consistent 发音
英:[kənˈsɪstənt] 美:[kənˈsɪstənt]
英: 美:
consistent 中文意思翻译
consistent 短语词组
1、consistent policy ─── [法] 一贯的政策
2、consistent fat ─── [建] 稠脂肪
3、consistent statistic ─── [经] 一致统计量
4、consistent order ─── [计] 相容次序, 一致序
5、consistent with ─── 与某事物并存[一致]
6、consistent estimates ─── [计] 一致估计量, 相容估计量
7、consistent matrix norm ─── [计] 相容矩阵模
8、consistent stochastic grammar ─── [计] 一致性随机文法
9、consistent quality ─── [机] 均品质
10、consistent stochastic indexed language ─── [计] 一致性随机附标语言
11、consistent state ─── [计] 一致状态
12、be consistent with ─── 与...一致
13、consistent element ─── [计] 相容元, 协调元
14、consistent class ─── [计] 相容类
15、consistent performance ─── [计] 一致性能
16、consistent approximation ─── [计] 相容逼近
17、consistent substitution rule ─── [计] 一致置换规则
18、consistent grease ─── [建] 润滑脂
19、consistent probability assignment ─── [计] 一致性概率分配
consistent 反义词
consistent 同义词
devoted | constant | faithful | correspondent | clinging | logical | cohering | in agreement | stable | becoming | true | ordered | conformable | dependable | uniform | unfailing | unswerving | even | adhering | type | unchanging | reliable | persistent | to | true to type | regular | steady | consonant |coherent | agreement | in | invariable | agreeing | agreeable | corresponding | equable | congruous | compatible | tenacious | undeviating | reproducible | concordant | accordant | organic | loyal | proportional | fitting | harmonious
consistent 常用词组
consistent with ─── 符合;与…一致
consistent quality ─── 始终如一的质量
consistent policy ─── 一贯的政策
consistent 词性/词形变化,consistent变形
比较级--more consistent;最高级--most consistent。
consistent 相似词语短语
1、consilient ─── adj.一致的;符合的
2、coexistent ─── adj.同时共存的;同时代的
3、consisting ─── v.组成;存在;一致(consist的ing形式)
4、inconsistent ─── adj.不一致的;前后矛盾的
5、consisted ─── vi.由…组成;在于;符合
6、insistent ─── adj.坚持的;迫切的;显著的;引人注目的;紧急的
7、consistency ─── n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性
8、consistence ─── n.浓度;[流]稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)
9、consistently ─── adv.一贯地;一致地;坚实地
①be consistent in保持一致例句:We need to be consistent in our approach. 我们必须在方法上保持一致。
②be consistent with 与。。。一致例句:Any use and implementation of a service must be consistent with the service's specification and its protocol. 服务的任意使用和实施必须与服务的规范及其协议相一致。
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