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intrauterine 发音

英:[ˌɪntrəˈjuːtəraɪn]  美:[ˌɪntrəˈjuːtəraɪn]

英:  美:

intrauterine 中文意思翻译



intrauterine 短语词组

1、intrauterine foreign body ─── 宫内异物

2、intrauterine pregnancy ─── [医]子宫内妊娠

3、Intrauterine Device ─── 子宫内避孕器

4、intrauterine death ─── [法] 子宫内死亡

5、intrauterine diagnosis ─── [医]宫内诊断

6、intrauterine fracture ─── 子宫内骨折

7、intrauterine transfusion ─── [医]子宫内输血

8、intrauterine growth rate ─── [医]宫内(胎儿)生长速度

9、intrauterine equilibrium ─── 宫内平衡

10、intrauterine pneumonia ─── 胎儿宫内肺炎

11、intrauterine life ─── [医]子宫内生活,出生前生活

12、intrauterine immunity ─── [医]子宫内免疫

13、intrauterine insemination ─── 子宫内授精宫内人工授精

14、intrauterine injection ─── [医] 子宫内注射

15、intrauterine dislocation ─── [医]子宫内脱位

16、intrauterine asphyxia ─── [医] 子宫内窒息

intrauterine 相似词语短语

1、butterine ─── n.人造奶油

2、introductoriness ─── 介绍性

3、intrauterine device ─── [医]子宫内避孕器(略作IUD)

4、intraperitoneal ─── adj.腹膜内的

5、intrauterine devices ─── [医]子宫内避孕器(略作IUD)

6、intraarterial ─── 动脉内的

7、interlacustrine ─── adj.湖间的

8、extrauterine ─── adj.[解剖]子宫外的

9、nonuterine ─── 非子宫

intrauterine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pregnancy on intrauterine device ─── 子宫内避孕器使用下妊娠

2、This article reviews the progress pf intrauterine resuscitation treatment for fetal distress. ─── 复习文献对胎儿窘迫宫内复苏治疗的研究进展进行综述。

3、But, it could not exert any effects on control of HBV intrauterine transmission (infection of fetus through placentae), even together with other approaches. ─── HBV的宫内感染必须借助胎盘而形成,因此,既往有关HBV宫内传播机制的研究多以此为重点进行在体研究和流行病学描述性研究。

4、incarceration of intrauterine device ─── 宫内避孕器钳闭

5、intrauterine birth control instrument MCU ─── MCU宫内节育器

6、In contrast with Ultrasound B and fractional curettage the hysteroscopy technique becomes the golden standard in the diagnosis of intrauterine diseases. ─── 对比过去的B超以及诊刮,宫腔镜加诊刮是诊断宫腔内疾病的金指标。

7、IUCD (intrauterine contraceptive device) ─── 子宫内避孕器,节育环

8、These results suggest that the reduced expression of VEGF in placenta of patients with ICP may be one of the important factors responsible for decreased placental vascular density and fetal intrauterine growth restriction. ─── ICP患者胎盘VEGF表达下降,可能是其胎盘血管密度降低导致胎儿生长受限的原因之一。

9、Liu PB, Xu DZ.. Virus intrauterine transmission and its mechanism[J].Chin Pub Health, 1998, 14( 11 ): 694-6. ─── [8]刘蓬勃,徐德忠.病毒的宫内传播及机理研究[J].中国公共卫生,1998, 14(11): 694-6.

10、Hysteroscopy with resection of intrauterine septum ─── 子宫镜检查伴子宫内中隔切除术

11、Xu DZ,Yan YP,Zou S,et al.Role of placental tissues in the intrauterine transmission of hepatitis B virus [J].Am J Obstet Gynecol,2001,185(4):981-987. ─── 徐元勇,门可,邵中军,等.新生儿乙型肝炎病毒宫内感染及其影响因素的随访研究[J].疾病控制杂志,2006,10(1):42-44.(收稿日期2006-09-04)

12、Objective To explore the role of ultrasound in the intracavitory extraction of intrauterine device (IEIUD) and intracavitory remnant cleaning (IRMC). ─── 摘要目的探讨超声在宫腔疑难取环术及宫腔残留组织清除术中的作用。

13、intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) ─── 宫内生长迟缓

14、The objective is to study the relationship between fetomaternal cellular traffic and hepatitis B virus (HBV) intrauterine infection. ─── 目的是探讨母胎细胞转运与乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)宫内感染的关系。

15、HIE group 13/20 brain CT examine , 10 cases abnormality, difference no significance (p > 0. 05) Conclusion Neonatal early intrauterine infection result in abortion . ─── HIE组20例中13例做了脑CT检查,10例异常,二者差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。

16、Objective To diagnose the intrauterine occupational disease by vaginal ultrasonography or hysteroscopy, and to evaluate the diagnostic values of these two methods. ─── 摘要目的采用阴道超声和宫腔镜检查对宫腔内占位性病变进行诊断,探讨两者的诊断价值。

17、Perforation of the uterus by an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is not a rare complication with this means of birth control. ─── 自从子宫内避孕器装置被用于妇女避孕用途之后,引起子宫壁穿孔的病例并非太少。

18、Aim To investigate the effects of chronic intrauterine hypoxia (CIH) on endothelium vascular relaxation and pathological change in adult offspring rabbit. ─── 摘要目的探讨慢性宫内缺氧对子代兔成年期血管内皮依赖性舒张功能及内膜病理改变的影响。

19、Can I inside contain intrauterine ring contraceptive entering energy chamber? ─── 体内装有避孕环可以做能量屋吗?

20、Eighty four women with AUB received hysteroscopic transcervical resection of the endometrium or intrauterine lesions with a continuous flow resectoscope. ─── 应用连续灌流宫腔电切镜,对84例异常子宫出血患者进行宫腔电切术治疗。

21、Clinical Application of Gyne Intrauterine Device ─── 吉妮致美宫内节育器的临床应用

22、Objective To explore the essentiality of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of intrauterine lesions in sterility women. ─── 摘要目的探讨宫腔镜对不育子宫内异常诊断的重要性。

23、nonmedicated intrauterine device ─── 不含药的宫内节育器

24、BPD and OFD is one pair of the most important parameters that are applied for evaluating fetal intrauterine growth. ─── 胎头双顶径(BPD)和枕额径(OFD)是衡量胎儿宫内生长发育情况的重要指标之一。

25、According to some experts, intrauterine devices are not applicable for everyone. ─── 专家指出,避孕环并非人人适用。

26、Insertion intrauterine device(IUD) ─── 宫内置环

27、copper T(an intrauterine device) ─── T形铜(子宫内避孕器)

28、misplacement of intrauterine device ─── 宫内避孕器异位

29、Some authors (8) hae emphasized that intrauterine olulus is a unique situation in which uteroplacental insufficiency is fetal in origin. ─── 一些作者强调宫内肠扭转是子宫胎盘功能不全在胎儿的罕见的病变。

30、intrauterine insemination with donor semen ─── 供精人工授精

31、Intrauterine devices have been associated with vulvovaginal candidiasis. ─── 外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病也与宫内节育环的放置有关。

32、The Temple, the Temple Shanqiang inside were decorated with figures, birds and flowers, landscapes, children and grandchildren have intrauterine clay sculpture statues. ─── 各庙、殿山墙内侧分别绘有人物、花鸟、山水,子孙宫内有泥塑神像。

33、Docytes are formed during intrauterine life ─── 卵母细胞是在胚胎时期形成的。

34、An Analysis of Intrauterine Fetal Death in 34 Cases ─── 34例胎死宫内分析

35、The menstrual cup is not placed as up as e.g. a tampon so there shouldn’t be any risk when using the cup with intrauterine device. ─── 可以,月事杯的位置没有像棉条那麽高,所以跟子宫内避孕器一起使用不会有任何危险。

36、Color Doppler ultrasound provides an important method for the monitoring of intrauterine hypoxia in fetus after oxygen treatment. ─── 彩色多普勒超声为宫内缺氧胎儿氧疗疗效观察提供了重要依据。

37、Objective To investigate the value of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of complication of intrauterine device (IUD). ─── 摘要目的研究宫腔镜及腹腔镜在诊治宫内节育器(IUD)并发症中的应用价值。

38、No significant differences in Apgar score and birth weight were found between newborns with and without HBV intrauterine infection (all P > 0.05). ─── HBV感染孕妇所生宫内感染和无宫内感染新生儿Apgar评分和出生时体重间均无显著差异 (均P >0 .0 5)。

39、The intrauterine device,residual fetal bone and gestational sac in 13 patients were removed after TCRA. ─── 13例分解粘连组织后取出宫内避孕器、残留胎骨及妊娠囊 ;

40、During the period from 1986 to 2005,for indications of cesarean section,fetal distress(intrauterine asphyx... ─── 严格掌握剖宫产指征,是降低剖宫产率的重要措施。

41、Objective: To evaluate the effects of levonorgestrol-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) for treatment of endometrium hyperplasia. ─── 子宫内膜病理示子宫内膜增生过长改变全部消失,内膜呈轻度分泌现象及。

42、intrauterine infection Hepatiitis B viirus ─── 乙型肝炎病毒

43、The Ct infection in pregnant women may cause fetal infection and the pathways of intrauterine infection seem to be ascension from cervical access to the amniotic cavity. ─── 孕妇的Ct感染可导致胎儿感染 ,其感染方式主要是通过宫颈逆行引起宫内感染

44、intrauterine contraceptive device (bow) ─── 弓形子宫环

45、To qualify as dysmenorrheic, the subjects had to have intrauterine pressure increases of greater than 40% after the first vasopressin infusion and return to within 15% of baseline within 60 minutes. ─── 在抗利尿激素第一次投予后,子宫内压增加超过40%,并在60分钟内回复到基线值的15%以内,如此才能符合经痛的定义;

46、There were significant differences between vaginal ulterasonography and hysteroscopy in diagnosing the intrauterine occupational disease (P

47、Intrauterine infection is a major cause of preterm delivery. ─── 宫内感染是早产发生的重要原因。

48、Sabeer.Dr.Selaraj agrees that patients with hypothyroidism hae a higher incidence of abortions, pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation. ─── 她也认同这样的看法,即甲状腺机能减退病人更容易出现流产、先兆子痫和胎儿宫内生长迟缓。

49、expulsion of intrauterine device ─── 宫内避孕器脱落

50、intrauterine contraceptive device (ring) ─── 戒指形子宫环

51、All types of assisted reproduction were associated with increased odds, but the ratios were highest among pregnancies resulting from intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination. ─── 所有采用辅助手段帮助怀孕,流产几率增加,其中宫内授精或人工授精流产几率最高。

52、The animal model of partial unilateral ureteral obstructive hydronephrosis in single mid-term fetal lambs could be produced by intrauterine surgery. ─── 对山羊单胎妊娠中期胎羊进行宫内手术建立胎儿单侧输尿管梗阻性肾积水的动物模型是可行的。

53、Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), which causes low birth weight in newborns, has been linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and other diseases when a child grows up. ─── 子宫内胎儿生长延迟(IUGR)可以造成新生儿体重的减低,现在已证实它同2型糖尿病以及其他儿童生长期疾病的形成有关。

54、It may be that the intrauterine environment is a third pathway by which mental illness is passed down in families. ─── 这可能是因为子宫内的环境是心理疾病遗传给后代的第三个途径。

55、Five perinatal deaths were related to abrupfion placenta, intrauterine asphyxia and extreme premature delivery.Conclusions HELLP syndrome is a severe obstetric complication. ─── 围产儿死亡5例,主要与胎盘早剥有关,另外胎儿宫内窘迫及早产也是重要原因。

56、To produce and sell disposable infusion utensil, intrauterine device, absorbent cotton, scalpel antibiotic raw material and its tablets . ─── 编码中外合资企业生产、销售一次性使用输液器、宫内节育器、脱脂棉、抗生素原料药、片剂。

57、Intrauterine infections with varicella-zoster virus following maternal varicella in early pregnancy and resulting in congenital malformations are rare. ─── 摘要怀孕初期母亲感染水痘带状疱疹病毒造成的胎内感染可导致罕见的先天畸形。

58、Preterm neonates with lower birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, and breech presentation were more likely to be hypothermic. ─── 出生体重较轻的早产儿、子宫内胎儿生长迟滞、臀位分娩者比较可能会有低温风险。

59、Clinical study on nitrous oxide as an analgesic method for women using intrauterine device. ─── 应用笑气吸入性镇痛放置宫内节育器的临床研究。

60、UU can cause intrauterine infection and is related to premature prerupture of membrane,chorioamnionitis,lower gestational age and lower birth weight. ─── UU可引起宫内感染,并与胎膜早破、绒毛膜羊膜炎以及新生儿出生体重和孕周的降低有关。

61、Your baby in a normal intrauterine growth. ─── 您孩子在宫内发育正常。

62、Intrauterine pregnancy in laparotomy group is was 15 (48%).The recurrent of ectopic pregnancy was 2 (2%). ─── 开腹手术组术后宫内妊娠15例(48%),再次宫外孕2例(5%)。

63、intrauterine occupational disease ─── 宫腔内占位性病变

64、Intrauterine infection is a major cause of preterm delivery. ─── 宫内感染是早产发生的重要原因。

65、Placing intrauterine device(IUD) is one of the primary contraception for women in the child-bearing age,while bleeding after IUD placement is the main side effect. ─── 宫内节育器(IUD)避孕是育龄期女性的主要节育措施之一,但放置IUD后引起的子宫异常出血是其主要不良反应。

66、Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, led to pregnancy in 14.5 percent of women under 35, but just 8.9 percent in older women. ─── 子宫内受精,或人工授精(IUI)能使14.5%的35岁以下女性受孕,而在35岁以上女性中,却只有8.9%。

67、A molecular epidemiology study on risk factors and mechanism of HBV intrauterine transmission [J].Natl Med J Chin, 1999, 79(1): 24-7. ─── HBV宫内感染机制及其危险因素的分子流行病学研究[J].中华医学杂志,1999,79(1):24-7.

68、The authors describe the case of a rare developmental fetal anomaly diagnosed in intrauterine life. ─── 作者介绍了一种罕见的胎儿在宫内发育生活诊断异常情况。

69、Traumatic intrauterine synechiae syndrome ─── 创伤性子宫内粘连综合征

70、intrauterine contraceptive device ─── 子宫节育器

71、intrauterine (conceptive) device ─── 子宫内安放的避孕环(缩写为IUD)

72、Hysteroscopic surgery becomes the best choice of patients with intrauterine adhesions,uterine malformations. ─── 宫腔镜电切手术也是宫腔粘连、子宫畸形的最佳手术方式。

73、The intrauterine growth curve for twin pregnancies may serve as guide for studying the mortality and morbidity of twins in the future. ─── 我们将出生体重对怀孕周数作图,以为读者以后研究双胞胎死亡率及罹病率的参考。

74、Intrauterine pressure monitor and accessories ─── 子宫内压监视器及其附件

75、After emergent management such as: intrauterine gauze packing dilatation and cuettage were failed, a subtotal hysterectomy was required to save the patient. ─── 我们建议剖腹产时在有感染因素高之孕妇如难产者可行预防性抗生素,可以避免此少见之大出血。

76、The cure rate of intrauterine remnants of the two groups, the difference was significant (P

77、Hysteroscopy technology plays an irreplaceable role in the diagnosis and treatment of intrauterine diseases. ─── 宫腔镜技术在诊断和治疗宫腔内疾病方面已经有着不可替代的地位。

78、ICD(intrauterine contraceptive device) ─── 子宫内避孕器

79、The fetal loss includes abortion during pre-embryonic and embryonic periods,fetal death,fetal intrauterine growth restriction and possible placental abruption. ─── 妊娠丢失包括胚胎前期和胚胎期流产,胎儿死亡,胎儿宫内发育迟缓和可能发生的胎盘剥离。

80、Objective To study hysteroscopy on treatment of infertility caused by intrauterine adhesions. ─── 摘要目的探讨宫腔镜治疗宫腔粘连并发不孕的疗效。

81、All types of assisted reproduction were associated with increased risk, particularly intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination. ─── 所有的通过外力生育的情况都可能增加流产的危险,尤其是子宫内受精或人工受精。

82、These results indicate new potential targets for future studies on the effects of maternal vaginal microflora and intrauterine infection in the development of asthma among children. ─── 因此,母亲阴道内微生物和子宫内感染对儿童哮喘发病的影响应成为今后的研究方向之一。

83、insertion of intrauterine device;insertion of IUD ─── 宫内避孕器放置术

84、Today's three-Yi Gong is a new posture, is standing in front of you, intrauterine layout again the elegance of the Three Kingdoms period. ─── 如今的三义宫正以新的姿态屹立在您面前,宫内布局又重现了三国时期的风采。

85、Hysteroscopy with lysis of intrauterine adhesions ─── 子宫镜检查伴子宫内粘连松解术

86、Because both unexplained infertility and immunologic infertility are treated with intrauterine inseminations, the usefulness of sperm antibody testing is limited. ─── 因为不论是原因不明的不孕或免疫抗体造成不孕,解决的方法都是做人工授精.

87、Nian Army uprisings of peasants to participate in the North, as the eunuchs by castration, latent intrauterine to policy should be. ─── 参与北方农民起义捻军,受阉为太监,潜伏宫内,以策内应。

88、An extrauterine pregnancy will be visualized in only 16 to 32 percent of cases, thus a pelvic ultrasound showing "no intrauterine or extrauterine gestation" does not exclude the diagnosis of EP. ─── 只有16-32%的病例等发现宫外孕包块,这是即使盆腔超声显示宫内及宫外均未见妊娠,并不能除外宫外孕的诊断。

89、However, hormone-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) do not increase the risk of venous thrombosis, he said. ─── 尽管如此,激素释放型宫内避孕器将不会增加血栓风险,

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