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09-10 投稿


floridity 发音

英:[[flɒ'rɪdɪtɪ]]  美:[[flɒ'rɪdɪtɪ]]

英:  美:

floridity 中文意思翻译



floridity 短语词组

1、floridity meaning ─── 花饰意义

2、floridity tomato seeds ─── 开花番茄种子

3、floridity in a sentence ─── 华丽的句子

4、floridity definition ─── 花色定义

floridity 相似词语短语

1、caloricity ─── n.生热力;热值

2、fluoridise ─── 氟化物

3、Floridian ─── n.佛罗里达州人(或居民);adj.佛罗里达州(人)的

4、acridity ─── n.辛辣,苦;尖刻的批评

5、fluoridize ─── 用氟化物处理

6、chlorinity ─── n.[海洋]氯度,含氯量

7、fluidity ─── n.[流]流动性;流质;易变性

8、flaccidity ─── n.软弱;没气力

9、floridly ─── adv.华丽地;浮华俗气地

floridity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flashy, showy, or florid in style or manner;flowery. ─── 华丽的风格或形式俗艳的、炫耀的或华丽的;

2、Hanley was a huge, florid man, with an outwardly bullying manner, which concealed a shy man underneath. ─── 汉利身材魁梧,仪表堂堂,表面看来有一股气势汹汹的样子,骨子里却是个胆小害羞的人。

3、florid music, poetry, art, etc ─── 矫揉造作的音乐、 诗、 艺术等

4、"'Tis the Tarleton ladies," he announced to his daughters, his florid face abeam, for excepting Ellen there was no lady in the County he liked more than the red-haired Mrs. Tarleton. ─── "那是塔尔顿家的姑娘们,"他向他的女儿们宣布,他红润的脸上泛起了光彩,因为,他在全县的太太们中除了爱伦就最喜欢这位红头发的塔尔顿夫人。

5、She knew that his elaborate gallantries and his florid speeches were all done with his tongue in his cheek. ─── 她知道,他那些假意的殷勤和花言巧语都是嘴皮子上的东西。

6、He is pretty well advanced in years, but hale, robust, and florid (Tobias Smollett). ─── 他年纪虽相当大了但仍很健壮、结实且脸色红润(托比亚斯 斯摩莱特)。

7、She dragged out the florid run to impress her audience ─── 她拉长花腔以讨好听众。

8、He was violent and florid, as district-attorneys usually are. ─── 他和平时其他的检察官一样,说得慷慨激昂,才华横逸。

9、Nobody likes this florid style with little content ─── 没有人喜欢这种缺乏内容的华丽文风。

10、As she had intended, Gerald was startled by the sound; then he recognized her, and a look both sheepish and defiant came over his florid face. ─── 不出所料,杰拉尔德听见笑声大吃一惊,但随即便认出了她,红润的脸上堆满了边讨好边挑战的神情。

11、oral florid papillomatosis ─── 口腔菜花状乳头瘤病, 疣状癌

12、ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato(John Milton.Something florid is both ornate and flowery ─── 浮华的修辞不符合伯拉图规则(约翰·弥尔顿)。一些事物florid是指夸张且华美

13、He said in a suddenly florid tone-it is the realization of a dream. ─── 他突然用卖弄的口气说--这是我们梦想的实现。

14、Flashy, showy, or florid in style or manner; flowery. ─── 华丽的风格或形式俗艳的、炫耀的或华丽的;华丽的

15、A subcompact car by Great Wall Motor Co., called the Florid, for instance, sells for as little as 53,900 yuan, or about $7,880. ─── 比如,长城汽车股份有限公司生产的“炫丽”微型汽车价格只有人民币53,900元(合7,880美元)。

16、Do you like florid baroque architecture? ─── 你喜欢华丽的巴洛克式建筑吗?

17、37 Phoenix is a florid and feminine animal in oriental legend, so it is a good choice for ladies, so as peony, the flower. ─── 凤凰在东方传说中是华丽并且富有女性气质的动物,对于女士们来说是很好的选择,牡丹花也是一样。

18、florid music ─── 矫揉造作的音乐

19、Tears were flowing over his florid face. ─── 他通红的脸上淌着眼泪。

20、1. The tea culture of Yunnan nationalities is very florid, and its ecological background has a great attraction to the tourists. ─── 云南各民族绚丽多彩的茶文化以及茶文化所形成的自然生态和文化生态背景对旅游者有较强的吸引力。

21、The Amercian American Academy of Academic PDF dentistry Pediatric Dentistry notes swallow florid toothpase that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problemproblems. ─── 氟化物和瓷釉混合,使得牙齿表面坚硬, 帮助防止蛀牙,漏洞。

22、8. I had expected that Mr. Gatsby would be a florid and corpulent person in his middle years. ─── 我本来以为盖茨比先生是个红光满面,肥头大耳的中年人。

23、Spring, a florid season, with breeze dancing mildly like the weaving outer skirt of fairies, ─── 春天是个鲜丽的季节,清风像温柔的仙子,她们优雅的摆动裙边。

24、Excessively florid or elaborate. ─── 十分华丽的过分华丽或精致的

25、He was a good-looking man in a kind of coarse, florid way, aged about fifty. ─── 他是那种粗糙的好看,面色红润健康的人,年龄大约在五十岁左右。

26、a florid complexion ─── 红润的面色

27、A florid prose style. ─── 华丽的散文风格

28、a florid musical passage ─── 华丽的乐章

29、A corner in the classroom was dressed with a tree glowing as the sun set ,studding with colored thread and florid color paper on the tree . ─── 教室的一角被一棵树装点得熠熠生辉,树上缀满了金银丝帛和华丽的彩纸。

30、You like perfumes with florid, heady undertones, and you should call attention to your piercing eyes with bold shadow choices and well-groomed brows. ─── 你喜爱色彩绚丽的香水。粗线条的眼影与神采奕奕的眉毛经常让你吸引不少的目光.

31、A large urbane and florid and smooth-faced man walked out. ─── 一个身材高大,态度和蔼,脸色红润的人走了出来。

32、Florid osseous dysplasia ─── 旺盛骨性发育不良

33、"He is pretty well advanced in years, but hale, robust, and florid" (Tobias Smollett). ─── “他年纪虽相当大了但仍很健壮、结实且脸色红润” (托比亚斯·斯摩莱特)。

34、I remember the portrait of him up in Gatsby's bedroom, a gray, florid old man. ─── 我记得他那张挂在盖茨比卧室里的相片,一个头发花白,服饰花哨的老头子。

35、The strokes are mild, indirect and diverse, and the hues and saturations are florid and agreeable, putting up high skills of drawing and pigmentation. ─── 用笔细柔、婉转而有变化,设色和美鲜丽,纱衣绣体,表现出勾勒敷色的高度技巧。

36、The world is urgent with bursting life, with the wild exciting beauty of youth, but it is an impetuous beauty of scenes racing impatiently into the florid and surfeited luxury of summer. ─── 世界被爆发式的生活和狂热而又张扬着美丽的青春所推动,但这是一种冲动的美丽,充满着夏日的骄奢淫逸。

37、Society requires that everybody pays close attention to, the beautiful hometown, master of need defend, believe that tomorrow will be especially florid as long as everybody a sincere loving heart have presented! ─── 社会需要大家关注,美丽的家乡,需要大家维护,只要大家都献上一份真诚的爱心,相信明天会更加绚丽!

38、Tapestry: Scenes of city life and sea culture are montaged together, with florid colors and compositions, to express a romantic urban breathe of sea food restaurant. ─── 壁毯:借用电影蒙太奇的手法,将许多表达城市生活与海洋文化的画面剪接拼合在一起,以绚丽的色彩和构图,传达一种海鲜酒楼浪漫华丽的城市文化气息。

39、a florid prose style.See Synonyms at ornate ─── 华丽的散文风格参见

40、papillomatose orale florid ─── 口腔红色乳头样瘤

41、The district-attorney answered the counsel for the defence. He was violent and florid, as district-attorneys usually are. ─── 检察官反驳了辩护律师。他和平时其他的检察官一样,说得慷慨激昂,才华横逸。

42、That florid sociable personage became more interesting to him since he had seen Rosemond ─── 自从他见到罗莎蒙德以后,这位显赫一时的社会名流在他眼中已有了新的意义。

43、In adults, temporal lobe epilepsy results in florid emotional disturbances but does not radically affect cognition; ─── 在成年人中,颞叶癫痫所导致的过度情绪纷扰,并不容易影响到认知功能;

44、He was a large, cheerful man, with a florid complexion. ─── 他块头很大,性情愉快,肤色红润。

45、 双语使用场景

46、Stryver was rich; had married a florid widow with property and three boys, who had nothing particularly shining about them but the straight hair of their dumpling heads. ─── 斯特莱佛有钱,又讨了个漂亮的寡妇,带来了一笔财富和三个男孩。 三个孩子没有什么特别光辉的东西,只是几个汤团似的脑袋上长了满头直发。

47、Dick, as I have already said, was grey-headed, and florid: I should have said all about him, in saying so, had not his head been curiously bowed - not by age; ─── 姨奶奶接着说,“那个‘吃奶娃娃’把她那简单的信赖寄托在那么一个一定会那样虐待她的狗杂种身上,的确是种令人吃惊的享乐。

48、The nine-rank waterfall in the Nine- Cyprinoids Lake is majestic and florid with a total fall of 432m. ─── 景区内冰川遗迹是南方低纬度地区难见的地理景观。

49、a florid style with little content ─── 缺乏内容的华丽文风

50、in her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother,a Coast aristocrat of French descent,and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. ─── 她脸上,鲜明地融合了她母亲沿海地区法国贵族后裔的优雅、她父亲那种皮肤红润的爱尔兰人的粗野。

51、Florid adenosis ─── 旺盛性腺病

52、Being in the paradise: the florid design is in the white voile undemonstratively. ─── 烂花图案不露声色地显现于粉白窗纱中,无意招摇自己的存在。

53、A subcompact car by Great Wall Motor Co. called the Florid for instance sells for as little as 53900 yuan or about $7880. ─── 比如,长城汽车股份有限公司生产的“炫丽”微型汽车价格只有人民币53900元(合7880美元)。

54、florid pappillomatosis of the nipple ─── 乳头部增生旺盛的乳头状瘤病

56、He was a short, florid man, normally very fat, now very thin, the skin of his paunch hanging slackly in folds. ─── 中将一直是个脸膛红润的矮胖子,现在却憔悴得厉害,过去的大肚皮瘦得只剩松弛打摺的难看皮囊。

57、florid decoration ─── 华丽的装饰

58、[Pure evil awakes the pure goodness which may hide deeply in one's heart, Yet so does the contrary.] ---Mage Florid ─── 您真牛!(敬畏的目光)考成什么样不重要...多年来我从没听过这么爽气的鼓励哈......

59、singing with florid ornamentation. ─── 用华美的装饰音歌唱。

60、florid Gothic ─── 华丽哥特式

61、Of course, the singer's name who you love will be florid in the night. ─── 奇的漂浮在空中的图案就显示出来了.非常适合在演唱会或娱乐场所使用.

62、Swash letter A florid version of standard italic capital letters, usually used for ornamentation. Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters. ─── 加上装饰的标准斜体英文大写字母;作装饰用。花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。

63、Don't believe his florid words. ─── 他吹得花里胡哨的,不能信。

64、Do obeisance to the florid China oriflamme! ─── 敬礼这面绚丽的中国八一军旗!

65、florid language; an ornate style ─── 文辞浮华

66、Sothe florid of the marigold is health. ─── 因此,万寿菊的花语,就是健康。

67、They are florid and fresh.The Baroque-style buildings repose tidily.A stone bridge crosses above the river. ─── 美丽的巴洛克建筑,整齐地坐落,石桥从河面横跨。

68、French-style floridity survives, just, only in the context of diplomatic correspondence. ─── 客观地讲,法式华丽文辞只存在于外交信函中。

69、Florid cirrhosis ─── Florid肝硬变

70、Flashy,showy,or florid in style or manner;flowery. ─── 华丽的风格或形式俗艳的、炫耀的或华丽的;华丽的

71、then he recognized her, and a look both sheepish and defiant came over his florid face. ─── 他困难地从马上下来,因为他的膝盖僵硬,把缰绳缠在手臂,蹒跚着向她起来。

72、They humiliate (by telling everyone in sight);or intimidate (issuing dire warnings about teen pregnancy);or celebrate, with florid gifts and arcane ritual. ─── 他们觉得丢脸(当告诉所见之人时),或恐惧(传出可怕的少女怀孕之事),或庆祝(拿出好东西,为这隐秘成人仪式)。

73、You like perfumes with florid heady undertones and you should call attention to your piercing eyes with bold shadow choices and well-groomed brows. ─── 你喜爱色彩绚丽的香水。粗线条的眼影与神采奕奕的眉毛经常让你吸引不少的目光。

74、She looked into Gerald's putty-colored face and, for the first time in her life, she saw him unshaven, his once florid face covered with silvery bristles. ─── 思嘉注视着杰拉尔德青灰色的面孔,她生来头一次发现他没有刮脸,他那本来红润的脸上长满了银白的胡须。

75、More florid ductal epithelial hyperplasia of the breast is shown here. There is a slightly increased risk (1.5 to 2 times normal) for breast carcinoma when such changes are present. ─── 多形性乳腺上皮细胞增生。患乳腺癌的风险轻微增加(为正常的1.5到2倍)。

76、2.In an entertainment arena dominated by over-the-top action flicks, florid melodramas and broad comedies, this is no small achievement. ─── 在由顶级动作片、矫揉造作的情节片与题材广泛的喜剧片占据垄断地位的娱乐界,(能获得成功)是不小的成就。

77、A part of slow feathering pure line cocks had significant sexual characters at 6 week age,and their plumage color was florid and mainly red brown yellow,and the cock's combs had some degree's growth. ─── 固始鸡慢羽系部分公鸡 6周龄已有明显的性征表现 ,此时鸡冠发育清楚可辨 ,羽色鲜艳、亮丽 ,且多为红棕黄羽。

78、More florid ductal epithelial hyperplasia of the breast is shown here. ─── 多形性乳腺上皮细胞增生。

79、The screen was an old one, of gilt Spanish leather, stamped and wrought with a rather florid louis-Quatorze pattern ─── 屏风已经旧了,是用镀金的西班牙皮革做的,上边有比较花哨的路易十四式的图案。

80、Description: This is a still life painting depicts some florid flowers. ─── 描述:这幅画描述描述一瓶绚丽的花朵的静物画。

81、He was a Rabelaisian figure in the Senate and in life, instantly recognizable by his shock of white hair, his florid, oversize face, his booming Boston brogue, his powerful but pained stride. ─── 他是一个拉伯雷式的人物,无论是在参议院还是在生活中都是如此。他那浓密的白发、红润的大脸、洪亮的波士顿口音、有力但艰难的走路姿势,让人一眼就能认出来。

82、Then we could plant good seeds and try our best to the valuable culture, finally we’ll harvest with plentiful a food, pick up floridity flowers from our life garden. ─── 我们才能在人生的土地上播下良种,致力于有价值的耕种,最终收获丰硕的粮食,在人生的花园采摘到鲜丽的花朵。

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