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08-29 投稿


approbation 发音

英:[,æprə'beɪʃ(ə)n]  美:['æprə'beʃən]

英:  美:

approbation 中文意思翻译



approbation 短语词组

1、legal approbation ─── [法] 依法认可

2、on approbation ─── 商品供试用的, 包退包换的

3、self-approbation ─── 自我认证

approbation 反义词


approbation 同义词

glory | approval | acceptance | praise | commendation | adhesion | consent | regard |applause | admiration | esteem | favor

approbation 词性/词形变化,approbation变形

动词第三人称单数: approbates |形容词: approbative |动词现在分词: approbating |动词过去分词: approbated |动词过去式: approbated |

approbation 习惯用语

1、on approbation (on appro) ─── (商品)供试用的, 包退包换的

2、meet sb.'s approbation ─── 得到某人的赞许

approbation 相似词语短语

1、improbation ─── 不赞成

2、disapprobation ─── n.不答应;非难;不赞成

3、appersonation ─── n.对一个知名人物下意识做的假想

4、probation ─── n.试用;缓刑;查验

5、reprobation ─── n.反对;排斥;谴责

6、approbative ─── adj.赞同的;称赞的;有利的

7、approximation ─── n.[数]近似法;接近;[数]近似值

8、appropriation ─── n.拨款;挪用

9、approbating ─── vt.认可;承认;批准

approbation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim. ─── 从语言层面比较了英语和汉语中的礼貌策略的异同。

2、"It is the vanity, not the ease, or the pleasure, which interests us. But vanity is always founded upon the belief of our being the object of attention and approbation". ─── 吸引著我们,让我们著迷的其实是一种虚幻,不是身心的舒适与愉悦。空虚常来自我们自认为是众所瞩目或认同的对象。

3、An official approbation; sanction. ─── 官方的批准;认可

4、When he heard them for the first time he was as surprised as he was pleased, and with his approbation my road to freedom was widened. ─── 当他第一次听到我对他读这些诗的时候,他是又惊讶又高兴,有了他的好评,我的自由之路更加宽广了。

5、Showing or expressing praise or approbation; applauding. ─── 喝彩的显示或表示赞扬或认可的;鼓掌的

6、Approbation that product get the local market is because its be assenbled with quiet attention by the carefully chosen material make into, one by one through the test. ─── 产品得到国内市场的认可是因为其由精挑细选的材料制成,细心装配,逐一经过测试。

7、Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise. ─── 原则6称赞最轻微的改进并且称赞每个改进。"在你的许可过程中热情和在你的赞扬过程中慷慨"。

8、Jane Austen:She liked him too little to care for his approbation. ─── 奥斯丁:因为她根本不喜欢他,因此不稀罕他的垂青。

9、Promote the Laboratory Approbation System, Raise the Management and Technique Levels ─── 推行实验室认可制度,提高管理和技术水平

10、He glanced at his cousin and the young lady visitor; and they were both regarding him with a smile of approbation. ─── 他回头望望表妹,又望望做客的小姐,她们二人都面露称赞的微笑望着他。

11、The fat little girl skipped back to her fat mother for approbation: they regarded each other with complacent smiles. ─── 小胖女孩跳跳蹦蹦,跳到大胖妈妈面前讨好,母女两个自鸣得意地相视而笑。

12、A Bit Knowledge on Works in Chian National Approbation of Laboratory ─── 实验室国家认可活动中案头和表格工作的一点认识

13、Because of the "integrity" of the word to customers centuries old surplus doors, Liu Chuan-the pledge to the Millennium mouth with approbation. ─── 因为有了“诚信”二字,百年的老店得以顾客盈门,刘邦的约法三章得以传为千年美谈。

14、He that publishes a book runs a very great hazard, since nothing can be more impossible than to compose one that may secure the approbation of every reader. ─── 出版一本书的人冒着极大的危险,因为创作一部可能受到所有读者欢迎的作品是最不可能的事。

15、A murmur of approbation ran through the assembly; ─── 全场发出一阵低低赞许声。

16、Here hopes our product and serve can get much extensive consumer approbation, Becomes you nearby brand service Shang Dynasty. ─── 在此希望我们的产品和服务能得到更广泛的客户认可,成为您身边的品牌服务商。

17、Principle 6 Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.” ─── 原则六:诚恳地赞扬和鼓励对方的每一次进步。

18、His work met people's approbation and then received the great recompense. ─── 他的辛苦赢得了人们的认可,也最终得到了充分的报偿。

19、18.He that publishes a book runs a very great hazard, since nothing can be more impossible than to compose one that may secure the approbation of every reader .--E.B. ─── 出书的人冒着一种很大的危险,因为写出一部可以受到每个读者都赞许的书,是最不可能的事情。

20、He bestowed his hearty approbation, however, on their species of house. ─── 不过,他对她们住宅的类型,宽大地予以衷心的称赞。

21、"Like him! " replied her mother with a smile. "I feel no sentiment of approbation inferior to love. " ─── “喜欢他!”母亲笑吟吟地答道。“我心里一满意,少不了要喜爱他。”

22、4. Not enough feedback or approbation commensurate with the performance. ─── 工作表现得不到足够的反馈或认可。

23、I may hope that somewhat of the same cheering approbation will be found to attend upon my path. ─── 我也许可希望同样欢心的赞赏会多少出现在我的道路上。

24、on approbation ─── adj. 供应用的(包换的)

25、legal approbation ─── [法] 依法认可

26、were disgusted with the women who were always speaking, and looking, and thinking for your approbation alone. ─── 有种女人,她们无论是说话、思想、表情,都只是为了博得你称赞一声,你对这种女人已经觉得讨厌。

27、meet someone's approbation ─── 得到某人赞许

28、The semi-drunk's suggestion that someone should sing a song was received with unqualified approbation by everybody. ─── 半醉汉要求唱歌的建议得到大家无条件的拥护。

29、The approach he took was given approbation . ─── 他采取的方法得到了称赞。

30、I anticipate nothing but grateful approbation. ─── 我预料大家只有感激赞许。

31、In the product quality, develop the approbation that fashionable style etc.And gets a market with the affirmation of large consumer. ─── 在产品质量、开发新潮款式等方面得到市场的认可和广大消费者的肯定。

32、She smiled approbation. ─── 她微笑着表示赞许。

33、Tu Wei-yueh gazed back at Pockmarked Li with a faint smile ----it may have been a smile of sympathy, or it may have been one of approbation. ─── 屠维岳看着李麻子的脸孔,微微一笑,像是抚慰,又像是赞许。

34、This was enough to prove that her approbation need not be doubted: and Elizabeth, rejoicing that such an effusion was heard only by herself, soon went away. ─── “非常非常愿意。彬格莱和我真是再高兴也没有了。这件事我们也考虑过,谈论过,都认为不可能。你当真非常爱他吗?

35、The Value Approbation of School Teacher Management ─── 学校教师管理中的价值认同

36、The business will in future be conducted under the firm of Messrs.Hara &Co., and we trust that this arrangement will not only meet your approbation, but also ensure your entire confidence. ─── 前此青木先生与我们以青木公司名义经营的合伙商业,经双方协商,同意解散,特此通告。

37、"In order to render an act valid, I must be certain of the approbation or disapprobation of my client ─── “为了使公证有效,我必须能明白无误地确定我的委托人对某些事是表示同意还是表示反对。

38、To earn the approbation of honest critics ─── 博得真诚的认可

39、political approbation ─── 政治认同

40、A general murmur of approbation showed that the narrator had faithfully detailed their misfortunes and sufferings. ─── 一片“是的”附和声证明这个叙述已忠实详细地讲述了他们的不幸和受苦的情形。

41、We all know that in the bathing Archimedes discovered buoyancy when the law of the scientific achievements in the history section of the mouth with approbation. ─── 我们都知道,阿基米德在洗澡时发现了浮力定律,成就了科学史上的一段美谈。

42、said the count, the approbation of whose eye Villefort had frequently solicited during this speech ─── 伯爵说道。在讲这番话的过程中,维尔福常常把目光投向他,以求得他的赞许。

43、However, people still reserve the political approbation to the political power and systems despite the loss of domination of the political belief. ─── 主流政治信仰尽管地位已经不再,人们对政治权力和政治制度依然保留着政治认同。

44、She gave him such a look of approbation as secured the largest share of his discourse to herself for the rest of his stay. ─── 她向他投以极为赞赏的一瞥;这一瞥,使他把这次作客的其余时间绝大部分都用来和她谈话。

45、meet with general approbation ─── 博得普遍的赞同

46、Our service also got the approbation and the affirmation of more and more customers. ─── 我们的服务也得到了越来越多客户的认同和肯定。

47、For then thou wilt neither blame those who offend involuntarily, nor wilt thou want their approbation, if thou lookest to the sources of their opinions and appetites. ─── 因为那样你将不会谴责那些不由自主地冒犯你的人,你也不会想要得到他们的嘉许,只要你看清了他们的意见和口味的根源。

48、and he could express approbation without noisy display,and he possessed much knowledge without ostentation. ─── 他能自然地赞美别人,但又不过于夸张,他知识渊博却从不卖弄。

49、You need not chase the self-respect establishment at the other people's approbation on; ─── 你不必把自尊建立在别人的认可之上;

50、They make bad blood, can't forgive, sniff right, and left for approbation. ─── 他们有一些坏作风,他们不饶人。为了得到公众的承认,他们四处寻风摸底。

51、It had been agreed that the old man should express his approbation by closing his eyes, his refusal by winking them several times, and if he had some desire or feeling to express, he raised them to heaven. ─── 大家早就约定;假如老人表示同意,他就闭一下眼睛,假如表示不同意,就连眨几下,假如他想说什么,他就抬眼向天。

52、In 2008, we have established our own brand SAME-MEDICAL, which has been running into the market, wins the approbation of numerous customers with trust. ─── 08年,公司自主研发开拓的SAME-MEDICAL品牌已经开始投放市场运行,深得广大客户的认可和信赖。

53、my complete approbation. ─── 我完全同意。

54、The supposition did not pain her. She liked him too little to care for his approbation. ─── 她作出了这个假想之后,并没有感到痛苦,因为她根本不喜欢他,因此不稀罕他的垂青。

55、Search the huge potential of engine, already drive more and more of person approbation. ─── 搜索引擎的巨大潜力,已经被越来越多的人所认同。

56、Until the previous summer, Stuart had courted India Wilkes with the approbation of both families and the entire County. ─── 到去年夏天为止,斯图尔特曾经在双方家庭和全县的赞许下追求过英迪亚·威尔克斯。

57、Constantly observe who those are whose approbation thou wishest to have, and what ruling principles they possess. ─── 总是观察那些你希望得到他们嘉许的人,看看他们拥有什么样的支配原则。

58、and shall secure to you the peace,friendship,and approbation of all nations. ─── 为你们保证和平,友谊,和所有国家的赞许。

59、The idea of the utility of all qualities of this kind, is plainly an after?thought,and not what first recommends them to our approbation. ─── 利用所有这些特征的想法坦率地说就是一个事后想法,不是。。。

60、"You know the inside of our company who the most fat?Beyond all doubt be I!"I am earnest of say, he approbation of looking at me. ─── “你知道我们公司里谁最胖吗?毫无疑问就是我!”我认真的说道,他认同的看着我。

61、His sensitiveness to approbation, his hope of winning favor by an agreeable act, are made use of to induce action in another direction. ─── 儿童对认可比较敏感,希望用优良的行为赢得人们的好感。可以利用这种心理,诱使行动走向另外的方向。

62、10. Ignore you whether approbation my viewpoint, we are the dream of the same still at least. ─── 不理你是否认同我的观点,我们的梦想,同时至少还要等。

63、We have not yet receive the approbation of the minister for carry out the plan. ─── 我们尚未得到部长的批准,让我们实施该项计划。

64、We have not yet received the approbation of the Minister for carrying out the plan. ─── 我们尚未得到部长的批准,让我们实施该项计划。

65、"Nothing shall be done without the full approbation of Albert de Morcerf ─── “一切当然应该得到阿尔贝·马尔塞夫的完全认可。”

66、"I assure your excellency," said he, "that at least it shall be my study to merit your approbation in all things, and I will take M. Ali as my model." ─── “我向大人保证,”他说,“我要努力学习,以求在各方面合乎您的心意,我要以阿里先生为榜样。”

67、You were disgusted with the women who were always speaking, and looking, and thinking for your approbation alone. ─── 天下有种女人,她们无论是说话、思想、表情,都只是为了博得你称赞一声,你对这种女人已经觉得讨厌。

68、We have accumulated over 20 years experience in manufacturing and frading fancy plywood, veneer, and exotic wood in Taiwan, and due to the high quality of our products, acquired unceasing approbation in this industry. ─── 对客户的需求,我们以诚恳的服务,奉献我们最精质的产品,因此,在台湾,我们获得客户不绝于耳的掌声。

69、As the technology progress, the product innovation design needs the creativity, and the creativity needs the approbation of the consumer, just have an economic benefit. ─── 摘要随著全球化的科技进展与地球村的经济型态,产品创新设计需要不断的创意,而创意需要消费者的认同,才有经济利益。

70、The network system designed operates in a steady and natural state up to now, which also receives approbation of the colleagues and leaders. ─── 目前的网络已经正常稳定地运行了一段时间,得到了广大设计工程师及部门领导广泛认可。

71、Win the big result in construction construct modern bathroom culture, and obtain the customer's high approbation. ─── 在营造现代卫浴文化的建设中赢得丰厚的成果,并取得客户的高度认同。

72、See the Approbation Concern of the New Period Literature from a Few Works ─── 从几部作品看新时期文学中的认同关怀

73、and then hastened to shew both letters to her daughters, that she might be secure of their approbation before her answer were sent. ─── 然后,她急忙将两封信拿给女儿们看,以便在发信前先征得她们的同意。

74、To earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; ─── 成功就是得到诚实的批评家的欣赏,承受得住虚伪的朋友的背叛;

75、When I am in the pulpit, have the pleasure of seeing my audience nod approbation while they sleep. ─── 当我在讲坛说教的时候,看到听众边打瞌睡边点头同意而感到荣幸。

76、A law, which actually exists, is a law, though we happen to dislike it, or though it vary from the text, by which we regulate our approbation or disapprobation. ─── 一个法律规则是一个客观存在的事实;尽管,我们碰巧不喜欢它,或者,它不同于文本--我们是根据后者来臧否事物的。

77、To Donne she always served the treat, and was happy to see his approbation of it proved beyond a doubt ─── 她常常请唐吃东西,看到他毫不置疑地欣然接受,心里着实高兴。

78、"Excellency," said Pastrini, "I am delighted to have your approbation, but it was not for that I came." ─── “阁下,”他说,“蒙您称赞,我很高兴,但我不是为这点而来的。”

79、"This communication," continued the procureur, in that cold and decisive tone which seemed at once to preclude all discussion, "will, we are sure, meet with your approbation." ─── “这个消息,”检察官用那种冷淡和坚决的口气继续说,似乎要断然拒绝一切商量余地似的,“嗯,我们相信一定会得到您的赞许。”

80、He tasted the wine of audience approbation. ─── 他尝到了像酒般令人陶醉的听众赞许滋味。

81、Successful, be can develop own real strenght, get social approbation. ─── 成功,就是能够把自己的实力发挥出来,得到社会的认可。

82、For all the global approbation for his decisive action a year ago, domestically there has so far been little dividend. ─── 全世界都赞同他一年前的果断措施,然而英国国内到目前为止却没看到什么经济上的回报。

83、How to Win the Approbation of Subordinates ─── 如何赢得下属的认同

84、But this is equally the case with regard to our approbation or disapprobation of the sentiments or passions of others. ─── 但是,在我们对别人的心情或情绪的认可与否方面,也是等同的情况。

85、To Donne she always served the treat, and was happy to see his approbation of it proved beyond a doubt. ─── 她常常请唐吃东西,看到他毫不置疑地欣然接受,心里着实高兴。

86、Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. "Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise. ─── 即使最小的进步,也要表扬;每有进步,都要表扬。“赞赏要由衷,表扬要慷慨。

87、PUT THE APPROBATION AND CRITICISM TRANSMISSION AND INNOVATION TOGETHER--Treat Correctly the Traditional Culture Under the Globalization ─── 从批判误区到认同与批判、传承与创新的辩证统一--正确对待全球化冲击下的传统文化

88、Well get approbation of go together the technical experts; ─── 充分得到同行技师们的认可;

89、They rehearse familiar-sounding already can detailed, still heard to assume an air of self approbation. ─── 他们对戏早已耳熟能详,仍然听得摇头晃脑。

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