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09-12 投稿



galvanize 发音

英:[ˈɡælvənaɪz]  美:[ˈɡælvənaɪz]

英:  美:

galvanize 中文意思翻译



galvanize 词性/词形变化,galvanize变形


galvanize 短语词组

galvanize into

1. 激起

The announcement of the general election galvanized the party members into action.


galvanize 相似词语短语

1、galvanic ─── adj.电流的;使人震惊的;触电似的

2、galvanised ─── v.镀锌(galvanise的过去分词);给…通电

3、galvanises ─── vt.激励;镀锌;通电流于(等于galvanize)

4、galvanized ─── adj.镀锌的,电镀的;v.电镀;刺激(galvanize的过去式和过去分词形式)

5、galvaniser ─── 镀锌层

6、Balkanize ─── vt.使分裂成若干对立的小国;使割据;vi.分割成小国;割据

7、galvanise ─── vt.激励;镀锌;通电流于(等于galvanize)

8、galvanizer ─── n.电镀工;激励者

9、galvanizes ─── vt.镀锌;通电;刺激

galvanize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“To galvanize the international community, to get the international community to commit to those resources, is a problem. ─── 古哈先生说,“如何激励国际社会并使他们能够贯彻执行这些政策,是一个问题。

2、A senior Iraqi government official expressed concern that Iranian security forces are also trying to politically galvanize the Iranian population in Iraq. ─── 一名伊拉克政府高级官员还对伊朗安全部队试图在伊拉克境内的伊朗人当中进行政治煽动感到关切。

3、"Either we will create the necessary momentum to finally galvanize a global response, or else we risk a global catastrophe," he said. ─── 克里说,“我们要创造必要的动力,最终唤起全球的响应,否则我们可能面临全球性灾难。”

4、And unlike in the past, carry traders now have options, as central Banks worldwide have hammered down rates in a concerted effort to galvanize the economy. ─── 与以往不同,这类交易者现在有了多种选择,因为世界各国的央行为刺激经济都在下调利率。

5、Keywords spangle;galvanize;zinc-alloy;solidification model; ─── 锌花;热镀锌;锌合金;凝固模型;

6、To bring knowledge of our oceans to a wide audience and galvanize support in favor of marine protected areas.We invite a variety of responses from TEDsters in pursuit of this goal. ─── 为了提供大众关于海洋的知识,并强化对于海洋保护区的支持,我们邀请大家一起回应并参与!

7、Model-T keel is made of advance galvanize and painting and painting board for better anticorrisive and fire-proofing. ─── 采用优质的镀锌板和进口烤漆彩板,提高产品的防锈、防火性能。插接式组装使产品便于安装,提高施工效率。

8、The bench is a kind of vertical unidirectional airflow cleaning device which is full secc galvanize steel, anti-salt mist bake lacquer, S. ─── 该工作台采用垂直单向流的气流形式,为不锈钢、合金结构,不锈钢工作台面,风量可调,保证工作区风速始终处于理想状态。

9、Will that prospect be enough to galvanize a serious response to the long-term economic problems in the United States? ─── 这种前景是否足以激发美国严肃对待它长期的经济问题?

10、Will it galvanize this team in some way?Who knows? ─── 这将会刺激这个球队吗?

11、Galvanize: to arouse to awareness or action; spur ─── 唤醒注意和行动;激励

12、Keywords wire rod;galvanize;impurity; ─── 线材;镀锌;夹杂物;

13、By claiming that every $1 put into New York's trees returns $5.60 in benefits, he may find it easier to galvanize New Yorkers to plant more and chop down fewer. ─── 投入到纽约树木的每1美元可以产生5.6美元的回报,借助这样的说辞,布隆伯格或许会发现更容易激励纽约客多种少砍。

14、To galvanize or plate(metal) by immersion. ─── 电镀通过浸泡镀涂金属

15、This was the first of many the Committee actions addressing the issues of ethnic profiling and equal treatment under the law that helped galvanize Asian Americans and alter public opinion. ─── 这是首次有许多委员会的行动解决问题的民族概况和平等对待,根据法例,有助激励亚裔美国人和改变民意。

16、Though he endured harsh criticism, the hearings helped to galvanize anti-war sentiment, especially among young people, more and more of whom were participating in anti-war rallies and teach-ins. ─── 尽管他遭受到尖锐的批评,但听证会还是帮助刺激了反战情绪,特别是在年轻人中间。他们中越来越多的人加入到了反战集会和“辩论宣讲会”中。

17、The U. S. has, over the past year, exploited this tension to galvanize the rest of East Asia against China and under U. ─── 美国过去一直在利用这种紧张气氛来刺激其他的东亚国家加入她在西太平洋的布局中来对抗中国。

18、Will that prospect be enough to galvanize a serious response to the long-term economic problems in the United States? ─── 这种前景是否足以激发美国严肃对待它长期的经济问题?

19、"Either we will create the necessary momentum to finally galvanize a global response, or else we risk a global catastrophe, " he said. ─── 克里说,“我们要创造必要的动力,最终唤起全球的响应,否则我们可能面临全球性灾难。”

20、the square wire mesh may divide into the electricity to galvanize the square wire mesh , the pot galvanize grid net. ─── 友好提示:为获得更好效果,联络时请说明此信息来自八方资源网。

21、hot dip galvanize ─── 镀锌

22、But the worst attack on American soil serves to galvanize the nation. ─── 但是对美国国土的这一可怕袭击却极大地唤醒了这个国家。

23、galvanize into action ─── 使立即行动起来

24、to galvanize a person into action ─── 刺激某人采取行动

25、The body and keepers are aluminium, the other parts are hot-hip galvanize steel. ─── 底压和线夹为铝合金制件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。

26、And unlike in the past, carry traders now have options, as central banks worldwide have hammered down rates in a concerted effort to galvanize the economy. ─── 与以往不同,这类交易者现在有了多种选择,因为世界各国的央行为刺激经济都在下调利率。

27、T-Jam George Duke Track from: Duke [BPM Records] Galvanize The Chemical Brothers ─── 乔治公爵《听装果酱》

28、Experience suggests that markets have to move violently before they galvanize politicians into action. ─── 他断言,从事实情况看,那种认为里根时代赤字对经济没有影响的想法是错误的。

29、How can we galvanize the students into studying hard? ─── 我们怎么才能激励学生努力学习?

30、He has made masterful use of the internet to galvanize left-wing Democrats and anti-Bush independents ─── 他善于使用因特网来激励左翼的民主党人与反对布什的独立非党人士。

31、Stub &Track is made of advance galvanize and painting board for better anticorrisive and fire-proofing. ─── 采用优质的镀锌板和进口烤漆彩板 提高产品的防锈、防火性能。

32、Can Earth Hour Galvanize the Global Warming Fight? ─── 世界一小时能帮助全球变暖运动么?

33、Climate change is among the issues that galvanize young people simply because our government's actions don't make sense to us. ─── 气候变化之所以成为激励年轻人的议题,是因为我们认为政府采取的行动没有意义。

34、limited service galvanize office ─── 有限业务自通电报局

35、If it repeats the feat inside two weeks, it will claim the $10m Ansari X-Prize set up to galvanize the private spaceflight business. ─── 如果在两周内再创佳绩的话,"太空飞船一号"将会赢得1000万美元的安萨里X奖。这个奖项是为鼓励私人航空事业而设立的。

36、Housing: Galvanize steel sheet material could be able to bear corrosive.Same size for the inlet and outlet can install conveniently.Connecting to the piping directly makes for installation. ─── 外壳:采用优质热镀锌钢板制成,具有优良的耐大气腐蚀性能,进风口和出风口外形尺寸相同,可与风管直接相连,以便于安装。

37、Hughes agreed, adding: “The reason United are champions elect is that they are able to galvanize themselves and go again after falling behind, as they did here. ─── 休斯同意这点:“曼联成为冠军的原因是他们可以在失败之后很快给自己充电,我们就是这样。

38、Keywords switch power supply;impulse electroplate;galvanize;steel wire; ─── 开关电源;脉冲电镀;镀锌;钢丝;

39、To galvanize the world ─── 震古铄今

40、galvanize v. ─── 使惊跳;

41、The bench is a kind of vertical unidirectional airflow cleaning device which is full secc galvanize steel,anti-salt mist bake lacquer,S. ─── 该工作台采用垂直单向流的气流形式,为不锈钢、铝合金结构,不锈钢工作台面,风量可调,保证工作区风速始终处于理想状态。

42、In any event no invitation to Beirut arrived in Jerusalem and what I believed was a historic opportunity to galvanize the entire region into a mode of reconciliation passed by, unrequited. ─── 不管怎么样,参加贝鲁特会议的邀请函没有光临耶路撒冷,而我认为这是促进整个中东地区进和解的历史机遇也溜走了,整件事情没有任何回报。

43、It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then to galvanize it. ─── 常用的方法是先把钢板焊起来再镀锌。

44、Obama said Hillary Clinton will galvanize Republicans. But Clinton said she has the political experience necessary to withstand a tough national campaign. ─── 奥巴马说:“我认为,要是我们继续吸引那些一直不投票的选民,年轻选民和独立选民,以及那些对共和党失望的选民,这样我们就会做得很好。”

45、4.To provide experiential education through Marathon, galvanize the willpower and foster spiritual qualities to overcome difficulties and plight. ─── 4. 通过马拉松运动的体验,培养市民坚毅不拔和克服逆景的意志和精神;

46、2. How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their work? ─── 我们怎样才能激励学生对他们的作业负起责任来呢?

47、Also, under this scenario, it takes only one bold individual to galvanize others into action, studies by Staub and others show. ─── 斯托布及其他人的研究结果表明,在这种情形下,只要有一个英勇无畏的人带头振臂高呼,其他人就会紧跟着采取行动。

48、You have superior teaching team, which is one of the top considerations, because it can galvanize and inspire students' potential and creativity. ─── 你们的师资很好。教师对学生而言很重要,可以激发学生的潜能。

49、Quick: Don't need to weld and galvanize, the setting time is 3 times quicker than the flange connect fitting. ─── 快速不需焊接和再镀锌,安装速度比法兰连接管件快3倍以上。

50、Instead of going right now, why not set a timetable, to galvanize the warring parties to settle their differences before a free-for-all? ─── 这样还可以给敌对的各方一定警告:要么化干戈为玉帛,要么分家一了百了。

51、Mr.Abbas' Fatah faction, a rival of Hamas, fears citizens' anger could galvanize support for Hamas in the West Bank. ─── 哈马斯的对手法塔赫派系担心民众的持续愤怒会引起约旦河西岸人民对哈马斯的支持。

52、It can be very salutary and indicate to you where your troubles lie are and galvanize you to mend them. ─── 这对你是十分有益的,这也会让你明白自己的问题在哪儿并指引你解决它们。

53、How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their own work? ─── 我们如何才能激发学。生为自己的学习负责呢?

54、106m/tons galvanize corrugated iron-sheet 6'0 long," moon brand,"@_$18, 500 per m/t, net weight. ─── “月球牌”瓦楞式镀锌铁皮、长度6英尺、数量106公吨,每公吨¥18,500(净重)。

55、After shooting 21-year-old university student David Galvan in the neck, his uncle, Rafael Vargas, 35, was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide, police said. ─── 警方说,在朝21岁的大学生大卫.盖尔文的脖子射击后,他的舅舅,拉斐尔.沃尔葛斯,35岁,难过发狂到把枪口朝向自己并且自杀。

56、Reports of corruption and mismanagement and worsening environmental fallout there helped galvanize the international movement against hydropower. ─── 有关腐败、管理不善和环境恶化的报导在国际社会引发了反对水电的声浪。

57、They also visit bars, restaurants and nightclubs to alert young people to the dangers of drink driving and speeding and to galvanize support from the public. ─── 同时,他们也去酒吧、餐厅和夜总会警告青年酒后驾驶和超速的危险,并激发公众的支持。

58、galvanize into life ─── 使(某人)受刺激而振奋活跃起来

59、The announcement of the general election galvanize the party member into action. ─── 宣布举行大选促使该党成员行动起来。

60、I hope that her call will galvanize leadership from around the globe to accelerate efforts to end the AIDS epidemic. ─── 我希望她的召唤将激励全球各地的领导人加速努力,终止艾滋病疫情。

61、he looks good on TV despite his short stature. He has made masterful use of the internet to galvanize left-wing Democrats and anti-Bush independents. ─── 尽管他身材不高,但在电视中的形象很好,他善于使用因特网来激励左翼的民主党人与反对布什的独立非党人士。

62、71. Also, under this scenario, it takes only one bold individual to galvanize others into action, studies by Staub and others show . ─── 斯托布及其他人的研究结果表明,在这种情形下,只要有一个英勇无畏的人带头振臂高呼,其他人就会紧跟着采取行动。

63、Galvan started to hiccup and Vargas, who works as a security guard, said he would use the home remedy for hiccups of scaring him. ─── 目击者对当地电视台记者描述,当时加尔文突然开始打嗝,做保安工作的伐加斯说他会用家用治打嗝的方法,也就是惊吓来帮他。

64、Bush, appeared to galvanize efforts to finalize the administration's $700 billion financial-markets bailout, despite continuing tensions and an occasionally heated debate on Capitol Hill. ─── 当然,紧张局面还在持续,国会里不时还会有热烈的争论。

65、After shooting21- year-old university student David Galvan in the neck, his uncle, Rafael Vargas,35, was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide, police said. ─── 警方称,在开枪射中21岁的侄子,大学生戴维·尔文的颈部后,35岁的拉斐尔·加斯陷入疯狂,掉转枪口自杀。

66、Divides into pot galvanize, the electricity galvanization, PVC Tu Su, to soak models, the special electric welding net; ─── 分为热镀锌、电镀锌、PVC涂塑、浸塑、特种电焊网片;

67、galvanize into ─── 激起

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