encyclical 发音
英:[ɪnˈsɪklɪkl] 美:[ɪnˈsɪklɪkl]
英: 美:
encyclical 中文意思翻译
encyclical 网络释义
adj. 通谕的;传阅的n. 罗马教皇的通谕
encyclical 词性/词形变化,encyclical变形
encyclical 短语词组
1、encyclical catholic def ─── 天主教通谕
2、encyclical laudato si ─── 劳达多西通谕
3、encyclical letter ─── [网络] 通谕;一封致各教会的公函;八六七年公布通谕
4、encyclical pope francis ─── 教皇方济各通谕
5、encyclical humanae vitae ─── 通谕的人类生活
6、encyclical rerum novarum ─── 通谕的新事物
7、encyclical define ─── 通谕定义
8、pope francis encyclical ─── 教皇方济各通谕
9、encyclical dei verbum ─── 通谕
encyclical 相似词语短语
1、encyclicals ─── adj.通谕的;传阅的;n.罗马教皇的通谕
2、encyclic ─── adj.传阅的;广泛传送的;n.教皇通谕;教皇;通告
3、bicyclical ─── 自行车的
4、cyclical ─── adj.周期的,循环的
5、noncyclical ─── 非周期
6、epicyclical ─── 周转圆
7、eucyclic ─── 常循环的
8、anticyclical ─── 反衰退的;反周期的
9、encyclopedical ─── adj.广博的;百科全书的
encyclical 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Have four-poster top three, four reduced, there is Zhuanwen "encyclical burial" . ─── 上层亦四柱三间,四面缩减,正间有篆文“谕葬”二字。
2、North Korea hear the next ring Albrecht encyclical, Zhao Guangxi and also so that the rate of clearance inside and outside the Education and Manpower to make soldiers move Zhenning far. ─── 中朝闻之,下敕戒谕,并召桂还,令率教尽统关内外兵,移镇宁远。
3、'There is urgent need of a true world political authority, ' the pope wrote in the 44-page encyclical. ─── 教皇在44页的通谕中写道,迫切需要建立一个真正的世界政治权威机构。
4、an encyclical letter of the Pope ─── 教皇之通谕
5、Huang Shang Chi for a landmark encyclical, the Zhengde 2008 (1513) legislation, one for the Shang Shu Li Bu Li Dongyang essays in mind, Ching Tak 10 years (1515) legislation. ─── 一为皇上敕谕碑,明正德八年(1513)立;一为吏部尚书李东阳撰记,正德十年(1515)立。
6、The second part of the encyclical is dedicated to charity and charitable works as an extension of God's love for humanity. ─── 谕令的第二部分讲述作为上帝之爱之延伸的慈善和慈善工作。
7、Encyclical Deus caritas est, 15).By freely embracing an act of self-denial for the sake of another, we make a statement that our brother or sister in need is not a stranger. ─── 我们为了另一个人的缘故,出于自愿地做了弃绝自我的行为,这样的举动就是在宣称:我们这位在困境中的弟兄姊妹并不是一位陌生人。
8、The encyclical grafts this ideal of development in the service of God and man onto an insistence on Catholic morality in ethics. ─── 这一通谕将上帝与人的职能发展的理念嫁接到对天主教的道德伦理的坚持上。
9、But despite some lapses into trendy jargon, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), a 144-page encyclical issued by Pope Benedict XVI on July 7th, is certainly not a banal or trivial document. ─── 尽管有些流于时髦行话的纰漏,这份由教皇本笃十六世于7月7日发表的144页的教皇通谕《真理中的善行》,显然不是平庸或无关轻重之作。
10、Founded in 2000, after years of hard work hard, realistic and innovative, forge ahead, determined to not pursue the encyclical, the founder formed. ─── 创建于2000年,历经多年努力拼搏、求实创新、锐意进取、矢志不谕的追求、创办而成。
11、" Chi dispatch of the encyclical, the solution was. ─── 派兵骑马传檄文通告他们,于是得到事情解决。
12、'There is urgent need of a true world political authority,' the pope wrote in the 44-page encyclical. ─── 教皇在44页的通谕中写道,迫切需要建立一个真正的世界政治权威机构。
13、Have four-poster top three, four reduced, there is Zhuanwen "encyclical burial". ─── 上层亦四柱三间,四面缩减,正间有篆文“谕葬”二字。
14、Cottier insists that this "is not an 'anti-encyclical.'" ─── Cottier强调“这不是反教皇通谕。”
15、The encyclical grafts this ideal of development in the service of God and man onto an insistence on Catholic morality in ethics. ─── 这一通谕将上帝与人的职能发展的理念嫁接到对天主教的道德伦理的坚持上。
16、The Encyclical does not aim to provide technical solutions to today's social problems but instead focuses on the principles indispensable for human development. ─── “通谕并不旨在为当今的社会问题提供技术性答案,而是把焦点放在人类发展所不能撇开的原则。
17、Encyclical funeral oration after carved stone, still stand today east streams Jiang Ancestral Hall Lane. ─── 谕祭文后被刻成石碑, 今仍立于东溪村姜氏宗祠里。
18、Popes seldom weigh in on economic matters and rarely in the form of an encyclical, one of the most authoritative forms of papal writing. ─── 教皇们很少会讨论经济问题,也很少以通谕的形式颁布。通谕是教皇文件中最具权威性的一种。
19、The second part of the encyclical is dedicated to charity and charitable works as an extension of God's love for humanity . ─── 谕令的第二部分讲述作为上帝之爱之延伸的慈善和慈善工作。
20、Shi Ke Shen,tai zi shao bao qian guan gifts, gift inscription encyclical Festival. ─── 谥恪慎,赠太子少保遣官,谕祭赐碑文。
21、Emperor Daoguang encyclical on "the Jiangsu Haikou, anti-matter, the urgent need to organize to ensure that everything is well prepared, not temporary Zhou. ─── 道光帝谕其对“江苏各海口,防堵事宜,亟须筹办,务使处处有备,不致临时周章。”
22、The papal message sent to Msgr.Livio Melina, president of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, examines the wisdom of Paul VI’s Encyclical “Humanae Vitae. ─── 教宗本笃十六世为此特别颁发文告,指出在生育儿女上,夫妻的爱不但相似天主的爱,而且也参与了天主的爱。
23、Popes seldom weigh in on economic matters and rarely in the form of an encyclical, one of the most authoritative forms of papal writing. ─── 教皇们很少会讨论经济问题,也很少以通谕的形式颁布。通谕是教皇文件中最具权威性的一种。
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