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09-16 投稿


loquacity 发音

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loquacity 中文意思翻译



loquacity 词性/词形变化,loquacity变形


loquacity 短语词组

1、loquacity meaning ─── 唠叨的意义

2、loquacity define ─── 含糊性定义

3、loquacity pronunciation ─── 哑音

4、loquacity antonyms ─── 冗长反义词

5、loquacity means ─── 唠叨意味着

6、loquacity def ─── 含糊定义

loquacity 相似词语短语

1、voracity ─── n.贪食,贪婪

2、opacity ─── n.不透明;不传导;暧昧

3、outcity ─── 城外

4、loquacious ─── adj.饶舌的,多话的

5、mordacity ─── n.辛辣(言词等的);讽刺(言词等的)

6、loquat ─── n.枇杷;[园艺]枇杷树

7、loquats ─── n.[园艺]枇杷(loquat的复数形式)

8、loquaciously ─── 罗嗦地

9、sequacity ─── sequacity公司

loquacity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I was victimized the whole evening by his loquacity. ─── 整个晚上他的吵闹不休都使我痛苦不已。

2、Too the loquacity, speaks insincerely 。 ─── [太多话,我们言不由衷。

3、The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them. ─── 泽尼斯运动俱乐部里的那种神经质的健谈和自以为是的态度从他们身上消失了。

4、A male chooses silence,A female chooses loquacity. ─── 男人选择沉默,女人选择唠叨.

5、He repeated Cosette's name for whole nights in the melancholy loquacity of fever, and with the sombre obstinacy of agony. ─── 他常整夜在凄惨的高烧呓语中以及在阴郁的垂死挣扎时喊着珂赛特的名字。

6、Loquacity brings disaster ─── 多口招祸

7、I was victimized the whole evening by his loquacity. ─── 整个晚上我都被他的吵嚷不休所困扰。

8、You must avoid loquacity and the man-eating person, they only annoyed. ─── 整个晚上我都被他的吵嚷不休所困扰。

9、He repeated Cosette's name for whole nights in the melancholy loquacity of fever, and with the sombre obstinacy of agony. ─── 他常整夜在凄惨的高烧呓语中以及在阴郁的垂死挣扎时喊着珂赛特的名字。

10、A male chooses silence, A female chooses loquacity . ─── 男人选择沉默,女人选择唠叨。

11、The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them ─── 泽尼斯运动俱乐部里的那种神经质的健谈和自以为是的态度从他们身上消失了。

12、fearing, perhaps, that, with its never-ceasing loquacity, it should whisper tales out of the heart of the old forest whence it flowed, or mirror its revelations on the smooth surface of a pool. ─── 或许是害怕它那喋喋不休的多嘴多舌会悄悄道出它所流经的古老树林的内心秘密,或者是害怕它那流过池塘时的光滑水面会映出其隐衷。

13、You must avoid loquacity and the man-eating person, they only annoyed. ─── 你要避开好辩和凶悍的人,他们徒惹烦恼。

14、But the time, had known steadily that she usually indeed is gentle, the loquacity, is the human also very not how good. ─── 但时间长了,就知道,她平时的确是文文静静的,不怎么多话,人也很好。

15、Facing this focal point war, both sides do not want to say before the game too the loquacity scattered energy, “this kind of focal point war, uses the foot to speak finally!” ─── 面对这场焦点战,双方都不想赛前说太多话分散精力,“这样一场焦点战,最终还是用脚说话!”

16、Too the loquacity, speaks insincerely . ─── 太多话,我们言不由衷。

17、I was victimized the whole evening by his loquacity ─── 整个晚上我都被他的吵嚷不休所困扰。

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