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09-12 投稿



exemplifies 发音

英:[ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪz]  美:[ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪz]

英:  美:

exemplifies 中文意思翻译



exemplifies 词性/词形变化,exemplifies变形

动词过去式: exemplified |形容词: exemplifiable |名词: exemplifier |动词过去分词: exemplified |动词现在分词: exemplifying |动词第三人称单数: exemplifies |

exemplifies 相似词语短语

1、amplifies ─── vt.放大,扩大;增强;详述;vi.详述

2、exemplifier ─── 例证者

3、exemplifiable ─── 例证

4、exemplariness ─── n.可资鉴戒;可作模范

5、exemplifying ─── v.举例;例示(exemplify的ing形式)

6、exemplified ─── vt.例证;例示

7、exemplify ─── vt.例证;例示

8、simplifies ─── 简化

9、unexemplified ─── 未举例说明

exemplifies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's a case study of a British police operation which exemplifies current trends. ─── 这是一个说明当前趋势的英国警方行动的个案分析。

2、The housing policy exemplifies the shift from collective to individualized welfare provision. ─── 住房政策举例说明了从集体福利向个人福利的转移。

3、The cicada exemplifies an insect species which use a combinatorial communication system. ─── 蝉是应用组合通讯系统的昆虫物种之一。

4、The use of that word exemplifies the kind of underlining that makes it feel clumsy. ─── 这个词汇的运用显然是突出的表现,更使电影令人感觉不真实。

5、Total performance has always been of the upmost importance to Mosler Automotive, and the MT900 GTR XX exemplifies our commitment to the fundamentals of performance technology. ─── 整个系统的性能一直是最重要的是莫斯勒汽车,并MT900术二十体现我们的承诺,基本的性能技术.

6、Finally, it concludes that the complementary relationship of Reformation and Humanism exemplifies their dialectical complementarity. ─── 最后指出,二者的相互补充乃是基督宗教与人文主义辩证互补关系的一大例证。

7、Grammatically, the Sanskrit paradigm exemplifies the concept of radical ─── 从语法的观点看,梵语的变格范例明确了词根的概念。

8、The Ghazal in Urdu represents the most popular form of subjective poetry, while the Nazm exemplifies the objective kind, often reserved for narrative, descriptive, didactic or satirical purposes. ─── Ghazal在Urdu代表主观诗歌的最普遍的形式,当Nazm举例证明客观种类,为叙事,描写,教诲或讽刺目的经常被预留。

9、Officials in Truman's hometown of Independence pick someone each year they believe best exemplifies what it means to be a public servant. ─── “杜鲁门公共服务奖”每年颁发一次,由杜鲁门家乡的官员评选他们所认为的公共服务的典范。

10、He exemplifies all of the special qualities found in Autobot commanders: courageous, tactically skilled, and a natural leader. ─── 他有着作为汽车人指挥官中的特质:勇敢、熟练的战术、天生的领导才能。

11、The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. ─── 故宫的复杂充分体现了中国传统的宫殿建筑,并在东亚和其它地区影响了文化和建筑的发展。

12、many experts say, exemplifies what works in the innovation game. ─── 许多专家说,乔布斯是创新游戏中成功的典范。

13、Argentina's recent collapse exemplifies the failure of the Washington consensus. ─── 阿根廷最近的崩溃是华盛顿共识失败的一个例证。

14、Antonio exemplifies the noblest virtues of the perfect Christian gentleman in Renaissance society throughout the play. ─── 在全剧中,安东尼奥展示的是文艺复兴时期一个标准的基督教绅士的最高美德。

15、Exemplifies the precise observation, psychological complexity, and generosity of spirit to which narrative nonfiction should aspire. ─── 书中的精细观察、复杂的心理描写、以及人物的宽宏大量是非小说叙事文体应该追求的范例。

16、This story exemplifies many of the phenomena that psychologists seek to study :envy, love, compassion, altruism, and perseverance. ─── 这个故事展现出心理学家们所要寻求了解的许多现象:像是嫉妒心、爱情、同情心、无私心、还有毅力。

17、It's time that we all forget about the mess that came with the torch relaying, and look forward to a truly unprecedented event that exemplifies the hospitality and openness of the Chinese people. ─── 居然三大超女都和众多老牌明星平起平坐了,,,另外个人相当怀疑里面李宇春的声音是真唱,丫的声音什幺时候这幺像女声了。。。

18、One that exemplifies; an example. ─── 榜样树为榜样的人; 榜样

19、TV exemplifies the art of captivating the audience in the first 10 seconds or less. ─── 电视能在10秒钟或更短的时间里就把观众吸引住,这是教师可以借鉴的。

20、Jones Day, which began in the American Midwest and is now in 19 countries, exemplifies the type with its slogan, "One Firm, Worldwide" . ─── 众达国际法律事务所始创于美国西进运动时期,现在业务覆盖19个国家,以其口号“一家公司,包揽全球”树立行业典范。

21、The coincidence of the two shows exemplifies the glitzy entertainment and sabre-rattling that are so close in Kremlin ideology. ─── 两场表演的巧合说明了在克里姆林宫的意识形态中,眩目娱乐与武力展示十分相近。

22、An Authoritative International Magazine that Exemplifies Excellence. ─── 一本高品质、高权威的国际杂志。

23、The story ofPsyche exemplifies many of the phenomena that psychologists seek tostudy: curiosity, envy, love, compassion, altruism, and perseverance. ─── 普绪客的故事表现了心理学家们所研究的众多现象:好奇心、嫉妒、爱、同情、利他思想和坚定不移。

24、If Wichelstowe is Swindon's unfortunate showcase for the retreat in housing, the nearby Honda factory at South Marston exemplifies the gravity of the manufacturing setback. ─── 如果说Wichelstowe的不幸展示了斯文顿房市的冷却,那么位于附近不远的南马士顿本田汽车厂就说明了生产业遭受了重挫。

25、Warhol seems to predict the fate of the figure that best exemplifies the hypochondria at the heart of contemporary celebrity. ─── 沃霍尔似乎预示了一位当代最耀眼明星的命运,这位明星也是强迫症的典型代表。

26、The love of sport and the belief in the ideals that great sport exemplifies is really whey we are seeking to bring golf to the Olympics. ─── 因为我们对高尔夫的热爱和相信伟大的运动可以产生示范作用,所以我们才努力将高尔夫带入奥运会。

27、The article also exemplifies the basic theory and design principles of tw o construction models and introduces in details the eco-village models of countr yside,mountainous areas and courtyard. ─── 阐述了全村总体型和家庭生态型二种建设模式的基本原理与设计原则,并详细介绍了城郊型生态村,山区型生态村,庭院型生态村模式。

28、Online commerce not only exemplifies China's rising consumption, but also provides a springboard for shoppers to vault over hurdles that have held them back. ─── 电子商务不但提高了中国的消费水平,还让消费者可以跨越那些曾经阻碍他们前进的障碍物。

29、This icon exemplifies the simplicity of his skillful style able to transcend pictorial constraints with spiritual ideas. ─── 此图标体现了他的娴熟简约风格与精神能够超越思想图案的限制。

30、Yu Yuan Renaissance exemplifies a delightful fusion of Renaissance heritage and Shanghai local culture. ─── 豫园万丽充分融合了万丽悠久的传统以及海派文化精华。

31、The crawfish with caviar. This simple yet unadulterated dish best exemplifies the chef's fastidious attention to the inherent flavors of the ingredients. ─── 炸小鳌虾佐鱼子酱.这道简单而绝对的菜最能表现主厨追求食材味道的洁癖.

32、This unfortunate man exemplifies many of the problems of mentally disordered offenders. ─── 这个不幸的人展现了精神异常的攻击者所存在的众多问题。

33、This article exemplifies the author's implementation practices ot CAI in the teaching ot organic chemistry; meanwhile ,it also provides references for the teaching of other subjects to dram on. ─── 本文主要介绍了作者将多媒体应用于有机化学教学的实践与体会。文中内容对将多媒体应用于其它学科教学具有一定的借鉴作用。

34、The notion that no response occurs without implicit or explicit reinforcement exemplifies a kind of utilitarian functionalism. ─── 那种认为没有含蓄或者明确的加强便产生不了反应的概念证实了一种实利主义的功能主义。

35、The author exemplifies the female visualize of new-novels and body writing. ─── 其中对新感觉派和“身体写作”进行了例证分析。

36、In some ways, it exemplifies its home country. ─── 这家公司在某些方面成为了韩国的例证。

37、Browsershots. org exemplifies what you can get from the free version of this sort of service. ─── org展示了可以从这种服务的免费版本中获得的好处。

38、By expounding the concept of TCM treatment in peri-operational period of ophthalmology,it traces back its origin and developing mechanism,and exemplifies its advantages and meaning. ─── 通过对眼科围手术期中医治疗概念的阐述,追溯中医眼科围手术期的治疗渊源及发展机理的理解,并举例说明中医眼科在围手术期治疗的优势和意义。

39、6 The Doge's Palace exemplifies the city's Gothic architecture. The palace is home to the I Piombi prison, from which swashbuckling libertine Giacomo Casanova made a daring escape in 1755. ─── 总督宫是威尼斯哥特式建筑的代表。严整华丽的宫殿用粉色和白色的大理石砌成。这里是威尼斯国家元首的官府,也是大议会和政府的所在地。

40、Each of the teachers here tonight exemplifies the very best in teachingand the students who honor you are evidence of your immense talent and dedication. ─── 在座的每一位教师都代表了教学的典范,学生尊敬你们正证明了你们过人的天赋和奉献。

41、This paper introduces the rationale of QAP and exemplifies its application in correlation and regression with UCINET. ─── 本文介绍了QAP的原理,并通过UCINET用实际例子展示QAP相关和QAP回归的应用。

42、This archetypal pattern of Wisdom in Action, perhaps more than any other exemplifies the new form of leadership that shall emerge in the century ahead for the human species. ─── 这一原型模式,也许比任何其他人更为例证将在前方世纪为人类物种所浮现的领导新形式。

43、This painting exemplifies the artist's early style. ─── 这幅画是该画家早期艺术风格的典型。

44、The mausoleum of Ulysses S.Grant, this building exemplifies the presence of social institutions and high culture in Morningside Height. ─── 这座尤利塞斯男子格兰特的陵墓,代表了当时的社会制度以及高度发展的文化水平。

45、BOCOM's experience in reform and development paves the way for the development of shareholding commercial banks in China and exemplifies the banking reform of China. ─── 交通银行改革发展的实践,为中国股份制商业银行的发展开辟了道路,对金融改革起到了催化、推动和示范作用。

46、(biology) the species that best exemplifies the essential characteristics of the genus to which it belongs. ─── (生物学)能最好例示所属属的本质特征的种。

47、Furthermore, it exemplifies classroom English grammar teaching. ─── 最后示例说明语法教学实践。

48、Their casting exemplifies the disjointed nature of the entire enterprise: Brilliant in its parts, "Yureru" is built with structural flaws. ─── 电影的制作班底是日本电影帝国失衡的很好例证:在细节方面很棒,但却有着结构性瑕疵。

49、"The addition of Macao to the DFS destination portfolio further exemplifies DFS' strategy to add more stores in the very fast growing PRC market," he added. ─── “澳门加入到了DFS目标业务组合中,这进一步体现了DFS要把更多商场开设在快速发展的中国市场中的战略。”他补充说到。

50、His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best. ─── 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。

51、The room's style exemplifies their ideal of "beauty and practicality." ─── 这个房间的风格是他们“美观实用”理想的典范。

52、7. The renowned American satellite Uhuru exemplifies the capabilities of X-ray astronomy. ─── 著名的美国“乌呼鲁”卫星充分显示了X射线天文学的威力。

53、With extensive services beyond the base offerings, uiOne further exemplifies the attention to detail given at every level in the uiOne implementation process. ─── 除了基本服务以外,uiOne还通过范围更广的服务进一步说明在uiOne实施过程中我们在每个层面上都是精益求精的。

54、Williams Johnson Mota, the institute's business development manager, said: “Google exemplifies what it means to be a great place to work. ─── 最佳雇主学会的业务开发经理威廉姆斯?约翰逊?莫塔(WilliamsJohnsonMota)表示:“谷歌的例子说明了什么是最佳雇主。

55、The Doge's Palace exemplifies the city's Gothic architecture. ─── 总督宫是威尼斯哥特式建筑的代表。

56、Mr Ogiso's project exemplifies some of the strongest traits: teamwork, in-house development and a desire to earn glory for the company. ─── 小木先生的项目,展现了一些最为强大的特质,包括团队精神、内部开发和给公司赚取荣耀的野心。

57、A tiny section of Macrocystis pyrifera (kelp) exemplifies the extraordinary features of this sea plant. ─── 巨藻的微小部分显示出这种海洋植物非同寻常的特征。

58、This article exemplifies the method to develop new pnduct with different-shrinking filaments, and discusses the specifications design and peduction technology of such products. ─── 论述了涤纶长丝新产品开发方法,以异收缩丝产品为例,探讨了该类产品的规格设计和生产工艺。

59、This article exemplifies direct and indirect influence using Lowenfeld s three restrictions and stereotypic behaviors. ─── 间接影响是由环境造成的间接的非必然影响。

60、This beautiful mahogany tilt-top gueridon exemplifies the neoclassical sensibilities of the Louis XVI period. ─── 这个美丽的红木倾斜顶盖里东体现了路易十六时期的新古典主义的感情。

61、Hair during the various stages of one's life exemplifies the physiological changes which are connected to the developments of kidney qi or the vital energy of the body. ─── 头发是生命中各阶段里的生理变化的主要指标,由于肾气兴旺才得以长得既长又多,乌黑光亮。

62、This passage exemplifies numerous high-tech applied in such fields as filter,medical &sanitary materials,aerospace and automobile industries. ─── 文章列举了过滤材料领域、医用卫生材料领域、航空、航天及汽车领域中众多的非织造布高新技术产品。

63、It exemplifies the pursuit of excellence and the fast paced development of the hotel and tourism industry in China over the last fifteen years. ─── 同时,此次盛会也是中国旅游饭店业在过去十几年来不断追求卓越,迅猛发展的完美再现。

64、I chose to share my trip with my readers because it exemplifies the phenomenon of more and more investors "going global" in search of lucrative real estate investments. ─── 之所以跟读者来分享我的旅程是因为我发现越来越多的投资者开始寻求国外的地产投资机会。

65、As one of the American ethnic economies, it serves as a model of other minorities for their economic adaptation on the ethnic ground, and also exemplifies the principle of "One core, diverse polars". ─── 作为族裔经济的表现形式之一,韩裔经济为其他少数族裔进行基于族裔特征的经济调适提供了一个典型范例。

66、A technique like ryote-tori tenchi-nage exemplifies the principle of “splitting” the partner's energy (physical or mental). ─── 双手抓天地摔就是一个使用分散法则的例子,它把对手心理及身体的能量分开。

67、In the manner of its concern with guilt and evil, it exemplifies what Melville called the" power of blackness" in Hawthorne's work. ─── 小说的主人公年又无知,既总体上接受社会,又接受自己认为值得接受的个人----自己的同伴。

68、His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best. ─── 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。

69、The poetry of Thom Gunn exemplifies such literature which reflects not only universal aspect of life and world, but also the specifics. ─── 冈恩诗歌即是这种反映既普遍又特殊的生活和世界的文学的代表。

70、Based on such principles, the author exemplifies Fu Xia urban agglomeration to analyze the developing situation, forming mechanism, spatial demarcation and seedtime, probes into its tendency of the development and evolution in the future. ─── 在此基础上,以福厦城市群为例,对其发展条件、形成机制与空间范围的界定及发展阶段作了简要的分析,并探讨了其未来空间发展演化趋势。

71、Zhongshan, in the heart of southern China's Pearl River Delta (PRD), exemplifies the rapid economic development of what has, over the past two decades, become the country's export powerhouse. ─── 中山市,这个位于中国南部的珠江三角洲心腹之地的城市,见证了珠三角地区在过去二十年中经济高速发展,一举成为国家出口基地的辉煌历史。

72、Yet Netanyahu's selection of Lieberman, who once stated that "minorities are the biggest problem in the world," exemplifies Israel's tone-deafness in a changed world. ─── 然而,内塔尼亚胡选择曾经放言“少数民族是世界上最大的问题”的利伯曼,表明以色列听不到世界的变化。

73、The exchange exemplifies a perfect mutualism. ─── 牠们的交易是互利共生的绝妙例子。

74、Arthur Miller's essay 'Tragedy and the Common Man' exemplifies the modern belief that tragedy may also depict ordinary people in domestic surroundings. ─── 亚瑟米勒的散文的悲剧,和共同的男子'充分体现了现代认为,悲剧也可能描绘一般人在国内的环境。

75、We are proud that the Sheng Yen Professorship is being filled by a scholar whose work exemplifies the values that the Foundation wishes to encourage. ─── 我们深深引以为荣首位圣严汉传讲座教授能够有这样优秀的学者,来体现本讲座的价值与期许。

76、Abstract:Based on the cognitive linguistic construal of metonymy,this paper analyzes and exemplifies the metonymic nature of discourse titles that takes on two senses. ─── 摘要:本文根据当今认知语言学对转喻的释解以及大量的例解,阐述语篇标题的转喻本质。

77、Warhol seems to predict the fate of the figure that best exemplifies the hypochondria at the heart of contemporary celebrity. ─── 沃霍尔似乎预示了一位当代最耀眼明星的命运,这位明星也是强迫症的典型代表。

78、Its argument is tightly constructed, and its forthright, lucid style exemplifies levelheaded and penetrating criticism. ─── 这本书的主题结构紧密,直率、明晰的风格例示了一种冷静而敏锐的文学评论。

79、This paper proposes to use the back reference in translation to measure the loyalty of translations and exemplifies the importance of the back reference study. ─── 多语言间的转译越来越多,笔者提出用译文的“回原性”来衡量译文的忠实度,并举例分析了“回原性”研究的重要

80、The present paper exemplifies the special role of some arrangements in the green chemical industry and contrasts it with other reactive routes in atom economy. ─── 原子经济性是绿色化学中的一条重要原则,本文列举了一些重排反应在绿色化学工业中的地位和作用,并与其他的反应路线从原子经济性的角度进行了评述。

81、This paper exemplifies the realizatin of random need based on discrete probability distribution in Microsoft Excel,thus providing simple but universal solutions to simulated analysis of management problems. ? ─── 通过实例,介绍了基于离散概率分布的随机需求,在Excel电子表格软件中的实现思想和方法,为管理决策问题的模拟分析与解决提供了简单通用的解决方案.

82、A student of Lowell and also an admirer of Jarrell, Snodgrass exemplifies the post-formalist as well as the Post-Romantic trend toward individual expression, neither academic nor Beat. ─── 斯诺德格拉斯是洛厄尔的信徒,也是贾雷尔的崇拜者。他是一个例子,说明了后期形式主义和后期浪漫主义倾向于表现个人,即不是学院派,也不是垮掉派。

83、The room's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness. ─── 这房间的风格说明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。

84、It is an expression of the African roots of American culture, a musical medium that exemplifies the culture of the Africans whose culture came to dominate much of what is American. ─── 然而,除此之外,爵士乐还在更基本的方面与美国的精髓有著联系,它表现出美国文化植根于非洲,通过音乐媒介证明了非洲人的文化已经支配了美国人的文化。

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