solfeggio 发音
英:[[sɒl'fedʒɪəʊ]] 美:[[sɒl'fedʒoʊ]]
英: 美:
solfeggio 中文意思翻译
solfeggio 词性/词形变化,solfeggio变形
名词复数: solfeggi |
solfeggio 短语词组
1、solfeggio 528 ─── 视唱练耳528
2、solfeggio music ─── 视唱练耳音乐
3、solfeggio frequencies youtube ─── 视唱练耳频率youtube
4、solfeggio frequency nerve pain ─── 视唱练耳频率神经痛
5、solfeggio frequency ─── 视唱练耳频率
6、solfeggio benefits ─── 视唱练耳的好处
solfeggio 相似词语短语
1、solfeggios ─── n.著重母音或阶音的声乐唱法;唱名练习
2、taleggio ─── 塔雷吉欧(意大利食品名);软奶酪(意大利食品名)
3、leggie ─── n.腿折
4、coraggio ─── n.(Coraggio)人名;(意)科拉焦
5、solfeggi ─── n.著重母音或阶音的声乐唱法;唱名练习(solfeggio的变形)
6、Correggio ─── 柯勒乔;n.(Correggio)人名;(意)柯勒乔
7、solferino ─── n.品红;鲜紫红色;n.(Solferino)人名;(意)索尔费里诺
8、arpeggio ─── n.琶音;和音急速弹奏,竖琴弹奏法
9、Viareggio ─── 维亚雷焦;n.(Viareggio)人名;(意)维亚雷焦
solfeggio 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The first tone of the diatonic scalein solfeggio. ─── 多唱法中自然音阶的第一音。
2、The Key Point of Solfeggio Course Reform ─── 学生主体意识:视唱练耳教学观变革的核心内涵
3、On the Principles to Cultivate Students of Solfeggio Teaching ─── 视唱练耳教学主体育人四原则论
4、Solfeggio is the foundation of professional music education,and the sight singing is an important part of Solfeggio. ─── 视唱练耳是专业音乐教育的重要基础,视唱训练是视唱练耳教学的重要组成部分,而现代音乐则是视唱练耳教学中不可忽视的重要内容。
5、fa:The fourth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. ─── 视唱练习中全音阶的第四音.
6、master the preliminary skills of playing piano and other skills like music reading, solfeggio, sight-reading and reciting; ─── 使得大学生们掌握钢琴演奏的初步技能,连带着掌握识谱、视唱、视奏、背奏的技能;
7、The writers held that this textbook was quite important to help building up the course of solfeggio and ear training for modern music in China. ─── 它为迅速建立我国现代音乐的视唱练耳课程建设,是十分重要的。
8、A Discussion on Reforming the Teaching of the Sight-singing and solfeggio course in the Music Specialty of Teacheris'Colleges ─── 谈高师音乐教育专业视唱练耳课学习方法的变革
9、The main courses include Solfeggio, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis and Rehearsal. ─── 主要课程包括视唱练耳、和声、复调、曲式、乐队训练等。
10、The second tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. ─── ray音音名中自然间阶的第二个音阶
11、It will improve students' comprehensive aptitude to conduct solfeggio in primary and middle school, which is important to students' overall development. ─── 在中小学生中进行视唱练耳训练,对提高他们的综合素质有重要意义。
12、An Exploration to the Teaching of the Music thinking In the Course of Solfeggio ─── 视唱练耳课音乐思维培育的探讨
13、That the subject of essential music made up by two parts: basic music theory as well as solfeggio & ear training. ─── “基本乐科”是基本音乐学科的简称,它主要包括基本乐理和视唱练耳两个部分。
14、The Training of Musical Thinking in Teaching Solfeggio ─── 论视唱练耳教学的音乐思维培育
15、For a long time sol-fa is a disputable issue in the solfeggio training. ─── 而视唱在视唱练耳课中又占有中心地位,视唱训练中的唱名法问题一直是一个有争议的话题。
16、To Use the Module of Direction and Position of Interval in the Course of Solfeggio and Ear Training ─── 音程向位模块在视唱教学中的运用
17、the second tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio ─── 在视唱练习中自然间阶的第二个音阶
18、This article discusses the uses and characteristics of sol-fa in solfeggio at different stages. ─── 本文着重讨论了视唱练耳中不同阶段各种唱名法的运用及特点。
19、The fourth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. ─── 视唱练习中全音阶的第四音
20、My Opinions On Scientific Thinking In Teaching Solfeggio And Ear Training ─── 视唱练耳教学中科学思维的建构
21、Strengthen the Training of Hearing Analysis in College Solfeggio Teaching and Improve the Students'Music Hearing ─── 高师视唱练耳教学中听觉分析的训练
22、The first tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. ─── 多唱法中自然音阶的第一音
23、the seventh tone in the diatonic scale in solfeggio ─── 唱名练习中全音阶的第七个音
24、Solfeggio is a basis subject of studying Music specialty. ─── 视唱练耳是学习音乐专业的一门基础性学科。
25、the third tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio ─── 视唱练习中全音阶的第三个音
26、Toward a new system of solfeggio teaching ─── 视唱练耳教学新体系研究
27、On How to Develop the Hearing Sense of the Students'Inner Music While Teaching Solfeggio ─── 在视唱、练耳教学中如何发展学生的内心音乐听觉
28、With its' effect, the traditional teaching model of solfeggio in normal universities is also changing. ─── 受其影响,传统的高师视唱练耳教学模式也在发生变化。
29、National Academic Forum on Solfeggio and Ear Training ─── 第二届中国现代音乐创作研究年会
30、Reflections on Teaching Solfeggio at Teachers Colleges ─── 对高师视唱练耳教学的几点认识
31、Based on the above-analysis, the design method of the solfeggio & ear training course in modern society is beneficial discussed in the end of the paper. ─── 最后,基于以上分析所得出的结论,对现代视唱练耳课程设计方法做了有益探讨。
32、View on Basic Solfeggio Teaching ─── 基础视唱练耳教学探讨
33、Solfeggio, as a basic theoretical course, plays an important role in vocal and instrumental music performance. ─── 作为高等音乐院校中的一门基础理论课,视唱练耳是声乐演唱和器乐演奏中的重要环节。
34、The third tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. ─── 唱名语中自然音阶的第三个音
35、solfeggio & ear training education ─── 视唱练耳教学
36、Chapter One: Brief introduction of college solfeggio teaching pattern. ─── 第一章高师视唱练耳教学模式的概述。
37、The Training of Sol-fa and Intonation in Solfeggio ─── 论视唱练耳中的唱名法及音准训练
38、Some thoughts about the solfeggio teaching ─── 视唱教学中的几点思考
39、solfeggio & ear training ─── 视唱练耳
40、Inner sense of hearing and the solfeggio ─── 内在听觉与视唱练耳
41、On the Connotative Aesthetics of Solfeggio Teaching in Teachers Colleges ─── 谈高师视唱练耳教学中的内涵美
42、All this shows that the traditional teaching model of solfeggio is separated from the present multimedia settings of music. ─── 这都说明一点:传统视唱练耳教学模式与当代多媒体音乐环境脱节。
43、The Study of the Way to Teach Solfeggio Course in Colleges ─── 高师视唱练耳教学法探究
44、Tentative Study on the Impact of Multi cultural Music Education to Solfeggio Discipline in Teachers'Colleges ─── 多元文化音乐教育对高师视唱练耳课程影响的初步研究
45、Some Thoughts on Solfeggio Teacing Methods ─── 视唱练耳教学法探微
46、The seventh tone in the diatonic scalein solfeggio. ─── 唱名练习中全音阶的第七个音。
47、In the professional teaching of solfeggio, solmization goes the very first. ─── 在视唱练耳的专业教学中,首先牵涉到的就是唱名法的问题。
48、The Pondering On The Status Quo Of The Solfeggio Entrance Examinations In Conservatories ─── 高等音乐院校招生视唱练耳考试现状的思考
49、Vocal music, optional two songs, solfeggio and piano foundation (bringing accompaniment); ─── 声乐,自选两首歌曲,视唱练耳和钢琴基础(自带伴奏);
50、Solfeggio class ─── 视唱练耳课
51、Importance of Solfeggio to the Students'Development in Primary and Middle Schools ─── 应加强对中小学生视唱练耳的培训
52、The research of the Solfeggio teaching evaluation for normal university is a brand-new subject, and it is based on the characteristics of music. ─── 高师视唱练耳教学评价的研究是一个全新的课题,它是依据音乐学科的特点所提出的。
53、I nner hearing is not only the main content of solfeggio, but also the key point in piano teaching . ─── 摘要“内心听觉”既是视唱教学课程中主要的内容,也是钢琴音乐教学的重点。
54、Musical Ability with Solfeggio and Ear-Training ─── 音乐才能与视唱练耳训练
55、Examination and Grading of the Course of Solfeggio ─── 谈视唱练耳课程的考试与成绩评定
56、Fa: The fourthtone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. ─── 视唱练习中全音阶的第四音。
57、Unfortunately, for modern normal universities, the current situation of music accuracy training in Solfeggio is quite pessimistic. ─── 一方面,音准是音的标准高度,通常解释为歌唱和乐器演奏中所发的音高与一定律制的音高的相符性。
58、The essay has studied three textbooks of solfeggio & ear training which have been employed by music major in higher normal universities since 1980. ─── 纵观高师视唱练耳学科理论研究的现状,从视唱练耳教学法,教学改革等角度出发进行探讨的文章数量甚多,其中不乏真知灼见。
59、Effect Ways for Multi- voice Training in Solfeggio Teaching ─── 视唱练耳课教学中多声部训练的有效途径
60、Practical Cases for Computer Solfeggio Teaching ─── 电脑视唱练耳教学的应用实例
61、The Modern Music Sense Of Rhythm And Its Cultivation On The Solfeggio And Ear-Training Course ─── 视唱练耳教学中现代音乐的节奏感及其培养
62、Scientific training in solfeggio can develop students' potential qualifications in music teaching. ─── 在专业音乐的学习中,科学有序的视唱练耳训练,能够极大地开发、挖掘学生的潜在素质。
63、The tutorial was a teaching material of solfeggio and ear training to the modern music, and it gave a bran-new conception of solfeggio. ─── 该教程为现代音乐的视唱练耳教材,体现出全新的视唱思维观念。
64、On Scientific quality of the Teaching Classification System to Solfeggio and Ear Training ─── 论视唱练耳教学分级制的科学性
65、the sixth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio ─── 视唱中全音阶的第六个音
66、The Seeing and Hearing Mode in Solfeggio Teaching ─── 关于视唱练耳教学中的视听觉模式
67、As an important part of basic music subject, High normal school's solfeggio course is a course with strong technical nature and artistry. ─── 高师视唱练耳课作为基本乐科的重要组成部分,是一门技术性、艺术性和师范性都很强的课程。
68、Abstract: That the teaching program of solfeggio and ear training in Wuhan Conservatory of Music basically followed the Russia system in the past years. ─── 内容提要: 武汉音乐学院视唱练耳课,几十年来基本是按前苏联的教学体系教学的。
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