midrib 发音
英:[ˈmɪdˌrɪb] 美:[ˈmɪdˌrɪb]
英: 美:
midrib 中文意思翻译
midrib 短语词组
1、midrib def ─── 中脉定义
2、midrib meaning ─── 中脉意义
3、midrib function ─── 中脉功能
4、midrib corn ─── 中脉玉米
5、midrib definition ─── 中脉定义
6、midrib leaf ─── 中脉叶
midrib 相似词语短语
1、midis ─── abbr.多功能综合防护系统
2、midair ─── n.半空中
3、midbrain ─── n.中脑
4、middie ─── n.玻璃杯或瓶
5、midi- ─── n.中长裙;n.(Midi)(美)米迪(人名)
6、midriff ─── n.膈;上腹部
7、mid-rise ─── 中部隆起
8、midribs ─── n.中脉
9、midgie ─── n.小翼咬虫
midrib 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Abaxial leaf surface glandular-strigose along midrib, otherwise glabrous. ─── 叶背面具腺具糙伏毛的沿中脉,或无毛。
2、Abaxial leaf surface pubescent, at least along midrib; style glabrous. ─── 叶背面短柔毛,至少沿中脉;花柱无毛。
3、Small plants called dors dwarfs may be placed a third 3rd of midrib part a meter apart in roserows. ─── 如果你种植树桩植物,在地面每隔半米将要放置一个木棒。
4、Any of various ferns of the widely distributed genus Polypodium, having simple or compound fronds, round sori arranged in one or more rows along the midrib, and creeping rootstocks. ─── 水龙骨属植物一种分布广泛的水龙骨属植物,有简单的或复合的厥叶,沿中脑以一行或多行排列的圆形囊群,和爬行的根状茎
5、base rounded or subcordate;apex rounded;abaxial surface deep green, with small projections, glabrous or sometimes sparsely hairy on midrib; ─── 基部圆形或近心形先端圆形背面深绿色,具小的凸出,无毛的或在中脉上的有时的疏生毛;
6、Fruit lens-shaped, attached to midrib of accrescent, membranous, reticulately veined floral subtending bract. ─── 果透镜形,着生于增大,膜质,网状脉的花对着的苞片的中脉。
7、Abaxial leaf surface pubescent, at least along midrib; style glabrous. ─── 叶背面短柔毛,至少沿中脉;花柱无毛。
8、Four distribution patterns of are found on microphyll silica body, which are microphyll margin, midrib, homogeneity and nil patterns. ─── 矽晶体于叶表面的分布有叶缘型、叶两侧型、全面分布型与无矽晶体型等共四型。
9、It is mainly characterized in the triangular-lanceolate leaves which are green but white with dark green reticulation along the midrib and more or less truncate at base; ─── 本种之主要特徵为:叶呈三角状披针形,叶面绿色,沿中肋有白色斑块,叶基多少呈截形;
10、Leaf bud scales deciduous; ovary, calyx, corolla tube, capsule, and midrib on abaxial leaf surface not setose. ─── 叶芽鳞落叶;在不具刚毛叶背面上的子房,花萼,花冠筒,蒴果和中脉。(4
11、base rounded to subcordate;margin revolute;apex acute;abaxial surface pale green, midrib tawny shaggy, otherwise glabrous when mature; ─── 基部圆形到近心形边缘外卷先端锐尖背面苍绿色,褐黄色蓬松的中脉的,成熟时的或无毛;
12、Leaf blade abaxially pubescent along one side of midrib; veins forming square tessellations. ─── 沿着中脉的一侧的叶片背面短柔毛;脉形成广场棋盘花纹。
13、Cut or lobed to, essentially to the base or to the midrib. ─── 分或裂至叶基或中脉。
14、midrib elevated on both surfaces, basal lateral veins a pair, distance 2-5 mm from base, to distinctly triplinerved. ─── 两面的中脉突起,基部的侧脉一对,距离基部2-5毫米,到清楚的离基三出脉。
15、1 Leaf blade herbaceous, sparsely pubescent; lateral veins 6-14 on each side of midrib; anthers ellipsoid, coherent apically or near apex; staminodes 3 ─── 叶片草质,疏生短柔毛;侧脉6-14在中脉每边各;花药椭圆形,连着或近先端;退化雄蕊3
16、midrib visible, puberulent toward base, basal lateral veins a pair to triplinerved, distance 1-5 mm from base. ─── 中脉可见的,基部被微柔毛微柔毛,基部侧脉一对到离基三出脉,距离基部1-5毫米。
17、Leaf blade tessellations abaxially visible, square; midrib waxy pubescent along one side. ─── 叶片棋盘花纹背面可见,广场;沿着一边腊制青春期的中脉。
18、The results show that midrib exists in bainite with different morphology; ─── 研究表明,中脊存在于不同形态的贝氏体中;
19、Xie Sansheng, what majority centers in the bine is mid, form, long can amount to 10 centimeters, highlight below midrib, the brim has tit state protuberant. ─── 叶散生,多数集中在茎的中部,条形,长可达10厘米,中脉下面突出,边缘有乳头状突起。
20、Cut or lobed to, essentially to the base or to the midrib. ─── 分或裂至叶基或中脉。
21、cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets. ─── 在叶的中脉附近裂开,彼此之间距离很近,没有完全分开成单个个体。
22、1 Leaf blade tessellations abaxially visible, rectangular; midrib not waxy pubescent. ─── 叶片棋盘花纹背面可见,矩形;中脉不腊制青春期。
23、Leaflets 3-12 cm, elliptic, lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, with 6-12 veins on each side of midrib, margin coarsely serrate, serrate, or entire. ─── 小叶3-12厘米,椭圆形,,或卵形披针形到宽披针形,具6-12脉在中脉每边各,有粗锯齿的边缘,有锯齿,或全缘。(20
24、;endocarp globose, slightly oblique, convex, with conspicuous, scattered netlike strips, midrib projecting. ─── 球状的内果皮,稍偏斜,凸,带有显眼,散布的网状脱落,中脉凸出。
25、endocarp subglobose, somewhat oblique, convex, with sparse, scattered netlike strips, midrib distinctly projecting. ─── 内果皮近球形,稍偏斜,凸的,带有稀少,散布网状脱落,中脉清楚地凸出。
26、Midrib Technology Co., Ltd. document. ─── 中脉科技有限公司文件。
27、adaxial surface often hairy at least near base of midrib. ─── 正面中脉的经常有毛的至少近基部。
28、Keywords quasi lower bainite;martensite like bainite;midrib;fault; ─── 准下贝氏体;类马氏体形貌贝氏体;中脊;层错;
29、endocarp globose, slightly oblique, convex, with conspicuous, scattered netlike strips, midrib projecting. ─── 球状的内果皮,稍偏斜,凸,带有显眼,散布的网状脱落,中脉凸出。
30、Acclimatization of Midrib Angle and Petiole Angle of Camptotheca acuminate Decne to Different Light Regimes in Evergreen Broadleaves Forests ─── 喜树幼苗的叶悬挂角和叶柄角对不同光环境的响应和适应
31、Any of various ferns of the widely distributed genus Polypodium,having simple or compound fronds,round sori arranged in one or more rows along the midrib,and creeping rootstocks. ─── 水龙骨属植物,一种分布广泛的水龙骨属植物,有简单的或复合的厥叶,沿中脑以一行或多行排列的圆形囊群,和爬行的根状茎。
32、Leaves basal and alternate on stem, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 10-25 cm long and 4-8 cm wide;midrib prolonged into a tendril which is greatly expanded and hollowed at end forming the "pitcher". ─── 叶基生和在茎上互生,披针形至长圆状披针形,长10-25厘米,宽4-8厘米,中脉延伸成捲须;
33、White midrib ─── 白色中脉
34、of or relating to a midrib that extends throughout the entire length of a leaf ─── 及顶的,属于或关于伸到叶顶的叶子中脉的
35、midrib prolonged into a tendril which is greatly expanded and hollowed at end forming the "pitcher". the pitcher cylindrical, 8-16 cm long, 2-5 cm in diam. ─── 卷须的顶端通常膨大成瓶状体;瓶状体近圆筒形,长8-16厘米,直径2-5厘米,顶端有一卵圆形盖状体。
36、Genetic analysis and mapping of the rice white midrib mutant Oswm ─── 水稻白色中脉Oswm突变体的遗传分析与基因定位
37、Leaf blade elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate and mucronate; abaxial surface coarsely brown-strigose along midrib, otherwise glabrous; adaxial surface glabrous. ─── 叶片椭圆形到椭圆形披针形,先端渐尖和短尖;棕色糙伏毛沿中脉,或无毛的背面粗;正面无毛
38、base obtuse to rounded;margin revolute;apex acute to rounded;abaxial surface epidermis glaucous-papillate, whitish to cinnamon continuously tomentose, hairs dendroid, glandular setae on midrib; ─── 基部钝到圆形边缘外卷先端锐尖到圆形背面表皮有白霜具乳突,带白色到肉桂色连续被绒毛,毛树枝状,具腺刚毛在中脉;
39、adaxial surface smooth to rugose, glabrous except for glandular-setose midrib near base, or setose; ─── 对具皱纹光滑的正面,无毛除了腺具刚毛的中脉近基部,或者具刚毛;
40、Research and Development of Midrib of Date Palm Leaves Based Panel ─── 枣椰树叶中脉人造板的研制与开发
41、having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib. ─── 在接近中脉处有一个或多个切刻。
42、midrib and lateral veins slightly elevated on both surfaces, lateral veins in 8-10 pairs, obliquely ascending, arcuately anastomosing before margins. ─── 中脉和侧脉两面稍微地提高,用8-10对的侧脉,斜升,弯曲在叶缘前网结。
43、;endocarp subglobose, convex, with sparse, scattered netlike strips, midrib inconspicuously projecting. ─── 内果皮近球形,凸,带有稀少,散布的网状脱落,中脉难以觉察凸出。
44、midrib elevated on both surfaces, lateral veins 6-10 pairs, delicate, obliquely ascendant, anastomosing near margin. ─── 中脉两面突起,侧脉6-10对,柔弱,倾斜上升,靠近边缘网结。
45、The scientists marked a lily bud with dots along each petal's edge and "midrib" or central vein. ─── 科学家们在百合花蕾的每片花瓣边缘和“中脉”或中央静脉上都标上了圆点。
46、A rib or a riblike part,such as the midrib of a leaf or a thickened anterior vein or margin of an insect's wing. ─── 爵床,茛苕一种常年生爵床属草本植物或小灌木,生长于地中海地区,有叶边带刺的羽状裂片基叶,及由白色或紫红色花朵构成的艳丽穗状花序
47、The scientists marked a lily bud with dots along each petal 's edge and "midrib" or central vein. ─── 科学家们给每个百合的花瓣用点做了记号,主要的或中心纹理也做了记号。
48、midrib conspicuously raised, lateral veins inconspicuous, concave or obscure. ─── 中脉显著提高,侧脉不显眼,凹的或不明显。
49、midrib plane or slightly elevated adaxially, puberulent, elevated abaxially, basal lateral veins a pair to triplinerved, visible on both surfaces, other lateral veins slightly visible adaxially. ─── 中脉平或者正面稍微提高,被微柔毛,背面突起,基部侧脉一对到离基三出脉,两面可见,其它的侧脉正面稍可见。
50、pyrene smooth, ribs obtuse, without conspicuous midrib. ─── 果核平滑,肋钝,没有明显中脉。
51、adaxial surface sparsely or densely scaly, scales unequal, often absent by maturity, hairs usually absent, rarely pubescent along midrib. ─── 正面稀少的或者密被鳞片,鳞片不等,通常成熟时无,毛通常无,很少沿中脉具短柔毛。
52、midrib elevated adaxially, lateral veins obscure and rugulose adaxially. ─── 正面的中脉突起,正面的侧脉不明显和微皱。
53、Leaf blade not abaxially waxy pubescent along midrib; veins forming rectangular tessellations. ─── 叶片而不是背面的腊制的沿中脉具短柔毛;脉形成矩形的棋盘花纹。
54、having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib ─── 在接近中脉处有一个或多个切刻
55、stripping out the midrib ─── 剥除叶中脉
56、;endocarp with prominent midrib, with faveolate cavities. ─── 内果皮有突出的中脉的,带有蜂窝状的洞。
57、midrib angle ─── 叶悬挂角
58、Of or relating to a midrib that extends throughout the entire length of a leaf. ─── 及顶的属于或关于伸到叶顶的叶子中脉的
59、abaxial surface glaucous, papillate, glabrous when mature, sometimes with vestiges of reddish brown or whitish indumentum persisting on main veins and midrib; ─── 成熟时背面有白霜,具乳突,无毛,有时红棕色或带白色毛被的具形迹在主脉和中脉上坚持;
60、Keywords medium carbon cast steel; bainite; midrib; bainitic midrib; ─── 中碳铸钢;贝氏体;贝氏体中脊;
61、Young shoots, petioles, and abaxial surface of leaf midrib sparsely setose or glandular-setose. Ovary and pedicel glandular-setose. ─── 幼枝,叶柄,和叶背面中脉稀疏刚毛或具腺。子房和花梗具腺具刚毛。
62、Leaflet blades glabrous, but abaxially pubescent along midrib or lateral veins when young. Inflorescence rachis densely yellow-brown puberulent. ─── 小叶叶片无毛,仅在幼时背面沿中脉或侧脉被短柔毛。密被的花序轴黄棕色被微柔毛。
63、midrib vein ─── 中脉
64、;endocarp elliptic-globose, convex, with coarse, scattered netlike strips, midrib distinctly prominent. ─── 内果皮椭圆球状,凸,带有粗糙,散布的网状脱落,中脉明显突出。
65、Branches usually flattened, leaflike, with a stout midrib, soft, spineless. ─── 通常扁平,叶状的分枝,具一粗壮中脉,柔软,无刺。
66、Young branches and leaf blade glabrous or leaf blade only puberulent along basal part of midrib adaxially. ─── 只被微柔毛的无毛的幼枝和叶片或叶片沿着基部中脉深裂正面。
67、adaxial surface green, sometimes rugulose, glabrous, midrib prominently raised abaxially, impressed adaxially; ─── 正面绿色,有时微皱,无毛,中脉显著背面突起,正面凹陷;
68、apex acuminate to cuspidate;abaxial surface paler, glabrous, midrib with minute setae and glands; ─── 先端渐尖到骤尖背面浅,无毛,中脉具小刚毛和腺体;
69、veins close, forking once or twice and forming areoles near the midrib; ─── 叶脉1-2次分叉,近中脉形成网眼;
70、The leaf is thick and hard, below midrib sunken; ─── 叶厚而硬,中脉下凹;
71、About leaf sampling, the portion of representing specialty on nutritional status may be obtained near the midrib of the blade and it was shown that K content significantly increased along the midrib. ─── 叶片之取样部位以取自靠中筋之部位较能代表植株之营养状况,钾素含量则愈靠近中筋部位者含量愈高,且呈极显著差异。
72、Leaf blade pubescent and densely villous along midrib and lateral veins abaxially or scattered villous abaxially; ─── 叶片短柔毛和密被长柔毛沿中脉和侧脉背面的或星散具长柔毛背面;
73、cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets. ─── 在中脉附近裂开,彼此之间距离较远,没有完全分开成单个个体。
74、primary veins 9-12 on each side of midrib, raised on both surfaces, connected with veinlets into an obscure reticulation. ─── 主脉9-12在中脉每边各,两面突起,把细脉与联系进一不明显的网状。
75、Midrib included one closed vascular system and one additional vascular strand. ─── 主脉中维管组织环状,封闭,具有一个副维管束;
76、Midrib is lengthened for tendril, extreme has one flocculus basket, bottle shape, opening brim is thick, there is a lid on, green is given priority to, have Brown or gules stain and streak. ─── 中脉延长为卷须,末端有一小叶笼,瓶状,瓶口边缘厚,上有盖,绿色为主,有褐色或红色的斑点和条纹。
77、Changes in Nicotine Conversion Rate in Lamina and Midrib of Burley Tobacco and between from Different Stalk Positions ─── 白肋烟叶片、主脉及不同叶位间烟碱转化率的差异
78、Branchlets, leaf rachis, leaf petiole, and lower side of leaflet midrib densely pubescent. ─── 传单中脉的小枝,叶轴,叶柄和更低的边密被短柔毛。
79、Culm sheaths auricles shorter, subfalcate; leaf blade abaxially hairy along only one side of midrib. ─── 竿箨耳廓短,近镰状;沿着唯一的中脉的一侧有毛的叶片背面。
80、A two years study indicated that nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in vivo sharply decreased after harvestand was zero after three to five days air-curing both in lamina and midrib. ─── 两年的试验结果表明,深色晾烟采收晾制后,体内硝酸还原酶活性剧烈下降。
81、midrib and lateral veins in 10-14 pairs, slightly elevated on both surfaces, subparallel, ascending to margins, curved anastomosing. ─── 中脉和侧脉10-14对,两面稍突起,近平行,上升至边缘,弯曲网结。
82、primary veins 6-10 on each side of midrib, impressed adaxially, raised abaxially, arcuate near margin. ─── 主脉6-10在中脉每边各,正面凹陷,背面突起,弧曲的接近边缘。
83、Branches densely puberulent. Leaf blade sparsely strigose adaxially, pubescent mainly along midrib and lateral veins abaxially. ─── 分枝密被微柔毛。正面的叶片疏生糙伏毛,青春期的主要沿中脉和侧脉背面。
84、stiff leathery-leaved fern of western North America having ovate fronds parted to the midrib. ─── 叶子坚韧似皮革的蕨类植物,分布在北美西部,有卵形的叶子,中间有叶脉分开。
85、The 1st frond of a young sporophyte has a midrib and is pinnate. ─── 幼孢子体的第一片叶子羽状具中肋。
86、Culm sheath and leaf sheath auricles subfalcate, short. Leaf blade abaxially not hairy along midrib. ─── 竿箨和叶鞘的叶耳近镰状,短。叶片背面而不是有毛的沿中脉。
87、The midrib and larger veins in a leaf. ─── 叶脊或大叶脉。
88、Young shoots, petioles, and leaf midrib glabrous. Ovary and pedicel glabrous. ─── 幼枝,叶柄,并且叶中脉无毛。子房和花梗无毛。
89、If you grow stake staked plants, set the stakes sticks in the ground about half of midrib parta meter apart. ─── 一些更大型的番茄可能需要一米的间隔,并且行与行之间至少1。
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