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cerebra 发音

英:[ˈserəbrə]  美:[ˈserɪbrə]

英:  美:

cerebra 中文意思翻译



cerebra 短语词组

1、cerebra reviews ─── 大脑回顾

2、cerebra brain pills ─── 脑丸

3、cerebra boston brain science ─── 波士顿脑科学

4、cerebra marvel ─── 大脑奇迹

5、cerebra supplement review ─── 大脑补充剂综述

cerebra 相似词语短语

1、terebra ─── n.产卵器;螫刺;外颚叶

2、cerebro- ─── 头脑(拉丁语前缀);脑

3、cerebral ─── adj.大脑的,脑的

4、cerebric ─── adj.脑的

5、cerebrate ─── vi.思考,思索;用脑筋

6、cerebrum ─── n.[解剖]大脑

7、cerebr- ─── 大脑

8、cerebrals ─── adj.大脑的,脑的

9、terebrae ─── 特雷布雷

cerebra 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can complete hemp produce an effect to cerebrum development? ─── 全麻会不会对大脑发育产生影响?

2、If the old person suffers fromHypertensive, respiratory tract disease, chronic bronchitic wait for a disease, of cerebrum also will decrease subsequently with the ability that feed oxygen for blood. ─── 如老人患有高血压、呼吸道疾病、慢性支气管炎等疾病,大脑的供血和供氧能力也将随之减少。

3、"Your cerebra is not in even if condition, your body also is met ' memory ' the feeling that has happiness, make a response to the spouse's effort then. ─── “即便你的大脑不在状态,你的身体也会‘回忆’起美好的感觉,进而对伴侣的努力做出回应。”

4、To eliminate cerebral brain function in (an animal) by removing the cerebrum, cutting across the brain stem, or severing certain arteries in the brain stem, as for purposes of experimentation. ─── 切除大脑:为了实验等目的,通过切除大脑、切断脑干或脑干里的某些动脉来去掉(动物)的大脑功能

5、Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum;a cerebral hemisphere. ─── 大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球

6、It is, people gets the information that comes from Internet like sponge, on the other hand, people cerebra absorbs overmuch information to be able to have additional effect. ─── 一是,人们像海绵一样获取来自互联网的信息,另一方面,人们大脑吸取过多信息会有额外影响。

7、This is liquefactive necrosis in the brain in a patient who suffered a "stroke" with focal loss of blood supply to a portion of cerebrum. ─── 图示脑组织液化性坏死。该病人是脑血流减少使脑组织一部分发生了缺血性坏死。

8、No matter insomnia and accompany a symptom how serious, popularly says, the excitement that insomnia is cerebrum only and control a function the expression of temporary overbalance. ─── 不论失眠及伴随症状多么严重,一般地说,失眠只是大脑的兴奋和抑制功能暂时失去平衡的表现。

9、Daydream can you make cerebrum tired? ─── 做梦会使大脑累吗?

10、Discussion and analyse of the high density sign of middle cerebra artery ─── 对大脑中动脉高密度征的探讨分析

11、In the process of study, we found that the cerebrum's way of accepting knowledge is more coincident with the way of acquisition.This is the result of its study. ─── 其实,这两大理论既有共融性,也有差异性,经研究发现,习得理论对第二语言为大脑所接纳的路径更为合理和贴切。

12、Its medicaments main effect is mixed at the reticulate structure of cerebrum margin system, consequently, produce composed and hypnotic effect. ─── 其药物主要作用于大脑的网状结构和边缘系统,因而,产生镇静催眠作用。

13、DISCUSSION The treatment of cerebral hemorrhage by using this method at peracute stage has less damage of cerebra, simple o... ─── [讨论]超早期微创经皮钻颅血肿抽吸、溶血引流治疗脑出血,损伤小,操作简便,适应症范围宽,疗效好,尤其适应于出血量大的重症脑出血。

14、If let an animal absorb sweetmeat chronically, can stimulate them cerebrum is medium kind of opium kind corporeal generation, make them feel happy. ─── 如果让动物习惯性地摄入甜食,就会刺激它们大脑中类阿片类物质的产生,令它们感到快乐。

15、of or relating to the cerebrum or brain. ─── 关于或属于大脑或脑。

16、inferior longitudinal fasciculus of cerebrum ─── 大脑下纵束

17、The middle part, which is a sculpture composed of facies parietalis hemisphere section from three cerebrums, can form integrated picture about facies parietalis cerebrum from three different points. ─── 图中间部分是三个大脑的顶面半球切片组成的造型,从三个角度看都可以组成一个完整的大脑顶部图形。

18、Different cerebra patters may have different impact on working quality and state. ─── 种大脑模式的差异,对美术的工作性质和状态都有着极大影响。

19、temporal pole of hemisphere of cerebrum ─── 大脑半球颞极

20、Although our rachis, artifice, eyeball has been used to liquid crystal screen, but at least cerebrum still fails to be used to far. ─── 即使我们的脊柱、手腕、眼球已经习惯液晶屏幕,可至少大脑还远远未能习惯。

21、The cerebral cortex is to cover the wrinkle grey matter outer layer in cerebrum supercrust , brings the important effect into play in complicated thought. ─── 大脑皮层是覆盖在大脑表层的褶皱灰质外层,在复杂思维中发挥重要作用。

22、The excitement on olfactory cell horse rises, change the stimulation that experiences into specific information, pass into cerebrum, produced smell then, the person smelled odour. ─── 嗅觉细胞马上兴奋起来,将感受到的刺激转化成特定的信息,传入大脑,于是就产生了嗅觉,人就闻到了气味。

23、How does the virus in the person's cerebra do? ─── 人的大脑中病毒怎么办?

24、Cell of human body any cannot lack moisture content, the 60%65% of adult body is moisture, liver, cerebra, skin contains the water of 70% , skeletal and hydrous 45% , of 80% is moisture in blood. ─── 人体任何一个细胞都不能缺乏水分,成年人身体的60%65%是水分,肝、大脑、皮肤含70%的水,骨骼含水45%,血液中80%的是水分。

25、However, these nutrients are the synthesis manifest to the child cerebrum growth's function, supplements any very inaccessibility effect only. ─── 不过,这些营养素对孩子大脑发育的作用是综合体现的,单补充任何一种都很难达到效果。

26、Aftertaste that once liked the feeling which suffers extreme distress, loves does not stop flashes before in the cerebrum, that is the solid two heart's collision, two heart's interweaving. ─── 回味那曾经爱的死去活来的感觉,爱的一幕一幕不停的在大脑中闪现,那是实实在在的两颗心的碰撞,两颗心的交织。

27、The score is higher, the cerebrum is full of much more feminization with rich creativity. ─── 分数越高,大脑就越女性化,富有创意,

28、The cerebrum is matter, while consciousness is function of human cerebrum. ─── 人脑是物质,意识是人脑的机能。

29、Title: The Effect of Cilazapril on the Motor and Cognitive Function in Cerebra l Infarction with Hypertension. ─── 关键词:西拉普利;脑梗塞;高血压;康复评定

30、RT-PCR results showed that the msid2 gene was highly expressed in cerebrum and cerebellum, but the level of msid2 was low in other tissues. ─── 亚细胞定位试验结果初步表明,该蛋白定位于内质网及质膜。 rt PCR结果显示msid2在小鼠大脑、小脑中高表达,而在其他组织表达水平较低。

31、Jade elevation and shape to meet the Cerebra, jade decoration body mystical concept of faith. ─── 玉的立面和造型迎合了天圆地方,玉的纹饰体念神秘的信仰。

32、Everybody knew that, the study is an extremely arduous mental labor,the cerebrum is highly anxious when can unceasingly the expendedenergy and other nutrients. ─── 大家都知道,学习是一项非常繁重的脑力劳动,大脑高度紧张时会不断地消耗能量和其他营养素。

33、Fester sex meningitis can make little patient cerebra general be put into trouble, the purulent sex exudation that channel of cerebral tissue surface and cerebral heart, head, head is cracked and spinal cord surface all has different rate. ─── 化脓性脑膜炎可使患儿大脑普遍受累,脑组织表面及脑底、脑沟、脑裂和脊髓表面均有不同程度的脓性渗出物。

34、The segment of the adult brain that develops from the embryonic forebrain and includes the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus. ─── 前脑部分成人大脑的一部分,由前脑胚胎发育而成,包括大脑、下丘脑及丘脑

35、SEO technology is dead, but our cerebra is not dead! ─── SEO技术是死的,但是我们的大脑不是死的!

36、The CT and MRI of brain revealed the change of generalized, symmetrical demyelination in cerebellum hemisphere, basal ganglia, white matter of cerebrum hemisphere, brain stem. ─── 头颅CT和MRI显示双侧广泛性对称性小脑半球、基底节区、大脑半球白质、脑干脱髓鞘改变。

37、Once stop sweetmeat to supply, they can feel the chemical material overbalance with irritating, anguish, medium cerebra. ─── 一旦停止甜食供应,它们就会感到痛苦、烦躁不安、大脑中的化学物质失去平衡。

38、WinterArrive, the material of lubricious amine of a kind of hydroxide calling 5- in our cerebra is secreted wrong, cause thereby seasonal of depressed disease come on. ─── 冬季一到,我们大脑中一种叫5-羟色胺的物质分泌失常,从而引发季节性抑郁症的发病。

39、backwater of new city metabolization , do not have pilot cerebra , misfired. ─── 新城代谢停滞了,没有控制的大脑了,无法工作了。

40、CT is best method of diagniosis cerebrum trauma. ─── CT是颅脑外伤最好的检查方法。

41、Man has a strong and wisdom cerebrum, which is into divided two Hemispheres jioned by Corpus Callosum. ─── 人类有一颗发达、智慧的大脑。它是个分成左右半球的双器官,通过胼胝体相连。

42、TFR 50,100,200 mg/kg ig significantly reduced the contents of PGE_2 in mice cerebrum and 200 mg/kg TFR ig remarkably reduced the PGE_2 contents in mice serum. ─── TFR50、100和200 mg/kg ig可明显降低小鼠脑组织PGE2含量,200 mg/kg组可降低血清中PGE2含量。

43、Their double hemisheres of cerebrum could to rest with alternating. ─── 它们的两个大脑半球在交替休息。

44、Ascended the sky for our each person pair of hand and a cerebrum, was must let us create and the ponder. ─── 上天给了我们每个人一双手和一个大脑,就是要让我们去创造与思考。

45、either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum ─── 大脑侧面半部分的任何一个

46、A slice of human cerebrum freezes in dry ice, embedded in a stabilizing coat of blue carboxymethylcellulose. ─── 图中展示的是被放置在干冰中冷冻的一片人脑切片,研究人员为它穿上一件蓝色羧甲基纤维素“外衣”。

47、Let people feel those who last long is delighted actually, it is our cerebra , is not sexual organs or it is mucous membrane. ─── 其实让人们感到经久不衰的欢愉的,是我们的大脑,而不是性器官或是黏膜。

48、In the cerebrum, the primordial hippocampus developed better than the primordial piriform.The former belongs to archipallium and the latter is paleopallium. ─── 大脑内原始海马较原始梨状区发达,前者属于原脑皮,后者属古脑皮。

49、Often eat cerebral Qing Dynasty piece what adds effect to the body or cerebra ? ─── 常吃脑清片对身体或大脑有什么附作用吗?

50、Enter static it is a kind of when point to cerebrum to fall in arousal condition special quiet status, it can eliminate exhaustion, reservior energy. ─── 入静是指大脑在觉醒状态下的一种特殊的安静状态,它可以消除疲劳,贮备能量。

51、But once he has repented, and corrected his wrong doing, his cerebrum will make immediate, corresponding adjustments till eliminate the bad affects, then the person will get self-emancipation. ─── 一旦悔改,大脑就会立刻作出相应调节直至消除症状。此时他人也就得到了自我解放。

52、The cerebrum is the thinking part of the brain. ─── 大脑是脑子思考的部分。

53、Simple movements still require cooperation of different functional regions in the cerebra and cerebella. ─── 简单的肢体运动仍依赖于大脑和小脑多个脑区的协同控制;

54、Cerebrum blood-vessel is atrophic, is those who bring about hypertensive? What disease can bring about cerebrum blood-vessel atrophy, what to have corresponding remedy! ─── 大脑血管萎缩,导致的高血压?什么病可导致大脑血管萎缩,有没有什么相应治疗措施!

55、Is the person OK really when trouble what does not think? Can you control cerebrum not to consider other issue really? How should if encountered vexed trouble,do? ─── 人在烦恼的时候真的可以什么都不去想吗?真的能控制大脑不去想别的事吗?如果遇到了烦恼的事该怎么办呢?

56、For this "unrest brain part" just like the MAB (MABEMS memory) of computer, if cerebrum just like the HD (hard disk). ─── 因为这种“非休眠脑部分”,就像计算机内存一样,而大脑就好比硬盘。

57、From the cognitive view, people know a new object and give it a name by drawing on the learned cognitive experience inherent in the cerebrum and choose a certain cognitive refer... ─── 原型与主体是一对矛盾范畴,指称关系与思维特点决定了二者之间关系的复杂性。

58、Dysplasia of cerebellum, and cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle of cerebrum, and Dandy Walker syndrome were observed on MRI scanning. ─── MRI提示小脑发育不良,第4脑室囊状扩大,显示DandyWalker征象。

59、Your cerebrum stimulated to the acme! ─── 你的大脑会亢奋到极致!

60、Of the most difficult rehabilitate is cerebrum in the vitals inside body. ─── 体内重要器官中最难修复的就是大脑。

61、At the same time also the authenticator's cerebra can continue to learn new thing as the growth of the age. ─── 同时也证明人的大脑可随着年龄的增长继续学习新东西。

62、The much denaturation of study form also changed the configuration zephyr style of the study, make the person has a kind of strange feeling from beginning to end, stimulative cerebra thinking. ─── 书房形式的多变性也就改变了书房的形态和风格,使人始终有一种新鲜感,促进大脑思维。

63、The surface of cerebrum is increased by many gyri ─── 大脑表面由脑回的增多而增大。

64、Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebral hemisphere. ─── 大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个; 大脑半球

65、In for military use " cerebrum " the vision that the disabled will assure after computation, make the disabled can " see " deliver visual nerval picture by pocket cinematograph. ─── 在军用“大脑”计算之后将保证残疾人的视觉,使残疾人能“看见”由袖珍摄影机传递给视觉神经的图象。

66、That is to say, the person is eating after eating a few food, the appetite center of cerebrum can be given out " satiate " signal, the person can stop to take food. ─── 也就是说,人在吃进一些食品之后,大脑的食欲中心会发出“吃饱了”的信号,人就会停止进食。

67、If a person feels happy, his cerebrum will excrete a favorable hormone called “dopamine”. ─── 如果人是快乐的,大脑就分泌一种叫做“多巴胺”的“益性”荷尔蒙;

68、In the cerebrum, the primordial hippocampus is more developed than the primordial piriform. ─── 大脑半球内原始海马较原始梨状区发达;

69、Stereotactic focused proton beam on cerebrum ─── 大脑立体聚焦质子束照射

70、At the end of experiment, Al and Pb levels in whole blood, liver, kidney, femur and cerebrum were measured by ICP AES. ─── 实验结束后 ,用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 (ICP-AES)分别测定全血、肝、肾、股骨和大脑中铝和铅的含量。

71、In mammals, rhythmic contraction of the respiratory muscles continues to function even after the cerebrum and cerebellum have been removed. ─── 对于哺乳动物来说,甚至在大脑、小脑被切除之后呼吸肌的有节奏收缩仍然会继续。

72、Aphemia is caused by organic pathological changes in special area of cerebrum due to cerebrovascular disease(CVD). ─── 中风失语症是由于脑血管意外致大脑一定区域发生器质性病变而造成的语言缺失,即口语、书面语的表达和理解障碍。

73、Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebralhemisphere. ─── 大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球。

74、The person is breathing the oxygen that absorbs in the process, it is normal that 50 % are used at ensuring cerebrum physiology function, and the head is right anoxic response is very sensitive. ─── 人在呼吸过程中摄入的氧,50%用于保障大脑正常生理功能,而脑对缺氧的反应极为敏感。

75、Why to often remember her smiling face does her sound want to forgot to also do not forget I do not think she is in my cerebra but hope to you can stay inside forever again what am I? ─── 为什么老是想起她她的笑脸她的声音想忘也忘不了我不想她在我的大脑里但又希望永远能留在里面我是什么了?

76、Nevertheless, must not forget exercise cerebrum, read magazine of books and newspaper more at ordinary times, do become intellective problem can. ─── 不过,千万别忘记锻炼大脑,平时多看书报杂志,做做智力题即可。

77、He compares the Chinese and Western cultures to the right and left cerebra of his minds. ─── 他与他的头脑的右和左大脑比较中国和西部文化。

78、Cerebrum is searched at full speed, eliminating N after the place that we once trysted so, I say, go to all the time east. ─── 大脑飞速搜索,在排除了N个我们原来曾经幽会的地方后,我说开吧,一直往东开。

79、Why to say cerebrum is the organ with be in important on person? ─── 为什么说大脑是人身上在重要的器官?

80、By electron microscopy, viral particles of any herpesvirus appear as arrays and scattered single particles as shown here in a nucleus of a neuron from the cerebrum from a patient with herpes simplex encephalitis. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎,电子显微镜显示大脑神经元内的疱疹病毒颗粒成组排列或单个散在分布。

81、How should cerebrum be for hematic inadequacy in daily life recuperation body? ─── 大脑供血不足该怎样在日常生活中调理身体?

82、How to let cerebrum stop to bleed, and how treat cerebral gore? ─── 如何让大脑停止出血,并且怎样治疗脑淤血?

83、cistern of lateral fossa of cerebrum ─── 大脑外侧窝池

84、In the meantime, mom should notice complement ensures fetal cerebra development and the nutrient material that carry good vision more. ─── 同时,妈妈更要注意补充保障胎儿大脑发育及保持良好视力的营养物质。

85、Because syrup is inside body but translate into is many serum element, this material enters cerebrum, can make pallium is restrained and easy fall asleep. ─── 因为糖水在体内可转化为大量血清素,此物质进入大脑,可使大脑皮层抑制而易入睡。

86、Does abnormal, bedlamite have cerebra of neuropathic, discontinuity why to be distinguished? ─── 神经病、间断性大脑不正常、疯子有何区别?

87、DHA and EPA are a cerebrum , the nerve cell and airframe defense the systematic important component, have the healthy brain beneficial to wisdom delay effect old and feeble. ─── DHA和EPA是大脑、神经细胞及机体防御系统的重要组成部分,具有健脑益智延缓衰老的功效。同时具有促进宠物皮毛发育之功效。

88、When cerebrum is fatigue: Eat nut, eat earthnut, melon seeds, walnut, pine nut, filbert namely, chinese torreya is better () of Zhejiang special local product. ─── 大脑疲劳时:吃坚果,就是吃花生、瓜子、核桃、松子、榛子,香榧更好(浙江特产)。

89、If produce course of ageing of cerebrum ill sex, enterSenilePeriod hind, can appear large-scale and nerve cell denaturation of height, causeSenileGawkish disease. ─── 如果发生大脑病性老化过程的话,进入老年期后,会出现大规模的且高度的神经细胞变性,引发老年痴呆症。

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