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08-18 投稿


diagonal 发音

英:[daɪ'æg(ə)n(ə)l]  美:[daɪ'æɡənl]

英:  美:

diagonal 中文意思翻译



diagonal 短语词组

1、diagonal method ─── [计] 对角线法

2、diagonal line ─── [机] 对角线

3、diagonal entry ─── [计] 对角线元素

4、back-diagonal ─── [计] 反对角线

5、diagonal matrix ─── [计] 对角矩阵

6、diagonal expansion ─── [经] 斜行扩展, 对角扩展

7、backward diagonal ─── [计] 后向对角线

8、diagonal chromatography ─── [化] 对角线色谱法

9、diagonal force ─── [医] 对角力

10、diagonal glide plane n ─── [化] 对角滑移面n

11、diagonal member ─── [机] 斜构件

12、diagonal microinstruction ─── [计] 对角线型微指令

13、diagonal conjugate diameter ─── [医] 对角径

14、diagonal filling theorem ─── [计] 对角线填充定理

15、Cantor diagonal method ─── [计] 康托尔对角方法

16、diagonal bracing ─── [化] 对角支撑; 斜撑

17、diagonal function ─── [计] 对角函数

18、diagonal division ─── [医] 细胞间接分裂

19、counter-diagonal ─── [计] 副对角线

diagonal 词性/词形变化,diagonal变形

副词: diagonally |

diagonal 相似词语短语

1、decagonal ─── adj.十边形的

2、diagonals ─── adj.斜的;对角线的;斜纹的;n.对角线;斜线

3、digonal ─── adj.二角的;对角的

4、diagonally ─── adv.对角地;斜对地

5、diapasonal ─── 对角线的

6、agonal ─── adj.(尤指临死时)痛苦的

7、diagonalise ─── 对角化

8、diagonalize ─── v.斜向移动;循对角线方向移动;与……斜向地成一行;使……对角线化

9、diaconal ─── adj.助祭的;执事的

diagonal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a pocket in a garment (usually below the waist) to which access is provided by a vertical or diagonal slit in the outside of the garment. ─── 由外衣外面的垂直或斜的裂缝可以进入的外衣上的口袋(通常在腰部)。

2、Left descending arteries were ligated at the distal side of the second diagonal branch. ─── 分离左冠状动脉左前降支,第二对角支远端结扎。

3、Designs of various patterns such as checked and diagonal stripes are used. ─── 各种各样的设计,如棋盘、斜条纹等。

4、The values calculated at population levels are above the diagonal, the average values at taxon level are below. ─── 对角线上为居群水平的计算值,对角线下为以物种为单位的平均值。

5、National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 5 by 3) is deep red, divided by a white-edged black diagonal stripe from upper hoist to lower fly. ─── 国旗:红色象征国家和人民的生命力,也象征温暖和太阳的热能。黑色象征力量、统一、国家的财富和人民的献身精神。白色象征国家的未来和海洋。

6、Emporium:Owl shop in Diagon Alley where Harry bought Hedwig. ─── 咿啦猫头鹰商店。对角巷猫头鹰店,哈利从那里购得海德薇。

7、Based on cyclic diagonal codes,an improved design of unitary space-time codes(USTC) at low SNR is proposed. ─── 在低信噪比情况下,提出了一种基于循环对角码的改进的酉空时码设计。

8、In a foundation pit in soft soil area, gravity retaining wall with diagonal bracing is used as well as those without bracing. ─── 在软土地区一大型基坑中,同时采用了竖向斜撑对水泥搅拌桩重力式挡土墙进行加强和单纯采用重力式挡土墙两种基坑围护形式。

9、Piaffe is a highly collected, cadenced, elevated diagonal movement giving the impression of being in place. ─── 原地踏步是高度收缩,节奏明显,对角肢高抬,原地进行的的动作。

10、The steel frames resist lateral loads applied in the short direction while diagonal bracing stabilizes the building longitudinally. ─── 当斜向支撑确保纵向稳定时,钢框架结构只需抵抗短方向的侧荷载。

11、Another new MV benchmarking lower bound is established, it can be acquired from the process data and diagonal interactor matrix. ─── 建立了另一最小方差基准下界,此新下界可通过过程数据和对角关联矩阵得到。

12、Jaggies The stair-stepped appearance of diagonal lines on a low-resolution graphic screen or print out. ─── 在低解像度的显示荧幕上或印件上,斜线的边缘显现锯齿形状。

13、The sender, whom cryptographers by convention call Alice, sends a string of bits, choosing randomly to send photons in either the rectilinear or the diagonal modes. ─── 依惯例,密码学者通常称发送者为爱丽丝,她以直线或对角随机模式送出光子,发射出一串位元。

14、Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternatively, with the forelegs aligned on the same track as the hind legs. ─── 每对斜对角肢轮流抬起再踏在地上,前脚应当走在和后脚一样的线上。

15、He also made good use of diagonal lines. ─── 他也很好地运用了斜线。

16、for there is nothing which would surprise a geometer so much as if the diagonal turned out to be commensurable. ─── 如若对角线竟然被约分了,一个懂几何学的人反而会感到无比奇怪了。

17、A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper left to lower right. ─── 从左上到右下的对角线的线条图案。

18、The rein back is a rearward diagonal movement with a two beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension. ─── 后退是以斜对角步伐做出向后退的两节拍动作,但是没有腾空期。

19、The enhanced FDTD computing of the input resistance of the gap of a stripline is presented,the edge of the stripline is diagonal to the cell. ─── 利用一种修正FDTD(时域有限差分法)对带状倾斜间隙的输入阻抗进行了分析,间隙边界与网格成一定的角度。

20、Rotate your brain by diagonal - great arcade! ─── 对角线旋转您的大脑-大商场!

21、When used on modern boots and sneakers with a wide gap and many eyelets, the result resembles a diagonal series of hash "#" symbols. ─── 使用时,对现代鞋子和运动鞋,有一个鸿沟,很多眼,结果像一个对角线系列哈希"#"符号.

22、The icon appears as two small squares that are in a diagonal. ─── 图标显示为两个对角线上的小方块。

23、Diagonal beams has extended between the hori zontal and vertical beams give support against both compression and tension . ─── 位于水平梁和垂直梁之间的对角梁承受压力和拉力。

24、Self-stirring, collapsable cauldrons are sold in Diagon Alley[/COLOR], for example (SS5). ─── 例如,在对角巷[/COLOR]出售的自动搅拌可折叠的坩埚。

25、The Apothecary[/COLOR] in Diagon Alley is where many witches and wizards buy their potion-making supplies. ─── 很多男女巫师都在对角巷的药店[/COLOR]里买他们的魔药制作原料。

26、A strong, twilled cotton fabric with a diagonal weave similar to denim. Also known as Khaki when dyed that color. ─── 一种坚固的,斜纹棉布织物,用的是一种类似粗斜纹棉布的斜纹织法。

27、A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper right to lower left. ─── 从右上到左下的对角线的线条图案。

28、It must be round shaped with a black pictogram on white background with red edging and a red diagonal line (top left, bottom right). ─── 必须使用圆形、黑色图案、白底、红边和一条红色的对角线(左上、右下)予以表示。

29、On 57 minutes Drogba, out-powered Antwi but drilled a diagonal shot wide. That was Antwi's last contribution - Stockley a like-for-like replacement. ─── 切尔西这边第一个被裁判记录在案的队员是埃辛,他的抢球被吹成犯规之后,有些懊恼的踩踏。

30、A long diagonal ball was played into the box, it was headed back across goal and Freddie Ljungberg finished the move off. ─── 一个斜长传球吊到禁区内,然后被头球顶到禁区另一边,接着永贝里完成了最后一击。

31、The n vertical planes are called diagonal plane. ─── n个竖直的平面叫做等分面。

32、Street crossing where pedestrians have right of way,often marked in some way especially with diagonal stripes. ─── 一种步行者有权经过的路,经常用某些方式特别是用斜线标记。

33、A Enigmatic Premise of Cantor's Diagonal Argument? ─── 康托对角线法真的证明实数不可数了吗?

34、When you hover over or click the link, the diagonal lines appear to scroll from left to right,creating an interesting pulsing or poling effect. ─── 当鼠标停留在链接上或单击链接时,斜线从左到右滚动出现,这就产生了一种有意思的效果。

35、Its two diagonal is not, and so on, when the start of the long axis rhomboic targejia, vrachyaxis also couldn't point. ─── 其两对角线是不相等的,当菱形的不幼轴不休搭角时,不幼轴还操纵搭角。

36、It has offices in Diagon Alley (DP) and publishes an edition every morning. ─── 它在对角巷设了办公室,每天早晨发行一期。

37、Next, move to the diagonal section at the back-right side of the diamond. ─── 下一个,在钻石的背面-正确的边移到对角线的区段。

38、Traversing multidimensional arrays is almost always faster than traversing jagged arrays, especially for by-column or diagonal traversals. ─── 在多维数组上进行遍历比在交错数组上进行遍历要快很多,尤其是列或者对角线的遍历。

39、Rein back is a rearward diagonal movement with a two-beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension. ─── 后退是以斜对角肢的步伐做出向后退的两节拍动作,但是没有腾空期。

40、When taking diagonal falls, pay attention to the rope in relation to your feet. ─── 当你采取斜线坠落时,注意绳索和双脚的关系。

41、A slow, cadenced trot in which the horse alternately raises and returns to the ground first one diagonal pair of feet, then the other. ─── 巴沙基,斜横步马术中的一种慢而有节奏的步子,令马一对斜对脚与另一对交替着抬起和放下

42、The total amount of pixels of active areas on diagonal lines with inch unit, which shows the resolution of screen. ─── 对角线上单位英?妓?具有之画素数目,用以表示画面之分辨率。

43、Use the same colour to fill a range of diagonal strips, drawn with the Polygonal Lasso Tool. ─── 使用相同的颜色来填补一系列斜条,结合使用多边形套索工具画。

44、Of course! My outlet is diagonal. ─── 当然咯,我的插座是斜的。

45、Scattered particles also appeared in caudate putamen, region septum, and diagonal band of B... ─── 另一类为整胞体染色,见于室管膜、室管膜下带和吻侧迁移流。

46、Of the three values entered in the scorecard, you change the highest score into an M, using the customary procedure with the diagonal line in red. ─── 三个被记在记分卡的箭值,你依一贯做法,即以对角红线把最高的箭值改为M。

47、In more complicated twills the progression may vary, but the diagonal effect will remain visible. ─── 在比较复杂的斜纹组织中,纱线的飞数可以变化,但斜纹线依然可见。

48、Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternately , with cadence and a prolonged suspension. ─── 斜对角肢轮流抬高和落地,有弹力且腾空时间较长。

49、Draw a diagonal line from this corner to that corner. ─── 从这个角画一条对角线到那个角。

50、The book has a diagonal black stripe on the cover. ─── 书的封面上有条连接对角的黑斜线。

51、Piaffe is a highly collected, cadenced, elevated diagonal movement giving the impression of remaining in place. ─── 原地踏步是高度收缩、富有弹力、对角肢高抬、原地进行的的动作。

52、The following code demonstrates drawing a diagonal line on a form at run time. ─── 下面的代码演示如何在运行时在窗体上绘制对角线。

53、The horse starts out in a straight line and then it hops off on a diagonal. ─── 马从一条直线出发,然后沿着对角线跳跃。

54、Subdivide the diagonal section at the back-left side of the triangle with one diagonal-back parting. ─── 在和对角线的-背面的三角形的背面留下的边细分对角线的区段离别的。

55、The diagonal form clearly exhibits a symmetry between the positive and negative parts of the spectrum of a “Dirac operator with supersymmetry”. ─── 对角化形式清楚表现出“带超对称的狄拉克算子”光谱的正负粒子的对称性。

56、However, some satins do have a faint diagonal effect owing to the low number of yarns used to form the repeat. ─── 但是对于完全组织中纱线根数较少的缎纹织物,在其表面确实会呈现不太明显的斜纹线。

57、A diagonal rib of a Gothicvault. ─── 哥特式穹顶的对角拱柱。

58、A(G), D(G) denotes the adjacency matrix and the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees of G, respectively. ─── A(G),D(G)分别表示G的邻接矩阵和度对角矩阵.

59、A diagonal line or plane. ─── 对角线或对角面

60、Take out a piece of A in A letters along the diagonal nail row, by a concave-convex feeling. ─── 拿出一张A在A的字母上顺着斜线用指甲一划,就由凹凸感了。

61、The diagonal feature may be caused by twin jets of gas blasting away from the hidden star. ─── 对角线状的结构可能是从隐藏恒星吹出的孪生气体喷流造成的。

62、Emre makes a diagonal run, takes the ball past two then crosses at the near post. Calderoni collects. ─── 在左翼埃姆雷做了一个交叉跑动,连过两人后传到近角,卡尔德罗尼得到。

63、A diagonal rib of a Gothic vault. ─── 哥特式穹顶的对角拱柱

64、Here's why: diagonal checks form a pyramid effect, with the smallest end pointing to the waist. ─── 为什么呢?因为斜的格子形成了一座金字塔效果,腰部最细。这对想要给人产生一种细腰错觉的妇女来说,是极其有利的。

65、Wide-angle lens: Lens with wide covering power. It has a focal length which is less than the diagonal of the film format with which it is being used. ─── 广角镜头:覆盖范围广阔的镜头.它的焦距长度短于所用菲林格式的对角线长度。

66、That gives it a better sense of whether a stroke was intended to be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. ─── 那就对一个特定笔画是否有意为水平、垂直或对角的有了更好了解。

67、Kaka intercepts in midfield then plays a quick one-two with Shevchenko before racing on goal. The Brazilian send his diagonal shot a yard wide of the right post. ─── 卡卡中场断球后与舍甫琴科做了一个二过一的配合,随后一路带球后斜射,球偏出右门柱。

68、A determinant in which all elements are zero except the elements of the principal diagonal and the elements immediately above and below this diagonal is called a continuant. ─── 一个行列式除了主对角元素以及紧靠对角线的上面和下面的元素外,所有的元素均为零者叫做连行列式。

69、Also a diagonal backward arrow, works the same as a normal barrow. ─── 另外,斜向向后拉线和通常的向后拉线效果相同。

70、When taking diagonal falls, pay attention to the rope in relation to your feet. ─── 当你呈斜线下降的时候,要留意绳与两脚的位置关系。

71、"It has the feel of a contemporary village, with the diagonal street parking, lampposts and benches," she says. ─── 她又说道:“它就像一座现代村庄,有着呈斜线型的街边停车处,路灯和长椅。

72、At the receivers, for the simplicity of the inverse computation of the diagonal matrix, the computation complexity is greatly reduced. ─── 在接收端,利用对角矩阵求逆的简单性,极大的减少了计算复杂度。

73、In contrast to conventional tube filling machines which operate using a turntable, the TFS 80-6 has a conveyor circuit with a diagonal layout. ─── 与使用一个旋转台运行的传统管筒填装机器相比,TFS 80-6有一个成对角线布局的传送电路。

74、You trim these furnishings in a straight but diagonal line. ─── 你们这些装饰装修中,但直斜线。

75、An opponent's fianchettoed bishop can exert tremendous pressure along a long diagonal. ─── 对方的侧翼象能施加极大的压力于主斜线上。

76、The length of the diagonal side will be the square root of 2. This diagonal will be used to construct the next square root by employing a similar method. ─── 对角线的长度是2的平方根。应用类似的方法,这个对角线会被用来构造下一个平方根。

77、A diagonal line between words indicates that they can be foundseparately in the grid. ─── 一个对角线词与词之间表明,他们可以找到另外在网格中。

78、The bold percentages in diagonal are correctly discriminated rate of each sex-age groups; number in () are pellet number. ─── 对角线上的粗体字百分率(%)为各性别年龄组正判率;括号中的数字为粪粒数。

79、In the diagonal direction they are connected through steel ropes. ─── 在对角线方向它们连接通过钢丝绳。

80、A diagonal bracing system, such as that used in the Eiffel Tower, was not architecturally desirable in offices relying on sunlight for illumination. ─── 对角线支撑系统,如所用的艾菲尔铁塔,是不是建筑可取的办事处,依靠阳光照明。

81、Emporium: Owl shop in Diagon Alley where Harry bought Hedwig. ─── 咿啦猫头鹰商店。对角巷猫头鹰店,哈利从那里购得海德薇。

82、A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines. ─── 交叉对角线的图案。

83、A determinant whose only nonzero elements occur in square blocks centered about the principal diagonal is in block-diagonal form. ─── 仅有的非零元素集中于主对角线的方块中的行列式是分块对角形式的。

84、When 2 or 4 or 6 players, the diagonal play is your enemy. ─── 2人、4人或6人游戏时与互为对角线的一方对抗,

85、A shop in Diagon Alley, and one of Fred and George's favorites (more... ─── 对角巷中的一家商店,是弗雷德和乔治偏爱的商店之一。

86、The sum of the elements of the principal diagonal of a matrix. ─── 一矩阵中主对角线元素之和

87、A theoretical study of diagonal wave forces acting on partially perforated caisson breakwater with transverse walls is performed based on the linear potential theory. ─── 基于线性势流假定,对斜向波作用下带横隔板局部开孔沉箱防波堤的水平波浪力进行了理论研究。

88、Might easily, but these words may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and even rank in the opposite direction!I lost the title to the clas... ─── 也许会很容易,不过这些单词可能是横向、竖向、对角线,甚至反方向排列!

89、Almost all which include horizontal or diagonal siding, T-one-eleven which if not maintained nears the end of its life cycle quickly. ─── 几乎所有包括水平或对角房屋板壁,十一分之一如果没维护迅速临近它的生命周期的结束。

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