader out.Your ? rafter Si red silk censures today ?? toad prostitute o ? ─── 今天你为了如期交报告给縂经理, 你要编造一些资料来它成报告, 你希望这情况能够改善。
9、Tesla put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, the crown of his head inches from the longhouse rafters. ─── 泰斯拉把手背在身后,来来回回地踱步,他头上的头罩在长屋的房椽上慢慢移动。
10、Walls, floors, and rafters, etc. are constructed out of commodity plain channel and lipped channel cross-sections. ─── 墙壁、地板和椽, 等等是构造离日用品平原通道而且以嘴唇碰通道跨区段。
11、The rafters are made from ash. ─── 这些椽是用梣木做的。
12、One's Big pen in like a rafter ─── 如椽大笔
13、A spokeswoman for the Australian construction firm Multiplex confirmed that a steel rafter had moved in an area where people were working. ─── 为澳大利亚建筑联合体工作的一位女发言人确认一个铁椽子在工作点发生了移动。
14、Roche is a former Australian tennis champion who previously coached Patrick Rafter, as well as Ivan Lendl, to the world number one ranking. ─── Roche是前澳大利亚网球世界冠军,曾经先后指导了Patrick Rafter和Ivan Lendl登上世界第一。
15、smoky rafters; ─── 冒烟的椽;
16、When the hell did you say you developed this RAFTER? ─── 你说你到底在什么时候研究出了这个“筏夫”?
17、Rows of spotless plates winked from the shelves of the dresser at the far end of the room, and from the rafters overhead hung hams, bundles of dried herbs, nets of onions, and baskets of eggs. ─── 厨房的一端,柜橱上摆着一摞摞一尘不染的盘碟,冲人眨着眼;头上的椽子上面,吊挂着一只只火腿,一捆捆干菜,一兜兜葱头,一筐筐鸡蛋。
18、In all cases rafters should bring a swimsuit, a change of clothes, waterproof footwear, a bag for personal belongings and a waterproof camera. ─── 在所有情况下椽子应把泳衣,改变衣服,防水,鞋类,袋为个人财产和一个防水相机。
19、And can you honestly tell me that you don't watch Sampras or Patrick Rafter. ─── 你能忠实地告诉我你不看桑普拉斯或者拉夫特吗?
20、the beams of our house are cedar, our rafters are pine. ─── 17把香柏树当屋子的栋梁,把松树当天花板。
21、Additionally, you will need to secure the rafters in place and add any finishing touches you would like to add. ─── 另外,你要争取椽到位,加上任何你想加上润饰。
22、the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters; not ornamental elements; structural damage. ─── 例如梁、托梁和椽等房屋的结构性部件;不是装饰性的成分;结构性损坏。
23、The wood growth was appraised and forcasted by the standerd of rafter on the basis of the correlation analysis between superior and ordinary plant. ─── 在优势木与平均木树高相关分析的基础上,以椽材林木为标准。对4个立地类型组进行了林木生长评价与预测。
24、She hanged herself from the rafters. ─── 她悬梁自尽了。
25、principal rafter ─── 主椽
26、If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks. (Ecclesiastes 10:18 ─── 因人懒惰,房顶塌下;因人手懒,房屋滴漏。(传10:18
27、Kevin Garnett watches as the Celtics' banner is raised to the rafters. ─── 凯文加内特手表作为凯尔特人的旗帜升起的称号。
28、smoky rafters; smoky chimneys; a smoky fireplace; a smoky corridor. ─── 冒烟的椽;冒烟的烟囱;冒烟的壁炉;烟雾弥漫的走廊。
29、There were perhaps a dozen engines resting on blocks, spoked wheels hanging from the rafters, rusted frames and spare parts piled in corners or littering the top of thick wooden worktables. ─── 另外还有十几个引擎,轮子,框架以及零部件杂乱的堆放在木头工作台上或者角落里。
30、corner rafter ─── 从角椽
31、South Hall for the Manjusri Hallmian kuo five, six deep into the rafters,dan yan xie shan ding . ─── 南殿为文殊殿,面阔五间,进深六椽,单檐歇山顶。
32、The rising risk arises from the surprised fund rafter effect 大纲aiser's praise of the appraisal. ─── 上升的风险起因于受惊的资金聚集者对评估的赞美。
33、gable rafter ─── 厦头下架椽
34、So i went on for some days cutting and hewing timber, and also studs and rafters ,all with my narrow axe,not having many communicatible or scholar-like thoughts,singing to myself. ─── 一连数日,我用此窄斧,伐木砍削,没有什么可以交流的,类似学究式的思想,只是自己歌唱。(生活简单若农人,亦是快乐有味。)
35、He even had to park his car out in the street, as his garage was stacked up to the rafters with a multitude of samples of igneous rock. ─── 他甚至不得不把车停在大街上,因为他的车库里堆满了各种各样的火成岩的标本,一直堆到房椽上。
36、You come over here and ask for us to pay for your research, and all the time you've got a thing like rafter up your sleeve ─── 你到这里来要我们为你们的研究出钱,而你却始终藏着象“筏夫”这样的东西。
37、packed to the rafters(filled with people) ─── 人山人海
38、The main building are the use of fly rafter brackets, elegant shape. ─── 主体建筑均使用斗拱飞椽,造形美观大方。
39、Through indolence the rafters sag, and through slackness the house leaks. ─── 传10:18因人懒惰、房顶塌下.因人手懒、房屋滴漏。
40、Solomon covered twenty cubits of the rear of the House with cedar boards from floor to rafter to serve as an inner sanctuary - the Most Holy Place. ─── 内殿即至圣所,长二十肘,从地板到天花板都盖上香柏木板。
41、If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks. ─── 因人懒惰,房顶塌下。因人手懒,房屋滴漏。
42、In 1998, a team unearthed the remains of an entire Taino house, with beams, rafters, roof timber and the palm leaves that made up the house's thatch all collapsed on top of each other. ─── 1998年,另一支考古队对当地一处相对最完整的泰努式房子进行了发掘。这座房子有主梁有椽架,更有杉木支架,上面覆盖的还是棕榈叶。可是,屋顶还是塌下来了,被挤压成一堆。
43、intermediate rafter ─── 中间椽
44、East there still is a kiosk in the center of hole, of carved beams and painted rafters, namely too old mannish. ─── 东坑的中心还有一个亭子,雕梁画栋的,就是太老气了。
45、On Monday engineers said a rafter on the north roof collapsed without warning, falling about one metre, as several men were working on it. ─── 周一,工程师们说北部顶棚的塌陷不必担心,但那个部件掉下来一米,有人在修理了。
46、But they gave it to the artificers, and to the masons, to buy stones out of the quarries, and timber for the couplings of the building, and to rafter the houses, which the kings of Juda had destroyed. ─── 即发给木匠和泥水匠,或购买凿好的石头和作木架及栋梁的木料,来修理历代犹大王失修的建筑。
47、not too much publicity. "Stand up to the rafters rotten" life worthy of the old bear in mind the Millennium. ─── 不要太张扬。“出头的椽子先烂”,这个千年古训值得终身记取。
48、The darkies were hanging from the rafters, pop-eyed, they were so scared. ─── 几个黑人都躲得远远的,巴着眼,吓坏了。
49、We stopped off at a restaurant to have a little snack before repairing to Jimmie's place.It was a huge tavern with big, smoky rafters and tables creaking with food. ─── 去“吉米餐馆”之前我们在一家馆子里先垫补了一点,这儿铺面很大,椽子粗大,被烟熏得很黑,餐桌上摆满了吃的。
50、from cellar to rafter ─── adv. 整栋房子(从上到下)
51、The wooden rafters caught fire. ─── 木椽子着火了。
52、2.smoky rafters; smoky chimneys; a smoky fireplace; a smoky corridor. ─── 冒烟的椽;冒烟的烟囱;冒烟的壁炉;烟雾弥漫的走廊。收藏指正
53、Hall for backyardyu huang dian ,dan yan xie shan ding , 3 wide, six deep into the rafters, door panels straight lattice window. ─── 后院大殿为玉皇殿,单檐歇山顶,面宽三间,进深六椽,板门直棂窗。
54、"People began to shout, to rise from their seats and clap and cry out, a forceful wind carrying the reverend's voice up into the rafters....And in that single note - hope! ─── “人们开始呼喊,从座位上站起来、拍巴掌、大叫,像一阵疾风将牧师的声音带上房梁......随着他一声‘希望’出口,我听见了什么别的东西;
55、Comply with the compatible rafter effect 大纲ule of complement when using compliments. ─── 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则.
56、The section of the roof where the incident happened was being investigated to find out what caused the 50-tonne steel rafter to move. ─── 发生事故的顶棚部件正在被调查,来找出是什么导致了这个50吨的大家伙发生了移动。
57、B: No, because every club is packed to the rafters on the weekends. ─── 不要。因为每到周末舞厅里都是人挤人。
58、Old Hundred swelled up with a triumphant burst, and while it shook the rafters Tom Sawyer the Pirate looked around upon the envying juveniles about him and confessed in his heart that this was the proudest moment of his life. ─── 人们以饱满的热情,大声唱起了颂歌,歌声回荡在教堂上空。 海盗汤姆 - 索亚向四周张望,发现周围的伙伴们都在羡慕他,心中暗自承认,这是他平生最得意的时刻。
59、Though a large creature, Boga had a silent tread, quiet enough to sneak into the rafters of the tenth level compound of General Grievous. ─── 虽然个头很大,但博加走路悄无声息,安静到足以潜入格里弗斯将军所在建筑第十层的椽。
60、The beams of our house are cedars; our rafters are firs. ─── 以香柏树为房屋的楝梁,以松树为椽子。
61、Available in five different sizes and fits all pitches of roof trusses or rafters. ─── 可利用在五不同大小和适合所有沥青屋顶捆或椽木。
62、An affectionate, sometimes bashful pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. ─── 在朱克曼家的谷仓里,快乐地生活着一群动物,其中小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛建立了最真挚的友谊。
63、A worker high in the church rafter accepted Christ as Spurgeon tested the acoustics with a single Gospel sentence.Then there was St. ─── 一位在教堂屋顶工作的工人因为听到司布真用一句福音的内容测试音响效果而信了主。
64、Imitate the comes in sight of the your hand to keep such as the big pen of rafter, write the world article of intelligence expression; ─── 仿佛看到了你手执如椽大笔、写天下文章的智慧神态;
65、To stretch a rope between the two rafters. ─── 在两根椽子之间拉一条绳子。
66、The difference with other houses is that the roof is only covered in wooden rafters and grey tiles, naturally light. ─── 与其它房屋不同的是,房顶仅以木椽青瓦覆盖,质轻。
67、100. A team of engineers was examining the steel rafter, and was expected to report its findings later today. Union officials have called for a full investigation. ─── 一队工程师正在检查铁梁,今天晚些时候会公布调查结果。联合体官员要求对此进行彻底调查。
68、From the fact, the shivering driver derives that the diver may thrive on rafter effect 大纲iver. ─── 发抖的司机从这个事实得出结论说跳水员可以靠河流繁荣.
69、The two pines stand branch-in-branch on the both sides of the road, like a flying rafter with overlapped greens.They look like two body- guards to defend the gate of our country. ─── 两松并立公路两侧,枝杈连理,如廊厦飞檐,翠幕重叠,犹如两尊森林卫士,守卫着祖国的的大门,故有门松之称。
70、As to rafters or grass. ─── 如同附在椽和草叶上。
71、Through slothfulness the rafters sag, and through idleness of hands the house leaks. ─── 18因人懒惰,房顶塌下;因人手懒,房屋滴漏。
72、Bryant knows that to keep them from raising a 17th banner to Boston's rafters, the Lakers will need to be the quicker team, the smarter team, the better team. ─── 你贡献你拥有的一切,用全身心的投入战斗。全队并肩作战,团结迎敌。”
73、From the flat-topped octagonal carved out of eight ridges, ridge between the ridge tiles carved, and then under the carved cornices, eaves and eaves rafter. ─── 从八角平顶雕出八脊,脊间刻瓦垄,再下雕有檐板、飞檐和檐椽。
74、and end up hanging from a rafter? ─── |又怎么会吊在房辕上?
75、of tulle and fuzzy yarn hang mistily from the rafters. ─── 上随意地缠着一片片薄纱和毛茸茸的纱线。
76、They're tearing down the cabin any minute and I need you to help me save a bird's nest that's tucked in the rafters. ─── 他们一直在拆小木屋,我需要你帮我一起拯救一个搭在椽子间的鸟窝。
77、false rafter ─── 假椽
79、It was a fine apartment in which we found ourselves, large, lofty, and heavily rafters with huge balks of age-blackened oak. ─── 我们所在的房间确是华美,又高又大,因年代久远而变成了黑色的椽木巨梁密密地排着。
80、curb rafter ─── 侧椽
81、For the stone will cry out from the wall, And the rafter will answer from the timber. ─── 11墙里的石头必呼叫,木料中的椽子必应声。
82、Ruben's eyes were open, but it was as though he looked into the darkest spaces between the rafters. ─── Ruben的眼睛还在睁着,可好象他在看着房椽间那片黑暗的地方。
83、The carpenter working on the rafter passed his axe down to his mate below. ─── 在椽子上干活的木匠将斧子传给下面的伙伴。
84、He even had to park his car out in the street, as his garage was stacked up to the rafters with a multitude of samples of igneous rock. ─── 他甚至不得不把车停在大街上,因为他的车库里堆满了各类各样的火成岩的标本,一向堆到房椽上。
85、The rafters that jut out rot first. ─── 出头的椽子先腐烂。
86、Oh housebuilder!You are seen, you shall build no house(for me) again.All your rafters are broken, your roof-tree is destroyed.My mind has reached the Unconditioned(Nibbana); ─── 一五四、造屋者人,我今见汝,汝今不必再造,我已断汝椽柱,拆汝屋顶,我心已达涅槃,离一切行,断诸爱欲。
87、From 1987 when another famous Australian tennis player Cash won the championship to the time Hewitt won this title, only Rafter came relatively close to these records of glory when he won the runner-up in 2000 and 2001. ─── 在一九八七年另一位澳洲名将凯许获得冠军到修威特这次获得冠军之间,只有赖夫特在二000年和二00一年获得亚军时较接近辉煌的纪录。
88、"Australian Pat Rafter beat tournament favourite Andre Agassi at the US Open, Michael chang held on against Pioline and Monica Seles was knocked out by Spirlea." ─── 在美国公开赛中,澳大利亚选手帕特·拉夫特击败夺标热门安德里·阿加西,张德培击败皮奥林,莫妮卡·塞莱斯则被斯皮尔莉娅淘汰出局。
89、If not first requests the patient to achieve this spot, cures illness to get sick is simply the rafter asks the fish, has a shallow understanding or narrow view. ─── 如果不首先要求病人做到此点,治愈疾病简直就是椽木求鱼,以蠡测海。
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