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08-10 投稿


subcutaneous 发音

英:[ˌsʌbkjuˈteɪniəs]  美:[ˌsʌbkjuˈteɪniəs]

英:  美:

subcutaneous 中文意思翻译



subcutaneous 常用词组

subcutaneous tissue ─── 皮下组织

subcutaneous injection ─── [医]皮下注射

subcutaneous fat ─── 皮下脂肪

subcutaneous 词性/词形变化,subcutaneous变形

副词: subcutaneously |

subcutaneous 短语词组

1、subcutaneous injection ─── [医] 皮下注射

2、subcutaneous necrosis of newborn ─── [医] 新生儿皮下坏死

3、subcutaneous tissue ─── [医] 皮下组织

4、subcutaneous operation ─── [医] 皮下手术

5、multiple subcutaneous gangrene ─── [医] 多发性皮下坏疽

6、subcutaneous felon ─── [医] 皮下瘭疽

7、subcutaneous emphysema ─── [医] 皮下气肿

8、subcutaneous cauterization ─── [医] 皮下烙术

9、subcutaneous fracture ─── [医] 皮下骨折, 单纯骨折

10、subcutaneous test ─── [医]皮下试验

11、subcutaneous fatty tissue ─── [医] 皮下脂肪组织, 脂膜

12、subcutaneous abscess ─── [医] 皮下脓肿

13、subcutaneous fat necrosis ─── [医] 皮下脂肪坏死(假硬化病)

14、subcutaneous crepitation ─── [医] 皮下咿轧音

15、subcutaneous myiasis ─── [医] 皮下蝇蛆病

16、subcutaneous dropsy ─── [医] 皮下水肿

17、subcutaneous fibrositis ─── [医] 皮下纤维织炎, 浅筋膜炎

18、subcutaneous ingninal ring ─── [医] 腹股沟管皮下环

19、subcutaneous saw ─── [医] 皮下骨锯, 希雷迪氏锯

subcutaneous 相似词语短语

1、subitaneous ─── 突然的

2、subspontaneous ─── adj.半自生的

3、cutaneous ─── adj.皮肤的;侵犯皮肤的

4、subcutaneously ─── adv.皮下地

5、subcontinuous ─── 次连续

6、percutaneous ─── adj.经皮的;经由皮肤的

7、mucocutaneous ─── adj.黏膜与皮肤的

8、succedaneous ─── adj.代用的,替代的

9、subcoriaceous ─── 亚科

subcutaneous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Paecilomyces lilacinus was the causal agent of a case of subcutaneous infection in a patient with liver cirrhosis. ─── 淡紫拟青霉是因果代理的案件皮下感染肝硬化患者。

2、An acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a species of hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever. ─── 丹毒由一种溶血性链球菌引起的皮肤或皮下组织突发性疾病,其症状是局部发炎和发烧

3、Stage III: Full-thickness skin loss involves damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue that may extend to the fascia. ─── 三期:全层皮肤丢失,包括皮下组织损伤或坏死,可深及筋膜。

4、We report a severe case of bilateral gluteal calcification that has not often been found in the literature.It was caused by multiple intramuscular and/or subcutaneous injections. ─── 我们报告一个两侧臀部因多次肌肉内及皮下脂肪处注射引起严重性的营养失调性钙化,文献上类似的个案并不多见。

5、A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells. ─── 下皮,真皮含有不同数量的脂肪细胞的皮下松散组织层

6、Group II: Acute rejection treated with CsA 2mg/kg/d by subcutaneous injection from day 0-7. Group III: Acute rejection (LEW -to- BN). ─── 排斥组从第3天逐步升高,高于同基因组和CsA处理组,与之相比差别有显著性(p刁.047、0.034),第5、7、14大分别和同基因组和CsA处理组相比差异更明显(p

7、Also included is a device for inserting a subcutaneous infusion device into a subcutaneous layer of skin of a patient. ─── 还包括一种用于将皮下输液设备插入到患者皮肤的皮下层内的设备。

8、After controlling for total, abdominal subcutaneous, and lower extremity adiposity, these groups still differed in hepatic triglyceride content (HTGC). ─── 在控制整体、腹部皮下与下肢脂肪后,这些在肝脏三酸甘油酯(HTGC)之间仍然有差异。

9、Panniculitis is a group of diseases whose hallmark is inflammation of subcutaneous fatty and muscle tissue. ─── 什麽是'身体脂膜炎-炎症皮下脂肪组织的创伤'?

10、Symptoms reported by local clinicians include high fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting, followed by meningitis, subcutaneous haemorrhage, toxic shock, and coma in severe cases. ─── 地方临床医师报告的症状包括高热、不舒服、恶心和呕吐,重者出现脑膜炎、皮下出血、中毒性休克和昏迷。

11、Anterior subcutaneous transposition is a good method for treating tardy ulnar palsy. ─── 前方皮下移位术在治疗缓慢性尺神经麻痹是一种不错的方法。

12、Huang HP,Chen P,Sun YM.Nursing study for abdominal subcutaneous injection by evidence based nursing.Journal of Nursing Training,2004,19(5):410-412. ─── [9]黄和平,陈平,孙元美.循证护理在腹部皮下注射中的护理研究,护士进修杂志,2004,19(5):410-412.

13、Incise the skin and subcutaneous fat, then palpate the lesion and excise the mass. ─── 切开皮肤和皮下脂肪,触及病变并切除肿块。

14、Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a rare, slow growing, low grade sarcoma originating in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue with a nodular picture. ─── 摘要突出性皮纤维肉瘤是一种少见,生长于皮肤,呈结节状突起的间叶肿瘤。

15、All cases of drug leakage had no subcutaneous tissue necrosis for valid measurement in time. ─── 发生药液渗漏的病人,及时采取有效护理措施,均未发生皮下组织坏死。

16、Tweezers凡需folder, the folder with tweezers light sharp adventitial, adventitial nerve, tendon and subcutaneous tissue decapitated. ─── 凡需夹镊时,用镊尖轻夹血管外膜,神经外膜,肌腱断头及皮下组织。

17、Methods The operations were performed on 57 patients with autologous conchal cartilage and subcutaneous fascia tissue graft technique. ─── 方法:应用耳郭软骨皮下筋膜组织复合物对57例就医者实施手术。

18、Post mortem examination revealed extensive myofascial necrosis and subcutaneous gaseous formation (Figure 3). ─── 尸检发现广泛肌筋膜坏死,皮下气体形成。

19、To research the clinical curative effect of continuous subcutaneous infusion with insulin pump on diabetic ketoacidosis(DK). ─── 探讨胰岛素泵治疗糖尿病酮症(DK)的临床疗效。

20、Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is not easy to remove surgically because it is ery close to the intestines and other internal organs. ─── 与皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪不易通过手术移除,因为这些脂肪非常靠近肠子和其他内部器官。

21、Methods : The acuts blood stasis model in rats were established with subcutaneous injection of high-dose adrenaline hydrochloride and being socked in ice-water. ─── 方法:以皮下注射大剂量盐酸肾上腺素附加冰水浴造成大鼠急性血瘀模型,观察淫羊藿总苷对急性血瘀大鼠血液流变学指标及体外血栓形成的影响。

22、Fournier's disease, a form of necrotizing fasciitis, is a rapidly progressing subcutaneous infection of the male genitalia. ─── 摘要弗尼尔氏症(一种坏死性筋膜炎)是发生在男性外生殖部一种进展快速的皮下感染。

23、Twenty cases of tardy ulnar palsy were treated by anterior subcutaneous transposition in the past 6 years at the Veterans general Hospital-Taichung. ─── 摘要20例由理学检查及电生理检查均诊断为肘部尺神经病变的病人六年来前后后在本院接受尺神经前方皮下移位术的治疗。

24、Women have a layer of subcutaneous fat. ─── 女人有一层皮下脂肪。

25、Comparing Jing adults aged between 30-49 with Dauradults, subcutaneous fat of upper limbs and trunk is thinner but that of lower limbs is thicker. ─── 与达斡尔族相比,京族男性在30-49岁期间其上肢和躯干部的皮下脂肪较薄,而下肢的皮下脂肪较厚;

26、Part of that gender difference may be well related to the fact that women store more subcutaneous fat. ─── 这种不同性别之间差异产生的原因之一可能是女性皮下脂肪的储存量相对更大些。

27、This article summarizes and reviews the progress of Fu's subcutaneous needling in clinical application. ─── 总结综述浮针疗法临床应用进展。

28、The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. ─── 皮肤有三层:表皮、真皮和皮下组织。

29、The complica-tions were rare including two (3%) minor oozing, one (2%) subcutaneous emphysema and one (2%) pneumomediastinum. ─── 手术的并发症很少,包括2例(3%)伤口轻微渗血,1例(2%)皮下气肿和1例(2%)气纵隔。

30、It is available to prefabricate thin transferable axial pattern skin flaps by implanting subcutaneous blood vessel to superficial fascia. ─── 将皮下深层组织血管移位至皮下筋膜浅层,可预制薄轴型皮瓣。

31、In full-thickness derma burn wound, after the liquefaction and discharge of necr otic tissues, there only remains subcutaneous tissue with inside skin informatio n cells. ─── 在皮肤再生技术的研究中,创造创面皮肤再生的生命环境是首要任务。

32、We report two cases of subcutaneous emphysema associated with pneumomediastinum after general anesthesia. ─── 摘要: 本文报告两个于全身麻醉后发生气纵隔及皮下气肿的病例。

33、Spontaneous subcutaneous with mediastinal emphysema is a rare but potentially dangerous complication during delivery. ─── 摘要皮下气肿及纵膈腔积气是一个极为罕见,但非常危急的分娩期并发症。

34、A case of innate frontoparietal subcutaneous fat oncoma-callosal dysplasia-intracranial fat oncoma was reported here. ─── 报道1例先天性额顶部皮下脂肪瘤-胼胝体发育不良-颅内脂肪瘤综合征。

35、The reported aderse eents including allergic reaction, headache,nausea, diarrhea, bellyache, blood pressure change, and subcutaneous ecchymosis. ─── 报道的不良反应包括变态反应,头痛,恶心,腹泻,腹痛,血压变化,皮下淤斑。

36、Epidermoid cysts are located mainly in the subcutaneous layer of the trunk and are often small and asymptomatic. ─── 摘要类表皮囊肿一般位于身体躯干皮肤下层,大多是小型,且没有症状。

37、HepG2/ADM group, in which 10 received a subcutaneous injection of 5 x 106/ml adriamycin-resistant subclone HepG2/ADM. ─── HepG2/ADM组:另外10只皮下注射同样数量的HepG2阿霉素耐药株。

38、Unlike subcutaneous fat, isceral fat is not easy to remoe surgically because it is ery close to the intestines and other internal organs. ─── 与皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪不易通过手术移除,因为这些脂肪非常靠近肠子和其他内部器官。

39、Methods Application of subcutaneous curettage, subcutaneous pruning and subcutaneous curettage plus large sweat gland follicle removal to treat osmidrosis. ─── 方法:使用皮下搔刮法、皮下修剪法及皮下搔刮加大汗腺毛囊摘除法治疗腋臭。

40、Subcutaneous implant for the contraception is a device with sustained release property. ─── 摘要皮下避孕埋植剂是一种缓慢释放药物的装置。

41、Bioassays on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, cervix, and trachea of experimental animals have shown that particulate matter of urban air can be carcinogenic in the intact animal. ─── 对实验动物的皮肤、皮下组织、颈和气管的生物鉴定表明,城市空气中的颗粒物质对健康动物可能是致癌的。

42、Promote sweating and reducing subcutaneous fat, reduce lymphotoxin and deposit, and gift you a slim figure. ─── 增加排汗及促进皮下脂肪的排除;减少淋巴毒素和沉积物,窈窕瘦身。

43、Skin and subcutaneous tissue infiltration of leukemia. ─── 六、白血病的皮肤及皮下组织浸润。

44、A 55-year-old man presented with a painless, brown subcutaneous tumor over medial side of his left lower leg for 5 years. ─── 摘要一位55岁男性病患者,五年前在其左下腿内侧有一个褐色、不痛的皮下肿瘤。

45、Isolated hypopharyngeal perforation as a result of blunt trauma to the neck is rare.The clinical presentations are dysphagia, odynophagia, neck pain and subcutaneous emphysema. ─── 摘要部钝伤造成单的下咽部损伤很少见,临床表现有吞嚥困难、吞嚥疼痛、颈部疼痛、皮下气肿,严重时可能造成呼吸困难危及生命。

46、Necrotizing fasciitis caused by Group A Streptococcus infection is a relatively rare, potentially life-threatening infection involving the skin and subcutaneous soft tissue. ─── 摘要由A型链球菌所引起的坏死性肌膜炎是一种涉及皮肤和皮下软组织之罕见及威胁生命的感染,这是因为病毒毒性改变及局部皮肤抵抗力下降;

47、Abstract: Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic fungus disease on skin or subcutaneous tissue caused by a group of dematiaceous fungi with global distribution. ─── 摘要: 着色芽生菌病是由一组暗色真菌引起的皮肤和皮下组织感染性的慢性真菌病,呈全球性分布。

48、The deformity is characterized by a subcutaneous band of thickened fascia in the lateral aspects of neck and a low-neck hairline. ─── 在所有的畸形中,以蹼状颈畸形最为显著,其特徵包含皮下之纤维化筋膜带状銮缩,以及后颈过低的发线。

49、Metastatic carcinoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue. ─── 基底细胞癌。五、皮肤及皮下组织转移性癌。

50、In the first stage, the trypanosomes multiply in subcutaneous tissues, blood and lymph. ─── 在第一阶段,锥虫在皮下组织、血液和淋巴中繁殖。

51、The rate of absorption following subcutaneous injection of a drug is often sufficiently constant and slow to provide a sustained effect. ─── 药物经皮下注射后吸收率均匀而缓慢,药效持久。

52、The subcutaneous fat rate and abdominal fat rate of "Su-mu" duck were the lowest, while these of Cherry Valley duck were the highest. ─── “苏牧”鸭皮下脂肪率和腹脂率最低,樱桃谷鸭皮下脂肪率和腹脂率最高。

53、Intra-muscular injection can lead to necrosis. Intravenous or subcutaneous injection can cause hemolytic anemia, hematuria and proteinuria. ─── 不可作肌肉注射以免引起肌肉坏死。静脉或皮下注射能引起溶血性贫血?血尿,蛋白尿。

54、Mice in a EK C groups were respectively given lOg/kg, 25g/kg, 50g/kg of low molecular weight extract and control by subcutaneous injection saline for seven days. ─── 对照组小鼠背部皮下注射生理盐水,A、B、C三组分别以10g/kg体重、25g/kg体重、50g/kg体重三个剂量背部皮下注射牛初乳低分子量提取物,每天一次,连续7天。

55、Shortly after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure, right-sided pneumothorax, subcutaneous, retroperitoneal, and mediastinal emphysema were noted. ─── 两位病患者皆有乳突憩室,但都没有发现明确的破孔。

56、There were 5 inguinal, 4 pleural, 2 subcutaneous and 1 pen-catheter leakages. ─── 发生透析液渗漏的病人中有5例鼠蹊部渗漏,4例肋膜积水,2例皮下组织渗漏和1例导管出口旁渗漏。

57、In adults, however, it is often thin, and closure may be unsatisfactory;suturing the periosteum and the deep portion of the subcutaneous tissues as a single layer is usually wise. ─── 成人胫骨骨膜较薄,可能无法满意地单独修复,将骨膜和深层皮下组织一起缝合是明智的。

58、Results : The total 38 cases had not produced subcutaneous tissue necrosis or calcareous deposition . ─── 结果:38例早产儿静脉补钙均未发生皮下组织的坏死与钙化灶。

59、Function: Promotes permeability of subcutaneous capillaries, reduces local fat with pertinence and tightens the relaxed skin. ─── 功效:促进皮下毛细血管的通透性,针对性消减局部聚积的脂肪,收紧松弛肌肤。

60、No subcutaneous crepitus is appreciated on examination of the skin. ─── 在皮肤检查过程中未查及皮下捻发感。

61、For attacks of cluster headache oxygen and subcutaneous sumatriptan can be used. ─── 吸氧和皮下注射舒马普坦被用来治疗丛集性头痛。

62、Two cases had cafe au lait spots and all cases had neurofibromas of varying sizes and shapes in subcutaneous tissues. ─── 2例有孤立的浅褐色皮肤色素斑,5例有数量不等、分布不一的其它神经纤维瘤。

63、A 66-year-old female with suspicuous sphincter of Oddi dysfunction developed subcutaneous, retroperitonea4 and mediastinal emphysema during sphincter of Oddi manometry. ─── 摘要治疗性内视镜检查合并肠道穿孔有报告约1%,但在诊断性内视镜检查则很好少有人报告。

64、Necrotizing fascitis is a serious soft tissue infection characterized by rapidly spreading necrosis of fascia and subcutaneous tissue. ─── 摘要坏死性筋膜炎是皮下组织及筋膜的严重威染及坏死。

65、Birds store energy as subcutaneous fat deposits or "body reserves"; changes in these reserves can be reliably estimated by measuring changes in body mass. ─── 鸟类以皮下脂肪沉积或“身体储备”的形式储存能量;通过测量体重的变化,可以可靠地估计这些储备的变化。

66、While female Jing adults have relatively thinner subcutaneous upper limbs and back fat but richer subcutaneous abdominal and lower limbs fat. ─── 京族女性上肢和背部皮下脂肪较薄,而腹部和下肢的皮下脂肪较丰富。

67、The subcutaneous excessive orbicularis oculi muscle is trimmed. ─── 对照组5例,采用内田法治疗。

68、Results The survival rate of model made by CCL4 intraperitoneal injection was higher than that of model made by CCL4 subcutaneous injection. ─── 二者的肝脏病理学检查、ALT、HA无显著性差异,但它们的血清ALT、HA均高于对照组。

69、Freud came under severe criticism for his advocacy of the drug and defended himself by claiming(inaccurately)that he had never advised its use in subcutaneous injections. ─── 弗洛伊德因倡导这种药物受到了严厉的批评,他为自己辩护道(不确切地)他从没建议过以皮下注射来使用它。

70、Test conclusion: No irritant reactions obsered after the medicines of that lot are injected into the subcutaneous coering of rabbit ears. ─── 实验结论:家兔耳皮下注射该批药物后未见到刺激反应。

71、Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy allows for uninterrupted delivery of insulin. ─── 持续皮下胰岛素持续输注治疗考虑到了胰岛素不间断的输注。

72、If eye ministry skin is farther ageing, the skin and subcutaneous tissue are broken away from, next hypodermic and adipose moving, produced pouch and eyelid prolapse. ─── 如果眼部皮肤进一步老化,皮肤与皮下组织脱离,皮下脂肪下移,就产生了眼袋和眼皮下垂。

73、The patients of CSII group short acting Novolin R was subcutaneous infused slowly by insulin pump continuously. ─── MSII组患者14例,采用多次胰岛素注射法,在每日三餐前注射短效胰岛素,并在每晚睡前加注中效胰岛素。

74、The use of a high-speed dental drill may introduce air into the soft tissue and lead to subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum. ─── 拔牙时所使用的高速牙科电钻可能使得气体进入软组织,进而导致皮下气肿及纵膈气肿。

75、Region specific subcutaneous,liver,intramuscular,and intramyocellular lipid deposition is responsible for insulin resistance in various degree. ─── 不同部位的皮下及肝脏、肌细胞间、肌细胞内的脂肪储积分别与不同程度的胰岛素抵抗相关。

76、What he is cutting through are subcutaneous fat and muscles. ─── 他现在在切离皮下脂肪和肌肉组织。

77、Dercum's disease is a rare clinical condition characterized by the development of multiple painful subcutaneous lipomas selectively at postmenopausal women. ─── 摘要窦根氏病是一种相当罕见的疾病,此病之特徵为发生于停经后妇女的多发性疼痛皮下脂肪瘤。

78、Abstract: Purpose To inquire into the clinical and pathological features of subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨皮下脂膜炎样T细胞淋巴瘤的临床和病理特征。

79、Posing was increased two days before the show in effort to expel subcutaneous water. ─── 乔装增加了前两天的努力,显示在驱逐皮下的水。

80、PHBV and PLA as a control material were implanted in subcutaneous layer of 28 KM mice. ─── PHBV和对照材料聚乳酸(PLA)在28只KM小鼠的皮下植入。

81、The reported adverse events including allergic reaction, headache,nausea, diarrhea, bellyache, blood pressure change, and subcutaneous ecchymosis. ─── 报告的副反应事件包括过敏反应,头痛,恶心,腹泻,腹痛,血压改变,皮下瘀血。

82、For the best result, skin with subcutaneous fat could be disinfected with 0.1% bromo-geraminum for 15 minutes, and split thickness skin with 0.05% bromo-geraminum. ─── 带有脂肪的皮片用0.1%新洁而灭液消毒15分钟为佳,中厚皮片用0.05%新洁而灭浸泡15分钟即可。

83、Study on the Quality Standard of in Vitro Solubility of Chinese CLa Subcutaneous Implants. ─── CLa长效避孕埋植剂体外溶出度质量标准的研究

84、The ecchymotic subcutaneous tissue has been removed. ─── 切除了瘀血的皮下组织。

85、We know, skin cent reachs subcutaneous tissue for cuticular, derma 3 parts. ─── 我们都知道,皮肤分为表皮、真皮及皮下组织三部分。

86、Infected mandibular, parotid and anterior cervical nodes usually cause subcutaneous induration and surface bulging. ─── 感染的下颌,耳下和颈前淋巴结,通常引起皮下硬结和表面突起。

87、A66- year-old female with suspicuous sphincter of Oddi dysfunction developed subcutaneous, retroperitonea4 and mediastinal emphysema during sphincter of Oddi manometry. ─── 摘要治疗性内视镜检查合并肠道穿孔有报告约1%但在诊断性内视镜检查则很好少有人报告。

88、Stage IV: Full-thickness skin loss occurs with extensive destruction or necrosis through subcutaneous layers into muscle and bone. ─── 四期:全层皮肤丢失伴广泛性损害或坏死,穿过皮下层深入肌、。

89、A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules, erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage. ─── 患儿女,4岁,全身皮肤弥漫性丘疹、红斑、脱屑,大关节处皮下结节伴进行性眼损害3年。

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