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08-22 投稿


surgically 发音

英:[['sɜ:dʒɪklɪ]]  美:[['sɜ:dʒɪklɪ]]

英:  美:

surgically 中文意思翻译



surgically 短语词组

1、non-surgically ad. ─── 非外科手术地

2、surgically excised ─── 手术切除的

3、surgically def ─── 外科定义

4、surgically means ─── 外科手段

5、surgically fixed ─── 手术固定

6、surgically air ─── 手术用空气

7、surgically clean ─── 手术清洁

8、surgically sharp ─── 手术锋利的

surgically 相似词语短语

1、surficially ─── 地表的,地面的

2、synergically ─── 协和作用地;增放作用地

3、surgical ─── adj.外科的;手术上的;n.外科手术;外科病房

4、Judaically ─── 犹太教的

5、liturgically ─── 礼拜式的

6、alogically ─── 逻辑地

7、cubically ─── 立方体地

8、cortically ─── 皮质地,皮层地;脑皮层地;肾皮层地(cortical的副词形式)

9、theurgically ─── 他们做了手术

surgically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From July 1981 to December 1984, 120 patients with lumbar spinal stenosis were treated surgically. ─── 摘要从1981年7月到1984年12月,共有120个腰椎狭窄症候群的病人接受治疗。

2、The ASR was designed to be surgically implanted under the retina and to produce visual signals similar to those produced by the photoreceptor layer. ─── 人造硅视网膜是通过外科手术植入视网膜的下面,产生的可视信号与光感受层产生的可视信号相似。

3、Superficial abscesses regardless of cause, can be handled surgically at the proper time and in an appropriate manner. ─── 体表的脓肿,不管其原因如何,在合适的时间和以适当的方法均可作外科处理。

4、Fifty-nine patients had surgically documented CP and comprised group 1; the remaining 41 patients with RMD comprised group 2. ─── 59例患者有外科明确的缩窄性心包炎,组成第1组;其余41例限制型心肌病患者,组成第二组。

5、Before surgically removing an aneurysm, we measure its diameter, the thickness of its wall, and the blood pressure as the heart contracts and relaxes. ─── 在以手术切除动脉瘤之前,我们测量其直径、管壁的厚度,以及心脏收缩与放松时的血压。

6、The lumps will need to be surgically removed. ─── 这些肿块需手术切除。

7、Many of these have cleft palates and parents do not even know that such a defect can be corrected surgically. ─── 当中许多是有唇裂缺陷,而他们的父母却不知是可以通过手术矫正而正常成长的。

8、Surgically, the transsphenoidal ap-proach provides a relatively safe route to the intrasellar meningiomas and satisfactory results. ─── 两病例均接受经蝶鞍的肿瘤切除术移除肿瘤而获致良好的结果。

9、Doctor usually removed cancer surgically. ─── 大夫常用手术的方法取出癌细胞。

10、All the competitors in Friday's pageant had some sort of plastic surgery, from breast augmentation and nose jobs to surgically altered toes. ─── 在周五游行表演的所有参赛者都进行过一些整容手术,从隆胸到鼻子整形甚至脚趾整形不一而足。

11、A 27-year-old female with a pseudowinging of the scapula secondary to subscapular osteochondroma was surgically successfully treated. ─── 一位27岁女性被诊断为因肩胛骨下骨性软骨瘤所造成之伪性翼状肩胛骨成功地接受手术切除。

12、Some of these women opt to have their breasts or ovaries surgically removed to lower the risk. ─── 一些(患病)妇女倾向于用外科手术切除乳房或卵巢从而减少这一危险的发生。

13、The only way to end their horrible seizures was to surgically sever their corpus callosum, the fibrous structure that links the brain's left and right hemispheres. ─── 唯一能够终结这些人可怕的癫痫发作,就是切断连结左右两大脑半球、由神经纤维组成的胼胝体。

14、When doctors performed a bronchoscopy, in which a lit tube is inserted down the throat to look into the lungs, doctors saw the object and surgically removed it. ─── 当纵膈腔畸胎瘤并肺部之支气管侵犯时,以支气管镜检查可能会有帮助。

15、Methods Eighty cases of advanced GBC were treated surgically from January 1990 to June 2001.Seventy one cases had obstructive jaundice, 15 had palpable abdominal mass. ─── 方法 对 1990年 1月至 2 0 0 1年 6月我科手术治疗的 80例晚期胆囊癌患者的资料进行回顾性分析 ,其中 71例伴有阻塞性黄疸 ,15例扪及腹部包块。

16、Abstract Objective:Analyze the application of TPN in cases of oesophagus cancer treated surgically and understand its important position. ─── 摘要 目的:分析全胃肠外营养(TPN)在食管癌手术病人中的应用及了解其重要地位。

17、So it was easy to be confused with lung cancer.14 cases of the carcinosarcoma were treated surgically and diagnosed, 1 case was diagnosed by lymph node biopsy. ─── 14例行手术治疗并确诊,1例经淋巴结活检证实为肺癌肉瘤。

18、Many of these have cleft palates and parents do not even know that such a defect can be corrected surgically. ─── 当中许多是有唇裂缺陷,而他们的父母却不知是可以通过手术矫正而正常成长的。

19、Roughly half were treated with surgery, known as carotid endarterectomy, which involves opening the blocked carotid artery surgically to manually clear out accumulated plaque. ─── 其中大概一半患者接受了如颈动脉内膜剥离术的手术治疗,这种治疗方法是切开阻塞的颈动脉直接手动清除动脉粥样斑块。

20、Irish researchers led by Dr Bassel Al-Alao studied 640 patients whose non-small-cell lung cancer was surgically removed over a 10-year period, 239 of whom were women. ─── Alao医生带领的爱尔兰科学家们研究了640例患者,非小细胞性肺癌手术切除后存活达10年以上,其中239名为女性。

21、Methods 16 patients with brain tumors with epilepsy were surgically treated by intra-operative cortical electroencephalogram(ECoG) monitoring. ─── 方法 16例伴有癫痫症状的脑肿瘤患者 ,术中通过皮层脑电图确定癫痫灶 ,切除肿瘤后 ,切除或热灼可疑癫痫灶。

22、Only about 20% patients with pancreatic cancer are considered surgically resectable at the time of diagnosis. ─── 仅有约20%的胰腺癌患者在就诊时尚有手术切除的机会。

23、Pathological examination of the masses surgically removed were performed grossly and microscopically. ─── 对体积较小的肿块,采用三维超声和局部放大成像;

24、In some cases, it may be necessary to surgically remove damaged tissue and then apply calcium gluconate (5%aqueous solution) to the affected area. ─── 在某些情况下,有必要如外科手术般地去除损坏的组织,接着把葡萄糖酸钙(5%的水溶液)涂在患处。

25、An alternative passage created surgically to divert the flow of blood or other bodily fluid or circumvent an obstructed or diseased organ. ─── 导管外科手术中用于使血液或其它体液绕过某一阻塞或病变了的器官的替换管

26、If it proves to be too slow (or otherwise horrible), identify the specific beans that are a problem and surgically replace them. ─── 如果证实它确实太慢了(或不能忍受),那么确定出现问题的特定的bean并替换它们。

27、The standard detection of structural alterations is through direct analyses of airway tissues obtained during a post mortem, surgically or by flexible bronchoscopy. ─── 对于气道结构变化的标准检测方法是对气道组织进行检测,气道组织通过患者死后获取,或是经由手术、支镜活检得到。

28、Early results proed embolization to be a unique, potentially effectie way of dealing with large giant-cell tumors that may proe difficult to surgically resect. ─── 初步结果表明栓塞可能是治疗无法外科切除的巨大骨巨细胞瘤的一种独特的、可能有效的方法。

29、An infant with congenital intermaxillary atresia accompanied with cleft lip and palate treated surgically with general anesthesia was reported in this paper. ─── 报道1例先天性颌间闭锁症伴唇腭裂幼儿修复唇裂的全麻方法及手术效果。

30、The fractures were managed surgically in 3 patients, halo jacket was used in 2, and the remainder were managed expectantly on traction. ─── 3例骨折采用手术处理,2例用颈围保守治疗,其余采用牵引疗法。

31、To bypass this impediment an almost mature egg cell is removed surgically. ─── 为了克服这一障碍,通过手术,取出一个差不多成熟的卵细胞。

32、Methods CT findings were retrospectively reviewed in 7 patients with surgically and pathologically confirmed pseudomyxoma peritonei. ─── 方法 7例经手术及病理证实的腹膜假性黏液瘤患者共行8次CT扫描,回顾性分析其CT表现。

33、Odontoma was enucleated surgically and the impacted maxillary lateral incisor was bonded with a lingual button and attached with a traction hook under general anesthesia. ─── 在全身麻醉状态下将齿瘤剜出,并于阻生侧门齿装置舌侧钮及结扎线。

34、The only means of saving life in a situation like this is to make an opening into the windpipe surgically, a procedure which is known as tracheotomy. ─── 挽救生命的唯一办法是用外科手段做一个进入气管的开口,这种手术称为"气管切开术"。

35、Alternatively, endometriotic lesions can also be surgically removed, but this is associated with high recurrence rates. ─── 子宫内膜异位也可以手术切除,但是有较高复发率。

36、However, when using minimal incisio to surgically excise most of the breast ti ue the risk of blood lo is greater. ─── 不过,如果透过好几个小切口来切除大部分乳房组织,失血的风险就比较大。

37、"Based on what the doctors are saying, there's nothing surgically wrong with him," general manager John Mozeliak said Saturday. ─── 因为无法给予医疗措施,他将休息两个星期,不投球,不运动或是接受治疗。这是唯一仅剩的选择。

38、Methods: Helical CT scan was performed in 40 patients with reno carcinoma to obtain the characteristic CT findings, and 36 cases out of 40 had been surgically proved. ─── 方法 :分析、总结 4 0例肾癌的螺旋CT表现 ,其中 3 4例经手术病理证实。

39、Today, Ruben has a beard, a shaved head and looks as male as any man, after undergoing hormonal treatment and having his breasts surgically removed. ─── 在经过贺尔蒙疗法,并以手术切除乳房后,现在的鲁宾奴有胡子,剃光头,看起来就像其他任何男性一样。

40、Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed. ─── 兽医认为这只狗患白内障,也许可以手术摘除。

41、Large haemorrhoids that are visible outside the anus and are painful and itchy are often treated surgically with a procedure called a haemorrhoidectomy. ─── 在肛门外能看到的通常伴有疼痛及骚痒的大的痔疮一般需要手术治疗,也就是痔切除术。

42、Surgically constructed systemic pulmonary shunts or conduits. ─── 外科手术建立的体循环和肺循环之间的分流或管道。

43、If lier cancer is diagnosed when the tumor is confined to a small area of the lier, it can often be treated by surgically remoing part of the lier. ─── 如果能在肿瘤只局限于肝脏一小部分的时候就对肝癌进行诊断,那么就能通过部分切除肝脏来进行手术治疗。

44、His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks, as was his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance. ─── 他戴着一只闪亮的的手套,穿着紧身的军装式夹克,还戴着贴有商标的飞行太阳镜。不过太阳镜随着他千变万化的整容外貌而变化着。

45、Bilal had a mount for a camera surgically implanted into the back of his head for his art project "The 3rd I" . ─── 为了他的这个艺术项目“第三眼”(The3rdI)Bilal接受了很多相机植入手术。

46、Equally illuminating are the patients whose corpus callosum has been surgically severed in an effort to control epileptic seizures. ─── 在胼胝体遭手术切断以控制癫痫的病人身上,也提供了同样丰富的讯息。

47、If they do not pass spontaneously, the stones must be removed surgically later. ─── 如不能自行排出,以后必须手术取石。

48、In another, an electrode that blocks pain signals, reducing them to a mere tingling sensation, is surgically implanted. ─── 另一个办法:通过外科手术植入一个电极,它能截断痛感信号,将这些信号减少到仅仅是一种麻刺感觉。

49、We report a surgically confirmed case of scrotal fibrous pseudotumors. ─── 摘要本文描述一经手术证实之阴囊伪肿瘤病例。

50、Implantable drug delivery systems (IDDS) are long-term acting controlled release systems,administered subcutaneously through surgically implantation or injection via a syringe. ─── 体内植入型药物释放系统为一类经手术植入体内或皮下,或经穿刺导入皮下的控制释药制剂,适用于靶向给药或长期给药。

51、There are two methods of collecting cow embryos--directly through the birth canal, or surgically. ─── 收集母牛胚胎的方法有两种,一种是直接通过产道,另一种是施用外科手术。

52、In very severe cases, bunions may be surgically removed. ─── 在非常严重的情况下,拇趾囊肿可能要手术切除。

53、Varicocele is the most common surgically correctable cause of infertility. ─── 摘要精索静脉曲张为男性不孕症锭可以手术治疗的原因中最常见者。

54、Surgically attached to her skull is a long, thin sensor implant that aids her in her hunts. ─── 头上有一根手术植入的细长的传感天线,能帮助她更好地追捕猎物。

55、Lnthe other 5 cases. Wedge-shape resection was done in 3 and local expanded resec- tion was done in 2 surgically and no residual carcinoid was found in post-operative samples. ─── 其余5例,3例补行局部楔形切除,2例行局部扩大切除术,术后标本均未发现残留类癌灶。

56、Your child's coarctation of the aorta may be repaired surgically in an operating room or by a cardiac catheterization procedure. ─── 你孩子的主动脉缩窄可以在手术室里用外科修复的办法或者心导管介入的方法进行治疗。

57、Instead, the testicles may simply be surgically removed. ─── 代替复位手术的,可能单纯地切除睾丸。

58、In parabiosis, two mice are surgically joined in such a way that they share a circulatory system. ─── 在联体结合中,两只小鼠通过手术公用一套循环系统。

59、From a total of 51 patients (M/F: 14/37) were treated surgically for axillary bromidrosis in single surgeon experience in 2005. ─── 我们在2005年以合并抽脂及旋转刮刀的手术方法治疗了51名狐臭病患(男/女=14/37)。

60、In the bladder removed surgically and opened here can be seen a large urothelial carcinoma. ─── 外科手术切除的膀胱被切开,可见有一个较大的移行细胞癌。

61、The computed tomographic (CT) and ultrasonographic (US) features of 7 surgically proved cases of retained sponges (gossypiboma) were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 回溯分析七例经手术病理证实为术后残留纱布之超音波和电脑断层影像。

62、Pappas CTE ,Harringfon T,Oufcome analysis in 654 surgically freafed lumbar dise herniations. ─── 冉永欣谷加炎等复发性腰椎间盘突出症外科治疗椎间盘术称商椎,中华骨科杂志,1996,16(7):423.

63、But on Thursday afternoon, only a couple of reporters chatted with him while he iced his surgically repaired knees. ─── 但星期四下午,当他冰敷手术膝盖时,只有几个记者和他聊了聊。

64、Stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed. ─── 在焦痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。

65、The prognosis of patients with PBC surgically treated is remarkably related to P-TNM stage, pathological classification and the lymph node metastatic status. ─── 手术治疗的预后与肿瘤的P-TNM分期、病理类型和淋巴结转移有密切关系。

66、In some cases, adhesions must be surgically removed. ─── 某些情况下,这些粘连需要手术切除。

67、Within seconds, the costumed robbers place the bank under a surgically planned siege, and the 50 patrons and staff become unwitting pawns in an airtight heist. ─── 不到一分钟,这帮乔装打扮的劫匪便依照精密策划将这家银行置于围困之中,50名顾客和员工在毫不知情的情况下成为了这场天衣无缝的劫案中的利用工具。

68、This adrenal gland removed surgically in a patient with Cushing's syndrome has been sectioned in half to reveal an adenoma. ─── 库欣综合征的肾上腺皮质腺瘤病人的肾上腺被手术切除,肾上腺切为两半可见腺瘤。

69、Kevin Garnett has shown no ill effects from his surgically repaired knee and has produced 9.3 points and 6.3 rebounds in just under 19 minutes per game. ─── 加内特并没有因为刚从膝伤手术恢复而显得有什么不妥,他每场上场时间不到19分钟,但能得到9.3分和6.3个篮板。

70、Only the cervical esophagus could be treated surgically. ─── 只有颈段食管可进行手术治疗。

71、Methods EcoG spike foci on the surface of cerebral cortices in 12 cases of intractable epilepsy were removed surgically and studied under electron microscope. ─── 方法 对12例顽固性癫痫患者进行皮质电图监测下手术切除痫灶,电镜下观察痫灶皮质。

72、Unsightly moles can be removed surgically. ─── 不雅观的痣可以手术去除。

73、Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed. ─── 兽医认为特克斯有白内障,也许可以手术去除。

74、The cervico-facial trunk of facial nerve in one case during the stripping operation was surgically injured and sutured immediately by the end to end anastomosis. ─── 在行耳廓血管瘤剥脱手术的8例中有1例在分离结扎腮腺区血管时误伤面神经颈面干,术中行神经断端缝合,半年后面瘫基本消失。

75、We present a case of a recurrent colonic phytobezoar, secondary to habitual chewing and ingestion of betel nut fiber, which was successfully managed surgically. ─── 我们报告一例因嗜嚼并吞食槟榔纤维导致大肠植物粪石复发的个案,此患者经手术治疗成功。

76、Unlike subcutaneous fat, isceral fat is not easy to remoe surgically because it is ery close to the intestines and other internal organs. ─── 与皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪不易通过手术移除,因为这些脂肪非常靠近肠子和其他内部器官。

77、Methods Eighteen patients with surgically or clinically proved aortic dissection,in whom,14 and 15 cases underwent CT and MRI examinations,respectively. ─── 方法18例经手术或临床证实的主动脉夹层患者均经CT及MRI检查,CT检查15例,MRI检查14例。

78、Methods:Myelography and CTM scanning were performed in 200 patients with surgically proved intervertebral disc hernia. ─── 方法 :回顾性分析 2 0 0例经手术证实的腰椎间盘突出症患者脊髓造影与CTM检查的影像资料。

79、The underdeveloped twin may have to be surgically separated to save the larger twin. ─── 为了救活正常的那个,常会施行手术把他们分开。

80、Accordingly, physicians usually intervene surgically at smaller sizes for abdominal aortic aneurysms. ─── 因此之故,医生动手术切除腹主动脉瘤的时机通常也比较早。

81、Doctors usually remove the cancers surgically. ─── 医生们通常使用手术来清除癌症。

82、Methods Eleven cases of intrarectal proctoptosis with of pelvic floor surgically treated were analysed. ─── 方法 搜集我院近年手术治疗的11例直肠内脱垂伴盆底疝患者的临床资料,分析其病例特点、手术方式及疗效。

83、Immediate treatment by surgically untwisting and suturing the cord in place to prevent future torsion will prevent infarction. ─── 尽快的外科手术,解开并在适当的地方缝合精索可防止以后再发生扭转,从而防止梗死。

84、Rupture of an ASV, rare in the noncoronary cusp, usually produces serious hemodynamic change and carries poor prognosis if not treated surgically. ─── 主动脉窦动脉瘤少发生在非冠状动脉窦。一旦主动脉窦动脉瘤破裂通常会产生严重的血行动力学变化。

85、The CT and US findings may permit one to make an accurate preoperative diagnosis of surgically findings retained sponges. ─── 在这些病例当中,电脑断层和超音波影像发现,能使我们对术后残留纱布有正确的术前诊断或将其列入鑑别诊断。

86、Moleskin pads can help relieve a corn;calluses can be trimmed or surgically corrected. ─── 一般软的棉布垫有助于减轻鸡眼的压痛,胼胝可以剪除或是手术切除。

87、Despite the presence of good binocular vision, surgically corrected exotropia may show a gradual outward shift with time. ─── 摘要根据研究,双眼视力正常的外斜视病人,经手术治疗以后,随著时间,眼球仍可能会渐渐向外偏转。

88、The artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically. ─── 人工髋关节脱臼了,必须通过外科手术方式归位。

89、If caught early these tumours can be effectively removed surgically. ─── 如能早期发现,可以有效进行手术切除。

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