ectodermic 中文意思翻译
ectodermic 词性/词形变化,ectodermic变形
形容词: ectodermal |
ectodermic 短语词组
1、ectodermic origin ─── 外胚层起源
2、ectodermic cells ─── 外胚层细胞
3、ectodermic dysplasia ─── 外胚层发育不良
ectodermic 相似词语短语
1、endodermic ─── adj.内皮的
2、ectomeric ─── 外星的
3、ectoderms ─── n.外胚层,外细胞层
4、ectoderm ─── n.外胚层,外细胞层
5、leucodermic ─── 白癜风
6、leukodermic ─── 白癜风
7、entodermic ─── 内胚层
8、ectothermic ─── 变温的
9、ectodermal ─── adj.[胚]外胚层的
ectodermic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、chorionic ectoderm ─── 绒毛膜外胚层
2、Any of the blastomeres from which the ectoderm develops. ─── 外裂球任一种发育成外胚层的裂球
3、The phosphatases are weakin the fertilized ovum and morula but increase considerably during blastocystformation and differentiation of ectoderm and endoderm.... ─── 据现在所知,磷酸酶和核蛋白的形成及能的利用有关,所以观察胚胎的磷酸酶的改变和分布对于发生问题当可有进一步的认识。
4、An individual having a lean, slightly muscular body build in which tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm predominate. ─── 瘦型体质者由胚胎胚层发育而成的组织形成的瘦型的、肌肉不发达的人
5、Keywords Cranial nerves;Branchial region;Ectoderm;Cell differentiation; ─── 颅神经;鳃弓;外胚层;细胞分化;
6、primitve ectoderm ; ─── 英文: blastodermic ectoderm ;
7、An embryo at the stage following the blastula,consisting of a hollow,two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore. ─── 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围着通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠。
8、The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. ─── 中胚层中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统
9、any of the blastomeres from which the ectoderm develops ─── 任一种发育成外胚层的裂球
10、embryonic ectoderm ─── 原始外胚层
11、basal ectoderm ─── [医] 底外胚层
12、neural ectoderm ─── 神经外胚层
13、Development of Zebrafish Ectoderm In Early Stage and Some Regulatory Mechanisms ─── 斑马鱼外胚层早期发育及其某些调控机制
14、two-layered ectoderm ─── 二层外胚层
15、larval ectoderm ─── 幼虫外胚层
16、derived from two embryonic germ layers,the ectoderm and the endoderm;used of lower invertebrates,such as sponges and coelenterates ─── 来源于两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的,用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物
17、Bilateral oal thickenings of the surface ectoderm, called nasal placodes, then deelop on each side of the inferior part of the frontonasal prominence. ─── 外胚层表面呈双边卵圆形增厚形成鼻板,然后发展成为额鼻隆起的下半部分。
18、Additional findings not regularly associated with this syndrome include disorders of the neural ectoderm, including mucosal neuromas; ─── 该综合症的其他非常见伴发症包括神经外胚层疾病,如神经粘膜瘤;
19、teloblastic ectoderm ─── 端细胞外胚层
20、ectoderm erosiva pluriorificialis ─── 多形糜烂性红斑, 多发性口面糜烂性外胚层病
21、"ectomorph:an individual having a lean, slightly muscular body build in which tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm predominate." ─── 瘦型体质者:由胚胎胚层发育而成的组织形成的瘦型的、肌肉不发达的人.
22、The outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation. ─── 外胚层囊胚的外层,在原肠胚形成之后生后外胚层组织
23、The resulting gastrula consists of an outer ectoderm, an inner endoderm, and a mesoderm layer positioned between them. ─── 最终原肠胚由一个外肠胚,内肠胚,和一个中肠胚构成。
24、They are characterized by their potential to self-renew indefinitely and to differentiate into any of the three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. ─── 阐明胚胎干细胞全能性维持以及向各种特定细胞分化的分子机制,不仅有助于我们了解胚胎发育过程,而且将促进胚胎干细胞尽早应用于疾病治疗。
25、periblastoporic ectoderm ─── 围原口外胚层
26、It includes diseases mainly involving oral mucosa, dermatogic diseases involves oral mucosa, some diseases with both ectoderm and mesoderm origins and oral manifestation of systemic diseases. ─── 同时发生于皮肤或单独发生于口腔粘膜上的皮肤疾病;合并起源于外胚层和中胚层的某些疾病的口腔表现;全身或系统性疾病的口腔表现。
27、The middle embryonic germ layer,lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm,from which connective tissue,muscle,bone,and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. ─── 中胚层中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统。
29、The remaining larger cells become columnar cells, the primitive ectoderm formation of embryos. ─── 其余较大的细胞就变成柱状细胞,形成胚胎的原始外胚层。
30、Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are total potent stem cells, which have properties of prolonged multiple-propagation in vitro, can differentiate into ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. ─── 摘要胚胎干细胞是具有在体外无限扩增且可向外、中、内三胚层分化的全能干细胞。
31、That is tosay, TaiYinQi corresponds to Endoblast, ShaoYinQi correspond to Mesoderm, JueYinQi corresponds to Ectoderm. ─── 这就是太阴气与内胚层对应,少阴气与中胚层对应,厥阴气与外胚层对应。
32、Between the ectoderm and endoderm is mesoderm, which forms the muscles, reproductive organs, blood vessels and excretory organs. ─── 在外胚层和内胚层之间是中胚层,它形成肌肉、生殖腺、血管和排泄器官。
33、Detection of Immune Status of Patients with Anhydrite Ectodermic Dysplasia ─── 外胚层发育不全症的免疫水平研究
34、ectoderm cell ─── 外胚层细胞
35、1. Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm. Used of lower invertebrates, such as sponges and coelenterates. ─── 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物收藏指正
36、general ectoderm ─── 皮肤外胚层
37、cephalic ectoderm ─── 头部外胚层
38、epiblastic ectoderm ─── 外胚层
39、amniotic ectoderm ─── [医] 羊膜外胚层
40、blastodermal ectoderm ─── 胚盘外胚层
41、An embryo at the stage following the blastula, consisting of a hollow, two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore. ─── 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围着通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠
42、extraembryonic ectoderm ─── 胚外外胚层
43、provisional ectoderm ─── 临时外胚层
44、An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage. ─── 原肛肛道胚胎消化道表面的凹陷,发育成直肠的一部分
45、secondary ectoderm ─── 后成外胚层
46、blastodermic ectoderm ─── 劳贝尔氏层
47、Keywords Ectoderm;Mesenchymoma;Clinicopathology;Differential diagnosis; ─── 外胚层;间叶瘤;临床病理;鉴别诊断;
48、 双语使用场景
49、Bone Morphogenetic Proteins ;Ectoderm ;Ectodysplasins ;Hedgehog Proteins ; ─── 骨形态发生蛋白质类 ;
50、Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm. Used of lower invertebrates, such as sponges and coelenterates. ─── 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物
51、Specialized regions of the developing limb bud including the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), and the non-ridge ectoderm regulate the patterning of digits. ─── 在侧肢发育的早期,包括极化活性区(ZPA)、顶外胚层脊(AER)和非脊外胚层在内的一些特化区域调控着指/趾的模式形成过程。
52、The primitie mouth, or stomodeum, is a slight depression on the surface of the ectoderm. ─── 原始的口(或口凹)是外胚层表面的一个轻微的凹陷。
53、Derived from two embryonic germ layers,the ectoderm and the endoderm.Used of lower invertebrates,such as sponges and coelenterates. ─── 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物
54、epithelial ectoderm ─── [医] 上皮外胚层
55、Ectoderm to differentiate into nervous system, eye lens, the inner ear membranous labyrinth, the skin surface, hair and nails, etc.; ─── 外胚层分化成神经系统、眼睛的晶体、内耳的膜迷路、皮肤表层、毛发和指甲等;
56、primary ectoderm ─── 原外胚层
57、Mesenchymal stem cell cultured in vitro adheres to the wall and diplays the fibro-like phaenotype and differentiates to the cells of endoderm、mesoderm、ectoderm under certain condition. ─── 在体外培养时,细胞贴壁生长,呈成纤维样细胞表型,在一定条件下可分化内胚层、中胚层和外胚层细胞。
58、epidermal ectoderm ─── 表皮外胚层
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