fruitlessly 发音
英:[ˈfruːtləsli] 美:[ˈfruːtləsli]
英: 美:
fruitlessly 中文意思翻译
fruitlessly 网络释义
adv. 无益地,徒劳地
fruitlessly 词性/词形变化,fruitlessly变形
副词: fruitlessly |名词: fruitlessness |
fruitlessly 同义词
unproductively | unprofitably
fruitlessly 反义词
fruitlessly 相似词语短语
1、fruitless ─── adj.不成功的,徒劳的;不结果实的
2、dauntlessly ─── 无畏地;勇敢地
3、trustlessly ─── 不可信任的
4、artlessly ─── adv.天真烂漫地
5、profitlessly ─── 无利可图
6、faultlessly ─── adv.无缺点地,完美地
7、countlessly ─── 无数地;不计其数
8、frontlessly ─── adv.没有前部地,没有正面地
9、brainlessly ─── 无脑的
fruitlessly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (made in ALAYSIA ),John decided to relax for a while. ─── 在过了沮丧又没有结果的一天后,他看看他马来西亚制的电脑,决定放松一下)。
2、Her doctor suggested an abortion,and after a fruitless search for more information,she had the procedure. ─── 她的医生建议流产,在四处咨询无果的情况下,她遵从了医生的建议。
3、And so the end came, fruitlessly. ─── 令君无所成。
4、While you are in the act of summoning your energies, focus on a plan. Don't exhaust yourself with fruitless excursions into any and all possibilities. ─── 在集中精力的过程中,要集中于一种打算;不要同时涉足各种可能的情况而搞得精疲力竭一事无成。
5、A whole year of days would pass fruitlessly in dreary business, like dashes of rain on the window-pane. ─── 一年中每一天都在可憎的生意经中白白蹉跎,像横扫着窗玻璃的雨丝。
6、A fruitless person is not a failed Christian, but a false one - in other words, not a Christian at all. ─── 一个不结果子的人不是个失败的基督徒,而是假的-换言之,根本就不是一个基督徒。
7、She was too calculating to jeopardize any advantage she might gain in the way of information by fruitless clamour. ─── 她太工于心计,不愿意让无谓的大吵大闹暴露出自己的疑心。 那样会听不到消息,占不了上风。
8、After much fruitless diplomacy, an election was won by Porfirio Lobo, the centre-right candidate, though many governments said they would not recognise the result. ─── 在进行了许多无用的外交努力之后,中右派候选人PorfirioLobo最终赢得大选胜利,但是许多国家都表示他们将不会承认这一结果。
9、After about 6 months of fruitless job-hunting, I convinced my parents that I needed more education in order to get to where I wanted to be. ─── 在大约6数月不结果的求职以后,我说服了那I需要更多教育为了有的我的父母我想的地方。
10、Zibbi becomes distressed as he fruitlessly searches for words which might join his isolated personal pronoun and we stop the interview. ─── 齐比因找不到可以丰富他少得可怜的人称代词的词语而变得低落,所以我们终止了采访。
11、The next two days were spent in fruitless parleys. ─── 其后两日是消磨于毫无结果的谈判中。
12、His effort to woo her to his side prove fruitless. ─── 他试图说服她站到自己一边的努力徒劳无功。
13、It was the plan of Alexander VI and Clement VII, but it will never succeed now, for they attempted it fruitlessly, and Napoleon was unable to complete his work. ─── 亚历山大六世和克力门七世也曾有过这种计划,但现在是绝不会成功的了,因为他们轻视这种计划,认为它不会有好结果,而拿破仑不能实现。
14、He spent several weeks looking through Chinese classics like the Book of Changes and the Book of History in search of suitable characters to be used as the baby's name. But all his efforts proved fruitless. ─── 但秀才不同意,以为太通俗,人云亦云的名字。 于是翻开了《易经》、《书经》,向这里面找,但找了半月,一月,还没有恰贴的字。
15、After considerable fruitless effort, the RST team came up with a polymer composite of polyurethane and polyvinylchloride that incorporates a variety of organic and inorganic salt particles that block radiation. ─── 在无数徒劳无功的努力之后,RST团队想出一种由聚氨酯与聚氯乙烯构成的高分子复合材料,它含有各种可阻挡辐射的有机与无机盐类颗粒。
16、However active the leading group may be, its activity will amount to fruitless effort by a handful of people unless combined with the activity of the masses. ─── 只有领导骨干的积极性,而无广大群众的积极性相结合,便将成为少数人的空忙。
17、Steps were promised (as, fruitlessly, they were at the 2000 summit) to reduce military tensions: defence ministers would meet, while a disputed western maritime area would see its fisheries jointly mined. ─── 双反同意采取措施减少军事紧张局势(这种承诺跟在2000年峰会做出的一样是徒劳的):国防部长会见面;在有争议的西部海域双方的渔民共同作业。
18、At the fruitless end of your journeyuvA. ─── 以一无所得来结束你的行程。
19、I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. ─── 你的损失是沉重的,我觉得以任何言语来劝你节哀都是软弱无力,无济于事的。
20、History says that Washington's is an unwise and ultimately fruitless strategy. ─── 历史会见证华盛顿的策略是不明智且最终无益的。
21、Two months, Rob, "hunting a camel," Orr a gram and others have repeatedly fruitless search. ─── 两个月中,罗布“猎驼人”奥尔得克等人一次次搜寻都劳而无功。
22、Daughter, my daughter, Just small footprints on the sands. I keep holding up sea tides in vain. My fruitless effort makes an eternal inscription. ─── 女儿我的女儿是沙滩上一串小小的脚印我徒劳地阻挡海潮我的徒劳是不朽的碑铭。
23、It is owing to this that her work is so often feeble and fruitless. ─── 她不断的使这位圣灵担忧,因此她的工作才如此软弱,不能结果。
24、So far the search for the missing middle-aged woman has been fruitless. ─── 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的中年妇女。
25、Your familiar attracts your fruitlessly expended arcane energy.channeling power back to you to allow you to make another attempt. ─── 你的魔宠吸住了你打偏的奥术能量,让你进行新的尝试。
26、In the hundreds of years of their fruitless experimenting, they gathered a long list of useful facts about their work. ─── 在几百年毫无结果的实验中,他们收集了许多与实验有关的有用事实。
27、A handful of congressmen have called (fruitlessly) for him to be fired. ─── 少数议员(徒劳的)要求他下岗。
28、Otherwise, meditation remains dry and fruitless, a theoretical segment of your existence that is unconnected to all the rest. ─── 否则的话,禅定会变得枯燥和没有结果,你体验的中部分理论性的部分无法观察到其他部分。
29、His best efforts proved fruitless, however, and the child died. ─── 他竭尽全力却无济于事,孩子死了。
30、"They sought even more thoroughly than the august heirs had done, but it was fruitless. ─── 不过侄子在他断气以前,还来得及对他的妻子说过一句话:‘仔细在我叔父的文件里找,里面有真正的遗嘱。’
31、Will be fruitless trips to accidentally Shen Zhou, died in the seabed. ─── 一不小心便会沉舟折戟,葬身海底。
32、They struggled for freedom, but their efforts were fruitless. ─── 他们争取自由,但努力都是徒劳。
33、His efforts were fruitless, however ─── 他虽然竭尽人事,仍无补于事。
34、Another half an hour passed, and the pursuit was still fruitless. ─── 又过了半个钟头,他们的搜索仍然毫无结果。
35、They are waterless clouds blown about by winds, fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead and uprooted. ─── 他们像无水的浮云,随风飘荡;又像晚秋不结果实,死了又死,该连根拔出来的树木;
36、Vagabond singers and behavioral artists perform their bold shows ceaselessly in this area, and the wanton lovers seek their morbid love in a fruitless pursuance. ─── 在这里,永不停歇地上演着流浪歌手的漂泊、行为艺术家们的激情、一见钟情的爱恋和没有结局的邂逅。
37、To head off Anglo-French military action, Eisenhower and his secretary of state ensnared the Europeans in a fruitless round of talks and conferences. ─── 为了阻止英法的军事行动,艾森豪威尔和他的国务卿诱使英法到毫无成效的一系列会谈和会议上。
38、Otherwise, you will simply succeed in making people desire fruitlessly; and for Freud, to desire fruitlessly is to fall ill of neurosis. ─── 否则,你只会让人们做徒劳的幻想,而佛洛依德说,徒劳的幻想往往会陷入精神疾病。
39、China's Olympic coach Ratomir Dujkovic would be considered if the search for a "suitable" coach proved fruitless, he added. ─── 他说,如果找不到“合适”的人选,足协将考虑启用目前国奥队主帅杜伊科维奇。
40、In Maastricht Pact signed in 1992, the European Community put forward the Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP) formally. Nevertheless, in practice, this policy have been acting fruitlessly and meeting with a lot of obstruction. ─── 在 1992年签订的《马斯特里赫特条约》中欧共体各国正式提出了“共同外交与安全政策”,然而该政策在实践中却一直表现乏力,阻碍重重。
41、For eight years residents of Hongwei have been waging a fruitless struggle to find the cause of high rates of serious illness in their midst. ─── 在八年中,宏伟的居民苦苦寻找严重疾病高发的原因,但始终无果。
42、Rushing throngs, blinded by the darkness and the smoke, rushed up one street and down the next, trampling the fallen in a crazy fruitless dash toward safety. ─── 在黑暗和浓烟中盲目狂奔的人群,穿街过巷,践踏着倒下的躯体,慌乱地向着安全的地方冲闯,结果却是徒劳。
43、She keeps on pouring out her love and lovesickness in her beautiful but fruitless pursuit of her yearning. ─── 她不断地吐露相思和爱慕,为她的向往作了徒劳而绮丽的追寻。
44、The Rawlsian project of trying to describe ideally just institutions is a distracting and ultimately fruitless way to think about social injustice, Mr Sen complains. ─── 他指责罗尔斯竭力想描述理想的公正机构的方案对于思考社会不公平是一条喧宾夺主并且毫无结果的歧途。
45、She now distinctly saw two or three figures already so near to her, that a precipitate flight would have been equally fruitless and impolitic . ─── 她现在能够看清两三个人影已经离她不远,再要仓促逃跑不仅是徒劳,而且未免失策了。
46、Only furnishing plans is fruitless and futile in order that he won't frown or get furious. ─── 为了让他不皱眉或者不大发雷霆,光是提供一些计划是不会有成效的也是毫无用处的。
47、Like a beautiful flower, full of color, but without scent, are the fine but fruitless words of those who do not act accordingly. ─── 如可意华,色好无香,吾语如是,不行无得
48、Three countermeasures have been used to solve problems in the system, but they are fruitless. ─── 基于现有营销管理系统的对策模式解决存在的系统问题,不能达到预期的结果。
49、Mr Triangle is waiting for someone who can open the door, so fruitlessly. ─── 三角先生希望有人把门打开,如此徒劳地。
50、Rushing throngs, blinded by the darkness and the smoke, rushed up on a street and down the next, trampling the fallen in a crazy fruitless dash toward safety. ─── 在黑暗与浓烟中狂奔的人群,沿着大街小巷践踏着倒下的躯体,慌乱而徒劳地向着安全的地方冲闯。
51、Her chief concerns now were that she had said things about Jane to Churchill which she would not have said had she known of their engagement, and also that she had, as she believed, encouraged Harriet in another fruitless attachment. ─── 一是她曾对邱吉尔说过一些关于简的话,如果她早知道两人已经订婚,决不会那样做。二是她认为自已又一次鼓动哈里特堕入一段不能成功的恋情之中。
52、His effort to woo her to his side prove fruitless ─── 他试图说服她站到自己一边的努力徒劳无功
53、Another has been pursuing, expensively and so far fruitlessly , assets in Luxembourg and Germany awarded by a London court. ─── 另一位客户一直在追讨由伦敦法院判给她的在卢森堡和德国的财产。
54、His struggle with adversity is fruitless. ─── 他徒与不幸挣扎而毫无结果。
55、At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (made in MALAYSIA ),John decided to relax for a while. ─── 在过了沮丧又没有结果的一天后,他看看他马来西亚制的电脑,决定放松一下。
56、But no amount of dollars or firefighters can stop a big fire once it gets moving, making the summer's showy firefighting efforts increasingly fruitless. ─── 只不过一旦大火开始燃烧,花再多的人力或物力也都无法阻止,那也使得2002年夏天大张旗鼓的灭火努力显得更无意义。
57、After their fruitless and tiresome march, one and all voiced their great dissatisfaction with the leadership of Cao Cao.They bitterly complained of their great thirst. ─── 于是众人都对曹操的领导表示不满,士兵的反抗情绪异常紧张,即将形成背叛的状态。
58、After repeated but fruitless demands for payment,he brought a suit against the debtor . ─── 在再三要求支付而毫无结果的情况下,他向债务人提出诉讼。
59、In repressive, intolerant cultures, this can lead to fruitless confrontations and other problems. ─── 在压抑和褊狭的文化体系里,这可能会导致徒劳的对抗和其它社会心理问题。
60、In any case I would not leave fruitlessly, unless you pay and kiss me good bye. ─── 在任何情况下,我不会离开果,除非你支付和吻我再见。
61、When we are correcting deviations, some people look on the work of the past as utterly fruitless and all wrong. ─── 在我们纠正偏差的时候,有的人把过去的工作看得毫无成绩,认为完全错了。
62、the fruitless pursuit of something unattainable. ─── 不可能地追求没有结果的东西。
63、He told reporters after returning in 1996, he was involved in the founding of China's earliest Internet technology companies, are unexpectedly fruitless trips to the sea. ─── 他告诉记者,1996年回国后,他曾参与创立了中国最早的互联网技术公司,不料折戟商海。
64、They will then be able to respond precisely, rather than running around on fruitless and demoralisingpatrols on the small chance of catching a poacher up to no good. ─── 因此他们就可以准确地做出反应,而不是盲目地在森林中进行没有成效且降低士气的巡逻,因为用这种方式抓到偷猎者的几率非常小。
65、The fruitless gene is known for its role in male courtship. ─── “无子”基因被认为具有使雄性求偶的作用。
66、Her doctor suggested an abortion, and after a fruitless search for more information, she had the procedure. ─── 她的医生建议流产。 在四处咨询无果的情况下,她遵从了医生的建议。
67、Then, after a few fruitless minutes searching for the plughole, you discover that to drain the water away, the entire devicetips rotates around until its disk is tipping gently forwards. ─── 再转过来,你看到那个凹了吧,躺进去放上水,你就可以洗一个泡泡浴了。
68、Ifeel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which shouldattempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. ─── 但是,我仍禁不住要向你表示安慰,这是你可以从共和国对你的感谢中感受到的。
69、We searched fruitlessly for thirty minutes until I had a third-degree sunburn on my bald spot. ─── 我们搜索了三十多分钟,直到我的秃顶被日头晒的三度灼伤,也没有看到鞋的影子。
70、Another has been pursuing, expensively and so far fruitlessly, assets in Luxembourg and Germany awarded by a London court.Pensions are particularly tricky. ─── 另外一位客户在以高昂的代价索取由英国法庭裁决的在卢森堡和德国的资产,到目前为止还毫无结果。
71、Another has been pursuing, expensively and so far fruitlessly, assets in Luxembourg and Germany awarded by a London court. ─── 另一位客户一直在追讨由伦敦法院判给她的在卢森堡和德国的财产。
72、As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practice it. ─── 只说好话而没有实行是毫无结果的,这好比一朵美丽的花,徒具颜色而没有芳香。
73、He made no reference to the fruitless search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - a major justification for launching the war. ─── 他没有使关于在伊拉克对大模毁灭性武器的不结果的搜寻参考成为-发射战争的主要的辩护。
74、All his efforts were fruitless. ─── 他的一切努力都白费了。
75、Their search for the plane is fruitless . ─── 他们对飞机的搜寻是毫无结果的。
76、Their negotiation was fruitless. ─── 他们的谈判没有结果。
77、So far the search for the missing middle aged woman has been fruitless. ─── 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的中年妇女。
78、They dragged me into a fruitless discussion ─── 他们将我拖入了一次毫无结果的讨论。
79、Industry insiders point to three factors that set the Xugong deal apart from many other fruitless attempt by buy-out funds to break into China. ─── 业内人士指出了三个因素,这些因素使徐工交易与收购基金进军中国的其它众多不成功收购企图有所不同。
80、The traveling was not fruitless ─── 不虚此行
81、Using an unnecessary antifungal is fruitless, Hoffstetter says, and can set you up for more irritation by upsetting the balance of vaginal microbes. ─── 使用不必要的抗真菌剂是没有什么效果的,霍夫斯达特说,并且通过扰乱阴道微生物的平衡给你造成更多的感染。
82、You might want to join a link exchange, but trading links often proves fruitless. ─── 你可以加入互换链接,但通常商业链接都是没有效果的。
83、So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless . ─── 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的男孩。
84、But by the 20th century, the great Protestant critic Rudolf Bultmann of Marburg University had concluded that such quests were fruitless. ─── 但是到了20世纪,玛尔堡大学的著名新教批评家Rudolf Bultmann认定那些研究是白费心机。
85、It was a fruitless, harassing round, and left him in a queer mood to deal with the proposition he had in the presence of Carrie. ─── 但是这样反复考虑仍然毫无结果而且令人烦恼,弄得他在面对嘉莉实行自己的计划时,都有些神经兮兮的了。
86、But Doyle remained loyal to the British crown, even after fruitlessly losing a son in the First World War. ─── 但是道尔仍然忠实于英国王室,甚至在第一次世界大战失去儿子。
87、In a statement, the police insisted that they had searched fruitlessly for Mr. Yang, then told his wife he should turn himself in. ─── 而当地警方的一份声明称,他们没有找到杨家勤,警方告诉他妻子,让她丈夫投案自首。
88、It was believed that the search for the bodies had been a fruitless effort merely because the drowning must have occurred in mid-channel, since the boys, being good swimmers, would otherwise have escaped to shore. ─── 大家认为打捞尸体是徒劳无获的,因为几个孩子一定是在河当中淹死的,要不然,凭他们那么好的水性,早就凫到岸上来了。
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