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deportment 发音

英:[dɪˈpɔːrtmənt]  美:[dɪˈpɔːtmənt]

英:  美:

deportment 中文意思翻译



deportment 网络释义

n. 举止;行为;态度

deportment 短语词组

1、deportment of beijing ─── 北京移民局

2、deportment definition ─── 驱逐定义

3、deportment lesson ─── 仪态课

deportment 词性/词形变化,deportment变形

动词过去式: deported |动词第三人称单数: deports |动词过去分词: deported |动词现在分词: deporting |

deportment 相似词语短语

1、department ─── n.部;部门;系;科;局

2、comportment ─── n.举止,态度;动作

3、departement ─── 部门

4、disportment ─── 争论

5、departments ─── n.部,[管理]部门;教学单位(department复数形式)

6、supportment ─── 支持

7、departmental ─── adj.部门的;各县的;分科的

8、disportments ─── 体育

9、dispartment ─── n.分裂;裂口

deportment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Author Zhang Keke;Chen Darou;Tu Yimin;Liao Zhiqian(Deportment of Material Engineering); ─── 作者张柯柯;陈大柔;涂益民;廖志谦;

2、"The loss is yours, I assure you," said Mrs. Pardiggle with her commanding deportment. ─── “我敢说,这是你们的损失,”帕迪戈尔太太神气十足地说。

3、She resumed all the fantastic extravagance of deportment after some transient touch of melancholy had banished for an instant ─── 刚才的一丝凄凉之感立即消散,她恢复了毫无节制的疯狂举动。

4、Author Xie Chun;Chen Qihai;Yin Xiaoyun(Deportment of Chemical Engineering;Shanghai University of Engineering Science); ─── 作者谢纯;陈奇海;殷晓云;

5、7. She is declared an undesirable alien and deport . ─── 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。

6、"Ah," replied Roger Chillingworth, with that quietness, which, whether imposed or natural, marked all his deportment, "it is thus that a young clergyman is apt to speak. ─── “啊,”罗杰 - 其灵渥斯说,不管是做作的还是天生的,他的举止总是安详得令人瞩目,“一个年轻的牧师确实喜欢这么讲话。

7、to deport oneself properly ─── 举止得体

8、And her mother had imparted enough of her own deportment to prevent any striking or offensive vulgarity of manner. ─── 同时她又受过她那仪态端庄的母亲的许多影响,因此在她的举止当中没有任何惹眼的或令人不堪忍受的粗俗之处。


10、With almost a serene deportment, therefore, Hester Prynne passed through this portion of her ordeal, and came to a sort of scaffold, at the western extremity of the market-place. ─── 因此,海丝特 - 白兰简直是以一种安详的举止,度过了此时的磨难,来到市场西端的刑台跟前。

11、Don't waste taxpayer's money, deport Gaoshan now! ─── 不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!

12、8.Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, and steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour and rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; ─── 因此,那些穿着黑色礼服、挺着浆过的环状皱领、戴着尖顶高帽的清教徒长者们,对于这帮快活的水手们的大声喧哗和粗野举动,反倒报以不无慈爱的微笑;

13、She got through her lessons as well as she could, and managed to escape reprimands by being a model of deportment. ─── 从她课程的开始到结束,她也能并且设法脱离作为行为典型的申诉对象。

14、Author Wang Chuanhua;Yin Handong;Ma Chunlin Zhong Rufen(Affiliatel middle school) (Deportment of Chemstry); ─── 作者王传华;尹汉东;马春林;张如芬;

15、Years later, my daughter found my old report cards and was delighted to learn I got an F in deportment -- with a note from Mother Marita Joseph that I was to leave the summary executions to her. ─── 多年后,我的女儿在我儿时的成绩单中,欣喜地发现我的行为课成绩是不及格----上面附有教母玛瑞特约瑟夫的注释,内容就是针对我那次的行为。

16、l'll deport your sorry ass right where you stand, you half-breed shit! ─── |我现在就把你打回老家去 你这个杂碎!

17、One peculiarity of the child's deportment remains yet to be told . The very first thing which she had noticed, in her life, was- what? ─── 这孩子的举止上还有一个特点也要说一说。她降生以来所注意到的头一件事情是--什么呢?。

18、One's deportment is dignified. ─── 器宇轩昂。

19、To deport oneself gracefully ─── 举止娴雅

20、Deport Stock Age Level ─── 仓库储存水平

21、improper deportment ─── 不适当的行为

22、Generals were afraid of him because he knew more about the deportment of a soldier than they did. ─── 将军们见到他也害怕,因为对于一个军人应具有的行为,他懂得比他们还多。

23、The character of the book is enduring, which is the most deport crystal of human's diligence. ─── 书籍的品质是不朽的,是人类勤奋努力的最为持久的结晶。

24、He is austere and grave in deportment. ─── 他举止庄重严肃。

25、the fine deportment of female ─── 女性风采

26、deport oneself properly ─── 举止恰如其分

27、The head servant in a household who is usually in charge of food service,the care of silverware,and the deportment of the other servants. ─── 大管家家务中的仆役长,通常负责膳食招待、餐具的管理和其他仆人的举止。

28、As long as I keep my floor clean, keep my head down, they have to reason to deport me. ─── 只要我干好自己的活,低调做人,他们就没有理由把我遣送回国。

29、One's deportment is dignified. ─── 器宇轩昂。

30、Author Zhang Rufen;Ma Chunlin;Yin Handong;Wang Daqi and Li Dacheng (Deportment of Chemistry); ─── 作者张如芬;马春林;尹汉东;王大奇;李大成;

31、With almost a sere deportment, therefore, Hester Prynne passed through this portion of her ordeal, and came to a sort of scaffold, at the western extremity of the market-place. ─── 因此,海丝特-白兰简直是以一种安详的举止,度过了此时的磨难,来到市场西端的刑台跟前。

32、It is this third city that accounts for New York's high-strung disposition, its poetical deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements. ─── 正是这第三座城市造就了纽约敏感的性情、诗意的举止、对艺术的执着和无与伦比的成就。

33、Author Zhang Yongzhen;Li Quanan;Chen Yue;Zhang Yimin(Deportment of Materials Engineering); ─── 作者张永振;李全安;陈跃;张一民;

34、Author Han Shuling Jin Jingyu Wang Kuanting (Deportment of Rheumatology;Peking University Shougang Hospital;Beijing 100041); ─── 作者韩淑玲;金京玉;王宽婷;于孟学;

35、We deport from North Point, pasted by Tsim Sha Tsui and went to Tsing Ma Bridge. ─── 大队先由北角出发,经尖沙咀沿岸慢驶,再去青马大桥(原来由海上望,青马桥好靓架!)

36、She got through her lessons as well as she could, and managed to escape reprimands by being a model of deportment. ─── 她的学习成绩就个人能力而言已属不俗,其行为举止也被大家视为楷模,并因此而逃过数次惩戒。

37、3. His speech and deportment do not comport with his high position. ─── 他的言谈举止与他所担任的高级职务不相称。

38、Interview: evaluation based on deportment and personality, oral communication, logical thinking, and ability of organization, each for 25%. ─── 15面试:含仪态及个性、沟通能力、逻辑思绪、组织能力,前述四项目各??5%。

39、Wangsimni clearance of your valleys, likeshi li hua lang , Qifeng scattered valley, streamsbai zhe , trees Blot out the Sun, mayfei pu training, walk for King, deportment million. ─── 十里贵清峡谷,恰似十里画廊,峡谷内奇峰错落,溪流百折,林木蔽日,飞瀑似练,移步换景,仪态万千。

40、His deportment seems aloof, but actually he is very kind-hearted. ─── 他的言谈举止有些冷淡,但实际上他心地善良。

41、If you have the time, go for deportment classes. ─── 如果你有时间,就要去上个仪态班。

42、Some labor brokers reportedly continued to forcibly deport foreign workers who sought to complain about abuses. ─── 一些劳工仲介业者据说仍不断强迫这些提出遭滥用、虐待的外国工人出境。

43、First, how many foreign observers of the deportations, including Germans and Austrians who were allied to the Turks, did conclude that the intention was to kill, not just deport. ─── 其一,流放事件中有多少外籍观察员(包括与土耳其结盟的德国、奥地利的观察员)认定为此次行动的目的是为屠杀而非驱逐出境。

44、Who, amid all her distress and anxiety, could not help being scandalized at the deportment of her companion. ─── 她虽然十分焦急,仍不禁对她的伙伴的行为发生反感。

45、Thai authorities had warned they might deport foreign activists coming to Bangkok to disrupt the torch relay, said Lt.Gen.Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit, the national police spokesman. ─── 在上周四,火炬传递的前一站新德里,印度采取了非同寻常的安全措施,阻止了数以千计的反中国示威者,并缩短了火炬传递。

46、And her mother had imparted enough of her own deportment to prevent any striking or offensive vulgarity of manner. ─── 同时她又受过她那仪态端庄的母亲的许多影响,因此在她的举止当中没有任何惹眼的或令人不堪忍受的粗俗之处。

47、He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. ─── 他具有警惕的性格、聪明的表情、轻快的举止和好奇的天性。

48、Costraction Scheme on Enterprise Network at Deport of Railway Branch office ─── 分局站段企业网的网络方案

49、Unemployment has increased, now deport those who stay ─── 失业率增长引起我们的仇视

50、The way in which a person behaves; deportment. ─── 举止,行为人行动的方式;风度

51、She was more like her father than her younger sisters, for Carreen, who had been born Caroline Irene, was delicate and dreamy, and Suellen, christened Susan Elinor, prided herself on her elegance and ladylike deportment. ─── 她比几个妹妹更像父亲,因为卡琳生来体格纤弱,多愁善感,而苏伦又自命不凡,总觉得自己文雅,有贵妇人派头。

52、It is illegal to deport U.S. citizens or detain them for immigration violations. ─── 以非法移民的名义驱逐或扣留美国公民是不合法的。

53、Author Hou Zhaoyin;Chen Binghui;Dai Qinglian(Deportment of Chemical Engineering); ─── 作者侯昭胤;陈秉辉;戴擎镰;

54、I put a bumper sticker " Taiwan Independent, weare NOT Chinese" on my van,Today I park my car on Home Deport parking lot,"somebody" use shoping cart hit my van. ─── In this country (Unite States) only 窝齰的chinese would do this.台湾加油 被误以为是中国人比被骂脏话还严重 中国人你们知道绝大多数美国任都不喜欢与你们有交集?

55、"Even if they didn't put her in jail, they would deport her." ─── "即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。 "

56、What is different is that while some express it in speech and deportment, and temperament and demeanor, others turn it into a feeling expressed between the lines. ─── 不同的是,有的流露于言谈举止、气质神采之中,而有的则化成字里行间的情愫。

57、deport oneself in a dignified manner; carry oneself with dignity ─── 举止庄重

58、When the Japanese occupied Shanghai, they forced the Jews into a ghetto, but resisted German demands to deport them to concentration camps. ─── 在日本人侵占上海的时候,他们强迫犹太人迁入一个隔离区,并拒绝了德国提出的将他们送往集中营的要求。

59、Her father, a Colonel of the old school, had been particular about deportment. ─── 她父亲是个古板的上校军官,尤其注重行为举止。

60、Author Wei Yuchun;Yuan Huigen;Pan Zuren(Deportment of Chemical Engineering); ─── 作者韦雨春;袁惠根;潘祖仁;

61、She, amid all her distress and anxiety, could not help being scandalized at the deportment of her companion. ─── 她虽然十分忧伤焦急,仍不禁对她的伙伴的行为发生反感。

62、deport oneself in a calm, unhurried manner ─── 举止从容

63、elegant deportment ─── 仪态美

64、Author Zhang Hengzhong Zhang Pingmin Chen Xinmin (Deportment of Chemistry;Central South University of Technology;Changsha 410083); ─── 作者张衡中;张平民;陈新民;

65、deport administration ─── 仓库行政工作

66、One wants to close down the borders, deport all illegal immigrants, and jail employers and others who provide assistance to the illegals. ─── 一些人想关闭边界,遣返所有的非法移民,把雇佣非法移民的雇主和其他为非法移民提供帮助的人关进监狱。

67、Author Xu Dongming;Chen Jiuru;Yang Zhenyan;Zan Songhua;Tang Ruyong;Li Rile (Deportment of Radiology;Zhabei Central Hospital;Shanghai 200070); ─── 作者许冬明;陈九如;杨振燕;詹松华;汤如勇;李日乐;

68、Author Yang Shuchun;Chen Xiru(Applied Chemistry Deportment;SUU.Chengdu 610065); ─── 作者杨书春;陈锡如;

69、It is this third city that accounts for New York's high-strung disposition, its poetical deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements. ─── 11对这座城市习以为常,认为它的大小和动荡是自然而然、不可避免的。每到白天就被蝗虫吞噬,每到晚上又被吐出来。

70、(AFP, Miami) The US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) issued an order to deport a stepson of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. ─── (法新社迈阿密电)美国移民归化局(INS)下达逐客令,把伊拉克总统沙丹.胡笙的一名继子驱逐出境。

71、4. Even if they do not put her in jail, they will deport her . ─── 即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。

72、Responding ot the summoning power of Dharma Master's compassion, wisdom, vow, and deportment, Longuqan's Sangha has grown up from being without to having, from small to large. ─── 在法师悲、智、愿、行之力的感召下,龙泉寺僧团从无到有、从小到大成长起来。

73、His manner deportment has become elegant and perfect. ─── 他已使自己的举止仪态变得高雅完美.

74、He maintained a hard, careless deportment. ─── 他保持一种严酷的,漠不关心的态度。

75、Consequences include getting double points off, a permanent note in the student's record, denial of college scholarships and an unsatisfactory grade for deportment. ─── 假如发现相同的作业或者其它的欺骗行为,结果将是扣双倍的分数或者是载入学生的档案,结果将使学生无法得到大学奖学金,并且,将在操行中得到一个不及格的分数。

76、later, he sought to stay and fight theaccusations, but the government sought to deport him. ─── 后来,他决定留下来抗争,但是美国政府决定把他驱逐出境。

77、their rabidly nonformist deportment has made them legendary; the old stubborn nonconformist spirit of the early settlers. ─── 他们极端前卫的行动使他们富有传奇色彩;早期移民顽强、不墨守成规的精神。

78、She, amid all her distress and anxiety, could not help being scandalized at the deportment of her companion. ─── 她虽然十分忧伤焦急,仍不禁对她的伙伴的行为发生反感。

79、Their rabidly nonformist deportment has made them legendary. ─── 他们极端前卫的行动使他们富有传奇色彩。

80、What a young miss could do and what she could not do were as different as black and white in Mammy's mind; there was no middle ground of deportment between. ─── 在嬷嬷心目中,一个年轻姑娘该做什么和不该做什么,那是黑白分明的两个方面,中间没有可以通融的余地。

81、with unusual deportment; extraordinary outward appearance; of striking appearance ─── 器宇不凡

82、the old housekeeper , with a gracious severity of deportment , waves her hand towards the great staircase. ─── 老管家带着一种庄重严肃的态度,朝那座大楼梯挥了一下手。

83、Portray Personal Appearance Practice Professional Ethics Practice Professional Grooming Practice Correct Posture and Deportment Build Personal Development Handle Client Maintain Public Relationship ─── 个人形像实习专业道德实习专业仪态实习正确姿势行为个人之培养招待顾客的知识维持人事关系

84、"Even if they did not put her in jail, they would deport her." ─── "即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。"

85、His countenance is erect, his body and limbs are well proportioned, all his motions are graceful, and his deportment is majestic ─── 他面貌端庄,身躯四肢匀称,举止文雅,态度严肃。

86、"[Old Mr. Turveydrop] was not like anything in the world but a model of Deportment" (Charles Dickens). ─── “是世界上行为的楷模”(查尔斯·狄更斯)

87、As he approached the gate, the lamplight showed a man of about forty walking by . Xiangzi thought he recognized his face and deportment, but hesitated to accost him. ─── 刚走到门脸上,灯光下走来个四十多岁的男人,他似乎认识这个人的面貌态度,可是不敢去招呼。

88、Their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary. ─── 他们坚决的不信奉国教的行为使他们成为传奇。

89、she speaks tone how such unfeeling. Before that acme of beauty and deportment person in which? ─── 她说话的口气怎么这么绝情..以前那个千娇百媚的人在哪呢?

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