decrescent 发音
英:[dɪˈkresnt] 美:[dɪˈkres(ə)nt]
英: 美:
decrescent 中文意思翻译
decrescent 短语词组
1、decrescent ltd decrescent ─── 有限公司
2、decrescent meaning ─── 递减意义
3、decrescent order ─── 衰减阶
4、decrescent define ─── 缩小定义
5、decrescent synonyms ─── 衰弱同义词
6、arteriosclerosis decrescent ─── [医] 老年性动脉硬化
7、decrescent definition ─── 衰减定义
decrescent 相似词语短语
1、excrescent ─── adj.多余的;异常生长的
2、decrement ─── n.渐减;减缩;衰减率
3、decrescence ─── n.减弱,减小;减退,衰减;苍白
4、increscent ─── adj.增大的;渐盈的(月)
5、decrescendo ─── n.渐弱;渐弱音;adj.渐弱的;adv.渐弱地
6、decrescendos ─── n.渐弱;渐弱音(decrescendo的变形)
7、accrescent ─── adj.增大的;成长的
8、crescent ─── n.新月;新月状物;伊斯兰教的标记;土耳其的新月形国徽;adj.新月形的;逐渐增加的;vt.以新月形物装饰;使成新月形;n.(Crescent)人名;(法)克雷桑
9、decalescent ─── 吸热的
decrescent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、How should let nose decrescent? ─── 要怎样让鼻子变小啊?
2、4) Martin Index was decrescent when dividend event occurred, display the liquidity of stock was improved, so, the Martin Index is compatible index to measure Chinese stock liquidity; ─── 4)对于马丁指数指标,除权事件发生后出现马丁指数变小的趋势,揭示了股票流动性随着除权事件的发生,而得到改善的事实。
3、What method can let the pore decrescent on the face, the face changes look very exquisite? ─── 什么方法可以让脸上的毛孔变小,脸变的看上去很细腻?
4、A packet appeared on my head, pretty aches, several days, still do not have decrescent in that way, still hold out ache. ─── 我头上出现了一个小包,蛮疼的,好几天了,还是那样没变小,还是挺疼的。
5、Furniture furnishes a respect, do not put too lofty furniture, much and big thing can let house decrescent only. ─── 家具摆设方面,不要摆放太高大的家具,多而大的东西只能让房子变小。
6、As the accretion of tumor, R1R2preclinical lengthen, amplitude decrescent, react potential disappears finally. ─── 随着肿瘤的增大,r1r2的潜伏期延长,振幅变小,最后反应电位消失。
7、decrescent arteriosclerosis ─── 老年性动脉硬化
8、Bed cotton-padded mattress can make the space looks too high decrescent. ─── 床褥太高会使空间看起来变小。
9、Become an operation whether let scar decrescent nod? ─── 做手术能否让伤疤变小点?
10、The French's capacity for liquor also is in decrescent. ─── 法国人的酒量也在变小。
11、Oil price rises continuously, cause carriage cost to go up substantially raise, the enterprise is dug go the dimensional decrescent of synergism, bring bigger impact to most shipping company. ─── 油价连续上涨,造成运输成本大幅度上扬,企业挖潜增效的空间变小,给大多数航运企业带来较大冲击。
12、Bosom is too big how to do, becoming an operation before how does the problem issue decrescent? ─── 胸部太大怎么办,在不做手术的前题下怎样变小?
13、A packet appeared on my head, pretty aches, several days, still do not have decrescent in that way, still hold out ache. ─── 我头上出现了一个小包,蛮疼的,好几天了,还是那样没变小,还是挺疼的。
14、Occasionally is the nostril with quite big nose a little big can decrescent which hospital can help occasionally? ─── 偶的鼻子挺大的鼻孔有些大能变小么哪的医院可以帮的了偶?
15、want difficulty many a little bit , show alive bound decrescent , communication is convenient , contact with family at any time. ─── 把困难想多些,现在世界变小了,通讯方便,随时与家人联系。
16、And when fertilizer is insufficient, new branch grows feeble, blade decrescent hair is yellow, the time that bud forms is deferred backward, flower decrescent, fragrance is feeble. ─── 而在肥料不足时,新的枝条生长衰弱,叶片变小发黄,花芽形成的时间向后推迟,花朵变小,香味单薄。
17、In real life, gentleman decrescent person, of person of good person addle also there is no lack of its exemple. ─── 在现实的生活中,君子变小人,好人变坏人的也不乏其例。
18、clearly hear train sound, it will rain. The weather gloomy day and night, when the temperature difference decrescent, sound easy spreads. ─── 可很清楚听到列车的声响,会下雨。天气阴沈时,白天与晚上的温差变小,声音容易传远。
19、Chest refines change to the function, gain ground more between change clothes, dresser decrescent. ─── 衣柜向功能细化转变,更衣间更普及,梳妆台变小了。
20、But the amplitude when occurrence amyotrophy also decrescent. ─── 但出现肌萎缩时振幅也变小。
21、How purify pouch? pouch decrescent ah? ─── 怎样去除眼袋啊?把眼袋变小啊?
22、Does lipoma meet him decrescent? ─── 脂肪瘤会自己变小吗?
23、Defending wet action still is very pretty good, qiu Dong season is used, the skin is not dry, gone nevertheless one bottle also did not see pore decrescent, the expectation of estimation is too tall. ─── 保湿的作用还是很不错的,秋冬季节用,皮肤一点都不干燥,不过用完一瓶也没有看到毛孔变小,估计的期望太高了。
24、How can ability let pouch decrescent? ─── 怎样才能让眼袋变小?
25、How to make pouch decrescent? ─── 怎么使眼袋变小?
26、Besides do plastic surgery, what method still can make oneself cheek bone decrescent? ─── 除了做整形手术,还有什么办法可以使自己的腮骨变小呢?
27、Furniture furnishs a respect, do not put too lofty furniture, much and big thing can let house decrescent only. ─── 家具摆设方面,不要摆放太高大的家具,多而大的东西只能让房子变小。
28、With the increase of the ratio the density of the sample increases at first and then decreases when the ratio reaches certain critical value and the mach pore is decrescent at first and later largens. ─── 随装药比的增大,马赫孔从有到无,但当装药比继续变大时,则会再次出现马赫孔且有增大的倾向;
29、Does the man's tit greaten still can decrescent (does the doctor say I am) of mammary gland hyperplasia? ? ? ─── 男人的乳头变大还会不会变小(医生说我是乳腺增生)???
30、(Decrescent of the aperture between 4) vertebra: Because interverbebral disc is outstanding,this is hind, those who issue a centrum on articulatory dash forward to hand in a fault and send. ─── (4)椎间孔变小:这是由于椎间盘突出后,下位椎体的上关节突向上交错而致。
31、J often masturbates can make oneself JJ decrescent, attenuate? ─── j经常手淫会使自己的JJ变小,变细吗?
32、Does nose greaten what idea is there can decrescent? ─── 鼻子变大有什么办法能变小?
33、Have idea nose decrescent a bit? ─── 有没有办法把鼻子变小一点?
34、Do a few meetings let food gastric decrescent? ─── 饮食少量会让胃变小吗?
35、arteriosclerosis decrescent ─── [医] 老年性动脉硬化
36、The release process of dissociated P. F. was not a linear course, but an irregular wavy process with amplitude being decrescent. ─── 强化复合木地板游离甲醛释放量的缓慢下降不是一个线形的过程,而是一个振幅变小的无规律的波动过程。
37、The schoolboy's nose is too big, how decrescent? ? ─── 男生的鼻子太大,怎样变小??
38、Auditive decrescent, "Oh, give red child last burned ear of pig of path iron plate " . ─── 不要怕,也不要逃,我来,只是回答上一次吞吞吐吐回避你的问题。”
39、decrescent function ─── 渐减函数
40、The effect: Pore decrescent, the skin is relaxed, clean, perfect be too busy. ─── 效果:毛孔变小,皮肤清爽,洁净,完美无暇。
41、Often stay up late, pouch exceeds now big. How to let its decrescent oh? ─── 经常熬夜、眼袋现在超大。怎么让它变小哟?
42、Occasionally is the nostril with quite big nose a little big can decrescent which hospital can help occasionally? ─── 偶的鼻子挺大的鼻孔有些大能变小么哪的医院可以帮的了偶?
43、In get when outside pressure, the cell will be contractive decrescent, the pressure inside the cell is elevatory; ─── 在受到外来压力时,细胞会收缩变小,细胞内的压力升高;
44、Someone says to drink honey to be able to let bosom decrescent in the morning, false really? ─── 有人说早上喝蜂蜜会让胸部变小,真的假的?
45、The robust increase of China's paper industry under the environment of the decrescent rise of pulp price in the international market ─── 国际浆价涨势趋缓中国纸业增长强劲
46、30 years old, quite plump before, after giving birth to a child with respect to decrescent, is massage breast enhancement useful still? Still have other idea? ─── 30岁了,以前挺丰满,生过小孩后就变小了,按摩丰胸还有用吗?还有其它办法吗?
47、If insomnious upturn can chase decrescent medicine, but cannot stop drug at a draught, otherwise, effect effect consolidates, can appear even bounce phenomenon. ─── 如果失眠情况好转可逐渐减药,但不可一下子停药,否则,影响效果巩固,甚至会出现反跳现象。
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