alternation 发音
英:[,ɔːltə'neɪʃən] 美:[,ɔltɚ'neʃən]
英: 美:
alternation 中文意思翻译
alternation 反义词
direct current
alternation 词性/词形变化,alternation变形
动词现在分词: alternating |动词过去分词: alternated |名词: alternateness |动词第三人称单数: alternates |动词过去式: alternated |副词: alternately |
alternation 同义词
alternation 短语词组
1、tape alternation ─── [计] 带交替; 换带
2、host alternation ─── 寄主交替
3、reel alternation ─── [计] 换卷, 换盘
4、alternation of heart ─── [医] 心脏交替
5、electric alternation ─── [医] 心电交替
6、alternation of crops ─── 轮作, ─── 轮种
7、alternation of melting points ─── [化] 熔点的交替
8、alternation of seasons ─── 季节的交替
9、alternation of multiplicities law ─── [机] 重复性变化定律
10、electrical alternation oT beart ─── [医] 心电交替
11、alternation of generations ─── [医] 世代交替
12、color-hpase alternation ─── [电] 色相交变
13、alternation of host ─── [医] 宿主交替
14、alternation gate ─── [计] "或"门
15、number of alternation ─── [电] 交变次数
16、alternation theory ─── [医] 更替学说, 格子学说(抗原抗体反应)
17、alternation law ─── [化] 更迭律; 更迭定律
18、alternation switch ─── [计] 交替开关, 变更开关
19、alternation theorem ─── [计] 交错定理
alternation 相似词语短语
1、alternations ─── n.交替,轮流,间隔
2、alterations ─── n.改变;变更;服装修改(alteration的复数)
3、altercation ─── n.争执
4、alternating ─── adj.交替的;交互的;v.使交替;依次(alternate的ing形式)
5、alternator ─── n.[电]交流发电机
6、alternative ─── adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择
7、alternatim ─── adv.轮流;交换地
8、altercations ─── n.争执
9、alteration ─── n.修改,改变;变更
alternation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Questioning the literature converting in the visual threshold of modernity, we can recognize the modem trace of double alternation of "disenchantment" and "re-enchantment". ─── 就文学转型问题进行现代性视角的追问,可辨认出其“祛魅”与“复魅”的双重变奏这一现代性踪迹。
2、Zeus orders the alternation of day and night, the seasons succeed at his command, the winds obey him, now he gathers, now scatters the clouds, and bids the gentle rain fall to fertilize the fields and meadows. ─── 宙斯操纵日夜更替,四季轮回; 他控制天气变化,给人间刮风下雨,滋润田野和草地。
3、When changing the registered items, the fee of alternation registration is RMB 100. ─── 变更登记事项的,变更登记费为100元。
4、Side by side with the food stalls was a row of alternation shops. ─── 卖餐食摊位另一边,则是一整排修改服饰的摊位.
5、In conclusion, the system based on Software Architecture is suitable for system alternation and can realize system-level reuses. ─── 总之,基于体系结构的设计使系统能够基本适应因不同 机场需求变化所引起的系统变更,达到了重用需求和设计的目的,进 而能够实现系统级的重用。
6、Abstract: This thesis tries to analysis the development of journalism objectivity through the alternation of the social thoughts of American society and some philosophical aspects of the problem. ─── 内容提要:本文通过对美国社会思潮和哲学上理性主义和非理性主义,可知论与不可知论的发展历程的简单梳理,试图对美国新闻客观性理念的发展脉络形成一个统一的认知。
7、There is high alternation and more adaptability in programming by OOD. ─── 使用OOD又使程序设计交互性强,适应性好,取得了双赢的效果。
8、So do the dual forces of the Tao wax and wane in the alternation of upward and downward cycles, intercrossing. ─── 在升降的交替中,道的盛衰盈亏两个力量也是如此。
9、Natural or artificial cycle of light and darkness alternation to which living organisms may be exposed . ─── 自然界或人造的能够影响生物有机体的亮暗循环。
10、Before alternation,failures often occurred in the hoist control system of tail water gate in Ankang Hydropower Station,which had impact the normal electricity generation. ─── 安康电站尾水门机电气控制系统在改造前故障时有发生,严重影响电站正常生产,甚至威胁到电站防汛工作的开展。
11、Among these patients, 23 had a lumpy throat, and the remaining 5 had a oice alternation. ─── 在这些患者之中,有二十三名患者的喉部表面凹凸不平(多发性囊肿),剩下的五名患者有嗓音改变。
12、It is a misunderstanding of ius in rem (sachenrecht) theory to regard the necessity of the alternation of ius in rem (sachenrecht) as the effective evidence of the behavior of the creditor?s right, and vice versa. ─── 将物权变动要件作为债权行为的生效依据或者相反均有违物权法理论。
13、Our boat stays afloat because at each alternation we keep the bulk of it intact as a going concern. ─── 我们的船一直漂浮在海面上,因为我们在每次修理时都使船身的大部分保持不变,以保证它能持续运行。
14、It explores the philosophy of life on such dualistic conceptions as "alternation and renewal", "positive or negative" and "a second life", and endows them a connotation of spiritual freedom. ─── 他在颠覆现有存在的众多束缚中,始终期盼一种人的精神存在和精神彼岸,一种十分抽象的宗教精神上的东西。
15、The protective and controlling devices of three-phase alternation motor are described. ─── 介绍了一种实用新型三相交流电动机的缺相保护控制装置。
16、We present a case in whom a tube exchanger was used to readjust tube position so as to provide alternation of one-lung and two-lung ventilations in a thoracoscopic procedure. ─── 在本病例中,我们使用一个换管通条来调整单腔支气管内管的位置以完成在手术中切换单肺及双肺通气的功能。
17、Where a branch changes its registered items, the registration of alternation shall be applied for with the company registration authority. ─── 分公司变更登记事项的,应当向公司登记机关申请变更登记。
18、Characterized by reproduction involving the alternation of sexual and parthenogenetic generations. ─── 世代交替的以涉及双性与单性生殖交替进行为特征的
19、The expression of magic is so vivid that it looks like the one of roman god Janus, who depicts the past and the future between tradition and modern in the times of alternation. ─── 在传统与现代之间,在新旧交替之时,魔幻的神情如同古罗马神雅努斯的面孔,描画着过去和未来的图景。
20、The type of intensity alternation(whether the even or the odd lines are strong)is determined by another important nuclear property. ─── 强度更迭的类型(偶数谱线强还是奇数谱线强)取决于另一个重要的原子核性质。
21、The protection of the third party's interests in real right alternation is a very important issue in market economy. ─── 善意第三人保护问题是研究交易安全维护的一个非常重要的问题。
22、The agreement needs some small alternation in terms of the number of machines. ─── 从机器数量来说,这份协议需要一些小改动。
23、Chronic colitis was mainly manifested as loose stool, alternation ofconstipation and diarrhea,dyschesia or abdominal pain whenever desire to defecate. ─── 发现慢性结肠炎(Chroniccolitis,CC)患者多数大便烂或便秘腹泻交潜,其大便难解或痛则欲便等大便行为改变症状亦多见。
24、In the theoretical circles and judicial practices, the argument of alternation of accusation by judgment in the process of verdict in a criminal case has existed for a long time. ─── 我国法院在刑事审判过程中判决变更罪名的问题在理论界和司法实践中的争论由来已久,一直以来存在有肯定说、否定说及折衷说的争论。
25、The us of variou type of sewer pipe is an attract altern for the instal of fiber optic cabl in the complex infrastructur of cities. ─── 基础设施复杂的乡村中,利用不同类型的下水管来安装光缆是一种具有吸引力的方法。
26、Pictures of IAAF preparation. At last I am free today, management organize work more and more well, and they just put volunteers alternation task on the shecdule. ─── 世青赛的一些照片。今天好不容易有时间休息了。组委会的组织工作正在不断步入正轨,已经将倒班提到议事日程了。其实我更想当翻译。呵呵
27、The model was established by using the ANSYS finite element analysis software,and the alternation regularity between anodic resistance and its numbers of days was researched. ─── 利用ANSYS有限元软件建立了模型,分析了阳极电阻随着天数增加的变化规律。
28、Alternation of generations The occurrence of two, or occasionally more, generations during the life cycle of an organism. ─── 有机体生活史中出现二个或者两个以上世代的现象。
29、China is facing a new times of urban are non-stop flighting to modernization during 20-21 century alternation. ─── 值此世纪之交,我国正面临着一个城市化的新时代。
30、The different interlacement and alternation of all above four kinds of rhythm speeds make daedal narration rhythm. ─── 以上四种节奏速度的不同穿插和交替运用,可以构成千变万化的叙述节奏。
31、Alternation of sexual and parthenogenic generations, as in some aphids. ─── 世代交替双性与单性生殖交替进行,如一些蚜虫中
32、The difference between forgery and alternation is whether documents' essential content has been changed. ─── 伪造与变造的区别在于所制作出来的东西与以前文书是否具备同一性。
33、Examples include male and female plants in dioecious species, aerial and submerged leaves, alternation of gametophyte and sporophyte stages of a life cycle, and mesophyll and bundle-sheath chloroplasts. ─── 例如在雌雄异株物种中的雌性植物和雄性植物,气生的和被水浸没的叶片,生活史中的配子体与孢子体的交替,叶肉和维管束鞘叶绿体等。
34、The historical development form romanticism through realism to symbolism can be understood as an alternation of style from the metaphoric to the metonymic back to the metaphoric. ─── 从浪漫主义到现实主义再到象征主义的历史发展改变可以被认为是隐喻到转喻再到隐喻的交替转变。
35、Trinder P. Determination of glucose in blood using glucose oxidase with an alternation oxygen acceptor[J]. Ann Clin Biochem 1969,6(1):24. ─── 徐国兵,朱立华,洪健美,等.血浆氨酶促终点法测定的实验研究[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,1997,24(2):173.
36、We are conscious of the alternation of seasons. ─── 我们意识到季节的交替。
37、In January 2007 Bangladesh's army intervened to halt the alternation of power between two venal, incompetent but nonetheless elected political dynasties. ─── 2007年一月,孟加拉国的军队干预并中止了两个收受贿赂,毫无竞争力,但又是民选的政治家族的权力轮换。
38、Online-auction mode has became one of the most important parts of Electronic commerce, because it embody fully the characteristics of alternation、 bestraddle-time、 bestraddle-zone of the Internet. ─── 在线招标投标与拍卖模式已经成为电子商务的重要组成部分,因为它充分体现了互联网交互性、跨时间、跨地域的特点。
39、In case of alternation, it shall generally occur in the beginning of a new accounting year.This shall also be mentioned in the annual financial report. ─── 如果有必要变更,一般应当自新的会计年度开始时变更,并在变更年度的会计报告中予以说明。
40、Any supplement, modification or alternation agreed by both parties shall be taken as an integral part of the contract, and has the equal legal force as the contract itself. ─── 原译:经双方同意对本合同的任何补充、修改应作为合同不可分割的组成部分,并具有与合同同等的法律效力。
41、His changes of mood did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with their alternation. ─── 他情绪的变化并不惹我生气,因为我看得出来,这种变换和我没有关系。
42、Any alternation in routing or dates by passenger is solely at his/her own risk. ─── 乘客进行任何路线或日期的变更,风险将由乘客自行负责。
43、Steady flows along the wall and flow direction alternation are two main characters of the flow field in the fluidic element. ─── 射流元件是射流式井底增压器的换向控制部件,元件内部射流具有稳定附壁和快速换向的特性。
44、From above analysis we come to realise that the effective time of a share right transfer contract and the time of the alternation of the share right are two different concepts. ─── 其次,分析了股权转让程序的生效要件,公司内部股东变更登记和工商变更登记的效力,认为:股权转让合同生效的时间与股权变动时间是两个不同的概念;
45、The torsional angle, bridge bond length, bond length alternation, and intramolecular charge transfer were simulated and correlated with the electronic properties, i.e.HOMO, LUMO level, and band gap. ─── 以理论分析探讨电子特性与分子扭转角度、施体-受体间键长、单双键键长改变量、与分子间电荷转移的关连性。
46、If you want to make any changes, minor alternation can be made then. ─── 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。
47、The meter must calibrated every alternation year. ─── 仪表每间隔一年校准一次.
48、Power alternation also polarises debate. ─── 权力的更迭也加剧了辩论的两极分化。
49、In order to know chloride diffusion characteristics well in concrete at tidal zone,chloride diffusion rules in concrete were studied under the effect of dry and wet alternation and flexural load. ─── 为了明确氯离子在水位变动区域混凝土中的扩散特性,研究了干湿交替条件和弯曲荷载共同作用下氯离子在混凝土中的扩散规律。
50、GPP program performs communicating with DSP, storing data, net transmission, alternation with user. ─── DSP程序运行于DSP/BIOS下,完成从信号板取得数据、滤波、FFT处理,并将数据传送给GPP;
51、The alternation are death and submission. ─── 或死或降,任选其一。
52、Basing on the process innovation,and beginning with the alternation model of process innovation and product innovation, this paper discusses the diffusion of process innovation. ─── 从分析以工艺创新为基础的工艺创新和产品创新的交互作用出发,讨论了工艺创新的扩散机制。
53、We wish to state that our quotations are subject to alternation without notice and to our confirmation at the time of placing your order. ─── 我方报价可随时变动而不先通知,你方定货时需以我方确认为有效。
54、The alternation of two or more different forms in the life cycle of a plant or animal. ─── 一种动物或植物在生命循环中交替出现两种或更多的不同生活方式。
55、In the alternation of wetting-dry sulfate corrosion environment,the Portland cement concrete is not suitably used. ─── 在干湿交替的硫酸盐侵蚀环境中,不宜采用普通水泥混凝土.
56、It should be a ecology garden with tridimensional space filled with energy.The high old trees present different sight along with the alternation of four seasons. ─── 我心目中的北方城市广场,应是一个完全服务于人类的生态园区,是个立体的空间,充满了活力,高大挺拔的古树随着四季的交替展示着它不同的风采。
57、Element expresses simple alternation between contained patterns. ─── 元素表示被包含的模式之间的简单交替。
58、You can think of a set as shorthand for alternation of characters. ─── 您可以将集合 看作是字符备选项的简写法。
59、The young Karl Marx, prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry. ─── 年轻的卡尔·马克思,有预见地觉察到了现代工业所引起的非人道的变换。
60、you see the alternation? ─── 你们看到轮替了吗?
61、The alternation of classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese has a great effect on Lu Xun"s choice of words and expressions, and his coinage of new words. ─── 在词语的使用上,主导语言影响着鲁迅对词语的选择、对语义表达方式的心理设想和词义组合、聚合的整体构造方式。
62、During the alternation of the ages Yuan hao-wen and Qian qian-yi had different options on politics,but both of them had political blemishes in their records. ─── 元好问和钱谦益在易代时的政治选择有不同之处,可他们都有政治上的“污点”。
63、That is to say, the same as POSIX extended syntax, but with the newline character acting as an alternation character in addition to "|". ─── 也就是说,同POSIX扩展语法相同,但将换行符和选项字符"|"相同对待。
64、Alternation between occurrence patterns is more difficult to express in most OOP languages. ─── 出现模式之间的交替在大多数OOP语言中更加难以表达。
65、TUBVP with the little influence on the alternation of sexual hormone and lower incidence of sexual dysfunction after operation is a operation therapy to BPH than SPP and TURP. ─── 但手术方式与性功能障碍的发生有关,TUBVP术后并发性功能障碍率低,对于前列腺的手术,TUBVP优于SPP和TURP。
66、The peripheral oil fields of Daqing have a poor reservoir property, obvious lateral alternation of sand body, and condensed faults. ─── 大庆外围油田储层物性差、砂体横向变化大、断层密集。
67、The results show that as the capacitance decreasing,the alternation between efficiency peak value and speed peak value are increased. ─── 得出的结论为:随着电容减小,效率峰值与速度峰值的交互作用增加。
68、The alternation, termination and the end of the contract do not effect party client's right of compensation. ─── 合同的变更、解除或终止,不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。
69、The thermal stability of film varied with the alternation of substituting groups at the 2-position of benzimidazole. ─── 2位取代基的改变对芳基苯并咪唑-铜配合物的热稳定性有影响。
70、On the one hand, quite a lot of SVO constructions have no passive equivalences, nd on the other hand, some passive conversions do show semantic asymmetry in the semantic alternation. ─── 不仅有许多“主谓宾”结构没有被动语态,而且许多语句经过语态转换就会引起较大的语义变化。
71、Easy to handle, and many kinds of bits ready for use and alternation Temp. ─── 手柄轻巧,长时间使用绝不感到疲劳,多种烙铁头选用,且更换方便;
72、Use MAPINFO software to protract electronic map, establish the elementary GISsystem, and compose the system software with nicer individual-and-computer alternation interface. ─── 3.使用MAPINFO软件绘制电子地图,建立了初步的GIS系统,编制了具有良好人机交互界面的系统软件。
73、JJW is the newest purifing alternation current power stabling instrument.It has wide constant-voltage range high precision and continuously work. ─── 全新推出的JJW系列精密净化交流稳压电流,具有稳压范围宽、精度高,能长期连续工作,适用各种性质的负载(阻性、感性、容性)等优点。
74、Filter bed should be exposurd as less as possible because alternation of exposure and immersion is disbennifit to the penetrability of filter bed. ─── 依据水质资料分析了水源水质安全保障。
75、The unidirectional bearing can only withstand a direction the axial loading, the bidirectional bearing can withstand two directions the alternation axial loadings. ─── 单向轴承只能承受一个方向的轴向载荷,双向轴承能承受两个方向的交变轴向载荷。
76、Introducing Galilei alternation and Schrodingerequation into Minkowski space can give geometry explanation to classical quantum theory. ─── 在双曲Minkowski空间中引入 Galilei变换和 Schrodinger方程,可对经典量子理论赋于一种几何解释
77、TIMES STATIONERY work closely with the customers, listen to their brief and adopt their suggestions of the alternation and cost-effective solutions. ─── 天时文具注意倾听客户的心声并及时采纳客户的意见,不断改进产品,不断降低成本。
78、The compensatory effect was common in the restore process, especially for growth indexes, it is an adaptative strategy of seedlings to soil drying-wetting alternation condition. ─── 恢复过程中补偿效应普遍存在,尤其以生长上的补偿效应最明显,这是幼苗对反复干旱-复水环境的一种适应策略。
79、Compared with static Web pages, active Web pages have many advantages such as better alternation 、database query、 query time being shortened、browser efficiency being improved etc. ─── 动态网页具有良好的交互性、数据库查询、缩短查询时间、提高浏览效率等一些静态网页所无法比拟的优点。
80、It has good anti-chalking performance, good anti-cracking performance, and good salt-fog resistance, water resistance and alternation of wetting and drying performance.It has longer lifetime. ─── 抗粉化、抗裂纹性能优异,耐盐雾、耐水和干湿交替性能良好,寿命长。
81、The alternation model was constructed based on PDM development platform so as to explore and realize the applied pattern of change control based on vocational procedure. ─── 基于PDM开发平台构造了变更模型,探索和实现基于业务流程的变更控制应用模式。
82、As an important part of land management, cadastral parcel alternation plays an important part in the city or town programming and building, furthermore in the economic development. ─── 地籍变更管理是土地管理的重要组成部分,对于城镇规划建设乃至经济发展都有着重要意义。
83、Spellings vary slightly, but the general notions of quantification, alternation, and sequencing exist in all EBNF-style language grammars. ─── 拼写稍有不同,但是量化、交替和定序这些一般概念都存在于所有EBNF样式的语言语法中。
84、The food selected is often eaten together with some rice either in one bite or in alternation. ─── 选择的食物一起吃的往往是一些大米无论是在一咬或交替。
85、The maximum alternation stress was checked according to fatigue strength criterion, which indicated the structural wheel was secure in the period of natural service of wheel. ─── 在此基础上对最大交变应力值进行疲劳强度校核,表明轮毂在摩托车规定的正常服役期内是安全可靠的。
86、In all plants and some algae there is an alternation between sexual haploid and asexual diploid stages. ─── 在所有的高等植物和一些藻类会出现有性的单倍体阶段和无性的二倍体阶段交替的现象。
87、If it were unique a gem I could breach it into a hundred sections and cord them into a alternation to put on your neck. ─── 如果它是一块宝石,我就能把它碎成千百颗粒,穿成项链挂在你的颈上。
88、However there are no reports on intra-operative alternation of one-lung and two-lung ventilations through the same single lumen endobronchial tube as it can only provide unilateral lung ventilation. ─── 因为当单腔支气管内管置入一侧支气管后仅能提供该侧单肺呼吸,不能交替进行单肺及双肺通气,在目前文献中并无利用它来达到手术中单肺及双肺通切换的报告。
89、Miss Crawford was soon to leave Mansfield, and on this circumstance the "no" and the "yes" had been very recently in alternation. ─── 克劳福德小姐很快就要离开曼斯菲尔德了,因此在最近,那肯定和否定的念头在交替出现。
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