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09-16 投稿



vagary 发音


英:  美:

vagary 中文意思翻译



vagary 词性/词形变化,vagary变形

名词复数: vagaries |

vagary 短语词组

1、vagary defined ─── 变幻莫测

2、vagary moba ─── 暴徒变幻莫测

3、vagary llc vagary ─── 有限责任公司

4、lassie vagary ─── 迷幻少女

5、vagary inc vagary ─── 公司

6、vagary define ─── 迷幻的定义

vagary 相似词语短语

1、alary ─── adj.翼的;翼状的

2、Javary ─── 爪哇

3、Tatary ─── n.鞑靼地方(中世纪时受蒙古人统治的自东欧至亚洲的广大地区)

4、Nagari ─── n.那格利

5、vagally ─── adv.与迷走神经相关地

6、vallary ─── 山谷

7、angary ─── n.非常征用权

8、jaggary ─── n.粗黄糖

9、Calgary ─── n.卡尔加里(加拿大西南部城市)

vagary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. ─── 人不是来自一个行为反复怪异的电子也不是一股来自不停闷烧的烟。

2、46. The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary. ─── 这个建筑物的格局以有钱人的奇想为形式。

3、This vagary makes me uncomfortable, because politicians have a long history of making stupid decisions about gray areas. ─── 难以预测的变化让我觉得不安,因为政治家在灰色地带所作的愚蠢决定,早已源远流长。

4、The poetry The imagination of poetry is very vagary and penetrates thick religionary meaning, which is creative practice of Romantic poets. ─── 论述了浪漫主义文学作品自然美的各种风格对西方美学和中国现代美学产生的影响。

5、2、The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary. ─── 这座寺庙的建筑风格来自一个富人的奇想。

6、Most ridiculously, a vagary can become a king just if only he has time to make his dream come true. ─── 更荒谬的是,一位流浪汉可以变成一位国王,只要他有时间使他的梦想成真。

7、TYPICAL USE:The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary. ─── 这拣房屋庙宇式的外型,是一位富人的奇想。

8、Betting on sport, in particular, is vagary. ─── 如果赌的是体育运动,那就更说不清楚了。

9、Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. ─── 人的生命远非旋转的微电子那样变幻莫测,也不是无尽燃烧的焖火中升起的一缕青烟。

10、On the base of four kinds and five configurations, the paper is the description of eight vagary sights and it is the discovery of cause of formation.It is named "Queering Scape and Exploring Secret". ─── 本文在原已列举的四大类型、五种形态的基础上,又推出了在特殊地段上出现的八大奇特景观,并揭示了部分景观的成因。

11、The sculpt of this kind of car is so vagary, it's a car model in front, nonetheless cab cab be enlarge, high gives a camper in back, it's so suitable for long-distance outdoor travel. ─── 该车造型极为怪异,后面是轿车车型,但驾驶室却加以扩展,后头还推广了露营车,非常适当长间隔野外郊游。

12、The sculpt of this kind of car is so vagary, it's a car model in front, but the cab cab be enlarge, and there adds a camper in back, it's so suitable for long-distance outdoor travel. ─── 该车造型极为奇特,前面是轿车车型,但驾驶室却加以扩展,后面还增加了露营车,非常适合长距离野外郊游。

13、Before being realized, an ideal has many names, which are "illusion","vagary","daydream" and "impossibility". ─── 理想在实现之前有很多名字,它们是:幻想、妄想、白日梦和不可能。

14、quirk: accident, vagary accident: an unforseenable or unplanned event;vagary: an erratic, unpredictable action; ─── 却最终令人惊奇的揭示了关于记忆结构原理的大量信息。

15、Is the current food crisis just another market vagary? ─── 当前的粮食危机只是又一个市场异常行为吗?

16、vagary "n. ─── 奇特,好奇,奇特行为,奇想"

17、Before being realized, an ideal has many names, which are "illusion" , "vagary" , "daydream" and "impossibility" . ─── 理想在实现之前有很多名字,它们是:幻想、妄想、白日梦和不可能。

18、The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary . ─── 建设这栋寺庙形状的房子是一个有钱人的奇思妙想。

19、the current food crisis just another market vagary? ─── 当前的粮食危机只是又一个市场异常行为吗?

20、building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary. ─── 这个建筑物的格局以有钱人的奇想为形式。

21、The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary. ─── 这栋房屋庙宇式的外形,是一位富人的奇想。

22、vagary n. ─── 奇异的幻想;

23、This vagary makes me uncomfortable, because politicians have a long history of making stupid decisions about gray areas. ─── 难以预测的变化让我觉得不安,因为政治家在灰色地带所作的愚蠢决定,早已源远流长。

24、Most ridiculously, a vagary can become a king just if only he has time to make his dream come true. ─── 更荒谬的是,一位流浪汉可以变成一位国王,只要他有时间使他的梦想成真。

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