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09-11 投稿


caddish 发音

英:[['kædɪʃ]]  美:[['kædɪʃ]]

英:  美:

caddish 中文意思翻译



caddish 短语词组

1、caddish mean ─── 中庸

2、caddish definition ─── 球童定义

3、caddish meaning caddish ─── 含义

4、caddish men ─── 球童

5、caddish define caddish ─── 定义

6、caddish gap ─── 卡盘间隙

caddish 相似词语短语

1、faddish ─── adj.风行的;流行一时的

2、maddish ─── 疯狂的

3、Qaddish ─── 列

4、baddish ─── adj.较坏的,不大好的

5、saddish ─── adj.略微悲伤的;稍感难过的

6、Kaddish ─── n.祈祷;犹太教祈祷文

7、laddish ─── adj.稚气的;男孩的;如少年的

8、caddishly ─── 顽皮的

9、caddis ─── n.石蚕;精纺毛纱编带

caddish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A CAD drawing may have been saved in model space or paper space. ─── CAD绘图可能已经保存在模型空间或图纸空间内。

2、Save the Visio diagram that contains the inserted CAD floor plan. ─── 保存包含已插入的CAD平面布置图的Visio Professional规划图。

3、High C-F PWV is an independent predictor for the presence and severity of CAD. ─── C-F PWV是一个判断冠心病存在及其严重程度的独立预测指标。

4、RMTSS CAD And Concurrent Engineering? ─── 可靠性安全性维修性测试性保障性CAD与并行工程?

5、CAD professional microphones for live and studio applications. ─── cad专业的麦克风为活的和工作场所应用程式。

6、Secondly,product design which is integrated with CAD & CAE should be the CAE-centred process. ─── 其次,集成了CAD/CAE技术的产品设计应该是以CAE为中心的设计过程。

7、In laymen's terms, the seemingly irresponsible cad may not be so bad. ─── 在外人看来,那看似不负责任的卑鄙男人也不是那么坏。

8、In the CAD Drawing dialog box, click OK. ─── 在“CAD绘图”对话框中,单击“确定”。

9、Introduced the way of the three-dimension sculpt tehnology of involute worm based on Auto CAD 2004 and Pro/E. ─── 介绍了在Auto CAD环境下和Pro/E中渐开线蜗杆的三维造型方法。

10、For satisfied with the multilateral needs of client, Made-To-Measure System will be the future of fashion CAD. ─── 为了满足多元化的顾客需求,单量单裁系统(Made-To-Measure System)成为服装CAD发展得新方向。

11、In Hitchock’s Suspicion, his usual charm takes on a distinctly caddish edge, with the script originally revealing his character to be a killer. ─── 在希区柯克的深闺疑云中,他的魅力带有一份粗犷,因为原稿中他就是个杀手。

12、CD62L and PMN cytosolic Ca2+ are also associated with occurrence and progression of CAD. ─── CD62L和细胞内ca2+同样参与了冠心病的发生发展。

13、Exploited and run based on VB, The CAD system of mechanical hand in materiel assembled and unassembled is introduced. ─── 介绍基于VB工具开发并运行的物料装卸工业机械手计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统。

14、The team leader may (or may not) have acted in a caddish manner in the market for women. ─── 那位团队负责人在追求女人方面,手段可能有些下流(也可能没有)。

15、Experience of the application of CAD in coal mine design. ─── 介绍了CAD在煤矿设计中的应用效果。

16、What were you like before Awakening? A chivalrous example to all, or a cad? ─── 你在觉醒之前是什么样的?一个绅士的典范,还是一个卑鄙下流的人?

17、If the floor plan is a CAD drawing (DWG or DXF format), on the Insert menu, click CAD Drawing. ─── 如果平面图是CAD绘图(DWG或DXF格式),请在“插入”菜单上,单击“CAD绘图”。

18、Can ANTENNA CAD be used to analyze a PCB loop antenna? ─── Antenna CAD能分析印刷电路板环路天线吗?

19、Reverse engineering constructs CAD model ac- cording to the data measured from real product. ─── 反向工程是一种快速的产品设计、制造方法,是根据实物或模型测得的数据,构造 cad模型,继而进行分析制造。

20、The value of DSE is safe,simple and accuracy in detecting CAD. ─── DSE检测冠心病安全、简便、准确。

21、Click in the Lock column in the CAD Drawing row (a check mark appears), and then click OK. ─── 在“CAD绘图”行中单击“锁定”列,将出现一个复选标记,然后单击“确定”。

22、With Geomagic Qualify, I can quickly see the two features that don't match the CAD model. ─── 他说,“用Geomagic Qualify,我能很快看出那两个不符合CAD模型的特征。

23、GFEDCBA = Girls Fed up Every Damn Caddish Boy Always. ─── 传译:女孩子经常会因为每个下贱的男孩子而厌烦。

24、He's behaved like a perfect cad to his wife and children. ─── 他对老婆孩子象个地道的无赖。

25、Darcy, Firth played an illusive dreamboat named after his own television triumph as Austen's hero; Grant's portrayal of the caddish Daniel Cleaver was an amused nod at his own popular persona. ─── 弗斯扮演了一位理想爱人,马可·达西——和他在奥斯汀那部名著电影里的角色同名;格兰特演的则是一个花花公子丹尼尔·克利弗,也是他本人形象的写照。

26、In 51 CAD patients associated with carotid artery atherosclerostic plaques,the prevalence of ARAS was 49.0%. ─── 51例冠心病合并颈动脉粥样斑块的患者中,ARAS患病率为49.0%。

27、Suppose that we have a CAD model from which a workpiece has been produced . ─── 假如我们有一个卑鄙的男人模型从哪一一个细工品有被生产。

28、Once a cad, always a cad. That is my poor opinion. ─── 一次是无赖,一世是无赖。这便是拙见。

29、The presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) may impair atrial function. ─── 冠状动脉疾病(CAD)可损害心房功能。

30、To design/make the technical drawings by CAD. ─── 使用CAD设计/制作相应的技术图纸。

31、A9CAD is a general purpose two-dimensional CAD program. It supports industry standard DWG &DXF drawing formats. ─── A9CAD是一个二维电脑辅助绘图软件,支援行业标准DWG及DXF格式.

32、CRD was the most important risk factor for CAD(OR=3.977). ─── 其中慢性肾脏病的危险最大(优势比OR=3.977)。

33、In the CAD Drawing dialog box, select Continue without matching scale, and then click OK. ─── 在“CAD绘图”对话框中,选择“继续操作,不论比例是否匹配”,然后单击“确定”。

34、I felt a shame of your caddish behavior. ─── 我为你的下流感到羞耻。

35、It has been implemented tinder MS-DOS,and used in a boiler-parts parameter CAD system. ─── 它已在微机上用TURBOC语言实现,并在锅炉部件参数化设计CAD系统中取得了实际应用。

36、Experience in the Air Conditioning industry in a Design engineering or design CAD position. Would be preferred. ─── 从事过空调行业的工程设计或CAD设计。

37、The success of CAD systems is becoming more dependent on the efficient drafting. ─── cad系统的成功在很大程度上取决于草图的制图效率。

38、A major element of a CIM system is a computer-assisted design (CAD) system. ─── CIM系统的一个主要的组成部分是计算机辅助设计(cad)系统。

39、Since reports of components are obtained by CAD, feature database is produced by add a feature item ito the reports. ─── 在特征数据库建立方面,依据CAD设计数据文件导出元器件位置报表文件,在该文件基础上添加特征项,构成特征数据库。

40、The number of allele X+ of ApoB in patients with CAD was obviously more than that in control group (P

41、In the CAD for blanking die,how to correctly discriminate the dimension types of the edge is a key work. ─── 在冲裁模刃口尺寸的计算机辅助设计中,正确地识别尺寸类型是设计、计算最关键的一步。

42、PCB design or CAD experience. ─── PCB设计经验或CAD使用经验.

43、Good drafting and design skills on CAD software. ─── 具备良好的CAD机械制图能力。

44、He's no gentleman, he's a cad. ─── 他可不是正经人,他是个无赖。

45、The predictive sensitivity and specifity of RFASS for CAD were 58.1% and 80% respectively. ─── RFASS预测冠心病的敏感性、特异性分别为58.1%、80%。

46、FME is an efficient effective application to share data between CAD and GIS. ─── 基于FME平台实现GIS和CAD的数据转换,是解决CAD和GIS数据共享课题的行之有效的方法之一。

47、PC skills (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Project, AUTO CAD), quality systems, automotive related background. ─── 具有计算机应用能力,熟悉质量体系以及具有与汽车相关的背景。

48、Then, discusses the problems the DFA in CAD environment should solve. ─── 叙述集成CAD技术的DFA应解决的问题及典型的DFA分析软件 ;

49、ApoM might be involved in the metabolism of cholesterol in vivo and be assoc iated with the development of CAD. ─── ApoM可能参与了体内的胆固醇代谢 ,并与冠心病的形成与发展有关

50、Parameterized design is the core technology of modern CAD software. ─── 参数化设计是现代CAD软件的核心技术。

51、The positive rates of E--cad protein expression were 58.73% in IDC, 80%in adenoma and adenosis, respectively. ─── E--cad在IDC组及对照组中表达阳性率分别为58.73%、80%;

52、To develop the new products we adopt CAD, CAE, CAM, and FEA system. ─── 公司在产品开发中,不断改进国际先进技术,采用cad,CAE,CAM,FEA和有限元分析设计。

53、Application of CAD technology to plastic film capacitors. ─── CAD技术在有机薄膜电容器中的应用。

54、The 24 hours time zone indexes and QTd of CAD patients are lower than healthy subjects obviously(mean P

55、"You look fine that way, Cad," he said. ─── “你那样鬈头发很好看,嘉德,"他说。

56、The IMT, crouse score and plaque incidence is significantly higher in CAD groups than in controls. ─── 冠心病组IMT,斑块积分及斑块发生率明显高于正常对照组(P

57、International Symposium on CAD Nov. ─── 在计算机辅助设计国际学术研讨会。

58、The coronary artery disease (CAD) is a kind of common disease endangering the human health seriously. ─── 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病,Coronary arterydisease,CAD)是严重危害人类健康的一种常见疾病。

59、RWMA during DSE can provide predictive information of cardiac events in the patients with CAD. ─── DSE中RWMA可以提供CAD患者发生心脏事件的预测信息 ,对CAD患者的预后评价有指导作用

60、CAD: Acronym for Computer-Aided Design. ─── CAD:是[电脑辅助设计]。英文是一个字首字。

61、The team leader may have acted in a caddish manner in the market for women. ─── 那位团队负责人在追求女人方面,手段可能有些下流。

62、Can ANTENNA CAD be used to calculate mutual coupling between microstrip antennas? ─── Antenna CAD能计算两个天线间的互耦合吗?

63、In the row for the CAD Drawing layer, click in the column under Lock, and then click OK. ─── 在“CAD绘图”图层的行中,单击“锁定”下的列,然后单击“确定”。

64、Coronary angiography showed only one-vessel CAD and TIMI 3 flow in the IRA. ─── 冠状动脉摄影显示只是一条冠状动脉的病变且梗塞的冠状动脉也通畅。

65、The center also will offer solution quotations, CAD drawings and panel designs. ─── 中心也将提供解决方案报价单、电脑辅助设计绘图及展板设计。

66、In the CAD drawing dialog box, click Change page scale to match CAD drawing scale, and then click OK. ─── 在“CAD绘图”对话框中,单击“更改页面比例以匹配CAD绘图比例”,然后单击“确定”。

67、He's no gentleman,he's a cad. ─── 他可不是正经人,他是个无赖.

68、EDD lesions really exist in patient with CAD. ─── CAD患者的EDD明显降低。

69、In the CAD Drawing Properties dialog box, clear the Lock cropping check box, and then click OK. ─── 在“CAD绘图属性”对话框中,清除“锁定剪裁”复选框,然后单击“确定”。

70、The design steps and features of the CAD system for Kaplan turbine runner is introduced in the paper. ─── 介绍了轴流式水轮机转轮CAD系统的开发要点和设计程序的特点及步骤。

71、GRAFEM/IFAD, one of mechanical CAD applications, is an effective instrument for machine deslgn. ─── GRAFEM/IFAD是机械CAD软件系统的应用软件之一,是机械设计的有力工具。

72、Cases (n = 869) were persons who deeloped fatal or nonfatal CAD. ─── 869例患有致命的或者非致命的冠心病患者。

73、Dental CAD system is the significant component of dental CAD/CAM system. ─── 口腔修复CAD系统是口腔固定修复CAD/CAM技术的重要组成部分。

74、Instruction given on MATLAB?, MAPLE?, XESS?, and CAD. ─── 上课会运用到的软件有MATLAB?,MAPLE?,XESS?和CAD。

75、PW-DTI is a useful and optional tool to follow-up effect of PCI on patients with CAD. ─── PW-DTI可作为冠心病PCI疗效的评价方法。

76、This is the reference for the CAD development of the vehicle gear box. ─── 供车辆变速箱cad软件开发时参考。

77、Open the floor plan drawing in the CAD program where it was originally created. ─── 在最初创建平面布置图的CAD程序中打开它,然后

78、Intelligent CAD system of designing uniform multilayer med ia is introduced. ─── 介绍了用于均匀介质电磁波多层吸波体设计的一种智能化CAD系统。

79、Measurements of systolic velocities of mitral annulus by DTI can be used in assessment of GLVSF in CAD. ─── DTI技术检测二尖瓣环收缩期运动速度可用于无创评价冠心病左室整体收缩功能。

80、Which other CAD products are you currently using? ─── 你正在使用哪些其它的CAD产品?

81、In this comparison, the odds of having a CAD diagnosis was 45 per cent lower among fasting patients. ─── 在这个对比中,禁食的患者患冠心病的机率减少了45%。

82、On the other hand, GBP, AUD and CAD also totaled 10%. ─── 另外,英镑,澳元,加元的份额虽然远低于前三个国家,但是三者总共多于10%的权重也不可忽视。

83、AQi CK DSE is a realiable and quantitative method to analyse the left ventricular function and WMA of CAD. ─── AQi CK DSE检测冠心病患者WMA及左心功能的改变 ,为冠心病早期诊断提供了一种安全准确可定量的方法。

84、The company decided to bring in apparel CAD system to solve this problem. ─── 为了解决这些问题,华诺公司决定引进服装CAD系统。

85、A CAD system for vertical flanging dies structure design has been developed on the basis of theoretical study. ─── 在理论研究的基础上,作者开发了垂直翻边类模具结构设计CAD软件,包括凸模、凹模镶块、顶出器、加强筋布置、功能组件调用等设计模块。

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