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09-12 投稿



firry 发音

英:[['fɜ:rɪ]]  美:[['fɜ:ɪ]]

英:  美:

firry 中文意思翻译



firry 相似词语短语

1、Barry ─── n.巴里(男子名)

2、Berry ─── n.浆果(葡萄,番茄等);vi.采集浆果;n.(Berry)人名;(法、英、德、意、葡)贝里;(匈)拜里

3、Airy ─── adj.空气的;通风的;幻想的;轻快的;空中的;n.(Airy)人名;(英)艾里

4、furry ─── adj.毛皮的;盖着毛皮的;似毛皮的;n.(Furry)人名;(英)弗里

5、firmly ─── adv.坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地

6、fiery ─── adj.热烈的,炽烈的;暴躁的;燃烧般的

7、smirry ─── 斯米里

8、ferry ─── n.渡船;摆渡;渡口;vt.(乘渡船)渡过;用渡船运送;空运;vi.摆渡;来往行驶;n.(Ferry)人名;(法、德、英、印尼)费里

9、whirry ─── v.急转;赶紧,匆忙

firry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maintain 9000m until past the FIR boundary. ─── 保持9000米直到飞越飞行情报区边界。

2、They have made all thy ship boards of fir trees of Senir: they have taken cedars from Lebanon to make masts for thee. ─── 他们用示尼珥的松树作你的一切板,用黎巴嫩的香柏树作桅杆

3、The results of 10 years showed that the effects of soils on the growth of China fir were significant. ─── 10年的研究结果表明,不同岩性所发育的土壤对杉木的高、径生长的影响是很显著的。

4、On a distributed algorithm based on FPGA pipelined FIR filter of the article. ─── (译):在分布式算法基于FPGA的FIR滤波器的流水线的文章。

5、A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas. ─── 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。

6、The main alpine meadow landscape, mountain rhododendron forest, the original fir forest, herbs and so precious. ─── 主要景观有高山草甸、高山杜鹃林、原始冷杉林、珍贵草药等。

7、But when they are tested from another angle or anther extention,these theories won`t fir all the reality. ─── 哲学是各门具体科学的概括和总结,指导着各门具体科学的研究和发展,具有普遍性。

8、Fir resin is a valuable industrial chemicalm aterial,and it is now widely used in the national economy. ─── 冷杉树脂是一种珍贵的化工原料,在国民经济中有极为广泛的用途。

9、The path from the church to the Jordan is to be strewn with branches of fir and juniper. ─── 从教堂到约旦,一路上要撒满云杉和桧树的枝子。

10、For different exposures,the MPFs are:36 2% for linden,26 3% for fir,15 7% for lacebark pine,9 6% for birch and 2 1% for polar. ─── 五种软木的接尘工人微核阳性率:椴木36.2%,冷杉26.3%,白皮松15.7%,桦木9.60%,杨木2.10%。

11、Major tree species in the southwest include the dragon spruce, fir and Yunnan pine, as well as teak, red sandalwood, camphor, nanmu and padauk. ─── 其次为西南天然林区,该区主要树种有云杉、冷杉、云南松,还有珍贵的柚木、紫檀、樟、楠、红木等;

12、One cannot see the wood fir the trees. ─── 不能只见树木而不见林。

13、The region, there are pine trees, fir, camphor trees, bamboo, water bamboo, water and strong. ─── 区内主要林木有松、杉、樟树、毛竹、水竹等,蓄水能力强。

14、Meanwhile, the thermal imidizations of these PI precusors were also studied here by means of TGA and FIR analyses. ─── 同时,本文也对这些PI前体的热酰亚胺化反应做了一些有益的探讨。

15、A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold area. ─── 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。

16、In his mouth were the remains of fir trees -- the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. ─── 它嘴里还留着冷杉--它掉进冰河裂隙折断脊椎柱之前的最后一顿饭。

17、The jeep skirted a small stand of pine and fir trees. ─── 吉普车绕过一片松柏树林。

18、A naturally occurring mixture of an oil and a resin extracted from various plants, such as pine or balsam fir. ─── 含油树脂一种天然的油和从各种植物如松树和胶杉中提炼出来的树脂的混合物

19、Fir cones make splendid fuel. ─── 冷杉?鹿?龀隽瞬黄鸬娜剂稀

20、Ephraim says, What have I yet to do with idols? I respond and look on him. I am like a green fir tree; From Me your fruit is found. ─── 以法莲必说,我与偶像还有什么相干呢?我耶和华必回答他,也必顾念他。我如青翠的松树,你的果子从我而得。

21、They often said, “Let's sit under that little Fir tree. ─── 他们经常这样说:“我们坐到那棵小枞树下面吧。

22、So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and fir trees according to all his desire. ─── 于是希兰照着所罗门所要的,给他香柏木和松木。

23、It is imperative that a couple should so live to set something aside fir a rainy day. ─── 一对夫妇需要在日常生活中留出一些东西以备不时之需。

25、A curvign driveway led to the front of the house, which was framed by graceful fir trees. ─── 一条弧形车道直通别墅的正门,车道两旁耸立着挺拔的枞树。

26、There are several kinds of methods proposed for the designing of FIR filters, including the adaptive designing methods. ─── 但用此法设计时必须小心地选择迭代步长,同时还可能遇到梯度噪声放大问题。

27、She focused on the role that the moisture content of fir and pine branches plays in water conservation. ─── 她集中于枞树和松树树枝的含水量在水保护过程中玩的角色。

28、Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen. ─── 冷杉真的标志着常青,表现了永恒不朽的经历。

29、There are many reasons fir this, including inflation and accelerating manufacturing costs. ─── 关于这一点有很多理由,通货膨胀和上涨的制造费用。

30、The China fir grows well at basalt and quartz sandstone, but poor at clay and sand-shale. ─── 其中以玄武岩与石英砂岩发育的土体上的杉木生长最好,依次为长石石英砂岩与变余砂岩,而以煤系砂页岩和第四纪红色粘土上的杉木生长最差。

31、A reafforestation programme has favoured spruce, pines larches and fir. ─── 再造林工程更青睐北美云杉、松树,落叶松和冷杉。

32、The rotten degree of fir trees is an important sign of quality of Abies forest. ─── 冷杉林木腐朽程度是冷杉林分质量变化的重要标志。

33、Location: southeast of the provincial government. Furong South Road and the southeast corner of red fir. ─── 地理位置:省政府东南。芙蓉南路和杉木冲路交汇处东南角。

34、At the end two examples about digitally programming FIR filter and SI-OTA auto-tuning filter are given. ─── 介绍了数字可编程FIR滤波器和SI-OTA自动调谐滤波器等新型开关电流滤波器,并分别给出设计实例和设计注意事项。

35、Merely, the branch of a fir tree that touched my lattice, as the blast wailed by, and rattled its dry cones against the panes! ─── 只不过是在狂风悲叹而过时,一棵枞树的枝子触到了我的窗格,它的干果在玻璃窗面上碰得嘎嘎作响而已!

36、The growth speed of the four tree plantation models above is in the order: poplar>water fir>cryptomeria>black locust. ─── 4种模式造林树种的生长快慢顺序是杨树>水杉>柳杉>刺槐;

37、Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. ─── 北温带北部森林地区的北温带北部森林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树

38、And the greater house he cieled with fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, and set thereon palm trees and chains. ─── 大殿的墙都用松木板遮蔽,又贴了精金,上面雕刻棕树和链子。

39、Russians with a taste for a bracing New Year swim braved freezing temperatures to plant traditional festive fir trees on the seabed and at the bottom of a lake on December 31. ─── 喜爱在新年神清气爽地游个泳的俄罗斯人冒着刺骨的严寒在12月31日将传统的节日冷杉树种到了海中和湖底。

40、The growth of spruce and fir needles is determinate. ─── 云杉和冷杉的针叶生长是有限的。

41、The structure chart of FIR algorithm realizing is also given. ─── 在这里还给出了实现FIR算法的结构图。

42、This is a very small fir tree decorated with silver paper and colored lights. ─── 也就是用银纸和彩灯装饰起来的小冷杉树。

43、The Pacific Coast Hemlock commercial group includes Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and Amabilis fir (Abies amabilis). ─── 太平洋海岸铁杉商业群包括西铁杉(异叶铁杉)和香脂冷杉(太平洋银冷杉)。

44、Data network A telecommunications network built specifically fir data transmission, rather than vorce transmission. ─── 专為数据传送而不是為音波传送而设的电信网络。

45、In addition, the circuit of FIR filters must have the multipliers and this makes the computation speed slow. ─── 另外,一般有限脉冲响应滤波器的架构都会使用到乘法器,这使得执行速度会变慢。

46、I will wait,if I am waitting,I will waitting......waitting here but waitting fir what? Or human must need something? ─── 人只是为他知道而活着,我知道也仅仅只是世之一隅,我能做的也只有和拿破伦一样:努力找寻,捍卫.

47、The last 4 times decimation was achieved by two half-band filters and a droop FIR. ─── 剩馀4倍抽取采用两级半带滤波器和升幅FIR实现。

48、Do not insolate, firing or iron the Fir Pad to avoid damage the insulator of heating conductor. ─── 不能暴晒、洪烤、熨烫,避免造成发热线绝缘损坏。

49、The surface is generally made of candlenut wood or China fir, and has seven strings stretched along it. ─── 一般的制料是,面板用桐木或杉木制成,琴面张弦7根,

50、The foreign scholar thought the fir tree is with the fortune keteleeria is also is this branch most primitive. ─── 外国学者认为冷杉属和油杉属又是该科最为原始的。

51、Here also live many treasured plants, such as sawtooth oak, ginkgo, fir, and dove tree --- the living fossil. ─── 在这儿你还会见识许多珍稀植物-----黑壳栎,银杏树,冷杉, "活化石"珙桐树等等。

52、If the fir trees are cut down at a faster rate than new trees are planted and allowed to mature, the stock of fir trees will go down. ─── 同样在这里,如果杉树砍伐的速率比种植树木的速率快,并允许它们成熟生长,则杉树的积存量将下降。

53、Got developing quickly on construction of industrialization of southern ormosia fir. ─── 在南方红豆杉产业化建设上得到了迅速发展。

54、Ningbo Red China fir Hi-tech Board Industry Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波红杉高新板业有限公司。

55、A novel nonlinear adaptive prediction filter is presented based on a combination of PRNN and subband FIR filters. ─── 基于PRNN神经网络与FIR子带滤波器,本文提出一种新颖的非线性自适应预测滤波器。

56、In the Muromachi period of 500 years ago, Niu fragile paper into a fir tree made of Po. ─── 到了500年前的室町时代,易碎的牛玉纸演变成杉木制成的宝木。

57、They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing; he planted fir and pine trees alternately. ─── 交替运用离心法和混合法来除去他们的甘油渍;他交叉种植冷杉和松树。

58、Main interests are plasma physics, study of Tokamak experiments, plasma diagnostics, FIR laser system and optics. ─── 主要从事等离子体物理、托卡马克实验、高温等离子体诊断、远红外激光和光学系统研究。

59、He must apologize to me fir his impoliteness. ─── 他必须对他的不礼貌向我道歉.

60、"It's a deserted monastery, down in the valley. Amongst the fir trees. ─── “是一座破庙,在山谷下面,杉树丛中。

61、In addition, aluminum became rich in fir root, it inhibited fir root to absorb nutrients, such as Ca, Mg etc, therefore caused dieback or death of fir. ─── 加之有毒元素Al在冷杉体内富集,抑制了冷杉对营养元素Ca、Mg等的吸收,导致冷杉秃顶及衰亡。

62、A suggestion of transposed seeds of China fir is made for an afforested area in Henan province. ─── 同时为河南杉木造林区提出调种的意见。

63、Fir: The price is about same to that of hemlock spruce. ─── 冷杉木:和铁杉木价格差不多。

64、One of the principal species is arbor, which includes arborvitae, East-liaoning oak, China Armand pine, birch, and fir. ─── 主要树种有侧柏、辽东栎、华山松、桦、冷杉等乔木;

65、They lived with their Mother in a sandbank,underneath the root of a very big fir tree. ─── 他们和他们的妈妈一起,住在一棵大枞树树根下面的一个沙洞里。


67、Copy PS_ A610. FIR to the root folder of SD card using your cardreader. ─── 如果你有读卡器,就把ps_610.FIR文件复制到SD卡的根目录。

68、The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodgepole pines,but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia. ─── 在这片地势起伏的森林中,高大的冷杉和美国黑松随处可见,但与巨大的红杉相比,它们看起来都如小枝小条一般。

69、Soils under broad-leaved, masson pine, Chinese fir and bamboo forest in the area of Huzhou, Zhejiang were selected for this study. ─── 在我国亚热带采集了常绿阔叶林、马尾松林、杉木林和毛竹林土壤,分析了土壤总有机碳和水溶性有机碳含量。

70、She said, silver fir is a gymnosperm, Pinaceae, evergreen trees. ─── 她称,银杉属裸子植物,松科,常绿乔木。

71、The influence of clear cutting Chinese fir plantation on the characteristics of runoff water chemistry of forestland. ─── 与相似的文献。

72、The main species are pine, spruce, fir, Cheng Chi, Euptelea, Cercidiphyllum, and so on. ─── 主要品种有红松、云杉、冷杉、赤桦、领春木、连香树等。

73、The radial variation patterns of wood density in19 Chinese fir provenances were studied by means of X-ray wood densitometry. ─── 以微密度分析对19个种源杉木的木材密度径向变异模式进行了研究。

74、Small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves. ─── 南方平铺富贵草属的一种生命期短的小型冷杉,生长速度快,类似于香脂冷杉,但叶子短小。

75、Ukraine - Fir trees are decorated and parties enjoyed, with Christmas being a very popular time of the year. ─── 乌克兰-装饰杉树,许多人一起狂欢,这是一年中最热闹的时候。

76、Australian graphic designers Buro North claim their plywood Christmas tree is “80% more environmentally friendly” than a traditional fir or spruce. ─── 他说:“他们用夹板做成的树比天然的赤木或纵木多了80%对环境的友好”。

77、More around the meadow, arrow bamboo, fir, alpine cuckoo. ─── 四周多草甸、箭竹林、冷杉、高山杜鹃。

78、The Christmas tree usually made by green firry and sypress.This is a symbol of longevity. ─── 圣诞树一般是用杉柏之的常绿树做成,象征生命长存。

79、House Liddle - Per pale white and green, a fir tree line between, three brown pinecones on the white. ─── 以冷杉型分割线,垂直分为半绿半白,白色上三颗棕色的松果。

80、 双语使用场景

81、For the matrials , we have used Jilin pure basswood , authentic Indonesiapele , fir improted from USA and Brazil high-class rosewood. ─── 在制作用用料方面,吉他材料全部选用吉他纯正椴木板、正宗印尼沙比利、美国进口冷杉及巴西高级玫瑰木。

82、Of course,such a choice may make the fir m' s own know -how diffuse unwillingly. ─── 同时,研发联盟不可避免地带来企业自身知识与能力的流失与扩散。

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