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08-29 投稿


deplorable 发音

英:[dɪ'plɔːrəb(ə)l]  美:[dɪ'plɔrəbl]

英:  美:

deplorable 中文意思翻译



deplorable 词性/词形变化,deplorable变形

名词: deplorableness |副词: deplorably |

deplorable 短语词组

1、deplorable meaning ─── 可悲的意思

2、deplorable choir ─── 可悲的合唱团

3、deplorable deb ─── 可悲的德布

4、deplorable state ─── 可悲的状态

5、deplorable me ─── 可悲

6、deplorable mcallister bit chute ─── 可悲的麦卡利斯特钻头滑槽

7、deplorable mcallister ─── 可悲的麦卡利斯特

8、deplorable situation ─── 令人遗憾的情况

9、deplorable mcallister tv ─── 可悲的麦卡利斯特电视

deplorable 相似词语短语

1、explorable ─── 可勘探的;可探索的

2、deposable ─── adj.可罢黜的;可废除的;可供证的

3、depletable ─── adj.可耗减的

4、deployable ─── adj.可开展的

5、deportable ─── adj.可驱逐出境的;可流放的

6、deplorableness ─── 可悲

7、deflagrable ─── adj.可爆燃的

8、declarable ─── adj.应申报的,可申请交税的

9、deplorably ─── adv.悲惨地;可叹地

deplorable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The deplorable howl went the rounds, and also went into Sakyamuni's ears. ─── 凄惨的呼叫声传遍四野,也传进了释迦牟尼佛的耳朵。

2、Never had I thought once you parted from me that you would pick up such base habits.Most deplorable and disgusting! ─── 吾不图汝甫离漆下,已渝染恶习,可叹可恨!

3、B>It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of infanticide. ─── 我们早该杜绝杀婴这种应遭谴责的做法。

4、Seeing these rare works of art in such a deplorable condition, how can one help feeling badly stung and filled with anxiety! ─── 看到这些笔歌墨舞、旷世珍稀的佳作变成如此模样,怎能不让人心疼不己又心急如焚!

5、Such forwardness is deplorable. ─── 像这样的胆大妄为应该受到指责。

6、If eternal return is the heaviest of burdens, then our lives can stand out against it in all their splendid lightness.But is heaviest truly deplorable and lightness splendid? ─── 如果永远的再现是生命中最沉重的负担,那么我们人生就是承担起那份责任,去克服那耀眼的虚荣.然而,责任真是悲哀的吗?虚荣又真是那么耀眼吗?

7、"The Japanese authorities have thus clearly proved themselves that they are political imbeciles incapable of judging the trend of the situation and their deplorable position. ─── “日本当局此举已经清楚的表明了他们是不能正确估计形势和自身可悲处境的政治低能儿。”

8、“I don’t even want to consider the idea we might not be playing in Serie A,” continued Cobolli Gigli.“However, if this deplorable situation plays out, then we’ll be forced to earn promotion. ─── “我甚至不想去考虑假如我们不能参加甲级联赛这个问题”,吉利说到,“然而,一旦这样的情况变成现实,那样我们将被升入甲级。

9、It is deplorable that in China there's simply an absence of an authentic right-wing camp. ─── 如今的中国最可叹之处在于一个真正的右派团体的整体缺席。

10、He said despite the tremendous efforts of those two countries, the situation for the refugees is deplorable. ─── 他说,虽然这两个国家做出了巨大的努力,但是难民们的情况仍然很凄惨。

11、Not only is the command of Chinese among young people from English-speaking environment deplorable, but those from Chinese-speaking homes also have difficulties expressing themselves adequately. ─── 不单是来自讲英语环境的年轻一代华文程度低落,连来自华文背景的新一代也出现明显华文表达能力体质衰弱的情形。

12、a deplorable episode/incident ─── 一段可怕的经历;令人震惊的事件

13、deplorable housing conditions in the inner city; woeful treatment of the accused; woeful errors of judgment. ─── 市中心糟糕的住房环境;被告可怜的遭遇;法官错误的判断。

14、They were living in the most deplorable conditions. ─── 他们生活在最糟糕的环境里。

15、Our local leaders who make up the National Bargaining Committee made the best out of what was a deplorable situation. ─── 我们当地的领导者,弥补国家谈判委员会作出最佳的出什么是一个可悲的局面。

16、Xiangzi was not afraid of hardships, nor did he have the excusable but deplorable bad habits of most other pullets. He was clever and hard working enough to make his dream come true. ─── 他不怕吃苦,也没有一般洋车夫的可以原谅而不便效法的恶习,他的聪明和努力都足以使他的志愿成为事实。

17、A deplorable insult. ─── 凌辱令人憎恶的侮辱

18、I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse. The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide. ─── 最近,我在报纸上读到一篇关于虐待儿童现象变得猖獗的文章。普遍虐待无辜儿童的问题令人深感遗憾,它已经引起了全国公众的关注。

19、Many food production workers labor in difficult, even deplorable, conditions, and animals are produced as if they were widgets. ─── 许多食物生产的劳动者都处于艰难的工作环境之中,甚至很凄惨的,还有动物们就好象被割成小部分那样去制作。

20、We hope and trust that these changes will affect our own deplorable state. ─── 我们希望并且相信这些变化将会对我们可悲的境况产生影响。

21、So beautiful peachblossom this year, so deplorable also... yesterday's peachblossom have hiked down concomitant with today's snowflake,left little! ─── 今年的桃花特别美,也特别凄惨...昨天的桃花已伴着今天的雪花飘落,所剩无几了!

22、"Bourgeoisification, deplorable as it is, has good points too" (Robert M. Adams) ─── “资产阶级化,虽然令人痛惜,也还有其可取处”(罗伯特.M.亚当斯)

23、It is deplorable that a few real estate development companies, not preferential prices will be better achieved by the location of the land, but these lands to be transferred to the rich at the "home. ─── 可叹的是,少数房地产开发公司,不是将以优惠的价格取得的区位较好的土地进行开发,而是将这些土地以高价转让给有钱的“下家”。

24、To my readers in Spaceland the condition of our Women may seem truly deplorable, and so indeed it is. ─── 在立体国的读者看来,我们妇女的社会地位可能看起来真的很糟糕,也确实如此。

25、Yesterday morning I met a deplorable car accident. ─── 昨天早晨我见到了一场不幸的意外车祸。

26、To write a deplorable sequel to a masterpiece ─── 狗尾续貂

27、But a lot otIT human regard his actions as deplorable . ─── 但是,还有很多人以为他的行为应当受到谴责。

28、deplorable fate ─── 悲惨的命运

29、The Vatican said it considered the case closed and added there was no point dredging up the "deplorable" comments in a legal battle. ─── 梵蒂冈表示,它认为该事件已经结束,没有必要为这种“可悲”的言论闹上法庭。

30、be in a sorry plight; be in a deplorable state ─── 处于可悲的境地

31、But many other people regard his actions as deplorable . ─── 但是,还有很多人认为他的行为应当受到谴责。

32、Party-loving teen idol Lindsay Lohan was next, with Blackwell saying her dress sense had gone from "adorable to deplorable." ─── “派对女王”琳赛·洛翰名列其后,布莱克威尔说她的穿着品味已经从“可爱沦落为可悲”。

33、The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable ─── 你的文章内容不错, 但是文体很糟。

34、After 1943,the deplorable results of the Guomimdang's bifurcated modern drama policy stood ever more exposed. ─── 94 3年以后 ,国民党话剧政策两歧性的恶果 ,便越来越多地暴露出来

35、Wretch. Ed. Er, wretch. Ed. Est In a deplorable state of distress or misfortune; miserable ─── 不幸的,悲惨的:因受压抑或遭遇不幸而处于情绪低沉状态中;不幸的

36、Glad often is quickly dominant symptom, develop sometimes it is a kind ecstatically feeling, can appear of afterwards the deplorable sense with abrupt low, depressed, alarmed or deep mood. ─── 欣快常为占优势的症状,有时发展为一种心醉神迷的感觉,继之可出现突然情绪 低落、抑郁、惊慌或深沉的凄惨感觉。

37、Compared with such countries as Switzerland or Holland, the United States is poorly equipped to teach foreign languages, often with deplorable, and sometimes even tragicomic, results. ─── 与瑞士、荷兰等国家相比,美国为外语教学配备的条件比较差,结果常让人觉得遗憾,甚至哭笑不得。

38、Mike: I see. So, there's nothing wrong with eating whatever you like, but you should just slowly phase out the really deplorable stuff, like junk food. ─── 我明白了。所以无论你喜欢吃什么东西都没有错,但是你应该逐步改掉像吃垃圾食品一样的东西。

39、The company described the actions of the convicted employees as 'deplorable' and said they acted 'wholly outside our systems. ─── 力拓称这些员工的行为应该受到谴责,而且他们完全是在公司的体系之外从事了这些非法活动。

40、my finances were in a deplorable state; a lamentable decision; her clothes were in sad shape; a sorry state of affairs. ─── 我的经济状况很悲惨;可悲的决定;她的衣服样子非常不好;令人遗憾的事态。

41、The encampment lies just over the border and seeks, of course, to overthrow not our exemplary and democratic government but that of the neighboring country, with its deplorable regime. ─── (营地就设在边界上,其目的当然不是要推翻我们这堪称表率的民主政府,而是要推翻邻国的堪称表率的民主政府,建立其可恶的政权。

42、The matter in your essay is good but the style is deplorable. ─── 你文章的内容很好,但是体裁太糟糕了。

43、His self-reproach arose from the deplorable event in Wimpole Street ─── 温波尔街发生的痛心事件引起了他的内疚。

44、Our local leaders who make up the National Bargaining Committee made the best out of what was a deplorable situation. ─── 我们当地的领导者,弥补国家谈判委员会作出最佳的出什么是一个可悲的局面。

45、Its deplorable peculiarity was, that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse. ─── 却是由于孤独与废弃所导致的衰弱,而这正是它凄惨的特色。

46、my finances were in a deplorable state; a lamentable decision; her clothes were in sad shape; a sorry state of affairs ─── 我的经济状况很悲惨;可悲的决定;她的衣服样子非常不好;令人遗憾的事态

47、of the government was deplorable. ─── 政府的无所作为应受到谴责。

48、Bartholdi found that work "deplorable" and "coarse". ─── 巴尔托第发现那件作品水平太差,十分粗糙。

49、Holmes: There are hopeless, deplorable conditions in Somalia. A life of piracy looks pretty good for some of these young men compared to the conditions in Somalia. ─── 福尔摩斯:索马里的绝望和可悲的状态下。海盗的生活在一些年轻人眼里看起来是很不错的,相比较当地的情况。

50、But many other people regard his actions as deplorable .I personally think the president committed impeachable offences . ─── 但是其它很多人认为他的行为应该受到谴责,我个人认为总统应该受到弹劾。

51、I mean, man alive, the conditions were often so deplorable that we had nothing else to go on, but your own morale. ─── 我的意思是,对活人而言,除了,外界条件总会难熬难受,使我们无法继续下去。

52、Many of them live under deplorable conditions. ─── 他们中的许多人生活在悲惨的条件下。

53、"This was, from the Party's point of view, both deplorable in itself and pregnant with danger for the future" (Robert Conquest) ─── “从党的立场上来说,这不仅本身悲惨不幸而且对未来也充满危险”(罗伯特·康奎斯特)

54、The acting was deplorable. ─── 那演技糟透了。

55、1.a tight or deplorable condition or stage; a plight; 2.extent; degree3.room for action; room for flexibility ─── 地步

56、The Columbine incident, while deplorable, is a perfect example of this lack of accountability of the nation's parents. ─── 在感到惋惜之余,我们不得不承认哥伦比亚事件确实是证明父母不负责任的一个完美的例子。

57、The pope said terrorism is all the more deplorable when it "hides behind religion, bringing God's truth down" to the terrorists' own level. ─── 教皇说,更应谴责的是,恐怖主义打着宗教的幌子,把上帝的真理降低到了恐怖分子自己的水平。

58、And yet the sport's governing body which itself has displayed some deplorable behavior off field in the lead-up to Sepp Blatter's re-election as president only fined Rivaldo a piffling $7,300. ─── 但是直到现在运动管理机构才仅仅罚了里瓦尔多7300美元。

59、Deplorable look back with a smile , not being fulfiled by feeling. ─── 可叹回眸一笑,不为情所酬。

60、It is also deplorable to note Israel’s Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai warn that the offensive against Gaza could take weeks. ─── 更糟糕的是,以色列副国防部长马丹维尔奈警告这次的攻击可能将长达数星期。

61、I have been forced to admit diverse propositions which appear somewhat deplorable. ─── 我曾被迫承认各种各样多少有点不幸的命题。

62、It is deplorable that anyone should come between a child and its parents. ─── 如果有人想离间孩子和父母,那将是可悲的。

63、My memory grows deplorable. ─── 我的记性愈来愈不好使啦。

64、My finances were in a deplorable state of neglect. ─── 我的财政情况,因无人照管而一塌糊涂

65、and by uniting the proceeds to ten bank-notes he always carried about with him in case of accident, he would then find himself possessor of about 50,000 livres, which he philosophically considered as no very deplorable condition after all. ─── 加上他一直藏在身边以备不时之需的那十张钞票,他还可以有五万里弗左右,这样,他乐观地认为他的状况已并不十分悲惨了。

66、If such an idea is disconcerting, then surely the idea of schools representing a single religious viewpoint is equally deplorable. ─── 如果这样的一个局面是尴尬的,那么建立单一信仰的学校的想法必然是不足取的。

67、Finally, dust/sand strom come into being as the deplorable consequence, due to people cut trees at random. ─── 人类乱砍滥伐,终于酿成了沙尘暴这杯苦酒!

68、The last remaining descendants of Salazar Slytherin, they lived there in poverty, speaking Parseltongue to each other and living in deplorable conditions (HBP10). ─── 他们是斯莱特林最后幸存的后裔,他们互相说着蛇语并生活在贫穷,可悲的自负中。

69、It would be deplorable if Friedman's ideas were to be the only ones studied in universities. ─── 假如大学里只教授弗里德曼思想,那将是可悲的。

70、33. I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide . ─── 最近,我在报纸上读到一篇关于**儿童现象变得猖獗的文章。普遍**无辜儿童的问题令人深感遗憾,它已经引起了全国公众的关注。

71、Key factoids you might not know: The Jazz may be the best team in the West even with their deplorable road record mediocre defense and questionable outside shooting. ─── 你所不知道的关键事实:爵士也许是西部最强的队伍,尽管他们的客场战绩有些可怜、防守一般而且外线投篮令人质疑。

72、But Pencroft assured him thatthat would be a useless course, that in the darkness and deplorable weatherhe could not find any traces of Neb, and that it would be much better towait. ─── 但潘克洛夫跟他说这是没有用处的,在黑暗和阴森森的天气里,不可能找到纳布的踪迹,还不如在家里等他回来。

73、a deplorable attitude, speech ─── 应受谴责的态度、 讲话

74、There is something deplorable about this cluster of broken stupas in the glow of the setting sun. ─── 夕阳西下,朔风凛冽,这个破落的塔群更显得悲凉。

75、in deplorable order ─── 极杂乱

76、The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable. ─── 你的文章内容不错,但是文体很糟。

77、Man cuts trees at random, finally causing a deplorable consequence --- the sand storm. ─── 人类乱砍滥伐,终于酿成了沙尘暴这杯苦酒!

78、It is not up to me to wonder if this is vulgar or revolting, elegant or deplorable. ─── 我不应当去思考这究竟是粗俗还是恶心,是高雅还是可悲的问题。

79、deplorable housing conditions in the inner city. ─── 城市里面糟糕的住房条件。

80、What a deplorable performance! ─── 多糟的表演!

81、inspiring or deserving of lament or regret; deplorable or pitiable ─── 不幸的引发或值得哀痛或后悔的;悲惨的或可悲的

82、It can become so deplorable that, in the future, Singapore will have to depend on new Chinese immigrants to do business with China. ─── 恐怕将来跟中国经贸往来还得靠移民到新加坡的中国人呢!

83、Fortunately enough, Woo-ree can meet a guy who takes good care of her a lot and understands her in such an evil and deplorable environment. ─── 庆幸的是媛莉在这声色犬马的地方,还能找到同是天涯沦落人的异性知己。

84、The inactivity of the government was deplorable. ─── 政府的无所作为应受到谴责。

85、N. declaration.A rival statement presented by Syria said protecting homosexuality could lead to social normalization and possibly legalization of deplorable acts, including pedophilia. ─── 叙利亚针锋相对提出的声明说,保护同性恋可能导致让原本应该受到谴责的行为,包括恋童癖在内,被社会正常化和合法化。

86、I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant sdivad of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widesdivad abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide . ─── 最近,我在报纸上读到一篇关于虐待儿童现象变得猖獗的文章。普遍虐待无辜儿童的问题令人深感遗憾,它已经引起了全国公众的关注。

87、In a deplorable plight and powerless ─── 势穷力竭

88、A paralyzing peace has plunged the members of the Gun Club in deplorable inactivity . ─── 无聊的和平使大炮俱乐部的会员们陷入可悲的无所事事的生活中。

89、Sergio: A second grade life is deplorable. ─── 塞吉奥:次等生活令人遗憾。

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