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09-11 投稿


firework 发音

英:[ˈfaɪərwɜːrk]  美:[ˈfaɪəwɜːk]

英:  美:

firework 中文意思翻译



firework 短语词组

1、firework dj ─── 烟花dj

2、light firework ─── 轻烟火

3、play firework ─── 燃放烟花

4、firework mp ─── 烟花mp

5、firework steam ─── 烟火蒸汽

6、letting off firework ─── 燃放烟花

7、after the firework ─── 烟花过后

8、setting off firework ─── 燃放烟花

9、different firework ─── 不同的烟花

10、no firework ─── 没有烟火

11、set off firework ─── 燃放烟花

12、firework game ─── 烟花游戏

13、firework factory ─── 烟花厂

14、firework dj mv ─── 烟花dj mv

15、anthem lights firework ─── 国歌灯烟花

16、make firework ─── 制作烟花

17、play the firework ─── 燃放烟花

18、firework scene ─── 烟花场景

19、firework show ─── 烟花表演

firework 词性/词形变化,firework变形


firework 常用词组

firework display ─── 放焰火;烟火

firework 相似词语短语

1、firemark ─── 火线

2、fireworms ─── n.萤火虫

3、fireworks ─── n.烟火(firework的复数形式);激烈争论

4、firelock ─── n.明火枪;旧式枪;燧发枪兵

5、figurework ─── 雕塑作品

6、fireworm ─── n.萤火虫

7、firewood ─── n.柴火;木柴

8、wireworks ─── n.金属丝网,金属丝制品

9、wirework ─── n.金属丝网,金属丝制品

firework 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The earliest firework was called Ting Liao made up of something like bamboo sticks and would make stuttering sound when burned. ─── 最早的爆竹叫"庭燎", 是用竹竿一类的东西,燃烧时发出噼噼啪啪的爆裂声。

2、The tiny light colour wound on my right wrist was scalded carelessly by firework when in childhood. ─── 右手腕有一个小小的浅色伤疤.是小时候不小心被烟花烫伤的.

3、The stunning, widely used footage of firework “footprints” leading to the Olympic stadium during the opening ceremony was, it transpires, computer-generated. ─── 奥运开幕式上迈向“鸟巢”体育场的一连串巨大焰火“脚印”镜头,令人惊叹,受到广泛报道。结果,那些“脚印”却是电脑生成的图像。

4、They also revealed that the impressive 29-step progression of firework “footprints” that on television appeared to lead across Beijing to the stadium was a computer-generated graphic. ─── 同时,他们透露之前在电视上播出的,跨过北京夜空来到鸟巢的29个令人叹为观止脚印烟花是由电脑制作而成的影像。

5、A man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward . ─── 微笑是人与人之间最自然真挚的沟通方式。

6、the best firework show will come soon in Gatineau. ─── 如果楼主前年,去年,去看过焰火的话。。。

7、A class bewitched by a problem, a discovery, an experience, fizzes lide a firework and celebrates in stars! ─── 一个问题,一个发现,一种体验令全班同学着迷,整个班级就像一支节日烟火在满天星斗中欢快地绽放!

8、Palm tree and firework lighting palm tree firework lighting ─── 椰树灯礼花灯

9、In coastal areas, ship horns are heard and many cities would organize a firework display. ─── 在沿海地区,可以听到轮船的鸣汽笛,很多城市还会组织焰火表演。

10、See You Under a Firework ─── 在烟火下见面

11、In the monthly NYPD Community Affairs seminar, information regarding the security tips during the Chinese New Year, fire safety, firework restriction, and children safety were released to the public. ─── 在每月最后一个星期五在中华公所举办的纽约市警察局社区事务会议上,专业人士向侨胞讲解有关农历新年防盗、火知识、童安全等题目。

12、a firework(s) display ─── 放烟火

13、During the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels. ─── 在庆祝活动结束时的焰火表演时,噪声达到了98分贝。

14、Around200 people attended the ceremony, which included a firework display estimated to have cost40,000 euros($51,000), the paper said. ─── 大约有200人参加的这场婚礼估计耗资4万欧元。

15、See how Disney creates one of the most magical firework shows 365 nights of the year. ─── 另外,会带你去进迪士尼乐园,了解该公司何解三百六十五日,都会为入场观众发放神奇的烟火?

16、firework offence ─── 与炮竹有关的罪行

17、a firework that moves in serpentine manner when ignited. ─── 当点燃时像蛇状蜿蜒前进的烟火。

18、a firework that moves in serpentine manner when ignited ─── 当点燃时像蛇状蜿蜒前进的烟火

19、a steady bright blue light; formerly used as a signal but now a firework. ─── 一种稳定明亮的蓝色光;从前用作信号现在作焰火用。

20、We began to believe life is just a beautiful firework, sometimes brilliant, sometimes deserted. ─── 开始相信生命只是一场尘世的烟花,时而璀璨,时而荒凉。

21、He told him when they are(will) take the firework. ─── 他告诉他烟火是在那天晚上举行的。

22、A man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward .Meteor-like ,it blazes for a moment and lights with its glory the whole world beneath . ─── 微笑是人与人之间最自然真挚的沟通方式。如果我们能用心灵去认识彼此,世间不会有结怨成仇的憾事:恨意、妒嫉、恐惧也会不复存在。

23、You can easily see firework in some romantic movie or play. ─── 从一些浪漫电影或电视剧里很容易看到烟花。

24、This article describes the concept of designing, manufacturing technology of special-shaped fountain firework and its application in firework products. ─── 本文介绍了异型喷花筒的设计原理、制作工艺以及其在烟花产品中的应用。

25、The firework went off in a cascade of colour. ─── 烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。

26、Ladies and Gentlemen, for your safety, please stay away from the river bank during the firework performance. Thank you for your cooperation. ─── 各位参观的民众请注意,烟火施放时,为了您的安全,请勿靠近爱河岸边,谢谢您的配合。

27、Some outlanders climb onto the tree to watch firework evening. ─── 广东广州外乡人爬上新城区残留的大树上观看烟火晚会。

28、Because I like watching the firework display. ─── 因为我喜欢观看焰火表演。

29、It was like a firework display on New Year's Eve. ─── 像是大年夜的爆竹。

30、It was no firework display of precocious talent. ─── 它并不是早熟天才的平地一声雷。

31、The brigade " of romance of " of red flag of car of guest of ceremony of open bitter fleabane is just as broadened firework, the Hefei during be National Day added a kind of new festival mood. ─── 合肥市民争看红旗礼宾车,礼仪婚庆活动争订"浪漫之旅"。敞蓬礼宾车红旗"浪漫之旅"如同绽开的礼花,为国庆期间的合肥增添了一种新的喜庆气氛。

32、A man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward. ─── 人的心是烟花,只能向着天空燃放一次。

33、Also present at the firework ceremony are diplomatic envoys of different countries and some foreign guests. ─── 参加这个焰火晚会的还有来自不同国家的外交官和一些外国客人。

34、The brillaint firework in night sky ─── 夜空灿烂的烟火

35、Since then, the 5th November has been celebrated in England by the burning of stuffed figures of Guy Fawkes on bonfires, usually accompanied by a firework display. ─── 此后,英格兰人在11月5日进行庆祝,生起篝火,焚烧盖伊.福克斯的人像并观看焰火表演。

36、4.All kinds of activities are organized, such as lantern riddles, Yangko dances, lion dances, stilt walking and firework cracking. ─── 人们组织各种各样的活动,例如:猜灯谜、扭秧歌、舞狮子、踩高跷、放鞭炮等。

37、a firework that fizzes as it moves. ─── 当移动时发出嘶嘶响的爆竹。

38、Love never come back, a man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward. ─── 我们不能再爱了,人的心是焰火,只能在天空绽放一次;

39、Pizzicatos, double stops, staccatos &Co., the Italian star-violinist lights a musical firework of presence and accuracy: no challenge he would not solve with bravura, for sure! ─── 录音将弓弦的摩擦质感,流水般贯穿全曲的急板,空间中自然的堂音,通透亮丽的琴声,甜美的音质和名琴的音色尽收其中。

40、If your firework display hurts an innocent, you should be liable. ─── 假如你的焰火表演伤害了无辜的人,你就应当负起责任。

41、After the banquet came a firework displayed in the garden. ─── 在宴会之后,花园里燃放了烟火。

42、IP spoofing is one of the commonest attacking means to break through firework. ─── IP电子欺骗是网络中突破防火墙系统的一种常见的网络攻击方式。

43、As the evening was drawing to an end, the firework display took place. ─── 晚会接近尾声,烟花表演开始了。

44、Someone sends up a firework nearby and for a moment all the distracted runners stop and stare. ─── 有的人在附近放烟火,这会儿所有的跑步的人都停下来看。

45、The firework on the water, is blowed dispersed or breakup because of the moonlight heading west? ─── 刚才的水上灯火,被吹散了,是因为月影西移,还是分手?

46、What a pretty firework display! But ─── 好漂亮的焰火!不过

47、A boy set fire to a firework, and it burned on the sticks. ─── 一个男孩点燃了一个爆竹,爆竹在木柴上燃烧起来。

48、The thesis mainly concentrates upon the discussion of existing problems and effective solutions regarding the present firework plant. ─── 本研究主要探讨现存爆竹烟火工厂所面临的问题,寻求解决对策。

49、You can join him on Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade, or the bedazzling Spectromagic Parade, and with more than 1000 firework shows a year, every day ends with a bang. ─── 你可以在米奇的杰米丛林游行或是令人眩惑的光谱魔力游行中加入他们的行列。

50、The last one burnt for a long time, like a firework, left a long tail of light across the sky. ─── 最后看见的一颗在空中燃烧了很久,象一支焰火,拖着长长的尾巴横越天空。

51、The gala culminated in a firework display. ─── 晚会以大放烟火告终。

52、Yesterday, reporter discovery, in website of a few gift, the propagandist content that sells firework is put in the position with marked home page. ─── 昨天,记者发现,在一些礼品网站,销售烟花的宣传内容都放在首页醒目的位置。

53、Keywords smokeless firework powder;ingredients;sprayers;firing effects; ─── 无烟烟花药剂;组分;喷花;燃放效果;

54、A Study on the Factors Affecting the Gas-producing Rate of Smokeless Firework Powders ─── 无烟烟花药剂产气速率影响因素的研究

55、If your firework display hurts an innocent, you should be liable. ─── 如果你的焰火表演伤害了无辜的人,你就应当负起责任。

56、Provisions on Firework and Firecracker Security Measures in Beijing Municipality ─── 北京市烟花爆竹安全管理规定

57、For your safety, please stay away from the river bank during the firework performance. ─── 三、烟火施放时,请勿靠近爱河岸边,注意自身的安全。

58、he is superior to fear; an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades ─── 他超越了恐惧;点燃了的焰火直到它耀眼的生命力消失以前都不会受环境的影响

59、Special-Shaped Fountain Firework and Its Application ─── 异型喷花筒在烟花产品中的应用

60、Analysis of the Safety Property of Smokeless Firework Powders ─── 无烟烟花药剂使用安全性能分析

61、"With a thundering firework at midday signalling the start of the "Tomatina",five trucks dumped 120 tonnes of plum tomatoes into Bunol's narrow central street where 35,000 people were expectantly awaiting the ammunition." ─── 中午时分,雷鸣般的烟火拉开了“番茄大战”的帷幕。五辆大卡车将120吨西红柿卸到布诺狭窄的中心街道,三万五千人正在那里翘首以待西红柿炮弹的到来。

62、A firework that rotates while burning. ─── 旋转烟火一种燃烧时旋转的烟火

63、A firework that forms a rotating wheel of colored flames. ─── 彩色焰火一种烟火,可形成转动的彩色火轮

64、Snape swept over to Goyle's cauldron and scooped out the twisted black remains of the firework. There was a sudden hush. ─── 斯内普快步走到高尔的坩埚前,用勺子舀出扭成麻花的黑色的烟火灰烬,教室里突然鸦雀无声。

65、We went to a firework display yesterday. ─── 我们昨天去看放烟火。

66、In order to attract tourists, MSAR will organize activities such as International Firework Day, Grand Car Racing and International Music Day. ─── 为了吸引旅游者,澳门特区近期还将推出“国际烟花节”、大赛车、国际音乐节等大型活动。

67、A firework that explodes with a sudden loud noise. ─── 奇响爆竹爆裂瞬间发出巨大噪音的爆竹

68、it was like the finale of a firework show, like opening a new present filled with delightful surprises at every turn. ─── 那个经验就好像一场烟火表演的最末一个乐章,在每一个角落为我打开了一个充满令人欣喜的崭新临在。

69、Balloon and Firework for the New Year ─── 放爆竹迎新年

70、Millions of revellers saw in the New Year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across Britain and around the world. ─── 伴随着英国主要城市和世界各地壮观的烟花演出和盛大的街道游行,数百万的狂欢者迎来了新的一年。

71、The firework spluttered and went out. ─── 花炮噼里啪啦地喷完后灭了。

72、Organizers said the closing ceremony, which will be held tonight, will be simple and enthusiastic, without a firework display. ─── 组织者称,上海世博会闭幕式简朴而热烈,不安排焰火表演。

73、Aboriginal,Bangkok and Firework ─── 人间 曼谷 烟火

74、London were ablaze with a spectacular firework display. ─── 伦敦上空礼花绽放,景象壮观。

75、The Club's New Year's Eve boat cruise let members see the first firework display at Two IFC. ─── 新地会于除夕夜举行海上派对,让会员欣赏首次在国际金融中心二期举行的除夕烟火倒数。

76、Things got off to a bang with an initial firework display which lit up Beijing's skyline , followed by a total of 2,008 energetic drummers beating a countdown . ─── 在北京上空点燃的烟火是一个非常好的开始,伴随的还有2008个激情洋溢的鼓手敲打这到计时。

77、The woman fall in love with brilliant scholar at the age of 20 , appreciate him not an anthropophagi firework, there are a lot of and a lot of ideal. ─── 女人二十岁的时候,爱上才子,欣赏他不食人间烟火,有很多、很多理想。

78、When the firework blows up in Merry and Pippin's hands the high-pitched scream is actually Billy Boyd, who did not know the firework was going to explode. ─── 当皮聘和梅里偷出甘道夫的烟火放的时候,皮聘因为烟火炸起来而发出一声尖叫。这其实是扮演者比利·鲍伊德被吓着了。他没想到那东西真的会炸。

79、In China firework is played to express joy and happiness during the Spring Festival and on other auspicious occasions. ─── 在中国,凡逢春节和其他的喜庆日子,人们总要燃放爆竹来表示庆贺。

80、put on a firework display ─── 施放烟火

81、A steady bright blue light,formerly used as a signal but now a firework. ─── 一种稳定明亮的蓝色光,从前用作信号现在作焰火用。

82、In China, firework is played to express joy and happiness during festival. ─── 在中国,人们在春节期间放烟火在表达快乐和幸福。

83、Of course, firework is not the only highlight of the night. A funfair was build up. ─── 当然啦,烟花不是夜晚的唯一亮点,还有娱乐活动呢。

84、he is superior to fear; an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades. ─── 他超越了恐惧;点燃了的焰火直到它耀眼的生命力消失以前都不会受环境的影响。

85、of the celebration was a firework display. ─── 庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。

86、The skies above London were ablaze with a spectacular firework display. ─── 伦敦上空礼花绽放,景象壮观。

87、A:the result has been an annual celebration on November 5,when a bonfire is lit to burn a guy and a firework display is arranged. ─── 每年11月5日举行庆祝仪式,点燃火堆焚烧盖伊的模拟像并燃放烟火。

88、The actual application result of the firework has been described, and the economic benefit that possibly obtained has been analyzed as well. ─── 对异型喷花筒的实际应用效果进行了描述并对其能产生的经济效益进行了分析。

89、Who did you see firework together yesterday? ─── 你昨天和谁一起看的烟火?

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