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08-30 投稿



unacquainted 发音

英:[ˌʌnəˈkweɪntɪd]  美:[ˌʌnəˈkweɪntɪd]

英:  美:

unacquainted 中文意思翻译



unacquainted 网络释义

adj. 不认识的;不熟悉的;不知道的

unacquainted 短语词组

unacquainted with

1. 与……不熟悉; 不认识

I'm unacquainted with him.


1、unacquainted with ─── 对…不熟悉, 不认识

2、be unacquainted with sth ─── 不了解某事

3、unacquainted speech ─── 不熟悉的言语

4、unacquainted def ─── 不熟悉的定义

5、unacquainted p ─── 不熟悉的

6、unacquainted syn ─── 未知syn

7、unacquainted synonyms ─── 不熟悉的同义词

8、be unacquainted with sb ─── 不认识某人

9、unacquainted definition ─── 不熟悉的定义

10、unacquainted meaning ─── 不明意思

11、unacquainted love ─── 暗恋

unacquainted 常用词组

unacquainted with ─── 不认识;与…不熟悉

unacquainted 相似词语短语

1、reacquainted ─── 重新认识

2、unacquainting ─── 不熟悉

3、unattainted ─── 未完成

4、preacquainted ─── vt.预先通知;预告

5、unacquaintance ─── n.不相识;不熟悉;无知

6、unactuated ─── [物]未经激励的;未开动的

7、unacquaint ─── 不熟悉

8、acquainted ─── adj.熟识的;知晓的;有知识的;vt.使了解(acquaint的过去分词)

9、unacquaints ─── 不熟悉

unacquainted 习惯用语

1、be unacquainted with sth. ─── 不了解某事

2、be unacquainted with sb. ─── 不认识某人

unacquainted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It had not been many days since the new school semester, most of he students, except for those came from same villages or schools, were still as unacquainted as strangers. ─── 开学没有多少天,班上大部分同学相互之间除过和同村同校来的同学熟悉外,生人之间还没有什么交往。

2、Is there a need for the unrelated and the unacquainted to offer their unsolicited comments? ─── 非亲非故之鼠辈,又何必妄下评论?

3、Many Chinese immigrants are familiar with either raw or cooked salmon, but quite unacquainted with salmon cooked with canadian syrup. ─── 三文鱼无论生食熟食,都早为许多华人移民所熟悉,但是加了加拿大枫糖的煎三文鱼却很难吃到。

4、10. (Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller. ─── 英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。收藏指正

5、"It was this,--that while you had related to me all the particulars of your past life, you were perfectly unacquainted with mine." ─── “我的年青朋友,你的生命太短了,会经历什么重要的大事的。”

6、For daughter-in-law ,she didn't like the unacquainted woman around her everyday. ─── 对于媳妇,她不喜欢每天眼前是她不熟悉的女人在走动。

7、Hairshirt" and "bed of nails" are unacquainted to Chinese people, but when a footnote is marked, the full meaning is revealed. ─── 就像穿刚毛衬衣、睡钉子床一样,你越是不喜欢,就越觉得自己品行高尚。(注:刚毛衬衣、钉子床,系苦行者或忏悔者用来磨难自己的两种工具。)

8、Tom was at sea-a Great Seal was something which he was totally unacquainted with. ─── 汤姆茫然不知说什么才好--国玺这东西,他是从来没有听说过的。

9、I am at an unfavourable position in being conversationally unacquainted with English. ─── 我由于不熟悉英语会话而处于不利地位。

10、But after their warm treat and sincere care, the feeling of unacquainted disappears immediately. ─── 可后来在对方热情的款待以及发自内心的关怀之下,这种感觉便消失了。

11、Ten years passed.When their village was flooded, he ceaselessly rescued others, including old people, children, the acquainted and the unacquainted, everyone except her in person. ─── 过了10年,他们村子被洪水淹没了,他不停地救人,有老人,有孩子,有认识的,有不认识的,惟独没有亲自去救她。

12、Even if you're unacquainted with Garfield, you can probably still relate to the philosophy of this cool, but very lazy cat. ─── 即便你不熟悉加菲猫,可能还是会认同这只虽酷但又懒极了的猫的生活哲学。

13、As we are unacquainted with his provocation, we cannot bring his case home to ourselves, nor conceive any thing like the passions which it excites. ─── 因为我们还不清楚他被何事激怒,我们不能把他的情形归入自己情形中,也不能在心中构造出任何那个激怒可激发出的强烈情绪。

14、an official whose duty is to make introductions between unacquainted persons or to precede persons of rank in a procession ─── 职责是为互不认识的人作介绍或在队列中引领重要人物的官员

15、I was then totally unacquainted with his poems. ─── 那时我完全不知道他的诗。

16、On the Unacquainted Pioneer: Art Characteristics of July School's Fictions ─── 陌生的先锋:七月派小说艺术前瞻性的讨论

17、He liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways ─── 他喜欢向一个没见过世面的心灵透露一点世界上的情景和风气。

18、wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling (Edmund Burke). It is somewhat weaker than Iinterfere in implying action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: ─── 对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知(埃德豪 伯克)。在指严重的牵制、阻碍或阻挠的行为时比Iinterfere要弱:

19、Tom was at sea—a Great Seal was something which he was totally unacquainted with. ─── 汤姆很茫然——御玺这东西,他根本就不认识。

20、Besides the unequal number of men and women, we are also unacquainted about their age range and pain level. ─── 男女人数不一样,而且他们的年龄阶段我们不知道,而且痛苦的程度不知道。

21、lots of things as you unacquainted. ─── 多的是你不知道的事

22、His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with many classic books. ─── 他随心所欲地泛泛而读,故对许多经典书籍不甚了了。

23、unacquainted with ─── 对 ... 不熟悉, 不认识

24、haphazard reading left him unacquainted with many classic books. ─── 他随心所欲地泛泛而读,故对许多经典书籍不甚了了。

25、In his letter, Mr.Patterson included a coded message which he said “should be absolutely inscrutable to all unacquainted with the particular key or secret for decyphering. ─── "在他的信中,帕特森先生包括编码的信息,他说: “应该是绝对不可思议的所有不了解特别关键或秘密decyphering 。

26、8.I am at an unfavourable position in being conversationally unacquainted with English. ─── 我由于不熟悉英语会话而处于不利地位。

27、Even as if you would call a physician, that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of, but is unacquainted with your body; ─── 有如你生病请医, 而这位医生是虽被认为善治你所患的病症, 却是不熟悉你的体质的;

28、His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the authors of the books. ─── 他信手翻阅各种书籍, 因此对这些书的作者一无所知。

29、Everything is b***ing unacquainted. ─── 一切都变都得陌生。

30、For his own part, he is unacquainted with the new Paris, and he writes with the old Paris before his eyes in an illusion which is precious to him. ─── 至于他,他不认识新巴黎,出现在他眼前的只是旧巴黎,他怀着他所珍惜的幻象而加以叙述。

31、a person unacquainted with our customs ─── 不熟悉我们风俗的人

32、Lest ye should say: "The Book was sent down to two Peoples before us, and for our part, we remained unacquainted with all that they learned by assiduous study:" ─── (我降示天经),以免你们说:“天经只被降示我们以前的两伙人,我们对于他们所诵习的经典,确是疏忽的。”

33、be unacquainted with sth ─── 不了解某事

34、He liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways. ─── 他喜欢向一个没见过世面的心灵透露一点世界上的情景和风气。

35、unacquainted with the legal issues at hand. ─── 不知道手头的法律争议

36、At the edge of city, the anchorless Liang Shan Bo knew from the unacquainted Old drunkard that, there would be a special wedding in the “world terminus”, and he was curious about it. ─── 在城市的边缘,四处漂泊的浪荡诗人梁山伯从一个衣衫褴褛的老醉鬼那里得知:在“世界的尽头”将有一场奇怪的婚礼,其中隐秘的危险更引起了梁山伯强烈的好奇。

37、unacquainted with city ways. ─── 对城市的生活方式很陌生。

38、A stranger is somebody you don't know,someone you are unacquainted with. That's a stranger. ─── 即“陌生人”,是你不认识的人。你不了解的人,那样就是陌生人。

39、He is unacquainted with match-up zone defence. ─── 他不熟悉区域盯人。

40、As with Matchmaker Li, then, the contemporary dot. com services efficiently engineer an introduction between two unacquainted individuals. ─── 现代的网络服务与李媒婆相同的是高效率的为两个陌生人之间进行介绍。

41、visitors unacquainted with local customs ─── 不谙当地风俗的游客

42、When their village was flooded, he ceaselessly rescued others, including old people, children, the acquainted and the unacquainted, everyone except her in person. ─── 当她被别人救出后,有人问他:“你既然喜欢她,为什么不救她?”

43、be unacquainted with sb ─── 不认识某人

44、wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling(Edmund Burke.It is somewhat weaker than interfere in implying action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: ─── 对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知(埃德豪 伯克)。在指严重的牵制、阻碍或阻挠的行为时比interfere要弱:

45、She was too young, too impatient to live, too unacquainted with pain. ─── 她还太年轻,太渴望着生活,对痛苦知道得太少。

46、6.He was unacquainted with that aspect of the question. ─── 他不了解问题的那个方面。

47、The experiment of the writer has acquired some effect.,.The Sea of Chinese characters on web Has created,for the quering and inputing for unacquainted Chinese characters quickly, simply and exactly. ─── 作者对解决汉字问题作了一些初步尝试,建立了一种全新的网络在线“字海”,用以更方便、快捷地查询、输入不认识的汉字。

48、To us, farm is a new-fangled and unacquainted place. ─── 对于我们而言,那是一个新鲜而又陌生的地方。

49、However, since the factors of refraction, distance, and temperature, the items, which are put into the ice body by Lei Yan, display a much unacquainted historical texture and shape. ─── 当然,昆明作为一座怡人而多元的城市,仍然吸引着许多不愿意在超级大都市生活的人们,他们继续留守在这里,还有一些像候鸟一样地慕名而来。

50、In our country, on account of execution of Unfair Competition Law, trade secret have been the new hotspot of judicature protection, which was unacquainted to countrymen before 1993. ─── 在我国,由于反不正当竞争法的实施,1993年以前对国人来说还属陌生的商业秘密,现已成为司法保护的新热点。

51、Brit;informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller. ─── 英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。

52、Be foreign to; be strange to;Be unacquainted with ─── 性质不相同;不相关;无涉

53、The leaders in my group seemed unacquainted with the concept of failure. ─── 领导人以其远见卓识,启迪别人,将别人吸引到自己周围。

54、(Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller. ─── 英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。

55、The People's Court shall provide interpretation for a litigant participant unacquainted with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality. ─── 人民法院应当对不通晓当地民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。

56、9.Is unacquainted with dog &chicken, is the agricultural society continuously happy ideal. ─── 鸡犬相闻,是农业社会一直的幸福理想。

57、An official whose duty is to make introductions between unacquainted persons or to precede persons of rank in a procession. ─── (给显贵人物)领路的人,前驱职责是为互不认识的人作介绍或在队列中引领重要人物的官员

58、It would not occur to anyone unacquainted with the prevailing economic half-literacy that it is good to have windows broken and cities destroyed; ─── 不了解当今流行经济观点的“半文盲”们根本不会想到,橱窗被砸破、城市毁于战火是件好事;

59、The foreigners are unacquainted with our custom. ─── 这些外国人不了解我们的风俗。

60、It was the first time for me that living by myself in an unacquainted country, I was very nervous before I arrived. ─── 那时候我是第一次自己生活在一个陌生的国家,在来到这里之前觉得非常的紧张。

61、where the hell have you been all these years when i’m struggling with identity alone in this unacquainted city? ─── 喜欢独立高效作业。生活、工作,甚至居家整理等琐事。还有感情。独立的感情?

62、American tourists wholly innocent of French; a person unacquainted with our customs. ─── 对法国完全陌生的美国游客;不熟悉我们风俗的人。

63、It was the first time for me that living by myself in an unacquainted country, I was very nervous before I arrived. ─── 那时候我是第一次自己生活在一个陌生的国家,在来到这里之前觉得非常的紧张。

64、The Article discusses about the quering and inputing for unacquainted Chinese characters.,and internationalization of Chinese characters. ─── 摘要:本文简述了对于不认识的汉字如何进行查询与输入,并讨论了汉字国际化的一些问题。

65、I'm unacquainted with him. ─── 我不认识他。

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