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08-29 投稿



ephemeral 发音

英:[ɪˈfemərəl]  美:[ə'fɛmərəl]

英:  美:

ephemeral 中文意思翻译



ephemeral 网络释义

adj. 短暂的;朝生暮死的n. 只生存一天的事物

ephemeral 词性/词形变化,ephemeral变形

副词: ephemerally |名词: ephemerality |

ephemeral 短语词组

1、spring ephemeral ─── 春天短暂

2、ephemeral pneumonia ─── [医] 暂时性肺炎, 肺充血

3、ephemeral desert ─── [医]短生植物荒漠

4、ephemeral gene ─── [医]短暂基因

5、ephemeral fever of horses ─── [医] ─── [南非]马短暂热

6、ephemeral ny ─── 短暂的纽约

7、ephemeral fever ─── [医] 短暂热

8、ephemeral community ─── 短暂的社区

9、ephemeral word ─── 瞬息新词

10、ephemeral algae ─── [医]短生藻类

11、ephemeral elevation ─── 短暂的海拔

12、ephemeral phosphene ─── 暂时性磷苯

13、ephemeral stream ─── 季节性河流

14、ephemeral pools ─── 短暂的水池

15、ephemeral feelings ─── 短暂的感情

16、ephemeral plant ─── 短生植物, ─── 短命植物

17、my flower is ephemeral ─── 我的花是短暂的

18、ephemeral lake ─── 季节性湖泊

19、ephemeral flowers ─── 短命花

ephemeral 相似词语短语

1、ephemerae ─── n.朝生暮死者(ephemera的复数)

2、ephemerally ─── 短暂地

3、ahemeral ─── adj.不够一整天的

4、ephemera ─── n.蜉蝣

5、ephemeris ─── n.星历表,历书;日历,日记

6、ephemeras ─── n.蜉蝣

7、ephemerid ─── n.蜉蝣科昆虫

8、ephemeron ─── n.蜉蝣;生命极短暂的东西

9、ephemerals ─── adj.短暂的;朝生暮死的;n.只生存一天的事物;短生植物

ephemeral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 1996, she was cast as an ambitious college student on Rhea Perlman's ephemeral sitcom "Pearl" (1996). ─── 1996年,她被蒙上作为大学生对苎麻普尔曼雄心勃勃的短命短剧"明珠"(1996年).

2、Prevention of dairy cattle ephemeral fever ─── 奶牛流行热的防治

3、The library has already taken possession of the material, which also includes photographs, posters and" ephemeral" items such as theatre programmes. ─── 图书馆已经取得了这些资料,包括照片、报和一些“生命短促的”物品,比如戏剧节目。

4、Keeping in mind that this is all very ephemeral and personal, I will try to explain here everything that I believe about writing. ─── 记住,这是十分要命的和私人的。我将努力把我相信的关于写作的所有解释清楚。

5、They are not ephemeral and will not vanish in the face of one financial crisis or recession. ─── 他们不是稍纵即逝的,也不会在一场金融危机或衰退面前消失。

6、Ephemeral Gully Erosion during the Spring Freeze-thawing Period in Black Soil Rolling-hill Regions of Northeast ─── 东北漫岗黑土区春季冻融期浅沟侵蚀

7、Her success as a singer was ephemeral. ─── 作为歌唱家她取得的成功只是昙花一现。

8、A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition, as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. ─── 一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。

9、The Library is infinite in its capacity to contain, connect and disseminate knowledge; librarians are human and ephemeral, therefore we must work together to ensure the Library's permanence. ─── 在容纳、联结和传播知识方面,图书馆的能力是无限的。馆员由人担任,他们是短暂的、流动的,因而我们必须共同致力于保证图书馆的永久延续性。

10、RAM is this memory recall or, as you'll soon find in problems set one, that's used for ephemeral purposes. ─── 内存是随机存储器,你们很快就会在习题集一中发现,它是用来短暂存储的。

11、media consultants whose TV ads reshape candidates' images to suit ephemeral public tastes(bNew Republic) ─── 媒介顾问的电视广告重塑候选人的形象以迎合大众的暂时口味(b新共和国)

12、On the other hand, spoken communication and ephemeral diagrams on whiteboards do not linger to create confusion. ─── 另一方面,为避免混淆,口头交流的产物和草图将会慢慢被遗弃。

13、Jacksonian America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral conditions. ─── 杰克逊时代的美国不是一个流动的、平等的社会,个人的财富和贫穷都是短暂的。

14、as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things. ─── 关于感情和思想,或者别的短暂的事务。

15、The state should regulate our relative interests in the ephemeral realm of thought, but that regulation must be about knowledge, not a clumsy remake of the property system. ─── 国家应该在某些层面上保证我们的权利,但这种保证必须是基于对知识的管理,绝非笨拙地复制一个财产管理系统。

16、"My flower is ephemeral," the little prince said to himself, "and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. ─── 小王子自言自语地说:“我的花是短暂的,而且她只有四根刺来防御外侮!

17、Distribution of ephemeral plants and their significance in dune stabilization in Gurbantunggut Desert ─── 古尔班通古特沙漠短命植物分布及其沙面稳定意义

18、But in its attempt to be all things to all demographics, it squanders a promising cast in favor of eye-candy and ephemeral storytelling. ─── 但在他尝试满足所有人的要求时,把有前途的角色浪费在满足视觉需要和无聊的故事情节上了。

19、A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. ─── 好与坏,只不过是个名声而已,不费吹灰之力,便可以将它从这人身上移到那人身上。

20、A bibliographic guide of ephemera and performing arts ephemeral materials citing relevant monographs, articles, journals and websites will be handed out for reference. ─── 一本有关即时刊物的图书目录指南和一些引用了相关的专著,文章,期刊和网站的表演艺术即时时资料将在会上散发。

21、Herbs annual, ephemeral, appressed sericeous-villous, rarely glabrous. ─── 一年生草本,短暂,贴伏被绢毛的具长柔毛,很少无毛。

22、To see my private musings, which seemed only ephemeral and abstract, expressed in the writings of a great thinker excites me to pure exhilaration. ─── 个人的思考似乎短暂又抽象,然而看到它被伟大的思想家表达出来实在让我欣喜若狂。

23、Gilmore and Pine give a name to this ephemeral dimension of consumer behavior: in addition to the established dimensions of availability, price and quality, we are buying according to authenticity. ─── 但是在刚刚过去的20年中,学校里的行为经济学家们跑出来指出了显然的事实:生活水平越高的消费者越倾向于作出愚蠢和非理性的决定。

24、How much more proof does one need as to the ephemeral nature of this world? ─── 我们还需要多少证据来证明世界无常呢?


26、The generalist insects tend to feed on a range of different plants, some of which will be either group-apparent or ephemeral. ─── 不专化的昆虫表现能在一系列不同的植物上取食,可能是常住的也可能是短暂的。

27、Their Progenitor was a Siberian shaman, and their Bestowment is Ephemeral Flesh. ─── 其先祖为西伯利亚巫医。它们的赠礼是浮暮之血肉。

28、leakage of ephemeral secret DH exponent attack ─── 临时秘密指数泄露攻击

29、For many years, "computer art" has been hallmarked by outer space themes with floating 3D spheres, star fields and ephemeral glows. ─── 人们认为电脑艺术有外太空的特点,可以设计浮动的3D球体、星空以及明亮的光辉。

30、2. A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. ─── 一个人面对反对意见,他的反应应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。

31、It seems as though man's lodging partook of his ephemeral character, and God's house of his eternity. ─── 人住的房屋好象会因人而短寿,上帝住的房屋也会因上帝而永存似的。

32、A sense of failure is only another ephemeral emotional reaction. ─── 只是观察,失败的感觉是一种短暂的情绪反应。

33、As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray. ─── 像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。

34、Happiness is frivolous, fleeting,ephemeral. ─── 幸福是轻浮的、飞驰的、短暂的。

35、The old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed. (William Faulkner). ─── “没有了古老而普遍的真理,任何故事都短暂并且注定要失败的”(威廉·福克纳)。

36、"Is digital content too ephemeral to last? ─── “数位内容过于短暂,以去年” ?

37、These phenological characteristics are important for 10 survival and reproductive success of the 10 ephemeral species in the extreme environment of the Junggar Desert. ─── 10种菊科短命植物的物候节律对于躲避准噶尔荒漠夏季高温、干旱的气候环境,保证生殖成功具有重要的生态意义。

38、These novels passed because they concerned themselves only with the ephemeral parts of human experience. ─── 其所以过时是因为这些小说写的只是些人生经验中瞬息消逝的部分。

39、a plant of the genus Portulaca having pink or red or purple or white ephemeral flowers. ─── 开花期短的马齿苋属植物,花色有粉红、白、红、或紫。

40、Many thousands of years later, we are still shocked, if we remember this story, because of the ephemeral nature of our existence on earth. ─── 几千年后,只要我们仍然记得这个事迹,我们还会受到这个冲击。

41、His work is ephemeral. ─── 他的作品没有永久性。

42、Effect of Topography on Ephemeral Gully Erosion in Northeast China with Black Soils ─── 东北漫岗黑土区地形因子对浅沟侵蚀的影响分析

43、A process-based model for channel degradation: application to ephemeral gully erosion ─── 基于过程的河道退化模式:对短暂沟蚀的应用

44、But the ephemeral is still ephemeral if you merely reproduce it and pass it on. ─── 不过,如果你只是复制并传递短暂,它仍然只能短暂。

45、It was not the mere ephemeral. ─── 它并非朝生暮死。

46、You've got a new horizon It's ephemeral style. ─── 你有了该死的新的短暂目标。

47、One can design a newspaper office to enhance the here and now, the immediacy of the ephemeral present, disappearing as soon as it is portrayed in banner headlines. ─── 一个报社办公楼可以被设计来强调此时此地,此刻的转瞬即逝,消失的就好像报纸头条的通栏大字标题一样。

48、Having to do with topics of temporary interest; ephemeral. ─── 与暂时利益有关的;转瞬即逝的

49、Her success as a popular singer was ephemeral. ─── 作为流行歌曲歌手她取得的成功只是昙花一现。

50、As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray. ─── 像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。

51、Any story is ephemeral and doomed. ─── 任何故事都只能昙花一现,注定要泯灭。

52、All the beautiful things in life are just so ephemeral ─── 人生不如意事,十之八九

53、We believe that, as everything in this ephemeral world fades into the oblivion of the past, the only thing that remains treasured in our heart is that which we earn with our hard work today. ─── 当世界上的一切都成为如烟往事,惟一能够珍藏心中的是我们在今天的奋斗中所得到的精神启示。

54、Patterns of deltas are ephemeral. ─── 三角洲式样的变化是很快的。

55、Humans born into the world are like ephemeral insects on an old tree, like a drop of water in the ocean. ─── 人生天地间,就好比蜉蝣之于老椿,滴水之于大海,哪里能比量?

56、Most newspapers are of ephemeral interest. ─── 多数报纸只能引起读者短暂的注意。

57、Not recognising this truth, the remedies it provides are often ephemeral and sometimes even dangerous. ─── 它们往往提供短暂甚至危险的补救办法,也认为解决危机的良方是经济和政治改革。

58、How should people remain alert to the ephemeral nature of worldly love and reach beyond it to attain true eternal love? ─── 人们该如何警觉到世间情爱的无常短暂,进而寻求永恒的真爱呢?

59、The generalist insects tend to feed on a range of different plants, some of which will be of either group-apparent or ephemeral. ─── 不专化的昆虫表现能在一系列不同的植物上取食,可能是常住的也可能是短暂的。

60、In many ways, it's even more ephemeral than the analog forms it's meant to usurp. ─── 从多方面来看,它甚至比将要替代的模拟形式更脆弱。

61、The library has already taken possession of the material, which also includes photographs, posters and "ephemeral" items such as theatre programmes. ─── 图书馆已经取得了这些资料,包括照片、海报和一些“生命短促的”物品,比如戏剧节目。

62、1. A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition, as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. ─── 当一个人直面反对意见时,所持的态度应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。

63、Three antipodal cells are ephemeral. ─── 反足细胞早期退化消失。

64、"media consultants whose TV ads reshape candidates' images to suit ephemeral public tastes" (New Republic) ─── “媒介顾问的电视广告重塑候选人的形象以迎合大众的暂时口味”(新共和国)

65、A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition, as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. ─── 一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。

66、Perhaps the ache that is in mine comes from the knowledge that all this beauty is so ephemeral, that it will be gone almost before I have done more than touch it with my fingertips. ─── 也许我心中的痛楚正是源于此,我知道美景不常在,才刚刚触及,转瞬它却消失无踪。

67、The flickering light coalesced. There, in the sky before them, was a round moon circled by an ephemeral ring. ─── 云层上忽隐忽现的光斑开始汇合在一起。那里,在他们面前的天空中,出现了一轮圆月,带着围绕着它的稍瞬即逝的光环。

68、Perhaps the least prepossessing quality of Fox was that he cares too much about the ephemeral in politics: and Ford displays excessive zeal, to my mind, in teasing out these cares to the last twist and turn. ─── 也许福克斯最不逗人喜欢的一点就是他把短促的政治生命看得过于重了。而在我看来,福特在诱使福克斯说出他的这些关心时显得过分热情,手法千奇百怪,使尽了手段。

69、media consultants whose TV ads reshape candidates' images to suit ephemeral public tastes(New Republic) ─── 媒介顾问的电视广告重塑候选人的形象以迎合大众的暂时口味(新共和国)

70、And man is a sparkle of light that shines in the Sea of Omniscient Clarity. And with its ephemeral shining, He forms the Eternal Brilliance of the entire Universe. ─── 人是光的火花,那是照耀在全知天网之海中的的光。在这个短暂的闪烁中,他形成整体宇宙的永恒光芒。

71、All species are valuable fodder plants for ephemeral spring pastures. ─── 全部种都是短暂春天牧场的有价值的饲料植株。

72、But all kinds of fame are ephemeral. ─── 但是,各种名望都是短暂的。

73、At last, we discussed the relationship between fecundity/germination and population propagation of the four ephemeral plants. ─── 四种短命植物的高结实率和种子萌发特性不仅是对早春生境的适应,也为短命植物种群在逆境的繁衍提供了保证。

74、"the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed" (William Faulkner). ─── “没有了古老而普遍的真理,任何故事都短暂并且注定要失败的” (威廉·福克纳)。

75、Slang words are often ephemeral. ─── 俚语往往只流行于一时。

76、Qixi immortalizes one moment that is ephemeral and fast fleeting. ─── 七夕使转瞬即逝的短暂的时刻得以永恒。

77、The key agreement key is ephemeral, existing only for the duration of the key agreement protocol. ─── 密钥协商密钥是暂时的,仅在密钥协商协议持续期间存在。

78、Slang words are often ephemeral ─── 俚语往往只流行於一时

79、It is not something ephemeral. ─── 它不是朝生暮死的东西。

80、With sad and ephemeral introduction by the piano overlapped with some beautiful melodies of the strings ─── 一段短暂的伤感的重复的钢琴前奏,动听的旋律和弦

81、Geomorphic Threshold Model for Ephemeral Gully Incision in Rolling Hills with Black Soil in Northeast China ─── 东北漫川漫岗黑土区浅沟和切沟发生的地貌临界模型探讨

82、Though most tools are ephemeral, some of your best tools are a simple pencil and sketch pad. ─── 大多数工具都是暂时时兴的,其实最好的工具还是铅笔和草稿本。

83、The "I" of a vivisystem is a ghost, an ephemeral shroud. ─── 一个活系统的“我”是一个幽灵,是不知晦朔的朝菌。

84、as of feelings and thoughts,or other ephemeral things ─── 关于感情和思想,或者别的短暂的事物

85、Youth is like an ephemeral but rfbeautiful dream . When you wake up to it , it has disappeared into thin air. ─── 青春时代犹如一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,他早已消失的无影无踪了。

86、In the grey countries, there is a grey or dark permanency, over whose surface passes change ephemeral, leaving no real mark. ─── 在灰暗国度,灰暗或者黑暗是永恒的,变化只是一瞬间的事,不留任何真实的痕迹。

87、Yet, among all the tones present in the clothing industry, some of them or ephemeral while others are perennial. ─── 但在服装业的所有色调中,一些短暂,一些长久。

88、Both of them are represented, let me repeat, in the ridiculous divorce separating our spiritual excesses and the ephemeral joys of the body. ─── 我要再次强调,这二者包含在了我们精神上的放纵和肉体上瞬间愉悦间的荒唐背离之中。

89、leaflets, handouts and other ephemeral material ─── 传单、印刷宣传品和其他时效短暂的资料




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