frustums 发音
英: 美:
frustums 中文意思翻译
frustums 词性/词形变化,frustums变形
名词复数: frustums |
frustums 短语词组
1、frustums calculator ─── 平截头体计算器
frustums 相似词语短语
1、frusts ─── 挫败
2、frustules ─── n.细胞膜;硅藻之细胞膜
3、frustule ─── n.细胞膜;硅藻之细胞膜
4、Faustus ─── n.浮士德(欧洲中世纪传说中的人物,为获得知识和权力,向魔鬼出卖自己的灵魂)
5、dustups ─── n.骚动;吵闹,争吵
6、fructuous ─── adj.多果实的;多产的;会结果实的;肥沃的
7、frustum ─── n.[数]截头锥体;平截头体
8、crusts ─── n.地壳;外壳;面包皮;坚硬外皮;vi.结硬皮;结成外壳;vt.盖以硬皮;在…上结硬皮
9、fruit gums ─── 水果胶
frustums 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The storage, look-up and view frustum culling of nodes in 3D scene are the key problems which effect the rendering efficiency in large scale scene. ─── 在大规模场景渲染过程中,场景中节点的存储、查找,以及视域剔除是影响渲染速度的重要因素。
2、a frustum formed from a cone. ─── 用圆锥体做的平截头体。
3、Note that we are using the filter texture, the filter frustum, and the we have turned off filtering. ─── 注意,我们正在使用过滤纹理,过滤平截头体,并关闭了过滤。
4、Fast Rendering Method Based on View Frustum Culling and Image Caching ─── 基于视域剔除和图像缓存技术的复杂场景快速绘制方法
5、During the rendering process, two threads are used.One of them is responsible for generating multi-resolution terrain mesh by using quad-tree, flag matrix, and view frustum. ─── 该阶段使用两个线程,其中绘制线程主要借助四叉树结构,标识矩阵,裁减视景体来实现四块子地形的多分辨率网格生成;
6、frustum of parabola ─── 抛物线截角锥体
7、All vertices are clipped by the back plane of the viewing frustum. ─── 所有顶点都被视图截锥的后平面所剪辑。
8、Abstract The flow properties in the region between two coaxial frustum cones, with the inner one rotating and the outer one stationary, have been studied. ─── 摘要 本文主要研究了两同轴旋转圆台(外圆台固定)间流体的流动性质。
9、Given thecurrent view frustum, compute the visible geometry. ─── 给定当前视景体,计算可见几何体。
10、frustum form factor ─── 缺顶体形数
11、All remaining patches are culled against the viewing frustum. ─── 剩下的缀片通过视见体进行剔除。
12、The use of triangle strips and quickly culling faces outside the view frustum also contributed to fast rendering of terrain surface. ─── 为进一步提高绘制速度,算法中使用了条带结构,并对视区外的部分实现快速裁剪。
13、2.a frustum formed from a pyramid. ─── 用棱锥做的平截头体。
14、With view frustum culling based on nodes of block, triangle strip optimizing, cracks elimination and geomorphing, the efficiency and effect of the method are greatly increased. ─── 基于块节点的视景体裁剪、三角形条组织以及边界裂缝消除、视觉光滑处理等手段的运用,提高了地形漫游的效率与可视化效果。
15、Faces can be culled using a number of techniques including back face, view frustum, and occlusion culling. ─── 可以使用许多方法来剔除面,包括背面剔除、视图截锥剔除和遮面剔除。
16、The new dieless hydroforming technology of spherical tanks from combination frustum shells is put forward, its hydrobulging process is researched by means of experiments. ─── 提出了一种新型平板焊接多面壳体(即棱台组合体)的整体胀形造球工艺技术,并通过实验获得成功。
17、Keywords sonochemical yield;quadrangular frustum pyramid;quadrangular prism;KI solution; ─── 声化学产率;四棱台;四棱柱;碘化钾溶液;
18、All vertices are clipped by the top plane of the viewing frustum. ─── 所有顶点都被视图截锥的顶平面所剪裁。
19、Another is used to load the sub-terrains needed during the follow rendering from second memory according to the movement of view frustum. ─── 调度线程主要实现基于视景体顶点位置判断的子地形数据块的预调度。
20、This will help the 3D engine's performance by doing per-object frustum culling. ─── 此举有助于3D引擎对对象的层次视锥剔除运算。
21、regular frustum ─── 正平截头体
22、above the bosh the stack extends from the widest part to the top. Its shape is like a frustum of a cone. Here the reduction of the iron oxides to sponge iron takes place. ─── 炉身位于炉腹之上,从高炉直径最大处一直到炉顶,其形状就象一个截头圆锥。在这里铁氧化物被还原成海绵铁。
23、frustum of pyramid frustum ─── 平截头
24、rotating coaxial frustum cone ─── 同轴旋转圆台
25、view frustum split ─── 视截体分层
26、frustum cylinder ─── 截锥圆柱体
27、frustum of pyramid ─── 平截头棱锥体截棱锥
28、Keywords gas pipeline;leakage;jet;flame;frustum model;thermal radiation;injury;probability;safety; ─── 输气管道;泄漏;射流;火焰;平截头圆锥体模型;热辐射;伤害;几率;安全;
29、If the vertex is outside of the viewing frustum, it is stored in the destination vertex buffer in projection space coordinates. ─── 如果顶点在视锥平截体外部,则会以投影空间坐标的形式将其存储在目标顶点缓冲区中。
30、Keywords Equilateral double cone frustums shell Restrain Bulging Buckling; ─── 等边双圆锥台壳体;约束;胀形;起皱;
31、conoidal frustum ─── 截头锥体
32、The viewing frustum has an origin (0,0) at the center of the screen, while screen coordinates have an origin at the upper left of the screen. ─── 视图锥截体的原点(0,0)在屏幕中心,而屏幕坐标的则在屏幕的左上角。
33、All vertices are clipped by the left plane of the viewing frustum. ─── 所有顶点都被视图截锥的左平面所剪裁。
34、- :Ogre is pretty good at detecting which lights could be affecting the frustum, and from that, which objects could be casting a shadow on the frustum. ─── + :Ogre可以很漂亮的探测并处理灯光是否对视截体是否有影响,并且还能够处理物体是否投影进入整个视截体的情况。
35、Experimental Research on Bulging of Equilateral Double- Cone-Frustums Shell with Restrained Ends ─── 等边双圆锥台壳体端部约束胀形的实验研究
36、Approximate Calculation of Resistance of a Frustum of a Cone ─── 圆台导体电阻的近似计算
37、The numerical simulation of directional solidification process for large-scale frustum of a cone ingot ─── 大型圆台钢锭定向凝固的数值模拟
38、Since we have already normalized our screen values, all we need to do is multiply them by the tangent to find a ratio for this point in the frustum. ─── 因为我们已经定好屏幕相关值,我们现在所要做的就是依据正切来将其放大几倍以找出这个点在锥截体中的比值。
39、Tests the given sphere against the view frustum. ─── 测试给定的球体在摄像头的可视范围。
40、Contrast Study on Replacing the Frustum of the Oblique Cone with the frustum of the Right Cone Cutting obliquely ─── 斜截正锥体截头代替偏心圆锥体截头的比较研究
41、The forming principle of frustum cone-like cup (container) is studied. ─── 研究了圆台形纸杯(容器)的成型原理。
42、frustum body ─── 平截头体
43、simplified view frustum ─── 简化视见体
44、frustum of rectangular pyramid ─── 四棱体
45、frustum of sphere ─── 球截角锥体
46、View frustum culling ─── 视见体裁剪
47、a frustum of a cone ─── 圆台
48、frustum of a pyramid ─── 截棱锥
49、Sectional measurement by means of cone frustum surface area formula C% was < 0.02%, and MSD% was
50、- Spotlights are much easier to represent as renderable shadow textures than directional lights, since they are naturally a frustum. ─── + 显然聚光灯光源相对于有向光源更加容易被表现出来,这是因为一个有向光源本身就是一个视截体形状。
51、frustum of a paraboloid ─── 平截头抛物面体
52、frustum of a cone ─── 截头圆锥体平截圆锥体
53、Since we have split the frustum into two halves, each triangle has an angle at the origin of view equal to FOV/2. ─── 因为将锥截体分成相等两部分,每个三角形在原视图中都有一个角等于FOV/2。
54、The KI solution is used as a sample, and sonochemical yield is studied in the light of the difference between the quadrangular prism and quadrangular frustum of a pyramid. ─── 依据四棱台和四棱柱形状的差异,研究了声化学产率.结果表明,斜四棱台的效果最佳,大约是倒四棱台的3倍;倒四棱台(斗形状)的效果最差.这表明声化学产率与容器形状有关
55、difference of frustum ─── 墩差
56、All vertices are clipped by the right plane of the viewing frustum. ─── 所有顶点都被视图截锥的右平面所剪裁。
57、volume formula for the frustum of a square pyramid ─── 正四棱台体积公式
58、5.Under internal pressure, equilateral frustum shell tends to wrinkle at the equator, and the circular degree of the obtained vessel is poor. ─── 摘要等边双圆锥台壳体在内压的作用下,赤道环焊缝处易产生失稳起皱,且胀形后所得容器圆度较差。
59、Tests the given box against the view frustum. ─── 测试给定的方体在摄像头的可视范围。
60、All vertices are clipped by the front plane of the viewing frustum. ─── 所有顶点都被视图截锥的前平面所剪辑。
61、The reasons are also given why the subdivided solids are respectively taken as cylinder and circular frustum when the volume or the side area of a body of revolution is calculated. ─── 讨论了求旋转体体积和侧面积时,把分割后的小立体分别视为圆柱体和圆台的原因。
62、Experimental research on bulging of equilateral double-cone-frustums shell with restraining ring ─── 等边双圆锥台壳体内环约束胀形的实验研究
63、view frustum ─── 视觉约束体
64、frustum of wedge ─── 尖劈截角锥体
65、In real-time rendering phase, view-dependent frustum culling and backface clipping are performed;different regions are rendered using point or triangle according to their distance from viewpoint. ─── 在实时绘制阶段,进行视相关的裁剪和背面剔除,不同子块按视点距离分别由三角形或点进行绘制。
66、To understand this, we must first take a brief look at the characteristics of the viewing frustum. ─── 要理解这点,我们首先必须简要了解一下试图锥截体的特征。
67、- The first thing we will do to create the projector is to create the frustum which represents it and attach it to a SceneNode. ─── Find the createProjector method and add the following code: + 首先我们要创建一个投影器(projector),即创建代表它的平截头体,并绑定到场景节点上。
68、viewing frustum ─── 视见平截头体
69、seal by double conical frustum ─── 双截顶圆锥密封
70、1. The viewing frustum has an origin (0,0) at the center of the screen, while screen coordinates have an origin at the upper left of the screen. ─── 视图锥截体的原点(0,0)在屏幕中心,而屏幕坐标的则在屏幕的左上角。
71、frustum culling ─── 可视性剪裁
72、Static Equilibrium Margin for Cylinder Cone and Frustum of a Cone ─── 圆柱、圆锥和圆台的平衡裕度分析
73、frustum of cone ─── 平截头圆锥体
74、In addition,dynamical management of terrain dataset in view field was implemented effectively by visible detection based on the simplified view frustum and terrain data prediction strategy. ─── 此外,简化视见体的可见性判断和数据预取策略,实现可见数据的动态管理。
75、The bottom frustum and the top face shall be scabbled to flat.The bottom face shall be no less than 60% of the top face. ─── 底面截锥体、顶面应粗琢平整,底面积不应小于顶面积的60%。
76、To do this we clip the patches' bounding boxes against all six sides of the viewing frustum. ─── 我们用视见体的六个面去剪裁缀片的包围盒。
77、A brief discussion on teaching and studying pyramid, prism and frustum of pyramid ─── 棱柱、棱锥、棱台教学初探
78、optical frustum collocate ─── 视锥配置
79、Agressive shadow volume culling Ogre is pretty good at detecting which lights could be affecting the frustum, and from that, which objects could be casting a shadow on the frustum. ─── 因此,对于现在应用程序中通过高精度模型来带来更好的视觉效果的同时,模板阴影就成了这时候效率的瓶颈。
80、Cut up objects for frustum clipping ─── 设置正确的对象以便于视锥剪切
81、The dynamic management of landscape data is achieved with the view frustum culling technology and quadtree searching algorithm based on resolution-testing. ─── 利用视景体裁剪,基于分辨率测试的四叉树搜索算法实现了大场景数据的动态管理。其中重点对可见区分辨率进行调整,使渲染的数据块适中。
82、Each frame, Ogre determines the lights which could be affecting the frustum, and then allocates the number of shadow textures it is allowed to use to the lights on a first-come-first-served basis. ─── 不过这样做只有在点光源在视截体外面的时候才能正确的工作,所以并不是一个真正完美的解决方案,并且而外的这样做还会带来一些纹理的“抖动”。
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