correspondency 发音
英:[[ˌkɒrɪs'pɒndənsɪ]] 美:[[ˌkɒrə'spɒndənsɪ]]
英: 美:
correspondency 中文意思翻译
correspondency 词性/词形变化,correspondency变形
名词复数: correspondencies |
correspondency 相似词语短语
1、correspondence ─── n.通信;一致;相当
2、correspondences ─── n.联系;信函,信件(correspondence的复数);两个概念成分之间的对应
3、correspondingly ─── adv.相应地,相对地
4、correspondent ─── n.通讯记者;客户;通信者;代理商行
5、correspondently ─── 相应地
6、correspondencies ─── n.符合;一致;相应;找到
7、corespondency ─── 协同响应
8、correspondents ─── n.通讯员(correspondent的复数);通信者
9、co-respondency ─── 共同反应
correspondency 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Her white hat, shoes and stockings correspond with her white dress. ─── 她的白帽、白鞋和白长袜与身上的白衣服相称。
2、Fields in Word correspond to the column headings in the data file that you select. ─── Word中的域与所选数据文件中的列标题对应。
3、An important step in writing teaching is to help students search for the correspondency of themselves and their real lives. ─── 写作教学的一个重要环节是帮助学生寻找自我与生活的契合点。
4、The arms of a man correspond to the wings of a bird. ─── 人的手臂相当于鸟的翅膀。
5、Her expenses do not correspond to her income. ─── 她的收入与支出不相称。
6、In particular, a command in one may correspond to two or more commands in the other. ─── 具体来说,在一种环境中的一个命令可能对应另外一种环境中的两个或多个命令。
7、Her actions do not correspond with her words. ─── 她言行不一。
8、From these waveforms, a sequence of numbers may be written which correspond to the given waveforms. ─── 从波形图可以写出与给定波型相符合的数字序列。
9、If we find they correspond, every fear of mine will be removed. ─── 如果我们发现他们通信的话,我的种种忧虑就会烟消云散了。
10、The next key control about mobile, high-speed drift small ball, moved to correspond to the small window. ─── 上下左右键控制移动,把高速漂移小球,移动到对应的小窗口去。
11、His version of the accident should correspond with that of the other witnesses. ─── 他对这件事情的说法应与其他证人的说法相一致。
12、The broad lines on the map correspond to roads. ─── 地图上的粗线代表公路。
13、Her red hat and shoes correspond with her red dress. ─── 她的红帽、红鞋和她的红色衣服十分协调。
14、Your account and hers correspond . ─── 你的说法跟她的说法一致.
15、The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa. ─── 全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。
16、An important step in writing teaching is to help students search for the correspondency of themselves and their real lives. ─── 写作教学的一个重要环节是帮助学生寻找自我与生活的契合点。
17、Secondary seal material shall be FPM or EPDM and correspond to the seat material for maximum chemical resistance. ─── 二级密封材料应该是FPM或三元乙丙橡胶和具有最好耐化学腐蚀性能的相应阀座材料。
18、The second part reveals the complex correspondency between three Chinese writers and the influence of the foreign literature. ─── 在影响裂变的深处,既体现了外国文学影响的复杂性与微妙性,也体现出了中国作家在接受外国文学影响上的选择性与综合性。
19、Your actions do not correspond with your words. ─── 你的言行不一。
20、Any other assessment of Comrade Liu Shaoqi would not correspond to reality. ─── 否则不合乎事实。
21、To correspond in form or character; be similar. ─── 一致在形式或特征上相符;相似
22、Her white hat and shoes correspond with her white dress. ─── 她的白帽、白鞋和她的白色衣服配衬得很好。
23、His actions do not correspond with his words. ─── 他的言行不一。
24、A solid figure having24 equal faces,every three of which correspond to one face of an octahedron. ─── 三八面体具有24个面等面、每三个相面对应于八面体的一个面的固体圆形
25、Correspondency and Similarity of Sounds in Sino-Tibetan Languages ─── 汉藏语的语音对应与语音相似
26、The number of views created will correspond to the layout selected. ─── 创建视图的数量将取决于选择的布局。
27、You can't correspond with your mother because she doesn'thave a computer. ─── 你不能和你母亲通信,因为她没有电脑。
28、At the last end of century and the correspond liter ary world, historical nihilism becomes a fashion to follow. ─── 在刚刚逝去的上一世纪末和当下的文坛上,当前文艺批评中的历史虚无主义倾向竟成为某些人称颂的“亮点”和效仿的“时髦”。
29、Your account and hers correspond. ─── 你的说法跟她的说法一致。
30、Correspond the returned parts and connect with service dept. ─── 协调退回物料的到货情况,与售后仓库的物料交接。
31、Perforated plates correspond to heterogeneous media. ─── 多孔板相当于均匀介质。
32、His expenses do not correspond to his income. ─── 他入不付出。
33、Their designs, for the most part, correspond to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand. ─── 他们的设计绝大部分符合实际需要和有关环境要求的条例。
34、Do you ever correspond with your overseas friends? ─── 你和你国外的朋友通过信吗?
35、Distinct patterns correspond to distinguishable bracelets. ─── 不同的形对应不同的手镯。
36、The sources you provide must correspond exactly to the binaries. ─── 你提供的源代码必须严格对应二进制程序。
37、Fields in Word correspond to the column headings in the data file that you choose. ─── Word中的域与所选数据文件中的列标题相对应。
38、A loser is one who fails to correspond authentically. ─── 失败者则指那些未能做到诚实可靠的人。
39、In general, transformation operators do not correspond to observables. ─── 一般说来,变换算符没有和它相对应的可观测量。
40、I use RDF types that correspond to the WSDL element names for each of the resources used in the description. ─── 仍是为了简洁,我使用的RDF类型分别与每个资源在描述中所使用WSDL元素名相对应。
41、Ventral (or pelvic) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped. ─── 与四足动物后肢相对的是腹鳍。
42、Twenty-five years after she visited a foreign country,she continued to correspond with people. she had met there. ─── 例如,25年后的今天她仍和她访问过的一个国家的朋友保持通信。
43、The score you get will correspond to how you do this assignment. ─── 你得到的分数将和你怎麽做这份指定作业相对应。
44、However, in many cases the bore and outside diameters correspond to Diameter Series 9 or 0 to ISO 15:1998. ─── 但是,在很多情况下,孔径和外径同1998年的ISO 15标准的直径系列9或0对应。
45、The data correspond to the requirement dont exist. ─── 与搜索条件符合的数据不存在.
46、The description of the goods in the commercial invoice must correspond with the description in the Credit. ─── 商业发票中的货物描述,必须与信用证规定的相符。
47、His promises do not correspond with his actions. ─── 他的言行不一致。
48、Optimized code is harder to debug because instructions do not correspond directly to statements in your source windows. ─── 优化代码更难调试,因为指令与源窗口中的语句并不是直接对应的。
49、His design, for the most part, correspond with the actual needs. ─── 他的设计绝大多数情况下都符合实际需要。
50、Make arrangement of customer visit, correspond Dept. concerned. ─── 协调有关部门安排客户参观访问。
51、Total liabilities correspond to the summation item of liabilities shown in the balance sheets of the enterprises. ─── 包括流动负债和长期负债、递延税项等,即为企业资产负债表的负债合计项。
52、Some systems for the classification of climates seek to define climatic units that will correspond to major formation-types. ─── 一些对气候的分类系统倾向于以相应的主要群系型来范定气候的单位。
53、The goods submitted does not correspond with the sample sent . ─── 到货与惠送样品并不相同。
54、Hind because correspond not free loses connection. ─── 后因通信不畅失去联系。
55、Way of Correspondency for City Renew and City Culture ─── 论城市更新与城市文化相契合的方法与途径
56、This is a fashionable space, also be fashionable person of space. Because here, don't limit your imagination, don't limit you find the correspondency of, don't limit your a new story. ─── 这里是一个时尚的空间,也是时尚人的空间。因为这里,不限制你去想象,不限制你去寻找与它的契合点,不限制你发挥一个全新的故事。
57、Does the name on the envelope correspond with the name on the letter inside? ─── 信封上的名字与里面信上的名字是否相同?
58、Join points that correspond to places in the code contained within certain classes or methods. ─── 与包含在某个类或方法中的代码位置对应的连接点。
59、Many of his portrayals of the reltionship of men and women correspond in part to Freudian constructions. ─── 他所塑造出的许多男女之间的关系的形象,在一定程度上和弗洛伊德学派的结构模式不谋而合。
60、The 14 units in the workbook correspond to each unit in the parent text. ─── 14个单位在作业对应各单位在家长的文本。
61、Your account and hers do not correspond. ─── 你说的情况与她说的不相符。
62、The voltage must correspond with voltage mark on machine. ─── 使用电压应与铭牌规定相符。
63、The succession of life in the geological record did not correspond to the acts of the six days of creation. ─── 地质记录中的生物继替和六天创造的活动不相符合。
64、Different languages correspond to different worlds. ─── 不同的语言对应着不同的世界。
65、Her attitude on this is correspond with me. ─── 她对这件事情的态度和我的一致。
66、If you correspond regularly, you won't be out of touch. ─── 如果你们定期通信就不会失去联系。
67、Your account of events does not correspond with hers. ─── 你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。
68、He still needs to correspond with his lawyer on this matter. ─── 他仍需和他的律师通信讨论此事。
69、Correspond by balefire namely on the other hand (600498. ─── 另一方面就是由烽火通信(600498.
70、Red lines on the map correspond to major roads. ─── 地图上的红线相当于主要道路。
71、The nighttime airglow, or nightglow, correspond to the intensity of a candle at 100m distance. ─── 夜间辉光或夜辉相当于在100米距离的一支烛光的强度。
72、The values for tolerances correspond to ISO 492:2002. ─── 公差值同ISO 492:2002标准对应。
73、Your account of events does not correspond. ─── 你对这件事的描述与她的描述不符。
74、The dimensions of the HJ angle rings correspond to those specified in ISO 246:1995. ─── HJ角圈的尺寸同1995年的ISO 246标准所规定的尺寸对应。
75、To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. ─── 呼应,一致在性、数、格或人称方面彼此呼应,一致
76、His ideas don't correspond to reality. ─── 他的想法不切实际。
77、His words correspond with his action. ─── 他言行一致。
78、In this chamber only, the colors of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. ─── 只有这间房的窗玻璃颜色没有跟房间里的装饰的颜色一致。
79、Even further south, reflections from 35km depth may correspond to the Moho of peninsular India. ─── 再往南从35公里深度来的反射波是来自印度半岛的莫霍界面.
80、His words and actions do not correspond. ─── 他的言行没有相符。
81、You will understand perfectly that I cannot at present correspond with your father. ─── 你一定完全了解,我目前不能写信给令尊。
82、You can't correspond with your mother because she doesn't have a computer. ─── 因为妈妈没有电脑,你难以跟她取得联系了。
83、I should never correspond to your pattern of a lady. ─── 你为小姐们制定的规格我永远达不到。
84、His answer to the question does not correspond with mine. ─── 他对问题的答案和我的不符。
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