intercourse 发音
英:[ˈɪntərkɔːrs] 美:[ˈɪntəkɔːs]
英: 美:
intercourse 中文意思翻译
intercourse 常用词组
sexual intercourse ─── 性交
social intercourse ─── 社交礼仪
commercial intercourse ─── 贸易往来;商业关系
intercourse 词性/词形变化,intercourse变形
动词: intercool |
intercourse 短语词组
1、intercourse funds ─── 往来款
2、have intercourse ─── 打交道 性交
3、social intercourse ─── 社交; 酬应
4、interdiction of commercial intercourse ─── [法] 禁止商务交往
5、carnal intercourse ─── [法] 强奸罪
6、mass murder for intercourse ─── 性交大屠杀
7、mammary intercourse photo ─── 乳腺性交照片
8、unprotected sexual intercourse ─── [医]非保护性性交
9、nonhostile intercourse ─── 非心脏性交
10、sexual intercourse n. ─── 性交; ─── 性关系
11、commercial intercourse ─── [经] 商业关系, 通商
12、business intercourse ─── [法] 商务往来
13、anal intercourse ─── [禁忌语]鸡奸
14、intercourse japanease girls ─── 日本女孩性交
15、mammary intercourse ─── 乳腺性交
16、animal intercourse ─── 动物性交
intercourse 习惯用语
1、to have intercourse with sb. ─── 和某人交际[往]
2、to hold intercourse with sb. ─── 和某人交际[往]
intercourse 相似词语短语
1、intercouple ─── 双联
2、watercourses ─── 水道
3、outercourse ─── n.非性交性快感
4、alter course ─── 转向
5、interchurch ─── adj.各教会间的
6、nonintercourse ─── 无干扰
7、water course ─── [水文]水道;[水文]河道
8、watercourse ─── n.河道;水道
9、intercourses ─── n.性交;交往;交流
intercourse 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He tells her about conception, sexual intercourse, sperms and eggs. ─── 他告诉她关于怀孕,性交以及精子和卵子的事。
2、American and Chinese intercourse very much after the two countries established diplomatic relations. ─── 很明显中美在教育领域的交流与合作还有巨大的空间.
3、But their intercourse was not all devoted to elementary study. ─── 但他俩纳交往并不仅限于上课。
4、In intercourse with my friends, have I always been true to my word? ─── 与朋友交往有不讲信用的情况吗?
5、There was a reviving pleasure in this intercourse. ─── 交谈中,有一种令人振奋的乐趣。
6、We have intercourse with a lot of expert-s、professors and worthies in the field of ceramic equipment. ─── 先后与国内陶瓷研究院所,大专院校的有关专家、教授及知名人士进行广泛的技术交流和合作;
7、Have(sexual)relations(with sb.;have intercourse(with sb. ─── 与(某人)发生(性)关系;与(某人)性交.
8、Don't intercourse with that kind of man, this is beneath you. ─── 不要同那种人交往,这有失你的身份。
9、Sexual intercourse between unmarried adolescents can be problematical. ─── 在未婚青少年之间的性交可能被人质疑。
10、Their intercourse terminates with her marriage. ─── 他们的来往因她的结婚而终止。
11、In the past, many societies had strong prohibitions against sexual intercourse during menstruation. ─── 从前,许多社会强烈禁止在月经期间性交。
12、Collins, and the gaieties of their intercourse with Rosings. ─── 一刹眼工夫,他们都下了车,宾主相见,无限欢欣。
13、But he said prior research has shown that both men and women want foreplay and sexual intercourse to last longer. ─── 但他说以前的研究表明,男人和女人想爱抚和性交持续更长的时间。
14、Fete is one of the commonnest intercourse activities in international association. ─── 宴请是国际交往中最常见的交际活动之一。
15、He was unskilled in social intercourse. ─── 他不善应酬。
16、Masturbation is a supplement to intercourse, not necessarily a replacement, in many healthy sexual relationships. ─── 在许多正常的性关系中,手淫是对性交的一个补充,但不别取代性交。
17、Sexual intercourse with a woman. ─── 与女性的性交.
18、Persistently averse to sexual intercourse. ─── 性冷淡的长期对性交反感
19、Of the classmate that is at school absolutely disallows to have any money friendly intercourse. ─── 在学校同学之间绝对不允许有任何金钱来往。
20、Freed from the burdens and miseries of war,our trade and intercourse have extended throughout the world. ─── 从战争的重负和苦难中得以解放,我们的贸易和交往遍布整个世界。
21、Does the western world need China, and, reciprocally, does China need intercourse with the Christian nations? ─── 土尔雇特部经过多次激烈战斗,大批人员牺性,大量牲畜死亡。
22、To consent to engage(oneself) in sexual intercourse with a man. ─── 委身于同意(自己)与一男子发生性关系
23、To complete(a marriage) with the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony. ─── 在婚庆仪式之后通过第一次性交行为而完成结婚。
24、A friendly intercourse was rebuilt between the two countries. ─── 两国之间重新建立了友好往来。
25、Baths, swimming pools and unprotected sexual intercourse should all be avoided until any bleeding has stopped. ─── 在流血停止之前不要进行沐浴,游泳和无安全措施的性生活。
26、There might be discomfort or even pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia) felt deep within the pelvis. ─── 在性交时骨盆的深处会造成的不适或者甚至疼痛。
27、As mentioned above, if your respect proves to be effective, people will show their respect for you, too, and it will benefit your social intercourse. ─── 如上所述,如果您的尊重被证明是有效的,那么人们也会对您表示尊重,这将有益于您的社交。
28、To complete(a marriage)with the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony. ─── 在婚庆仪式之后通过第一次性交行为而完成结婚
29、Judith had imparted some of her own skill in the toilet, during their short intercourse . ─── 尤蒂丝在她们短短的谈话中把自己对于打扮的一些心得传给了她。
30、He fears intercourse with a public woman or with a widow who would serve him as concubine. ─── 他害怕与抛头露面的女子或可能做他情妇的寡妇来往。
31、It be an offence to have sexual intercourse with a girl under sixteen year of age . ─── 与不满16岁的女孩性交是一种犯罪行为。
32、International business intercourse is the mainstream of the modern peaceful time. ─── 在现在和平期间国际交往的主旋律就是国际间的商务交往。
33、Sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having an enema. ─── 性交,那给看成一种小小的手术,像灌肠一样只会惹人厌。
34、The reasons for this uneasiness about women speaking can be non-trivially summed up in all that "social intercourse" for women might imply. ─── 对于女人说话的担忧,其原因可以被大体总结为潜在的女人的“社会交往”。
35、At this stage,the cultural intercourse only was an artifice. ─── 但很有意味的是,这种传教手段与其传教事业本身的张力却也日渐凸显。
36、Intercourse happens when these two openings are brought together in what ornithologists refer to as a cloacal . ─── 性交的过程就是两个生殖器开口凑到一起,鸟类学家称之为泄殖腔交配。
37、The exposition will hold large art intercourse exhibition of strait side banks famous gallery, art academy cum artist. ─── 博览会将举办海峡两岸知名画廊、术家艺术交流大展。
38、Their respectability was as dear to her as her own, and a daily intercourse had become precious by habit. ─── 她就像珍惜自己的体面那样珍惜他们的体面,珍惜同他们已经形成惯例的一天一次交往。
39、But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic acti before we can have intercourse. ─── 但是还有典礼,我们必须在我们可以交往之前,参加一系列不切实际的活动。
40、To place the penis between a woman's breasts and thrust, as if engaging in intercourse. ─── 把阴茎放在女人的双峰之间抽插,就如同性交时一样。
41、It can be stated that sexual intercourse is the major route of HIV transmission. ─── 可以说,性交是HIV传播的主要途径。
42、There was close intercourse between them. ─── 他们过往很密。
43、A friendly intercourse has been opened between the two countries. ─── 两国已开始了亲密的往来。
44、An act of sexual intercourse. ─── 性交发生性关系的行为
45、Humbert was perfectly capable of intercourse with Eve, but it was Lilith he longed for. ─── 亨伯特是那样精于和夏娃作爱,但他渴求的却是夜妖。
46、Sexual practices producing mucosal trauma before or during intercourse increase the risk. ─── 性交前或性交中的粘膜破损会增加危险性。
47、A partner in sexual intercourse. ─── 性交时的配偶
48、Nour, who is married with children, always denied the charges, claiming Linor had consented to sexual intercourse. ─── 努尔有家室子女,一直不服指控,声称林诺同意和他发生关系。
49、I endured last night and this morning a sermon about my intercourse with you. ─── 关于我和你交往的事,昨晚和今天早上我都挨了一场训诫。
50、Non-language social intercourse follows when people communicate with language. ─── 因此,非语言交际与语言交际并存,具有不可低估的作用。
51、The act of sexual intercourse. ─── 性交性交的行为
52、Additional, exciting or feculent sexual intercourse, medicaments is allergic, also be the cause that causes disease. ─── 另外,不洁性交、药物刺激或过敏,也是致病的原因。
53、They cannot but remain face to face, and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them. ─── 它们不能不面对面,而彼此地来往,不管是和好或敌对的,一定会继续的。
54、Should have more intercourse with others, enhance interpersonal connections, inspirit the whole team. ─── 3需要多和人交流,增进人际关系,提高团队精神。
55、For what is usually called social intercourse she had very little relish. ─── 对于通常所说的社会交际,她兴趣不大。
56、The occupant has the right to regulate commercial intercourse in the occupied territory. ─── 占领者得规範占领区域内之商业交易。
57、"Bring them out," they shouted,"so that we can have intercourse with them". ─── “把他们交出来,”他们喊道,“我们要让他们尝尝我们的厉害。”
58、In his extensive academic intercourse, Li Zhi and Xu Guangqi were very important. ─── 在他广泛的学术交往中,李贽和徐光启是较为重要的两位学者。
59、Since China and America have estalished displomatic relations,the people of two country's intercourse continue enlarge. ─── 中美两国建交以来,人民之间的交往不断扩大.
60、sexual intercourse and with it a more tolerant public opinion in regard to a maiden's honor and a woman's shame? ─── 这会不会成为更自由的性交和随之而来的社会舆论对于处女荣誉及女性羞耻的更加宽容的态度逐渐产生的原因呢?
61、Abstinence programs encourage children to refrain from sexual intercourse before marriage. ─── 性节制项目鼓励青少年不要在婚前发生性交。
62、The sun apparently again a day in pause, then return to overdo friendly intercourse north ambulation. ─── 太阳似乎又暂停一天,再回过头来往北移动。
63、Artificial insemination: Introduction of semen into a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse. ─── 人工授精:不经性交而将精子引进雌性动物阴道或子宫颈内的方法。
64、Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse. ─── 像这类纠缠不清的误会仍然妨碍着他们的交情。
65、Collins, and the gaieties of their intercourse with Rosings.A lively imagination soon settled it all. ─── 听到她一一回答了之后,他才满意。
66、If the condom comes off, withdraw the penis and put on a new condom before intercourse continues. ─── 如有需要,在性交继续前,可除下旧安全套并换上新的安全套。
67、Pictures of sexual intercourse were not allowed to be shown in public in the past. ─── 在以前男女交欢的画像是不允许公开展示的。
68、He hopes intercourse with young people by his music! ─── 他希望通过他的音乐和年轻人沟通!
69、People often transmit their affection through presenting something or advise in their intercourse. ─── 与人之间的相互交往,往往通过赠物赠言传递情意。
70、In older marital guides, this kind of sexual intercourse was often described as "petting" or as a "foreplay" to coitus. ─── 在较为过时的婚姻指南中,手交常常被描述成“爱抚”或发展到性交的“前戏”。
71、Social intercourse: He or she should be cautious to deal with the junketing and social intercourse. ─── 五.外部交往,职员须谨慎处理外部的各种宴请和交际应酬活动。
72、This condom is to be inserted in the vagina before intercourse. ─── 女用避孕套通常在性交前先被放入阴道。
73、I must say, Amy, pretending to have intercourse with you has given me a great deal of satisfaction. ─── 我不得不说,艾米,假装和你上床让我的身心得到了极大的满足。
74、What can disease of department of gynaecology has infect the man through sexual intercourse? ─── 妇科疾病有哪些是可以通过性交传染给男方的?
75、I have never had sexual intercourse with her and that is the truth. ─── 我从未与她发生过性关系,而这是事实。
76、Unlawful, forced sexual intercourse with a female without factual or legal consent. ─── 不经事实或法律上的同意,强行同女性性交的非法行为。
77、The intercourse on the computer can reach further level through its appearance. ─── 在电脑上的交流能够透过现象本身,进一步到更深的层次。
78、He could be infected by sexual intercourse with an infected woman. ─── 他可能会因为和一个感染了的女人发生性关系而被感染
79、In addition, most women are unable to climax through vaginal intercourse, instead needing clitoral stimulation. ─── 另外,大多数女性只有通过阴蒂刺激才能达到高潮,而不是阴道性交。
80、There was little intercourse with the Parsonage. ─── 他们和牧师公馆已不怎么来往。
81、Clean and Sterilize before or after sexual intercourse. ─── 性生活前后清洁消毒。
82、He did not allow the difference between our ages to be any bar to my free intellectual and sentimental intercourse with him. ─── 他不容许我们之间年纪的差别妨碍互相间知识和感情的交流。
83、There was social intercourse between the old and the young. ─── 老年人和年轻人之间有社会交往。
84、Two pups were having intercourse behind a tree. ─── 两只小狗躲在树后交合。
85、She has some bleeding after intercourse. ─── 性交后有出血。
86、Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves. ─── 友谊是地位平等者之间公正的交往;爱情则是暴君和奴隶之间不公平的交往。
87、To hold intercourse with sb. ─── 和某人交际[往]
88、Sexual intercourse with a girl under sixteen is an offence. ─── 与16岁以下的女孩性交是一种犯罪行为。
89、Truth: HP can be passed from one partner to another through intercourse, as well as orally and through touching. ─── 事实:HP能够通过性交在配偶之间传染,同样也能经口和接触传染。
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