blending 发音
英:[ˈblendɪŋ] 美:[ˈblendɪŋ]
英: 美:
blending 中文意思翻译
blending 常用词组
blending ratio ─── n. 混合比例;混纺率
blending machine ─── 掺合机
blending options ─── 混合选项;层混合模式
blending 短语词组
1、blending house ─── [机] 掺合部
2、blending fuel ─── [机] 掺合燃料
3、aviation blending fuel ─── [化] 掺混航空燃料
4、blending chart ─── [化] 混合粘度图
5、blending agent of fuel ─── [机] 燃料掺合剂
6、antiknock blending agent ─── [化] 抗爆掺和剂(高辛烷值组分)
7、blending inheritance ─── [医] 融合遗传
8、blending octane number ─── [机] 掺合辛烷值
9、blending compound ─── [机] 掺合组份
10、blending in line ─── [机] 管线掺合
11、blending of aviation gasoline components ─── [机] 航空汽油组成的掺合
12、blending naphtha ─── [机] 掺合石脑油
13、blending function ─── [计] 混合函数
14、base blending stock ─── [化] 基本掺合原料
15、blending machine ─── [机] 掺合机
16、blending octane value ─── [机] 掺合辛烷值
17、blending agents ─── [机] 掺合剂
18、blending of fuel ─── [机] 燃料的掺合
19、blending heredity ─── [医] 融合遗传
blending 词性/词形变化,blending变形
原型:blend 现在分词:blending
blending 相似词语短语
1、-blending ─── n.混合;调配;混和物;adj.混合的;v.混合;协调(blend的ing形式)
2、blenching ─── v.(因惊吓而)退缩;(受惊吓)脸色发白;(使)变白
3、lending ─── n.出借;出借物;adj.出借的;v.贷款;提供(lend的ing形式);借给
4、bleeding ─── n.出血;渗色;adj.流血的;同情的;v.出血;渗出(bleed的ing形式);感到疼痛
5、blinding ─── n.石砂,碎石子;混泥土垫层;adj.使人眩目的;挡住视线的,障眼的;(疼痛、感情)强烈的;(行动)干净利索,漂亮的,绝妙的;精彩的使人失去判断力的
6、reblending ─── n.重混合,再次混合
7、obtending ─── 获取
8、blonding ─── adj.亚麻色的;金色的;白皙的;白肤金发碧眼的;n.白肤金发碧眼的女人
9、bending ─── n.弯曲,弯曲度;v.弯曲(bend的现在分词)
blending 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The sea and the sky seemed to blend into each another. ─── 大海和蓝天似乎连成了一片。
2、Blend until a thick and creamy white lotion forms. ─── 均匀混合直到成为白色粘稠乳液为止。
3、Melt the butter and then blend in the flour. ─── 先把黄油融化,然後加入面粉。
4、The sea and sky seemed to blend on the horizon. ─── 在地平线上海洋和天空似乎合而为一。
5、Which blend of coffee would you like? ─── 你要哪一种混合咖啡?
6、The countryside and the houses seem to blend (into each other). ─── 乡间景色和这些房子似乎融成一体了。
7、Blend the eggs and milk (together). ─── 把蛋和奶搀到一起。
8、You can blend the wine with water. ─── 你可以在酒里掺水。
9、Begin to blend together the shadow and the grounding colour. ─── 开始融合面部的阴影和底色。
10、The prosperity and splendor in the blending of quietness and motion. ─── 就是动静相合中的繁荣与壮美。
11、How well their voices blend! ─── 他们的声音配合得真好!
12、Blend all spices together until fine. ─── 全部香料磨碎。
13、Blend with crushed ice. Serve in a large wine glass. ─── 加碎冰混合入大型红酒杯。
14、Change the Blend Mode to Overlay. ─── 层混合模式更改为叠加。
15、Binocular fusion is the correct blending of the image of both eyes. ─── 双眼视像融合就是把两眼的影像正确地混合到一起。
16、"Smog" is a blend of "smoke" and "fog". ─── “smog”是由“smoke”和“fog”组成的混合词。
17、A blend of emotions fermented inside her. ─── 她百感交集,激动不已。
18、We blend in melted brilliance. ─── 我们在灿烂中融为一体。
19、A unique blend of indie, psychedelia, goth, and ghost-rock. ─── 我简单翻译下这句:独立,迷幻,歌特,鬼魅摇滚的独特结合
20、I watched them blend with darkness of the street; they still sang. ─── 我眼看着他们逐渐和街上的黑暗溶合,他们仍然在唱。
21、I blend tea(s) so as to obtain a nice flavor. ─── 我把不同的茶混合调制以使味道美好。
22、Blend the eggs with the milk. ─── 把蛋搀到奶里。
23、When they sing, their voices blend nicely. ─── 他们唱歌的时候,他们的声音配合得很好。
24、Not to mention the large number of creative new retailers, like Bonobos, that are blending online and offline experiences in creative ways. ─── 不用说大量富有创意的新零售商,比如 Bonobos;它们正以创造性的方式将线上和线下体验结合在一起。
25、Mechanical blending of ACR cud PVC was explored to improve the fluidity of PVC. ─── 为改善PVC的流动性,对ACR与PVC机械共混工艺进行探索。
26、We used the Eraser tool to blend the seams together. ─── 利用橡皮擦工具处理这些照片的接缝处。
27、Beijing Great Dry Blending Mortar Company Ltd. ─── 北京市格瑞特干混砂浆有限责任公司。
29、She will blend flour, milk and eggs to make cakes. ─── 她将面粉、牛奶和蛋混合起来做蛋糕。
30、At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending with the sky. ─── 在地平线上,大片陆地变成一片连绵而暗淡的浅灰色,几乎与天空交融在一起。
31、The "blending" process often is slow. ─── “合一”的过程 通常很慢。
32、Dayan was a singular blend of the old and the new. ─── 在达扬身上兼有新旧两种人物的特征。
33、An economic life is a blend of competitive and monopoly elements. ─── 一切经济生活都是竞争生活与垄断成分的混合物。
34、Blend the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste. ─── 把面粉和牛奶调成均匀的面糊。
35、Blend the milk and eggs together. ─── 把牛奶和鸡蛋混合到一起。
36、The CIR blending DFS algorithm is introduced. ─── 介绍了CIR混合动态频率选择 (DFS)算法 .
37、Blend the flour and eggs together. ─── 把面粉和鸡蛋和在一起。
38、Small lot and multi fiber blending is now the popular demand for finished yarn. ─── 小批量、种纤维混纺是当前成品纱的需求趋势。
39、I.224 direct blending bright red D-GLN, C. ─── I.224直接混纺大红D-GLN、C.
40、His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect. ─── 他的态度是友好中带有尊敬。
41、Probably blend ofLatin cupressus. ─── 可能混合了拉丁语cupressus。
42、His evidence was a blend of smears, half truths and downright lies. ─── 他的证词里掺杂着诽谤、部份的事实和彻头彻尾的谎言。
43、Their voices blend (together) well. ─── 他们的声音很和谐。
44、The next step is to cut both sides from the front hairline to the back, blending into the previous length. ─── 下一步从两侧前面的发际线开始修建到背后,和之前的起的长度连接。
45、Blending with white inverts the base color values. ─── 与白色混合将反转基色值。
46、The voices in the choir blend well. ─── 合唱团的唱音很和谐
47、Acrylic lacquers are a blend of resin from the acrylic family. ─── 丙烯酸漆是来自丙烯酸家族中的树脂的混合物。
48、The colors of the rainbow blend into one another. ─── 彩虹的不同色彩交融调和。
49、Blend in sugar, eggs and extract. ─── 加入砂糖,鸡蛋和香草精拌匀。
50、I. blue 70 (direct blending blue D-RGL), C. ─── I.直接蓝70(直接混纺蓝D-RGL)、C.
51、Create a new layer. Set Blending Mode for layer Multiply, Opacity 72%. ─── 创建一个新的层。设置混合模式层乘,不透明度72%。
52、The architect attempted to blend the new building in with the surroundings. ─── 建筑师试图使这幢新楼跟周围的环境协调起来。
53、His voice rose above all the others, blending with that of the lucid horn. ─── 他的歌声腾越于所有其他人的歌声之上,和清澈的铜号声糅合在一起。
54、His manner is a blend of friendliness and politeness. ─── 他的态度是友好和礼貌的混合。
55、I don't think these two colours will blend together. ─── 我认为这两种颜色是不会协调的。
56、It brews a perfect blend of coffee every time. ─── 它总能煮出上好的咖啡。
57、Dark Roasted Blend: The Most Dangerous Roads in the World. ─── 世界上最危险的路。
58、Basically, with those settings I can easily achieve a nice color blending. ─── 基本上,我可以轻易取得这些背景颜色漂亮交融。
59、To blend together; intermix. ─── 使混杂使混在一起;使混合
60、On the image we just did the blur on, adjust the blending to Lighten. ─── 在我们做迷离的图像,调整照亮的混和。
61、Sea and sky seemed to blend. ─── 大海和蓝天似乎相融合。
62、Animals' protective coloring enables them to blend with their surroundings. ─── 动物的保护色使它们能和环境融成一体而不被发现。
63、Go to its Blending Options and give it a Gradient Overlay of a similar tone as that of the roof. ─── 去它的混合选项,并给它一个作为屋顶类似的语气渐变叠加。
64、How well their voices blend ! ─── 他们的声音配合得真好!
65、Blend is a mixture of two or more polymers. ─── 共混是两种或两种以上高聚物的混合物。
66、We blend that tea by mixing chamomile with pekoe. ─── 我们用甘菊和香红茶混合调制成那种茶。
67、She can't get the eggs and cream to blend. ─── 她不能将鸡蛋和黄油伴和在一起。
68、He hopes to blend the substance in with the others. ─── 他希望把这种物质跟其它物质混合起来。
69、Save that out as a jpeg, bring it back in on a new layer and give it a new blending mode and transparency. ─── 把上面的图保存为一个jpeg图像,然后把它在一个新的图层中打开,并给它一个新的混合模式和不透明度。
70、Blend the sugar and flour together and see what will happen. ─── 把糖和面粉和在一起看看。
71、To blend (paint) by pouring alternately between two containers. ─── 两容器互相倾倒以混合(颜料)。
72、Blend together the melt butter and sugar . ─── 把融化了的黄油与食糖调匀。
73、A delightful blend of comedy, kung fu, soccer and special effects. ─── 一部将喜剧、功夫、足球和特技融合一体的优秀作品。
74、The then current concept of heredity through pangenesis implied a blending process. ─── 当时流行的泛生说的遗传概念意味着遗传是一个融合的过程。
75、Add butter; using on/off turns, process to blend. ─── 加入黄油,反复的开关交替,直至充分混合。
76、A blend of malt liquors, especially porter and ale. ─── 啤酒麦芽酒的混合品,尤指黑啤酒和淡啤酒
77、His manner is a blend of charm and politeness. ─── 他的举止既充满魅力,又彬彬有礼。
78、Basic reading through blending sounds and dolce sight words. ─── 在拼读单词的基础上练习基础阅读,学习常用单词。
79、selling involves blending advertisements with regular programming in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish one from the other. ─── 销售混合了常规广告,因此两者很难区分。
80、And blending can be worked in glass nowadays. ─── 和混合制品现今都可用玻璃来制造。
81、Do you think these two colours will blend together? ─── 你认为这两种颜色和谐吗?
82、I've done it all within Zbrush, the only work out of Zbrush was the blending of different renders as layers in Photoshop. ─── 我做到了,唯一需要范围内的所有工作的融合是需要不同的效果是层图像处理软件。
83、You are going to be blending the two together where you can quantify god. ─── 以这样的方式想像:上帝是无限的而且存在于你的大脑的右脑的部份,因为你是上帝。
84、A harmonious blend of architectural styles. ─── 各种建筑风格的完美的结合
85、The bear moves like a silhouette across the landscape, its black fur blending in with the dark rocks and dusky woods. ─── 黑熊的身影穿过这片区域,黑色的皮毛与黑色的岩石和昏暗的树林交融在一起。
86、Create a new layer and set the blending mode to Color Dodge. ─── 创建一个新层,设置混合模式为颜色减淡。
87、Do you think these colors will blend together? ─── 你看这些颜色调合得起来吗?
88、Put butter and malt sugar into the dough and then blend it. ─── 将内馅材料的熟面粉筑粉墙,中间放入奶粉、麦芽糖,用手抓拉成粉丝。
89、Both colors interact to produce a blending of the two colors into a new color: royal blue . ─── 两种颜色交互作用产生混合新色:皇家蓝。
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