augmented 发音
英:[ɔːɡˈmentɪd] 美:[ɔːɡˈmentɪd]
英: 美:
augmented 中文意思翻译
augmented 网络释义
adj. 增广的;增音的;扩张的
augmented 反义词
augmented 词性/词形变化,augmented变形
过去分词:augmented 过去式:augmented 原型:augment
augmented 常用词组
augmented matrix ─── 增广矩阵
augmented 短语词组
1、augmented operation code ─── [计] 扩充操作码
2、augmented operator grammar ─── [计] 扩充算符文法
3、augmented flow ─── [机] 增大流量
4、augmented feature vector ─── [计] 增广特征向量
5、augmented data manipulator ─── [计] 强化数据变换网络
6、augmented link ─── [计] 扩充链
7、design augmented by computers ─── [计] 计算机辅助设计
8、Augmented reality ─── 扩增实境
9、augmented grammar ─── [计] 增广文法, 扩充文法
10、augmented code ─── [计] 扩充码, 增信码
11、augmented respiration ─── [医] 呼吸增强
12、hardware-augmented software ─── [计] 增强硬件的软件
13、augmented poeration code ─── [电] 增加运算程序
14、augmented state table ─── [计] 扩充状态表
15、augmented matrices ─── [化] 增广矩阵
16、augmented matrix ─── [计] 增广矩阵
17、Augmented Built-in Test ─── 增强内置测试
18、augmented transition network ─── [计] 强化变换网络, 扩充转移网络
19、augmented-reality ─── 增强现实
augmented 同义词
addition | ascent | enlargement | expansion | increase | intensification | extension | rise | escalation | accession | amplification | growth
augmented 相似词语短语
1、augmenter ─── n.增量;增压器
2、alimented ─── n.滋养品;食物;vt.向…提供营养物
3、augment ─── vi.增加;增大;vt.增加;增大;n.增加;增大
4、pigmented ─── adj.有颜色的;着色的;v.给…着色;染色于…(pigment的过去分词)
5、augmenters ─── n.增量;增压器
6、segmented ─── adj.分段的;v.分割(segment的过去式)
7、unaugmented ─── 未升级
8、augmentor ─── n.推力增强装置,[脊椎]扩增器;(作人类替身从事危险工作的)替身机器人
9、augments ─── 增加
augmented 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords. ─── 减三和弦和增三和弦传统上被看作不协和和弦。
2、For instance, two cups of coffee will augment blood flow, respiration, and body hear production by 10 to 20 percent. ─── 例如,两杯咖啡就会使我们的血流、呼吸和身体热量增加10%至20%。
3、The augmented fourth is also a dissonance, an unstable interval that needs to move to a consonance. ─── 加四度也是不稳定的不协和音程,需要变为协和音程。
4、Charles and Ray Eames augmented the interior "collage" of the Eames House with numerous objects brought back from their extensive travels. ─── “简洁的黑色的木头鸟身,站在钢丝制成的两条同样黑色的细腿上,比例相当匀称。
5、Shang dynasty's civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. ─── 商代的文明是建立在农业生产、狩猎和畜牧业发展的基础之上。
6、In two examples of half-flip and augmented circling, routine maneuver performance is calculated and the changes for thrust vector are evaluated. ─── 以半筋斗和加力盘旋为例计算了带推力矢量作战飞机的常规机动性能,并对带推力矢量作战飞机常规机动性能的变化进行了评估。
7、As such, a huge burden is placed on the central midfield to augment defense and attack. ─── 因此中路的两个中场球员必须挑起比平常更多的攻防重担。
8、An augmented version of a power is otherwise identical to the base power. ─── 在其他方面,强化版的威能与基础威能完全一样。
9、WebSphere Business Integration Connect can be augmented with WebSphere Business Integration Server solutions to provide extended mediation services. ─── 可以用WebSphere Business Integration Server解决方案扩展WebSphere Business Integration Connect,从而提供可扩展的中间服务。
10、In some instances electronic noses can be used to augment or replace panels of human experts. ─── 在一些情况下电子鼻能被用来扩大或代替人类的专家组。
11、A few years ago, just a handful of small businesses used business coaching as a means to augment their business. ─── 几年前,只有一小撮小企业用于商业教练为手段去充实他们的业务。
12、To enable transparent and augmented use of multimedia resources acro a wide range of networks and devices. ─── 使能跨越各种不同网络和设备,透明地、强化地使用多媒体资源。
13、BAN,i. e. BN augmented Na?ve-Bayes,is an augmented Bayesian network classifier,whose accuracy is easy to improve by the Boosting technique. ─── BAN(BN augmented Na?ve-Bayes)是一种增强的贝叶斯网络分类器,通过提升很容易提高其分类性能.
14、What augmented Father Gillenormand's secret suffering was, that he locked it all up within his breast, and did not allow its existence to be divined. ─── 加深吉诺曼公公的内心痛苦的是他把痛苦全部闷在心里,绝不让人猜到。
15、Formatting descriptions that provide augmented control over presentation and layout of HTML and XML elements. ─── 增强对HTML和XML元素的显示和布局的控制的格式说明。
16、The condition of being augmented. ─── 增加率被增大的状态
17、The Six Sigma Black Belt will know how to augment a factorial design to create a composite or central composite design. ─── 6西格玛黑带应了解如何将析因设计扩展为复合设计或中心复合设计。
18、The expansion of the bubble is augmented as the most massive stars in the center reach the ends of their lives and explode as supernovae. ─── 与此同时,星系中心最大的一些恒星到了它们生命的终点,就像超新星一样爆发了。
19、Events might be screened, filtered, aggregated, annotated, or augmented as part of the system's simple event processing phase. ─── 在系统的简单事件处理阶段,可能需要对事件进行显示、筛选、聚合、标注或充实。
20、So when someone is overwhelmed with information, an augmented cognition system would try to help him cope by diverting some of it. ─── 所以,当某人被信息所淹没的时候,一个补充识别系统会试图通过转移一部分注意力来帮助这个人解决问题。
21、The initial matching can be augmented at most X times. ─── 初始对集最多能扩张X次。
22、Howeer, in comparison to natie ertebrae, augmented specimens showed significantly higher compressie failure. ─── 但是,与原椎体相比,加固椎体均显示抗压性显著提高。
23、Helpful to augment efficiency, lessen dealing Costs, promote exchanging amount are its economic feature. ─── 其深刻的经济义理表现为有助于效益的提高,减少交易费用,提高成交量。
24、Objective To explore the effect of exogenous purine nucleotide on the augmented atabolism of neurocyte nucleotide induced by morphine. ─── 吗啡在镇痛的同时引起药物依赖症状,因此老年慢性疼痛患者不建议长期使用此类药物止疼。
25、His salary is augmented by a small inheritance. ─── 一小笔遗产增加了他的收入。
26、How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us? ─── 同盟国背信弃义,我们怎能再指望扩大我们的兵力?
27、The king’s power has augmented. ─── 国王的权力扩大了。
28、Registration is one of the most difficult problems in Augmented Reality (AR) systems. ─── 在投影重现技术的基础上提出了一种利用自然特征的注册算法。
29、An augmented triad is a three-note chord with a major third added over the root, and a major third added above that. ─── 增三和弦是根音上加一个大三度的三音和弦,其上加一个大三度。
30、Augment your transceiver and ski set-up with our Black Diamond Avy Tools Package. ─── 增强你的包裹容量,方便把握和操作,让您的滑雪,攀冰,登山旅程更加方便舒适。
31、The hypoplastic breast can be readily augmented with the newer softer silastic implants. ─── 乳房发育不全已能用新型柔软的硅橡胶充填。
32、If he wants to advance, he will have to augment his forces still further. ─── 再要前进,非再增不可。
33、Nevertheless, in spite of all this, and because of all this,his passion augmented and grew to madness. ─── 可是,经过这一切,也正因为这一切,那狂烈的感情更加炽热了,成了疯狂的感情。
34、An enterprise application module can be similarly augmented with a deployment plan. ─── 企业应用程序模块可以通过部署计划进行类似的扩展。
35、The increase of LFD means that the dangerous coastal or harbor areas are augmented. ─── 另外当溢漏密度福禄数增加时,云团扩散使其对于海岸或港口地区地面所造成危险之范围变大。
36、Augmented reality: past, present and future. ─── 夸大现实:过去、现在、与未来。
37、Suitable amount of Al(OH)3 substantially augmented the antibody response so it is a useful adjuvant to H5N1 TIV inactivated vaccine. ─── 合适比例的Al(OH)_3 可显著增强机体的抗体反应水平。
38、The king augmented his power by taking over rights that had belonged to the nobles. ─── 国王通过回收属于贵族的权利来扩充自己的权力。
39、He augmented his income by writing short stories. ─── 他借写短篇小说而增加其收入。
40、His small salary is augmented by a commission. ─── 佣金补充了他的微薄的薪水。
41、Internet distribution will be augmented by distribution via satellite, wireless, and cable systems. ─── 互联网销售将得到扩充,分配通过卫星,无线和有线系统。
42、Any new features that augment or enhance the current Service shall be subject to the Terms of Service. ─── 任何用于扩充或增强现有“服务”的新功能均受“服务条款”约束。
43、They won't necessarily replace the kind of physical transactions we know today, but they will augment them. ─── 它们不一定取代我们今天所熟悉的具体的交往方式,但是会补充这些方式。
44、A subset of FORTRAN including built - in functions augmented by versatile operating statements for complete control maintenance. ─── FORTRAN语言的一种子集,包括许多由通用操作语句扩展的、作完全控制维护用的内部函数。
45、hypocontractility should be augmented after both the maternal pelvis and fetal presentation have been assessed. ─── 母体骨盆和胎儿先露都进行评估后,低张性子宫收缩应加以强化。
46、Meanwhile its own strength will be continuously augmented through the creation of new growths. ─── 同时,通过创造新的成长空间不断壮大自身实力。
47、How much more this difficulty must be augmented in the case of those who are both deaf and blind! ─── 对于即聋又盲的人来说,这样的困难当然要更加了;
48、His fat metabolism is augmented, there is a substantially reduced reliance on glycogen, and his glycogen stores are larger. ─── 他的脂肪代谢提高,也降低消耗肝醣,并且身体中肝醣的储量也增加。
49、The generous intrepidity which had displayed on this occasion augmented the feeling of compassion which attended his fate. ─── 他在这一时刻表现出来的慷慨和坚韧不拔的气概赢得更多的同情,大家更为关心他的命运。
50、They hit upon another idea to augment their income. ─── 他们又想出一个增加收入的办法。
51、But exporting farmers received a windfall from devaluation, augmented when world prices for farm commodities promptly began to rise. ─── 但是,从事出口行业的农民却从货币贬值当中获取了巨大收益,并伴随当时世界农产品价格激增而获得更多的收益。
52、Use angels to augment bootstrapping. ─── 使用天使,以增加举。
53、A topic can be augmented by a prolog, a short description, and other optional metadata. ─── 主题可以增加一个前言,其中包括简短描述和其他可选的元数据。
54、They arise from either augmented blood flow or a stenosed valve. ─── 可导致舒张中晚期杂音的病症包括:二尖瓣或三尖瓣狭窄;
55、If you think augmented reality is just a bunch of hype with no usable applications as of yet, think again. ─── 如果你还认为增强现实(augmentedreality)技术目前只是空中楼阁,那么你最好还是改变的这个看法。
56、When load of the feedstock was augmented, the reconstructive condition could also operate well to certain degree. ─── 对方案的模拟计算和操作弹性分析表明改造后工序无须大的变动,基本已可满足生产要求,在原料负荷增大时还有一定裕度。
57、Augment study on exploiting region EIA. ─── 加强开发区域环境影响评价研究
58、In Listing 2, I augment the description of me with a few more of these properties. ─── 在清单2中,我用这些特性中的几个来增加对我的描述。
59、A group of binary digits formed by a byte augmented by a number of additionalbits which are required for the operation of the data network. ─── 在字节上增加若干为数据网络工作所需的附加位所形成的一组二进制数字。
60、Augmented cognition, in contrast, focuses on deducing a cognitive state with the aim of somehow enhancing it. ─── 大不相同的是,基于用某种强化状态的意图,补充识别专注于推断一种可识别的状态。
61、For the purposes of automated consumption, RDF Schema will be used to specify the DOAP vocabulary. It will be augmented by prose as much as possible. ─── 出于自动化消费的目的,将使用RDF Schema来规定DOAP辞汇表,并尽可能地增加一些平叙作为补充。
62、To construct lighting model of the real world is one of the critical technologies in augment reality. ─── 增强现实系统真实环境整体光照模型的建立,是增强现实技术研究的重要部分。
63、The elated feeling of springtime after the long cold winter was augmented by his excitement of marrying his wife in the coming summer. ─── 当时他为即将于夏天与妻子共谐连理雀跃不已,所以在漫长的严冬后春回大地之际倍感欢欣鼓舞。
64、Immunomodulatory cytokines provide a potential means to augment the host immune response to infection. ─── 免疫调节因子提供了一种潜在的手段以增加宿主对感染的免疫反应。
65、The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension. ─── 全身血管阻力的增大和心输出量的增加导致动脉血压增高,从而产生高血压。
66、The code for the Translation class needs to be augmented to handle contextual information. ─── Translation类的代码需要扩展成处理上下文信息。
67、In modern apes, this augmented mobility enables their unique pattern of movement, swinging from branch to branch. ─── 关节灵活了之后,现代猿可以在树枝间摆荡行进,这是猿类独有的移动模式。
68、In cloudy skies the downward emission of the atmosphere is augmented by radiation from the clouds themselves. ─── 对于多天天空,大气的向下发射被来自云本身的发射所加强。
69、The staff has been slightly augmented. ─── 人员略有增补。
70、In the foreground is a stone tower from Thurso Castle, a 12th century fortress augmented in the 17th century. ─── 前景是瑟索城堡的石塔,一个12世纪城堡,曾在17世纪加固。
71、Various conventions exist to indicate augmented or diminished intervals. ─── 存在各种不同习惯表示增或减音程。
72、The classical ISE index in the optimal control theory is augmented to an AISE index as the objective function. ─── 优化数学模型中,将经典最优控制理论中常用的ISE指标加权增广为AISE指标作为目标函数。
73、The team will be augmented on Monday with additional expertise and supplies, including laboratory equipment and diagnostic reagents. ─── 在星期一,该小组将得到加强,获得更多的专门技术和物资,包括实验室设备和诊断试剂。
74、Even then, all they get is an opaque string that must be augmented with extra information if it is to be useful to a human observer. ─── 即使如此,所得到的也只是一个含糊不清的字符串,如果提供给人类阅读还必须增加其他的信息。
75、The generous intrepidity which had displayed on this occasion augmented the feeling of compassion which attended his fate. ─── 他在这一时刻表现出来的慷慨和坚韧不拔的气概赢得更多的同情,大家更为关心他的命运。
76、AOP systems and their join point models can be augmented by consuming metadata annotations. ─── AOP系统及它们的连接点模型可以通过使用元数据注释扩展。
77、You should browse through these and augment them with your own list of readings and photographers. ─── 你应该浏览这些它们,并通过你自己的读物和摄影作品来扩大阅读范围。
78、She still took a faint pride in him, which was augmented by her desire to have her social integrity maintained. ─── 她还有几分为他自豪,她要保持社会地位的愿望又加强了这种自豪。
79、The device is valuable to be spread and used in hydropower stations with long penstock and in stations to be augmented. ─── 对于具有较长的有压引水系统的水电站、需要增容扩建的水电站,这一装置具有一定的推广应用价值。
80、The Hexapod has a high amount of hit points, which can be further augmented by the addition of up to three Assimilator healing pods. ─── 六脚可以吸引大量的火力,可以通过增加三个同化者来增强这一点.
81、The plan was augmented by further funding from the company. ─── 公司进一步的注资加强了这一计划。
82、In the fugue’s development the subject is augmented. ─── 在赋格曲的主题展开中主旋律的音被延长了。
83、In addition, China's secret police are among the most capable in the world and are augmented by a vast network of informers. ─── 另外,中国的秘密警察是世界是最能力的,同时情报人员的网络也在迅速扩增。
84、The rich text and graphics capabilities of the World Wide Web browsers are being augmented with animations, video, and sound. ─── 丰富的文字和图形能力的万维网浏览器正在加强与动画,视频和声音。
85、Second, with the posterior probability weighting of the uncertain parameters, an augmented system is obtained for the uncertainty model. ─── 其次,将此不确定性模型通过不确定参数的后验概率加权,得到其增广系统。
86、Military forces in central Europe should be reduced, not augmented. ─── 中欧的军事力量应当削减而不应当增加。
87、Discrete optimal control algorithm can be designed based on the augmented state sys. ─── 对考虑时滞影响的柔性悬臂梁的离散最优控制进行了研究。
88、The two agreements signed Monday augment a broader Australia-China free trade agreement that is now under negotiation. ─── 周一签署的两项协议是正在沟通中的澳中自由贸易协议的最新成果。
新iPad Pro的激光雷达扫描功能究竟有多神奇?
从官方的演示图来看,新款 iPad Pro 的「激光雷达扫描仪」似乎由两枚摄像头组成,这项功能通过测量光触及物体并反射回来所需的时间来确定距离(最远可达 5 米)。收集到的距离信息能够在处理器和 iPadOS 全新深度架构的协助下转换为「深度信息」,并协调两枚摄像头、运动传感器等其他部件来实现更优秀的 AR 体验。
在「激光雷达扫描仪」的加持下,每一款现有的 ARKit app 都可自动获得即时增强现实物品放置功能,以及优化的动作捕捉和人物遮挡功能。例如测距仪 app 可简便快捷地自动计算人的身高,同时自动显示的实用垂直和边缘参考线,此外新的「标尺视图」还能实现更精细的测量。
除了苹果官方的 AR 应用获得增强,初期将有三款 AR 应用借助新款 iPad Pro 的「激光雷达扫描仪」带来更沉浸式的 AR 体验,分别是:
▪ Complete Anatomy 即将推出的全新的活动能力评估工具:这款应用可以为物理治疗师和他们的病人提供量化进展所需的信息,还支持追踪病人在整个康复过程中活动能力的提升;
▪ IKEA Place app 加入新 AR 功能:新功能将充分利用 iPad Pro 上的激光雷达扫描仪和 ARKit,在增强现实模式下,不但可让用户摆放单件家具,更可智能地布置整个房间。有了 Studio Mode,使用者可以浏览家中的不同分区,发掘更多 Room Sets,以完善现有的家具、空间和风格;
▪ Shapr3D:这乱基于 Siemens Parasolid 技术开发的专业 CAD 系统 app 将在今年晚些时候推出新版本,功能包括借助激光雷达扫描仪自动生成精确的二维室内平面图及三维模型,方便使用者在此基础上进行房屋改造,比如增建浴室、添加储物柜等。
在我看来,iPad Pro 上加入双摄组合有些为「激光雷达扫描仪」服务的意味。因为经常通过 iPad 拍照的人群还是占少数,但加入了超广角摄像头的 iPad Pro 能够在室内等较为局促的空间里纳入更多画面,这为室内 AR 体验带来更多可能性,毕竟 AR 的全称 Augmented Reality 翻译过来是「增强现实」,追求的是通过在摄像头收集的画面基础上实现虚拟层面的信息。
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