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09-15 投稿



fencer 发音

英:['fensə]  美:['fɛnsɚ]

英:  美:

fencer 中文意思翻译



fencer 网络释义

n. 击剑者;剑术家;(澳)篱笆匠

fencer 词性/词形变化,fencer变形


fencer 短语词组

1、fencer icarly ─── 击剑运动员伊卡利

2、fencer cat ─── 击剑猫

3、fencer trevor ─── 击剑运动员特雷弗

4、fencer eo5 ─── 击剑运动员eo5

5、fencer blade ─── 击剑刀

6、fencer pose ─── 插槽敷设

7、fencer lyq ─── 击剑运动员lyq

8、fencer trevor henderson ─── 击剑运动员特雷弗·亨德森

9、fencer's mask ─── [网络] 击剑者的面具

fencer 相似词语短语

1、fencerow ─── 篱笆占据的土地

2、fender ─── n.(汽车等的)挡泥板;防卫物;(暖炉的)炉围;(船只的)碰垫;n.(Fender)人名;(德、英)芬德

3、fendier ─── 挡泥板

4、fenders ─── n.[车辆]挡泥板(fender的复数);防撞垫

5、fencers ─── n.击剑者;剑术家;(澳)篱笆匠

6、fence ─── n.栅栏;围墙;剑术;vt.防护;用篱笆围住;练习剑术;vi.击剑;搪塞;围以栅栏;跳过栅栏

7、fences ─── n.栅栏(fence的复数);围墙;剑术;v.用篱笆围住;舞剑(fence的三单形式)

8、fenced ─── 围墙

9、Spencer ─── n.针织短上衣,短紧身夹克;前桅,纵帆;n.(Spencer)(美)斯盆塞(人名)

fencer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A study on the origin of the fencer of the legend in the Tang Dynasty ─── 唐剑侠传奇的宗教文化渊源考辨

2、The fencer with the shortest arms decides if the playing area will be at his distance or that of his opponent. ─── 例如:允许其在总裁判长发出长哨后,发令员发出“各就各位”口令前,由引导员帮助确定方向。

3、a good fencer ─── 善于越过篱笆的良马

4、When the nobility of fencing is combined with the wine's one or when a fencer gets passionned by a vinyard, it gives birth to a cuvee called: PHILIPPE RIBOUD CUVEE. ─── 当剑术的高贵与葡萄酒的雅致相结合之时,或者当击剑家为葡萄园而焕发激情之时,一种被称为“罗宾礼步玫瑰葡萄酒”的美酒就应运而生了。

5、Welded Wire Mesh serves as guards in buildings and factories, as animal enclosure and wire mesh fenc... ─── 发布者:苏贤所在地:河北石家庄市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

6、Wheelchair fencer Yu Chui Yee was elected by her NPC peers to the International Paralympic Committee Athletes Council. ─── 她将积极向国际残奥会表达运动员的心声。

7、fencer in a bout ─── 击剑运动员在比赛中

8、foil fencer ─── 花剑运动员

9、a fine-mesh mask worn over a fencer's face. ─── 击剑者戴的一种细孔面罩。

10、The all-American gold medal match was a bitanticlimactic -- especially considering how the subdued Chinese crowdhad cheered lustily for the Russian fencer in the previous bout. ─── 参加决赛的两位选手都来自美国,这使得观众兴趣有所下降,特别是此前中国观众不遗余力地为俄罗斯选手加油助阵。

11、Re-evalutated some of the Fencer Armor in Sea Dog's Rest. ─── 海狗装甲店会重新调整一下。

12、Mental Training of Fencer Prior to Competition ─── 击剑运动员赛前的心理训练

13、An outstanding female fencer fell in a decisive set, not under the attack of her rival but as a result of a muscular spasm of her own. ─── 一位优秀的女击剑手在决胜的一局倒下了,不是倒在敌手的剑下,而是因为自己突然肌肉痉挛。

14、Nedo Nadi was the most versatile fencer in history, uniquely winning an Olympic title with each of the three weapons at the same Games. ─── 上最多才多艺的击剑运动员,他是唯一一位在同一届奥运会击剑的三个不同比赛项目中都获得金牌的运动员。

15、In Paris a one-legged Chinese Paralympic female fencer, in a wheelchair, protected the torch with her body against aggressive protesters. ─── 在巴黎,一位腿部残疾的击剑运动员坐在轮椅里用身体保护火炬,使其不受抗议者的冲击。

16、In foil and saber, only the attacking fencer can score a point. ─── 在花剑和佩剑比赛中,只有进攻方才能得分。

17、Nedo Nadi was the most versatile fencer in history, uniquely winning an Olympic title with each of the three weapons at the same Games. ─── 上最多才多艺的击剑运动员,他是唯一一位在同一届奥运会击剑的三个不同比赛项目中都金牌的运动员。

18、What are the basic individual qualities that a top class fencer requires? ─── 尖子击剑运动员需要具有什么基本素质?

19、a fine-mesh mask worn over a fencer's face. ─── 击剑者戴的一种细孔面罩。

20、Since then, the woman, a 28-year-old fencer named Jin Jing, has become a household name and media star, an icon for those who see China as a nation beset by unfair attacks. ─── 从那以后,这位28岁的击剑选手金晶就成为了家喻户晓的人物和媒体的明星,而那些认为中国遭受了不公平攻击的人士则将她当作了偶像。

21、and his hit has precedence over any hit from the other fencer. ─── 裁判员所要做的就是决定哪个击剑选手“没有”控制住交锋,

22、As fate would have it, Seibei, instead of Tomonojo who is a poor fencer, must duel with Toyotaro. ─── 伦之丞建议清兵卫迎娶朋江,清兵卫自觉社会地位卑微,拒绝了伦之丞的好意。朋江自此也绝迹于清兵卫家。

23、8.Riposte: A counterattack by a fencer who just has blocked an attack by the opponent with a parry. ─── 还刺(敏捷回刺):一名击剑手在利用躲闪与格挡避开对手的进攻后立即回刺。

24、A top class fencer requires balance, coordination, concentration, agility, flexibility and speed of thought and reaction. ─── 尖子击剑运动员需要有平衡、协调、注意力集中、灵活性、柔韧性、思想和反应速度快等素质。

25、But officials from the Child Protection in Sports Unit reported Blair to police who then questioned promising fencer Gandolfi about the incident. ─── 但体育联合会的儿童保护组织官员却将布莱尔夫人的行为向警方报了案。警方随后也对小有名气的击剑运动员冈多尔菲询问了事情的经过。

26、The winner is the fencer to score five hits for men and four hits for women. ─── 男子先击中5中者获胜,女子先击中4分者获胜。

27、fencer rs vault ─── 斜线助跑的背腾越

28、No human fencer could equal his perception in this respect. ─── 在这方面没有一个人类击剑者能在知觉上比得上它。

29、defending fencer ─── 防守击剑运动员

30、At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage.A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. ─── 在世界上最好的剑客展示会上,第三顺位的剑客登上舞台,一只苍蝇被放了出来,一道弧光闪过,他的剑将这只苍蝇一分为二。

31、Introduction: Died generation to become the fencer? ─── 想出师成为一代剑侠么?

32、Poncelet also conveyed President Nicolas Sarkozy's sympathy note to Jin Jing, a wheelchair-bound fencer who was attacked during the Olympics torch relay in Paris. ─── 蓬斯莱此行还向金晶转交了法国总统萨科齐的慰问信,对其在巴黎进行火炬传递时遭受的袭击表示慰问。

33、Giulio Gaudini made his Olympic debut as a foil fencer in 1924.During the final pool, the Italian team withdrew in protest of a judging decision, so Gaudini left Paris without a medal. ─── 朱里奥-高迪尼1924年第一次在巴黎参加了夏季奥运会的花剑比赛,在最后一轮中,意大利队因为抗议裁判的判罚,放弃了比赛,高迪尼在巴黎也没能获得奖牌。

34、first position for a fencer ─── 击剑运动员行礼时所取第一姿势

35、Nam Hyun-hee, a top foil fencer, had cosmetic surgery in December on her eyes to fix a problem that meant her eyelashes were bothering her vision, reports said. ─── 钝剑好手南贤喜在12月间动了眼部整形手术,以解决视线饱受睫毛干扰的困扰,报导指出。

36、And so I was completely fenc'd in, and fortify'd, as I thought, from all the world, and consequently slept secure in the night ─── 这样,我四面都受保护,完全与外界隔绝,夜里就可高枕无忧了。

37、saber fencer ─── 佩剑运动员

38、a fencer's face ─── 击剑者的脸

39、Xiao Aihua, considered by some to be the number one fencer in Asia, said she feels proud to be running as the first torchbearer in her hometown. ─── 扬州南临长江,北接淮水,东进黄海,长江与京杭大运河在境内交汇。

40、At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. ─── 世界上最伟大的击剑手在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名第三的击剑手上场了。

41、Fencer WANG LEI won a silver medal at the 2004 Olympics and a gold medal at the 2006 Asian Games. ─── 击剑运动员王磊在2004年奥运会赢得银牌,在2006年亚运会赢得击剑金牌。

42、They had a lot of fencing and sufficient struggles to exhaust any top fencer. ─── 正如有人对我说过那样,很难首次参赛即站在最高处。

43、Put Fencer Clique on top of its owner's library. ─── 将剑术群列放置在其拥有者的牌库顶。

44、She beat a fencer from Ukraine on Monday. ─── 周一她击败了一位来自乌克兰的击剑运动员。

45、Strategy of Controlling Fencer's Mentation before Competition ─── 击剑运动员赛前竞技心理状态调控策略

46、epee fencer ─── 重剑运动员

47、But web users focused their outrage on the attempt to grab the torch from a Paralympic fencer in Paris. ─── 网友的奋慨集中在从中国一名残疾击剑运动员金晶争取火炬的企图。

48、Good confidence is necessary in accomplishing anything, especially for an outstanding fencer. ─── 要想做好任何事情必须有良好的自信心,当一名出色击剑运动员更是如此。

49、This is achieved by good partnership between the fencer and the fencing master. ─── 要达到这样的要求,得需要击剑者和击剑熟手的默契配合。

50、In Paris a one-legged Chinese Paralympic female fencer, in a wheelchair, protected the torch with her body against aggressive protesters. ─── 在巴黎,一位腿部残疾的击剑运动员坐在轮椅里用身体保护火炬,使其不受抗议者的冲击。

51、At the top level it can be the most demanding of the racket sports, calling for a fencer's speed of reflex and gymnast's ability, and yet the beginners can have a fun game the first time they play. ─── 羽毛球可称得上是要求最高的执拍运动,顶级选手要拥有击剑选手的反应速度和体操运动员的技能,而初学者也可以在第一次打球时便获得乐趣。

52、At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the shaiya gold stage. ─── 在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名第三的击剑手上场了。

53、The fencer who defiantly challenge the whole troops is Zero. ─── 那个大胆挑战整个骑兵队的击剑者是苏洛。

54、World champion fencer Xiao Aihua took off from Yangzhou's Dawang Temple as the first torchbearer on the 11 kilometer route. ─── 扬州市火炬接力的起点设在扬州城东北的大王庙。击剑世界冠军肖爱华成为扬州站的首棒火炬手。

55、It wasn't merely that he parried my thrusts like the finest fencer in the world; when I feinted to deceive him he made no move at all. ─── 熊不仅像世上最强的剑术家一样避开我的刺击;在我佯攻以欺骗它的时候它根本就一动也不动。

56、attacking fencer ─── 进攻击剑运动员

57、However, as my Arable Land was but small, suited to my Crop, I got it totally well fenc'd, in about three Weeks Time; ─── 可是又觉得此举有点,不过又想,反正老大伯的花花一直放在外面,他又不摘掉,让花儿就这样枯萎了,岂不是暴殄天物。

58、Jin Jing, a Paralympic fencer, returned home on Wednesday and received a hero's welcome when she was recognized by people at Beijing's Capital International Airport. ─── 轮椅击剑运动员金晶于周三回国,在北京首都国际机场获得了祖国人民英雄式的欢迎。

59、But the rapier wasn't a gooddefensive weapon, so the fencer often had to use his gauntleted left hand to parry hisopponent's thrusts. ─── 但是无刃轻剑并不是出色的防御武器,所以击剑手通常需要用戴手套的左手挡开对手的攻击。

60、Mr. Hugo was 90, but he still hopped around on the balls of his feet, like that fencer out of Harvard. ─── 雨果先生90岁了,但他仍然是那个哈佛毕业的击剑冠军,还是垫着脚尖,跳着走来走去。

61、fencer's mask ─── 击剑者的防护面具

62、The fencer parried his opponent's thrust. ─── 击剑手挡开了对手的猛刺。

63、and the more, because it requir'd speed. However, as my arable land was but small, suited to my crop, I got it totally well fenc'd, in about three weeks time; ─── 尤其吃力的是,我必须很快把篱笆建成。好在我种子不多,因而耕种面积也不大,所以不到三星期我就把庄稼地围起来了。

64、Despite have earned team gold in 2000 and 2005, and having Olympic medals under their belts, this is the first time a U.S. fencer has brought home an individual sabre women's World Championship medal. ─── 尽管已经获得2000年、2005年女子佩剑团体冠军和奥运会奖牌,但对于美国击剑选手而言,这是第一次获得击剑世锦赛个人冠军。

65、Because the most possible event is the women's foil fencing. And our fencer Wang Huifeng has been nipped by world champion Trillini of Italy. ─── 因为中国队最有可能获金牌的是女子花剑项目,而该项目的选手王卉凤已被世界冠军意大利的特里尼击败。

66、She spent the first half hour talking in hushed tones with her neighbors, trying to determine what it meant when a fencer's helmet lit up. ─── 这个女孩前半场的4个小时一直和她的邻座朋友低语,试图弄清剑手头盔上亮灯代表何意。

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