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09-07 投稿


churchmen 发音

英:[ˈtʃɜːtʃmən]  美:[ˈtʃɜrtʃmən]

英:  美:

churchmen 中文意思翻译



churchmen 词性/词形变化,churchmen变形


churchmen 短语词组

1、churchmen machine ─── 教士机器

2、churchmen quartet ─── 教士四重奏

3、churchmen definition ─── 教士的定义

4、churchmen podcast ─── 教士播客

5、churchmen tour ─── 教士之旅

6、churchmen bluegrass ─── 蓝草教士

churchmen 相似词语短语

1、churchman ─── n.牧师;教徒;n.(Churchman)人名;(英)丘奇曼

2、churchwomen ─── n.热心的女教会会员;女信徒(尤指信奉英国国家者)

3、churchgoer ─── n.经常去做礼拜的人

4、churchier ─── adj.唯教会独尊的;教会的;恪守教会仪式的;仪式的(churchy的变形)

5、church key ─── 有三角形尖端的开罐器或开瓶器

6、churchmanly ─── 有男子气概的

7、churchwoman ─── n.热心的女教会会员;女信徒(尤指信奉英国国家者)

8、churched ─── adj.教会的;礼拜的;v.领……到教堂接受宗教仪式(church的过去式和过去分词);n.(Church)(美、英)丘奇(人名)

9、churches ─── n.教会,教堂(church的复数形式);v.到教堂接受宗教仪式(church的第三人称单数形式)

churchmen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why do all these courtiers and knights and churchmen hate me? ─── 这些朝臣、贵族、教士们为什么都恨我呢?

2、National Association of Evangelical Churchmen ─── 全国传教士协会

3、Mr Warren's invitation to the Democratic senator( who dutifully submitted to a mouth swab for HIV) brought a rebuke from conservative churchmen and commentators who object to his attitude to abortion. ─── 华理克对这个民主党参议员(主动提供了口腔拭子做HIV病毒检测)邀请,引起了保守的教士和非教士(主持宗教仪式)谴责,他们反对参议员在堕胎问题上的态度。

4、The civil rights movement spread so fast that a group of black churchmen formed an organization to guide it. ─── 在南方各地成立了许多组织,对种族分离进行和平抗议。

5、)al materials and the Chinese text books written by papistical churchmen in China during Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── 其范围包括佚书、古本或善本、古典小说戏曲、敦煌遗书、太平天国史料及明清之际天主教传教士华文著作。

6、The monks were too isolated to resist, the old antagonism between them and the parish clergy depriving them of much support even from churchmen. ─── 修道士们被完全孤立,以致无力反抗,他们和教区牧师间长久敌意使他们甚至无法从牧师那里得到支持。

7、A single life doth well with churchmen, for charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool. ─── 独身生活适于僧侣之流,因为慈善之举若先须注满一池,则难于灌溉地面也。

8、The Churchmen of the Basel Missionary Society and the Studies on Hakka Dialect ─── 巴色会传教士与客家方言研究

9、Liberal churchmen disclaimed most of this. ─── 宽容的牧师们否认了上述的很多说法。

10、All the churchmen have preached against immorality. ─── 所有牧师都讲道反对不道德的行为。

11、He ranks with the greatest of Scottish churchmen. ─── 他是最伟大的苏格兰教士之一。

12、Churchmen, moreover, were suspicious of this friend of the philosophes who "did not attend Mass" and was suspected of favoring tolerance for Protestants. ─── 他发展、修正了魁奈和其徒党的论点,使重农主义作为[[ 资产阶级]] 思想体系的特征有更加鲜明的表现。在他那里重农主义发展到最高峰。

13、These churchmen's acquaintance with France stopped short at Joan of Arc. ─── 这些传教士对法国的了解仅限于有关圣女贞德的传说。

14、When he couldn't calm down, a couple of the churchmen escorted him to a little room in the back of the church that held the choir robes and closed the door. ─── 见他无法安静下来,几个教士把他搀扶到教堂后面唱诗班存放衣服的地方,然后关上了门。

15、One paradoxical result of this change was that from this time leading churchmen played a part in State affairs not more but less prominent than formerly. ─── 这其中一个反常的结果是,重要的教会领袖此时此刻与以前相比,对国家事务的参与不是更多而是明显地减少。

16、My brothers, you must realise that for us churchmen nothing is more necessary than meditation. ─── 弟兄们,你们要了解,对献身于教会的人说,没有比心祷更重要的。

17、Episcopal Churchmen of South Africa ─── 南非圣公会教士会

18、The Fellowship of Southern Churchmen ─── 南部教会领袖团契

19、When this book was written to the 17 century, a new phenomenon appeared on China's painting world, that is the drawing of China's objects by western churchmen, which also including a lot of effigies. ─── 当写到十七世纪时,在中国的画坛上出现了一种新现象,即西方的传教士画家用油画描绘中国的事物,也画了不少的肖像画。

20、the churchmen, he was a godless atheist. ─── 教会人士,他是无神论者。

21、One of his fellow churchmen , Samuel Andrews, was investing in oil refining; and this new frontier appealed to young John. ─── 他的一个牧师同行,萨缪尔·安德鲁斯投资了炼油生意,而这一新兴产业也吸引了年轻的约翰。

22、The publication of Darwin's book led to a storm of controversy among scientists and churchmen as his theory challenged the biblical account of the Creation. ─── 该书的出版震惊了当时的学术界,也给了宗教沉重的打击,因为他挑战了圣经中的特创论。

23、He ranks with the greatest of Scottish churchmen. ─── 他是最伟大的苏格兰教士之一。

24、99. The Home of Lords consists of hereditary peers, life peers, high churchmen and some judges. ─── 上议院由世袭的贵族、终身贵族、高级圣职人员和一些法官组成。

25、In my opinion, Roscoe and his churchmen are marching resolutely backwards. ─── 依我看,罗斯科同他那些教会伙伴是在开倒车。

26、Churchmen often led the way in establishing contact between white and lndian in what became the United States. ─── 牧师们经常在后来成为美国的那个地方在白人和当地的印第安人之间搭建了沟通的桥梁。

27、Do all the churchmen preached against drug taking ? ─── 所有的教会人士都竭力反对吸毒吗?

28、" These churchmen want the virtues of "passion" and "authenticity" without the "encumbrance" of orthodoxy. ─── 这些教民们想要有"激情满怀"和"信仰纯正"品质的同时不受信奉正教的"缠累"。

29、A single life doth well with churchmen; for charity will hardly water the ground, where it must first fill a pool ─── 作为献身宗教的人,是有理由保持独身的。否则他们的慈悲就先布施于家人而不是供奉于上帝了。

30、1.Celibacy stopped churchmen from producing heirs, and the general idea was that the church lands would go back into the hands of the Church upon the death of a prelate. ─── 独身制度使得神职者不能再有后代,这也使得教会的土地在高级教士死后能够回到教会手中。

31、Do all the churchmen preached against drug taking? ─── 所有的教会人士都竭力反对吸毒吗?

32、Mr Warren's invitation to the Democratic senator (who dutifully submitted to a mouth swab for HIV) brought a rebuke from conservative churchmen and commentators who object to his attitude to abortion. ─── 华理克对这个民主党参议员(他主动提供了口腔拭子做HIV病毒检测)的邀请,引起了保守的教士和非教士(但主持宗教仪式)的谴责,他们反对参议员在堕胎问题上的态度。

33、A single life doth well with churchmen; ─── 作为献身宗教的,是有理由保持独身的。

34、But Latin survived as the language of churchmen and the wealthy, educated classes, and was to have a profound effect on the devebopment of the languages of southern Europe and England. ─── 不过,拉丁语作为宗教人士、上层阶级和知识阶层的语言,仍被继续使用,并将对南欧国家和英国的语言发展产生深远的影响。

35、Farmer and churchmen go down the stage in opposite direction. ─── 农民与牧师反方向走下台。

36、But Latin survived as the language of churchmen and the wealthy, educated classes, and was to have a profound effect on the development of the languages of southern Europe and England. ─── 不过,作为宗教人士、上层阶级和知识阶层的语言,拉丁语仍被继续使用,并将对南欧国家和英国的语言发展产生深远的影响。

37、One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign. ─── 肯尼亚宗教界的一位重要人物已呼吁政府下台。

38、He was respected for his learning by several churchmen and other gentlemen. ─── 他的学识博得了一些牧师和其他绅士们的尊敬。

39、Like many senior churchmen of his time, he enjoyed the finer things in life and was as much a politician as a scholar. ─── 他像那个时代的许多高级教士一样,享受着生活中各种的好事,他同时也是一个学者和政治家。

40、In my opinion, Roscoe and his churchmen are marching resolutely backwards ─── 依我看,罗斯科同他那些教会伙伴是在开倒车。

41、Churchmen often led the way in establishing contact between whites and Indians __ became the United States A. ─── in what 标准答案是 d,虽然能理解,但是却说不出个所以然,很难让别人信服。

42、Nevertheless, in churchmen, luxury is wrong, except in connection with representations and ceremonies ─── 不过,就教会中人来说,除了表示身份和举行仪式而外,使用华贵物品是错误的。

43、Farmer and churchmen go down the stage in opposite direction. ─── 农民与牧师反方向走下台。

44、People with no interest in European history know full well that it was led by brutal and fanatical churchmen who tortured, maimed, and killed those who dared question the authority of the Church. ─── 那些对欧洲历史没什么兴趣的人们清楚地知道,宗教裁判所是一个由狂热而残忍的教士主导的机构,这些教士拷打、残害并杀死敢于挑战教会权威的人。

45、a hymnal for young churchmen. ─── 书名/作者 At worship;

46、Tract Number 23 - The Faith and Obedience of Churchmen, the Strength of the Church. ─── 道23号-信仰和服从牧师,实力教会。

47、Slavery, which the ancients and even the early churchmen had thought to be inevitable to support the world of free men, almost entirely desappeared. ─── 奴隶制,这一先人甚至早期教会曾认为是不可避免的支配人类的制度,几乎完全消失了。

48、Senator Douglas criticized the churchmen. He said they should stay out of politics. ─── 道格拉斯参议员批评这些教会人士,他说,教会人士应该远离政治。

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