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09-16 投稿



intercommunity 发音

英:[ˌɪntərkəˈmjʊnəti]  美:[ˌɪntəkəˈmjuːnɪti]

英:  美:

intercommunity 中文意思翻译



intercommunity 短语词组

1、intercommunity conflict ─── 社区间冲突

2、intercommunity externalities ─── 社区间外部性

3、intercommunity in ─── 内部社区

4、intercommunity exchange ─── 社区间交换

intercommunity 词性/词形变化,intercommunity变形


intercommunity 相似词语短语

1、intercommune ─── 社区间

2、intercommunes ─── 社区间

3、intercommunicated ─── v.相通;互相联络;互相交往

4、intercommuned ─── 相互交流

5、intercommunal ─── adj.社区之间的;社团之间的

6、intercommunion ─── n.互相来往,交流;各教派间举行的圣餐

7、intercommuning ─── 互通

8、intercounty ─── adj.县际的,郡县之间的

9、intercommunicate ─── v.相通;互相联络;互相交往

intercommunity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But they all have to pursue a human nature freedom and pursue the intercommunity which surmounts to the good and evil. ─── 但他们都有着追求人性自由和追求对善恶超越的共同性。

2、It analyzes the intercommunity of traditional life pattern in Yanagita's Nihonjinron from three aspects: basic necessities of life, festivals all the year round, and ceremonies of life. ─── 论文从衣食住居、年中节日、人生仪礼三个方面分析了柳田日本人论中的传统生活模式的共同性;

3、Next, I analysis the characteristics of publicness in museums, and elicit the characteristics of it.The first is intercommunity, it means that the cultural heritage belongs to the public as a whole; ─── 其次,对博物馆公共性的特点进行理论分析,得出博物馆公共性的三个特点,第一是共同性,也就是说文化遗产是归全体人民所有的;

4、In this study, we examine how intercommunity relationships affect the growth of organizational communities. ─── 在本文中,我们研究了共同性关系是如何影响组织社区的成长的。

5、The article undertook discussing to the correlation of both and intercommunity. ─── 文章对 二者的相互关系及共同性进行了探讨。

6、The fourth is the intercommunity of human beings loving beauty and Guzheng's educational function which causes it to be a best-chosen instrument of the national ones by th... ─── 第四是人类爱美的普同性与筝的教育功能,使之在民族乐器中成为全面提高青少儿素质教育的首选之器。

7、intercommunity highway ─── 社区间公路

8、Research and Implementation of Intercommunity on Topic - based Learning Websites ─── 专题学习网站的共同性研究与实现

9、Right both make a bit trade off study, conduce to probably announce the certain intercommunity that latter-day countryside town changes and otherness. ─── 对两者作一点比较分析,或许有助于揭示近代乡村城镇化的某些共同性与差异性。

10、Morality contains its class nature, but also has the intercommunity. ─── 道德有其阶级性,同时也有全人类性,即共同性。

11、The intercommunity of ethnic art taste value is a common existence. ─── 民族艺术审美价值的共同性广泛存在。

12、an intercommunity social center ─── 各社区的共同社交中心

13、Objective To study adult acute comitant esotropia. Obtain the intercommunity of diagnosis and treatment. ─── 目的对成人急性共同性内斜视进行回顾性研究,获取诊断、治疗的共性。

14、In this study, we examine how intercommunity relationships affect the growth of organizational communities. ─── 在本文中,我们研究了共同性关系是如何影响组织社区的成长的。

15、The globalness of science comes from the intercommunity of the scientist's community,and the latter comes from the inter-subjectivity of scientists. ─── 科学知识之普遍性来源于科学共同体的共通性,而后者又基于科学家之间的主体间性。

16、This considerable volume of intercommunity exchange brought a degree of social complexity in its wake. ─── 这种数量可观的相互交易随后给社会造成了一定的复杂性。

17、The land rent of city of characteristic Chen Zheng that talks urban land rent and agricultural land rent are compared, its intercommunity also has its specialty. ─── 论城市地租的特性陈征城市地租和农业地租相比较,有其共同性也有其非凡性。

18、State-owned economy is having different origin in thing square country, but, the academic basis that state-owned economy exists objectively to have its intercommunity in all countries as a kind: ? ─── 国有经济在东西方国家有着不同的起源 ,但是 ,国有经济作为一种客观存在在所有国家具有其共同性的理论依据 :一是提供公共产品 ;

19、This paper discusses the information-based management system of government, considers its problem of intercommunity, shares and the connection of other systems. ─── 同时,本文还总结了在系统设计与实现过程中,采用的设计模式、体系结构和实现技术,为今后开发可复用的基于工作流技术的信息管理系统提供结构良好的实践参考。

20、In the view of Marxist ethnics, Morality's class character and intercommunity are dialectical unity. ─── 马克思主义伦理学认为,道德的阶级性和全人类性是辩证的统一。

21、Credit is the intercommunity norm which enterprise should observe during building a network,it is the basis to accomplish enterprise cooperation. ─── 信任是建立网络中企业应遵守的共同性规范,实现企业合作的基础;

22、Part two is the review of the theory on intercommunity element of joint tort in China. ─── 第二部分:我国关于共同侵权行为“共同性”要件的学说评述。

23、International trade and domestic trade since exist intercommunity, and then is very greatly distinct, the international trade is more more complicated than domestic trade. ─── 国际贸易与国内贸易既存在共同性,又有很大区别,国际贸易比国内贸易更复杂。

24、Essential intuition which is the core of the Husserl Phenomenology shows some intercommunity and distinction with Chinese traditional philosophy on the cognitive method and cognitive purpose. ─── 摘要对本质直观的强调是胡塞尔现象学的核心所在,也是它冲破西方传统哲学思维的关键思想,正是在这个方面,它与中国传统思维的直观特点产生了可以互相比照的平台。

25、The enterprises can integrate their resources, reduce the cost and improve the efficiency through the information intercommunity in the supply chain. ─── 在供应链上企业通过彼此之间的信息交流实现资源的整合,降低企业成本,提高运作效率。

26、Modern meanings of the Russian thought are as following: intercommunity, the world reply, the peaceful coexistence of different nations and active doomsday in the face of catastrophe. ─── 对共同性的尊崇和信奉,全世界回应能力、不同文化的民族能够和平共处、面对灾难的积极的末日论,是俄罗斯思想中具有现代意义的主要因素。

27、Morality contains its class nature, but also has the intercommunity. ─── 道德有其阶级性,同时也有全人类性,即共同性。

28、Intercommunity Factors of Learning Object ─── 学习对象的共同因素

29、The human culture is fused only when all the parts of it have organization, totality, intercommunity and ideality. ─── 只有在社会进步的整体发展中实现了文化发展的有机性、整体性、共同性和理想性,才能实现文化融合。

30、However, a lot of intercommunity of both, requirement people must both organic ground union rises. ─── 然而,二者的许多共同性,要求人们必须将二者有机地结合起来。

31、Exhibit products must be in line with the theme and intercommunity as the above list, and shall not exceed the lease scope. ─── 1参展产品必须如上表所列符合主题或共通性,展品不得超出承租范围以外。

32、But.To ethical region, its special society condition, make the construction of the party and other area photograph are compared, have its intercommunity already, have its specialty again. ─── 但是.对于民族地区来说,它的特殊的社会条件,使党的建设与其它地区相比较,既有其共同性,又有其特殊性。

33、Through international comparison, the author also tries to explain the intercommunity and distinctive aspects of the stock market structure of China. ─── 从而可以全面地了解我国股票市场的实际情况,掌握我国股票市场微观结构的相关信息及其变化规律。

34、These economic thoughts, the primary of the conclusive, science and technology of the political sex that has economy, productivity and the intercommunity feature that become rich. ─── 这些经济思想,具有经济的政治性、生产力的决定性、科技的第一性和致富的共同性特征。

35、Research and Implementation of Intercommunity on Topic - based Learning Websites ─── 专题学习网站的共同性研究与实现

36、intercommunity projects ─── 社区间的计划


intercommunity[英][ˌɪntəkə'mju:nɪtɪ][美][ˌɪntəkə'mju:nətɪ]n.共同性,共有; 复数:intercommunities例句Several issues of intercommunity of the right to use the see areas. 海域使用权共有中的几个问题。

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