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08-29 投稿


quaver 发音

英:[ˈkweɪvər]  美:[ˈkweɪvə(r)]

英:  美:

quaver 中文意思翻译




quaver 短语词组

1、dotted quaver beats ─── 虚线震颤节拍

2、quaver street quaver ─── 街

3、quaver game quaver ─── 游戏

4、quaver music ─── 颤抖的音乐

5、quaver skins ─── 牛皮

6、dotted quaver ─── 点状鹌鹑

7、quaver music account quaver ─── 音乐帐户

8、dotted quaver beat ─── 虚线震颤节拍

9、dotted quaver beats in a bar ─── 酒吧里虚线的震颤声

10、quaver login quaver ─── 登录

11、quaver download quaver ─── 下载

quaver 词性/词形变化,quaver变形


quaver 相似词语短语

1、quaffer ─── 夸弗

2、quacker ─── n.鸭子;发出嘎嘎声的人

3、quaverer ─── 颤抖者

4、quavery ─── adj.震音的,颤声的;多颤音的

5、quavers ─── v.(人的嗓音)颤抖;发颤音;用颤音唱;n.颤抖的嗓音;八分音符;颤音

6、quakier ─── adj.震动的;战栗的;摇动的(quaky的变形)

7、quavered ─── v.(人的嗓音)颤抖;发颤音;用颤音唱;n.颤抖的嗓音;八分音符;颤音

8、suaver ─── adj.更圆滑的;更温文尔雅的

9、quarer ─── 夸尔

quaver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her voice was pitched unusually low to suppress the quaver . ─── 她声音异常沉着,好把嗓子里的震颤压下去。

2、It was Exedore who answered, his voice still holding something of the weird Zentraedi quaver, even though he had been Micronized to Human size. ─── 爱克西多回答了她,尽管他已经微缩后的身材和人类相仿,但是语调中仍带有一丝天顶星语怪异的颤音。

3、Miss Su cursed him in Chinese.Her voice seemed to have a quaver in it ─── 苏小姐用中文骂他,声音似乎微颤。

4、Was there a faint quaver in his voice? ─── 是不是在他的声音里有一些轻微的颤抖?

5、Full, can eat lunch quaver some novel vegetable, fish and lean. ─── 午餐八分饱,能够吃一些新颖蔬菜、鱼类和瘦肉。

6、A tremulous sound; a quaver. ─── 震颤声;颤音

7、And to cap it all, when Mercedes, with tears in her pretty eyes and a quaver in her throat, could not cajole him into giving the dogs still more, she stole from the fish-sacks and fed them slyly. ─── 更糟的是,美茜子漂亮的眼里含着泪水,喉咙发着颤,劝他再加点狗食,要劝不住,她就从装鱼的袋子里偷出一些暗中喂他们。

8、There was the least quaver in her voice as she said this. ─── "她这么说时,声音几乎没有颤抖。

9、eighth note;quaver ─── 八分音符

10、A new theme then arrives with slow quaver on the lower manuel and pedal and ascending scales in the upper manuel. ─── 然后到达一个新的主题缓慢发抖的曼努埃尔和踏板低,在规模上曼努埃尔上升。

11、'I shouldn't mind learning why - why the sun do shine on the just and the unjust alike, ' she answered, with a slight quaver in her voice. ─── “我倒想学一学为什么——为什么太阳都同样照耀好人和坏人,”她回答说,声音里有点儿发抖。

12、she did go in, right up to Mr.Laurence, who looked quite taken aback, and held out her hand, saying, with only a small quaver in her voice, "I came to thank you, sir, for... ─── 她确实进去了,直接走向往后退的劳伦斯,她伸出她的手,带着轻微的颤抖说道:"我是来谢谢你的,为了...

13、Was there a faint quaver in his voice? ─── 是不是在他的声音里有一些轻微的颤抖?

14、1.A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an 8th note or quaver. ─── 半音加两个符点,时值等于三个四分音符或一个八分音符。

15、Quaver, crotchet and minim are three of the different length of notes in writing music. ─── 八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。

16、Laurence, who looked quite taken aback, and held out her hand, saying, with only a small quaver in her voice, "I came to thank you, sir, for... ─── 那是因为你有一对蓝色的大眼睛,而且热爱音乐,”乔说,试图使兴奋得全身发抖的贝思冷静下来。

17、10. The sign on the wall seemed to quaver under a film of sliding warm water. ─── 墙上的招牌好象在一层浮动的融融的水流下颤动。

18、Thus a stem with two flags, so called from their appearance, indicates a 16th note or semiquaver, a note of half the duration of a stem with one flag, an 8th note or quaver, and so on. ─── 带两个符尾的符干,以其外形得名,表示一个16分音符,带一个符尾的符干,表示一个8分音符,以此类推。

19、2. You could hear the quaver in her voice. ─── 她的声音中能听出有些颤抖.

20、Minnie had a quaver of conscience as she took it, but did not know how to explain to Hanson if she took less. ─── 敏妮接过钱时,良心很不安。 但是她不敢少收钱,因为那样的话,她没法向汉生交代。

21、You could hear the quaver in her voice. ─── 她的声音中能听出有些颤抖。

22、hear the quaver in her voice. ─── 她的声音中能听出有些颤抖。

23、Someone was singing, a dull, old, droning sailor's song, with a droop and a quaver at the end of every verse, and seemingly no end to it at all but the patience of the singer. ─── 有人在唱着一支忧郁的水手老歌,每段结尾处都要降低调子发出颤音。 看样子,只要唱歌的人自己有耐心,他可以一直唱下去。

24、The sign on the wall seemed to quaver under a film of sliding warm water. ─── 墙上的招牌好象在一层浮动的融融的水流下颤动。

25、There was a quaver in her voice. ─── 她的声音里发颤。

26、5. She restrained herself with difficulty from showing a quaver in her voice. ─── 她努力克制住自己,不让自己的声音发抖。

27、In his voice was an old quaver which was not habitual and there was agitation in every line of his visage. ─── 在他的话语中有一丝颤动,这不是他惯常有的,并且他面容上能看到每一条皱纹的摇动。

28、can eat lunch quaver some novel vegetable, fish and lean. ─── 午餐八分饱,能够吃一些新颖蔬菜、鱼类和瘦肉。

29、There was a quaver in Lena's voice. ─── 莉娜的声音中有颤音。

30、To tremble or quaver in sound, as of the voice or a musical note. ─── 颤抖如嗓音或曲调等声音抖动或颤抖

31、My wife knew how my father was about his emotions, and I could hear her voice quaver as she spoke to me. ─── 我妻子知道我父亲是那种不轻易流露感情的人,当她和我说话时,我能听见她的声音在颤抖。

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