bibliographic 发音
英: 美:
bibliographic 中文意思翻译
bibliographic 短语词组
1、bibliographic rs ─── 参考书目
2、bibliographic formats and standards oclc ─── 书目格式与标准
3、bibliographic search ─── [计] 文献检索
4、bibliographic forms ─── 书目形式
5、Bibliographic Retrieval Service ─── 书目检索服务
6、bibliographic page ─── 书目页
7、Bibliographic On-line Display ─── 书目在线显示
8、Bibliographic Information Sheet ─── 书目资料表
9、bibliographic formats ─── 书目格式
10、bibliographic data ─── 参考文献资料,目录资料
11、bibliographic entries ─── 书目条目
12、bibliographic data base ─── [计] 文献数据库
13、bibliographic citation ─── 文献引 ─── 文, ─── 文献资料出处
14、bibliographic coupling ─── [计] 书目耦合
bibliographic 相似词语短语
1、biobibliographic ─── 生物书目
2、bibliographical ─── adj.书目的;书籍解题的;著书目录的
3、biographic ─── adj.传记的;传记体的
4、bibliography ─── n.参考书目;文献目录
5、biogeographic ─── adj.生物地理的
6、bibliographer ─── n.书志学家;书目编制人
7、bibliographies ─── n.书目;参考文献(bibliography的复数)
8、bibliograph ─── n.目录学家(等于bibliographer);vt.为…加参考书目
9、bibliographers ─── n.书志学家;书目编制人
bibliographic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、bibliographic retrieval servicesx ─── (BPS)书刊目录检索服务
2、BIBDES Bibliographic Data Entry System ─── 书目数据登录系统
3、Garratt A, Schmidt L, Mackintosh A, Fitzpatrick R. Quality of life measurement: bibliographic study of patient assessed health outcome measures. BMJ 2002; 324: 1-5. ─── 台湾版世界卫生组织生活品质问卷发展小组:台湾简明版世界卫生组织生活品质问卷之发展及使用手册(第一版)。国立台湾大学公卫学院生活品质研究室,2000。
4、bibliographic data production ─── 书目数据制作
5、A bibliographic guide of ephemera and performing arts ephemeral materials citing relevant monographs, articles, journals and websites will be handed out for reference. ─── 一本有关即时刊物的图书目录指南和一些引用了相关的专著,文章,期刊和网站的表演艺术即时时资料将在会上散发。
6、bibliographic information education ─── 书目情报教育
7、interactive bibliographic search ─── 交互式书目查找系统
8、bibliographic information consciousness ─── 书目情报意识
9、Librarians and library users have been wishing for simple access from bibliographic indexes to the text of the articles since the first index rolled off a printing press. ─── 从最初的索引从印刷机印出开始 ,图书馆和图书馆用户就期望简单地从书目索引直接获取一次文献。
10、For centuries, we've had an explicit system for organizing print books in the form of page numbers and bibliographic info. ─── 数百年来,我们有一个明确的系统,按照页码和书目信息来安排整理我们的印刷本书籍。
11、These are the bibliographic references from the textbook published by Appleton & Lang.Hal B.Jenson, M.D., and Robert S.Baltimore, M.D. ─── Pediatric Infectious Diseases _ 自由免费 _类别[学术期刊] 学科[儿科学] 描述[A selected bibliography of medical literature citations for pediatric infectious diseases.
12、By this time in the term, students should have conducted a bibliographic search for their final paper. ─── 到了本学期这阶段,学生应已完成期末论文所需书目的搜索。
13、Chinese books bibliographic data ─── 中文图书书目数据
14、Online Bibliographic Retrieval Service Based on Z39. 50 ─── 基于Z39.50的联机书目检索服务
15、The EPO collects bibliographic data from over 70 countries and legal status data from more than 40 patent authorities. ─── EPO从70个国家收集书目数据,并且从超过40个专利当局收集法律数据。
16、The author has used small-scale computer programs to realize the effectiveness and uniqueness of bibliographic data and introduced the operation in detail. ─── 作者主要是通过自编程序来实现馆藏书目数据优化,并详细介绍了具体的操作过程。
17、The bibliographic entries in the content of the vast majority of the Buddhist theme, only to see a calendar day zodiac map. ─── 所著录的条目内容绝大多数为佛教题材,仅见一幅历日十二生肖图。
18、On several Issues and Concepts in Bibliographic Control Domain ─── 书目控制领域若干问题和观念的探讨
19、Bibliographic Database Cleanup ─── 书目数据清理
20、Another, bibliographic focused, experiment can be found at ─── 另一个关注书目的实验位于。
21、Includes a bibliographic citation in each record. ─── 包括每条纪录中的书目引文。
22、Being the basic part of Chinese Epigraphy,Bibliography of Epigraphy provides bibliographic control of stone rubbings abundant experience and theories for reference. ─── 传统金石目录学作为中国金石学的基本组成部分,以其近千年的深厚积累,为石刻拓片书目控制提供了丰富的经验和理论借鉴价值。
23、These include monographs (and their bibliographies), general reference materials, bibliographic databases and indexes, and images (slides, digital images, photographs, and photographic reproductions). ─── 其中包括專著(和他們的書目)、一般參考資料、書目數據庫和指標和圖片(幻燈片、數字圖像、照片、和照片的複製品)。
24、bibliographic data processing program ─── 书目型数据处理程序
25、On Bibliographic Data Standardization Retrospective Database-building ─── 书目数据标准化回溯建库探究
26、"Users do not have a vocabulary to use to discuss the bibliographic universe or the problems they are having dealing with it" (Yee &Layne, 1998, p.10). ─── 使用者对书目用语或相关术语可能感到陌生,无法藉此表达他们的真正需求.
27、traditional bibliographic service ─── 传统文献服务
28、Within subtopics you will find bibliographic references for each book/article. ─── 在这些小主题中,你可以找到每本参考书目和论文的详细出处资料。
29、Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records ─── 书目记录的功能性要求
30、With all this activity, it seemed about time for the formulation of some principles for Open Bibliographic Data. ─── 这一切活动,它似乎有关的书目数据开放的原则制定一些时间。
31、Bibliographic database is one of the knowledge resources used most frequently. ─── 文献型数据库是图书馆中使用频率最高的知识资源之一。
32、International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, ICBC ─── 国际编目与书目控制
33、In databases, an information retrieval service operated by Bibliographic Retrieval Services Inc. ( USA ). ─── 在数据库业务中,美国文献目录检索服务公司经营的一种信息检索业务。
34、ISBD ( NBM ): international standard bibliographic description for non-book materials. ─── 北京大学图书馆编目部.
35、Click on the link below to search the entire AGRIS bibliographic database, from 1975 to the present ... ─── 200个国家、国际和政府间中心参加,每月提交大约14000条信息。
36、Speed up Bibliographic Information Dissemination Promote Library Development ─── 加速文献信息传递促进图书馆发展
37、The essay analyzes the problem of bibliographic description when the books providing businesses offer the MARC bibliographic data to the libraries freely,and advises some relevant suggestion. ─── 分析了图书供应商向图书馆免费提供MARC书目数据中存在的著录问题,并提出了相应的对策及建议。
38、MARC21 format for bibliographic data ─── MARC21书目数据格式
39、subcontracting bibliographic data ─── 外包书目数据
40、Any objections which may be raised by the application of the maximum rule can be obviated by a program of bibliographic instruction. ─── 也許由最大規則的應用所提出的所有異議可以由書目指導消除。
41、library bibliographic information in hospital ─── 医院图书资料
42、Although not there yet, Bibo is good enough to be used in live applications whishing to encode bibliographic data. ─── 尽管还没有实现目标,Bibo已经足够好了,我们能够用它在实践中编制书目数据。
43、Interuniversitary Bibliographic System in Norway ─── 大学图书馆网
44、A Study of Macro-Adjustment for the Bibliographic Control ─── 关于书目控制宏观调控的探讨
45、traditional and network bibliographic acquisition models ─── 传统与网上采访模式
46、Bibliographic database for the earth, geographical and ecological sciences. ─── 地球、地质和生态科学的书目资料库。
47、Bibliographic references are held to a minimum because most of the concepts have been discussed in great detail in previous chapters. ─── 参考文献被压缩到最少,因为前几章已经详细的讨论了大多数概念。
48、Online Retrieval of Bibliographic Information Timeshared ─── 书目情报分时联机检索系统
49、Analysis and Discussion on "Chinese Document Bibliographic Data Description" ─── "中文图书书目数据著录"问题分析与探讨
50、Bibliographic Records Merging ─── 书目数据合并
51、retrospective bibliographic database ─── 回溯建库
52、This paper discusses the problems of standardization of creator cataloging of Chinese books,basing on international cataloging principles and Chinese machine-readable bibliographic data. ─── 从国际编目原则和国内书目机读数据两方面分析责任者著录规范化问题,提出把握编目原则的宗旨,是实现规范著录的出发点。
53、agricultural bibliographic information ─── 农业文献信息
54、retrospective bibliographic databases ─── 回溯书目数据库
55、One set of bibliographic data is associated with the entire group of related articles and is our best estimate at the representative article for the group. ─── 一组编目数据,都与整组文章相关联,而我们会尽最大努力推举最具代表性的一篇。
56、the bibliographic data contained in patent applications; ─── (一)专利申请中记载的著录事项;
57、medical bibliographic retrieval ─── 医学文献检索
58、Cora Research Paper Search - A search engine for computer science research papers in PostScript format, with many bibliographic features. ─── 使用搜索-搜索技巧-搜索常识-引擎介绍-网站登陆-搜索专题-搜索营销-搜索专家-搜索动态
59、Bibliographic Data Standardization and Authorization ─── 书目数据的标准化与规范化
60、Today ISI -- a company with many employees and supercomputers -- cross-links millions of scholarly papers with their bibliographic references. ─── 今天ISI已是一家拥有众多雇员和超级计算机的大公司,数百万份学术论文按文献参考目录网状交联[2]在一起。
61、It was to harbor drawers brimming with reference books, microfilm and bibliographic cards. ─── 操作台的抽屉里塞满了参考书、缩微胶片和各种书目卡片。
62、Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records ─── 书目记录的功能需求
63、agricultural bibliographic material ─── 农业科技图书情报资料
64、Bibliographic data resources construction ─── 书目数据资源建设
65、Four Bibliographic Categories Comprehensive Table of Contents ─── 四库全书总目
66、Bibliographic Database Management ─── 书目数据库管理
67、drawers brimming with reference books, microfilm and bibliographic CARDS. ─── 抽屉里塞满了参考书、缩微胶片和各种书目卡片。
68、foreign bibliographic resources ─── 外文文献资源
69、Bibliographic Retrieval Service ─── 书目检索服务
70、The authors consider that the essential of modern bibliographic information activity is knowledge organization, and intelligential knowledge organization is the basic character of modern bibliography. ─── 在此基础上,分析知识组织智能化与现代目录学的关系,认为现代书目情报活动的实质是知识组织,知识组织智能化是现代目录学的基本特征。
71、Deliver bibliographic services where the users are ─── 传送书目服务到用户所在
72、IFLA Division IV and the International Bibliographic Control ─── 国际图联书目控制部和国际书目控制
73、bibliographic information service ─── 书目情报服务
74、Includes bibliographic information for all journals. ─── 包括所有期刊的书目资讯。
75、These companies offered systems in circulation, acquisitions, bibliographic searching, online catalogs, COM catalogs, and more advanced integrated library systems. ─── 因为对图书馆自动化需求的不断增加,许多厂商涌入图书馆自动化的市场.
76、Grand View on Chinese Swine Industry and Swine Industry Bibliographic Resources ─── 中国养猪业及其文献资源巡礼
77、classification of four bibliographic categories ─── 四部分类
78、International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) published the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) in 1998. ─── 1998年国际图书馆协会联盟(简称IFLA)提出书目记录功能需求(简称FRBR)。
79、One was the NISO Webinar on Bibliographic Control. ─── 一件事情是NISO书目控制网络研讨会。
80、In2000,Svenonius asserted that knowledge organization is accomplishedthrough a bibliographic language. ─── 2000年斯文诺纽斯指出,知识组织是通过书目语言完成的。
81、Medline is the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences. ─── 医学线上是国家图书馆医药目录资料库,涵盖医药、理、科、科医药、健系统,和前临床科学等领域。
82、theory of bibliographic control ─── 书目控制论
83、Bibliographic Control of Web Resources: A Library of Congress Action Plan ─── 国会图书馆发表网上资源书目控制的计划
84、All UWB Global students have access to a wide array of library services, such as bibliographic databases which provide online and searchable access to published research in your area of study. ─── 作为班戈大学的学生,您将可以获得大量的图书馆服务资源,例如通过目录数据库您可以在线查询到您所研究专业领域中出版的论文及书籍。
85、"Users do not have a vocabulary to use to discuss the bibliographic universe or the problems they are having dealing with it" (Yee & Layne, 1998, p.10). ─── 使用者对书目用语或相关术语可能感到陌生,无法藉此表达他们的真正需求。
86、Bibliographic material on the fishes of colombia and Northwestern South America ─── 哥伦比亚和南美西北部鱼类书目
87、Bibliographic Database for Computability Theory ─── 可计算行理论数据库
88、If you quote material from another work (book, article, film), provide bibliographic information for that work as well as in a footnote or endnote. ─── 你要写一页非正式的报告准确的描述书面报告/口头报告的题目同时列出你们初步决定采用的参考资料。
89、Bibliographic Retrieval Services ─── 书目检索服务系统
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