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unspeakable 发音

英:[ʌn'spiːkəb(ə)l]  美:[ʌn'spikəbl]

英:  美:

unspeakable 中文意思翻译



unspeakable 词性/词形变化,unspeakable变形

副词: unspeakably |名词: unspeakableness |

unspeakable 反义词


unspeakable 同义词

exacting | merciless | hard | munificent | severe | liberal | unstinting | unrelenting | unkind | harsh | too-generous | profuse | excessive | overgenerous | bountiful | cruel | lavish | charitable | openhanded | generous | unselfish | unforgiving | unstinted

unspeakable 短语词组

1、unspeakable love ─── 说不出的爱

2、unspeakable luxury ─── 难以形容的奢侈

3、unspeakable secret ─── 不可告人的秘密

4、unspeakable sufferings ─── 无法形容的苦难

5、pranks unspeakable ─── 恶作剧说不出话来

unspeakable 相似词语短语

1、unrepealable ─── 不可出售的

2、unspeakably ─── adv.无法形容地;说不出地

3、speakable ─── adj.可说出口的;可以交谈的

4、unsealable ─── 不切实际的

5、unslakable ─── 坚不可摧的

6、unappealable ─── adj.不可上诉的

7、unappeasable ─── adj.满足不了的;无法平息的

8、unshakable ─── adj.不可动摇的;坚定不移的

9、unbreakable ─── adj.牢不可破的;不易破损的

unspeakable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Talk this time of, is a women. A face flatters mutually. That look for the eyes streams to turn of, deeply wear unspeakable temptation. ─── 这一次说话的,是一个女人。一脸的狐媚相。那眼神流转之间,透着说不出的诱惑。

2、It's precisely the "unspeakable" nature of such questions that have always appealed to me the most. ─── 恰恰是这些“不可说”的自然的问题常常吸引着我。

3、A kind of unspeakable felling round in my mind linger once feet step on this earth.But what's it? ─── 在机门稳了许久才缓步走下舷梯,脚一踏上这块大地就有一种说不出的感觉在心里萦绕,是什么呢?

4、How often we speak that name without any sense of the unspeakable privilege of our relation to God. ─── 多少时候,我们说到那名,并没有觉得是一个不可言喻的特权,说出我们与神之间的关系。

5、In this virtual reality, based off of the real world, players earn real money and amass unspeakable fortunes. ─── 在这个虚拟现实中,没有现实世界做基础,玩家赚取真正的金钱,积聚无以伦比的财富。

6、The rigid Color and serious faces, as if to tell people that the unspeakable inner world . ─── 呈现给观者。那些僵硬的色块,严肃的面孔,仿佛要告诉人们那不可言状内心世界。

7、That he was caught away into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not allowed for a man to speak. ─── 4他被提进乐园里,听见不能言传的话语,是人不可说的。

8、It will mean the unspeakable by clearly displaying the speakable. ─── 它将清楚地指出什麼是可以言说的,从而也就指出了什麼是不可言说的。

9、While he was yet in unspeakable agonies, the dwarf renewed their conversation. ─── 他还没来得及摆脱这种难言的痛苦时,矮子便又恢复了他们的谈话。

10、The spy looked round at the two gentlemen; they both looked in unspeakable astonishment at Jerry. ─── 密探回头望望另外两人,两人都以难以描述的惊讶望着杰瑞。

11、Whom having not seen, you love; into whom though not seeing Him at present, yet believing, you exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory, ─── 8你们虽然没有见过祂,却是爱祂,如今虽不得看见,却因信入祂而欢腾,有说不出来、满有荣光的喜乐,

12、I burned in the unutterable beauty of being alive(John Peale Bishop)See Synonyms at unspeakable ─── 我燃烧于生活的无法表达的美妙之中(约翰·皮尔·毕晓普)参见

13、His happiness is unspeakable. ─── 他乐不可支。

14、American writer whose sometimes surrealistic stories of modern American life have been published in collections such as Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts(1968). ─── 巴泰勒米,唐纳德1931-1989美国作家,他的有些反映现代美国人生活的超现实主义的小说已被整编成册出版,如无法述说的实践,不自然的表演(1968年)

15、all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved. ─── 他们要你为过去所有的暴行,对这个世界散布的无以名状的恐怖和你所奴役的上古黑暗之力付出代价。

16、He wanted to wreak something dark and unspeakable in him into cold stone ─── 他恨不得把自己内心里一些暧昧而数说不清的情绪用冰冷的石雕造成型。

17、There the lazy will be driven with burning prongs, and gluttons tormented with unspeakable hunger and thirst; ─── 懒惰的人,被用烧红的铁锥子催逼;贪饕的人,受饥渴的苦。

18、It is the unspeakable misery of a life so false as his, that it steals the pith and substance out of whatever realities there are around us, and which were meant by Heaven to be the spirit's joy and nutriment. ─── 像他过的这种虚假的生活,实在有难言的痛苦,因为我们周围的无论什么现实,原是由上天注定赐给我们的精神上的喜悦和营养,但对他来说,其精髓和实质却被窃取一空。

19、Setting sun west next, the setting sun reflect red horizon and cape, the delightfully fresh sea breeze is rush toward, make person's whole body cool and have already grown unspeakable comfort. ─── 夕阳西下,落日映红天边和海角,清新的海风迎面扑来,让人浑身凉爽,有种说不出的舒适。

20、an unspeakable rascal ─── 大坏蛋

21、Would her pearls, her coiffure, help her after all endure the presence of her unspeakable brother? ─── 她的珍珠和发型能够帮助她忍受一位邪恶透顶的兄弟吗?

22、Odious and unspeakable as all this would be if she were sane and conscious. ─── 倘若娜塔丽这时是神志清醒的,那么这一切就会令人作呕,不可名状的。

23、And just when I thought I would have to do the unspeakable - walk home... ─── 当我想我有可能不得不像心理想的那样,走回家。。。

24、Phantasmagoria portray the unspeakable, they rise above the written language. ─── 幻影描绘无法形容的事物,它超越了语言文字。

25、"It's an unspeakable national trauma that has not once been opened up and gently treated for 60 years, " she said. ─── “这是整个国家的不可言说的精神创伤,60年来从未得到正视和温柔的对待,”她说。

26、unspeakable feeling ─── 不可言喻的感觉

27、Their treatment of women is unspeakable ─── 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。

28、Come on, girls and boys, share anything funny or interesting with us all. You will receive unspeakable joys, I assure you... ─── 在此也希望大家把好玩的,有意思的东东都拿出来分享.

29、We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. ─── 只要黑人仍然遭受警察难以形容的野蛮迫害,我们就绝不会满足。

30、She is not at all a beauty, but she has an unspeakable charm. ─── 她根本不是一个美人,但是她有一种无法说出的魅力。

31、Before the person of faint with unspeakable difficulty , this is the successful flavor. ─── 人前的眩晕和说不出的苦处,这就是成功的味道吧。

32、For the Russian people, it brought unspeakable suffering. ─── 对俄罗斯人民来说,这场入侵带来了无法形容的苦难。

33、The room was full of the unspeakable odor. ─── 一股难以形容的气味充斥着房间散不出去。

34、Unconverted souls suffer unspeakable loss because Christ is not personally brought to them by each believer they meet.The thought of intercession for those around us is all too seldom found. ─── 其次周围未信主的人,也没有机会从信徒的身上,看到耶稣的形像。

35、His lips devoid of their ferocious sneer, were sealed in an expression of unspeakable sadness ─── 他的嘴唇失去了那凶恶的讥嘲神情,却被一种难以名状的悲哀的表情封住了。

36、the unspeakable ─── 不可说的

37、Deprived of sleep and tormented with visions of unspeakable horror, Antonius wandered the streets at night, muttering in the strange language. ─── 受到失眠和不可名状的恐惧的困扰,安东尼奥斯整夜徘徊在街道上,用奇怪的语言喃喃自语。

38、However want to rush through him to walk. But, there is no son injustice in his heart the least bit, aboard the contrary unspeakable happy. ─── 然要赶他走。可是,他心中没有半点儿委屈,反而说不出的高兴。

39、He hadn't done anything unspeakable. ─── 他没有做什么不可告人的事。

40、And with Emperor Akihito's reign in its twilight, many Japanese are daring to ask what has been unspeakable for centuries: Does the country really need an emperor? ─── 并且,随着明仁天皇的统治逐渐日没西山,许多日本人开始大胆的喊出几个世纪以来一直难以启齿的问题:这个国家真的需要天皇吗?

41、Now he feels his life unspeakable empty. ─── 如今,他觉得他的生活有说不出的空虚。

42、She suffered unspeakable trouble while she considered all these questions. ─── 她在考虑这一切问题时,心中有说不出的烦恼。

43、He told the kaiser that a war between Britain and Germany would be an "unspeakable calamity". ─── 他告诉恺撒,英国和德国之间的战争将会是一场“难以言状的灾难”。

44、What an unspeakable grace to be allowed to deal with God in intercession for the supply of the need of others! ─── 我们能有权为着别人的需要代祷是一种非人口所能述说的祝福。

45、Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from toil. ─── 大多数有闲的富人忍受着难以形容的无聊,以之作为摆脱艰辛工作的代价。

46、How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. ─── 他被提到乐园里,听到隐秘的言语,是人不可说的。

47、Combined with an unhappy work life, it can push you down into unspeakable depths. ─── 伴随着不愉快的工作生活,它会将你推入无法形容的深渊。

48、A sort of unspeakable enthusiasm is stirred up in the deep of my heart after enjoying the mightiness of supremacy. ─── 今天我第三次登上帝陵封土,感受舍我其谁的王者霸气,一种说不出的开阔与豁达激荡于心底。

49、The freedom of mahamudra is measureless, unspeakable, fathomless. ─── 大手印的自在难以计量、无可言说,且深不可测。

50、What an unspeakable blessing there is in intercession. ─── 代祷里的祝福是述说不尽的。

51、What an unspeakable privilege, to be alone with God in secret, and say, “My Father. ─── 在隐密处单独亲近神,并喊说:“我的父”这是何等不可言谕的权利呢?

52、His words were echoed with unspeakable astonishment by all but Elinor ─── 他的话引起了除埃莉诺以外所有人的无可形容的震惊的反响。

53、AS OSCAR WILDE might have said, it is the unspeakable in pursuit of the unrateable.America's Congress is holding hearings on the subprime-mortgage shambles and the losses that have resulted. ─── 就像奥斯卡王尔德说的“追求不可评价的东西是不可预言的”:目前美国次级抵押贷款危机备受关注,对其造成的影响和损失众说纷纭。

54、The Grand Tetons are a mountain range of unspeakable grandeur. ─── 大特顿是一条无法形容的壮丽山脉。

55、Like Hippolytus, this tale deals with things "unspeakable". Why are they not spoken? What is Kurtz doing in the jungle and why do we not see him doing it? ─── 像希腊神话里的幼里匹蒂斯一样,这个故事讲的是“不能言语”的东西。他们为什么不说话?Kurtz在丛林中做什么?为什么我们看不见他在做?

56、He is but tarrying a little while to make thee love Him better;and when He cometh, thou shalt have joy in the Lord, and shalt rejoice with joy unspeakable. ─── 上帝让我们等候,为要操练我们的忍耐,试验我们的信心;

57、She is suffering from unspeakable pain. ─── 她在遭受难以形容的痛苦。

58、The king had unspeakable majesty. ─── 国王有无法形容的威严。

59、Fragmental genetic information at hand, a systematic biological story goes into mind, which has to be an experience at the state of the unspeakable. ─── 喜欢现在的工作,也喜欢现在工作带来的生活状态。

60、His manners are unspeakable. ─── 他的举止态度坏不堪言。

61、He inferiority complex in their colour, image, age, he actually feel that they are Peibu Shang Desdemona, and he even feel that they should Kai Xiao, he will have a difficult unspeakable fear. ─── 他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。

62、By awakening the spirits, they've unwittingly unleashed erotic pleasures - and ancient, unspeakable horrors. ─── 他们除唤醒了这些灵魂外,更唤起了众人的情欲,勾起了难以抗拒的恐惧及欲望。

63、An unspeakable taste in the heart. ─── 别有一番滋味在心头。

64、The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable. ─── 法官把这些罪行描述为“令人作呕、难以言表”。

65、To the house and saw the plain vegetables on the dinner table, and my heart is more an unspeakable frustrations. ─── 到了家,看到饭桌上清一色的素菜,心里更有一种说不出的郁闷。

66、Watching the infinite brilliance radiating from Master, I was filled with unspeakable emotion, and felt boundless respect and love for Her. ─── 只见师父发出无限的光亮,我内心真有说不出的感动,对师父充满无限的尊敬和爱戴。

67、Saeki and his wife, Emiko, are daunted with unspeakable fear and sorrow for him gradually but certainly losing his memory. ─── 佐伯和妻子惠美子无奈被这事实弄得一时间不知所措。

68、The wings of faith and love will lift us up to heaven, and we shall be filled with joy unspeakable. ─── 信和爱好像双翼,要把我们带到属天的境界去,因此我们就要充满说不出来的大喜乐。

69、Maurice Hall: I'm an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort. ─── 我是那种无法言说的奥斯卡·王尔德类型。

70、Lu has suffered unspeakable, but not madezhao ji that every call to make an excuse when it turned down. ─── 吕则有难言之苦,但又不便向赵姬说明,每来召令时便借故推辞。

71、And he even forced certain writers to recount concerning his profligacy some details which were unspeakable, or, more properly, intolerable to relate, considering that this was in a biography of him. ─── 他甚至强迫某个作家描述一些有关他的放荡的无法说出的细节,或者,更恰当的说,考虑到在一本传记中,这是无法忍受的叙述。

72、How could anyone want to blur the outlines of an unspeakable phenomenon whose precise definition has, in recent years, been of keen concern to liberal internationalists and humanitarian law buffs? ─── 怎么会有人想去模糊一个无法言喻的“种族灭绝”的轮廓,而这个词的精确定义却在最近这些年里与自由主义和人道主义有联系?

73、" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. ─── 我们能决不是满足只要黑人是警察野蛮行为的这说不出的惊骇的受害者。

74、He sold an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that! ─── 他把那么一套不象样子的衣服卖给一位脾气特别的百万富翁。

75、unspeakable thoughts; an unspeakable word. ─── 不应说出来的思想;不可说出来的词语

76、And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries. ─── 我也不知道在发展中国家有数百万人生活在极度的贫困之中,受疾病威胁。

77、The pain is unspeakable. ─── 这种痛苦是无法形容的。

78、The sin of witchcraft within the covenant people was punishable by death, as was the unspeakable sin of bestiality.Anyone found sacrificing unto any other god but the Lord was also condemned; ─── 以色列民中若有人行邪术必要被治死,与兽行淫的也要治死,任何人祭祀别神而不单单祭祀耶和华的必被灭绝。

79、Oh, you unspeakable liar! ─── 啊,你这可恶透了的小骗子。

80、It took us eight days of unspeakable hell to walk to the village. ─── 我们挨过了难以言表的8天时间才走到那个村庄。

81、They exist in time wholly of themselves, with an unspeakable solemnity. ─── 他们在时间中自我存在,有着不可言说的庄严。

82、Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery. ─── 多数无所事事的阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之苦,但代价是莫名其妙的无聊。

83、Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. ─── 感谢神,因他有说不尽的恩赐。

84、We must act and we must act now before more unspeakable atrocities take place. ─── 我们必须现在就行动,阻止那些不可言说的罪状再次发生。”

85、Today we are gathered in awful reverence and in sorrow unspeakable to weep our blessings upon his tomb ─── 我们今天怀着无比敬畏的心情聚集在他的墓前,流泪含哀,对他致礼祝福。

86、You are my unspeakable wound; ─── 你是我不能言说的伤;

87、One who gain fame and fortune in a despicable society usually has traits unspeakable. ─── 在一个不正常的社会里成名得利的,必然有其不堪之处。

88、A person walks in the snow-white on the road, the surroundings is quiet, the in the mind also feels unspeakable and relaxed. ─── 一个人走在雪白的路上,周围静静的,心里也感觉有说不出的舒畅。

89、To that end, he created chromatic dragons: unspeakable hybrids of both red and black dragons. ─── 作为成果,他创造了多彩巨龙,令人羞于出口的红龙与黑龙的混血儿。

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