hoodlum 发音
英:['huːdləm] 美:['hudləm]
英: 美:
hoodlum 中文意思翻译
hoodlum 网络释义
n. 流氓;暴徒;无赖
hoodlum 词性/词形变化,hoodlum变形
名词: hoodlumism |
hoodlum 短语词组
1、hoodlum gang ─── 流氓团伙
hoodlum 相似词语短语
1、hoodlumism ─── 流氓
2、hoodlumish ─── 流氓
3、hoodlike ─── 似头巾的
4、Colum ─── n.科勒姆(姓氏)
5、Borglum ─── 博格勒姆(人名)
6、hoodless ─── 无头巾
7、cocoplum ─── 椰子树
8、hoodlums ─── n.流氓;暴徒;无赖
9、hordeolum ─── n.[眼科]麦粒肿,[眼科]睑腺炎
hoodlum 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The hoodlum stabbed at me with a dagger. ─── 小流氓用匕首向我刺来。
2、behave like a hoodlum; take liberties with women; act indecently ─── 耍流氓
3、That hoodlum niggerJesse|call up here askin' foryou. ─── |那个流氓黑鬼耶西打电话过来找你呢.
4、And often, at such times, he would abruptly see slouch in among the company a young hoodlum in square-cut coat and under a stiff-rim Stetson hat. ─── 在这样的时刻他便常常突然看见一个身穿方襟短外衣、头戴斯泰森硬檐阔边帽的年轻流氓从人群中摇摇摆摆地走了出来。
5、The Technical Means of Hoodlum Software and the Countermeasures to it ─── 流氓软件的技术手段及解决对策
6、a violent or rowdy person; a hoodlum or thug ─── 粗暴或爱吵闹的人;流氓或无赖
7、Martin watched him and saw the stiff-rim, the square-cut, double-breasted coat and the swaggering shoulders, of the youthful hoodlum who had once been he. ─── 那蹂躏屠杀一个月一个月地继续下去,直到他的三十首诗一一发表完毕。支票倒是每月作品一发就寄来的。
8、She is mixed up with a hoodlum we have reason to believe committed a murder on a police officer. ─── 她同一个流氓来往,而我们有理由认为这个流氓是犯了谋杀罪,谋杀了一个警官。
9、He's looking forward to another round with Tess, but first he has to help some smalltime hoodlum pals commit a $60-million art heist. ─── 他期待着尽快把苔丝抱在怀里,但是在此之前,他必须帮助一伙强盗搞定一个价值六千万元的艺术品。
10、Hoodlum Chinese has paid attention to!! ─── 首页>>图片猎奇>>光棍汉注意了!!
11、Hasn't the valentine day to, what had to deliver well, delivers antithetical couplet.First scroll: Opposes nonchalantly the eyes of a beautiful woman;Second line: Bows the head Gansu is the hoodlum; ─── 好久没见,但你的格言我始终谨记在心:馒头诚可贵,包子价更高,若有烧排骨,两者皆可抛。
12、Streamer: The hoodlum long live! ─── 横批:光棍万岁!
13、Action of a young ruffian or of a hoodlum ─── 流氓,流氓行为
14、He is a well-known hoodlum in this neighborhood, always bullying others. ─── 他是这边有名的混子,经常欺负人。
15、A violent or rowdy person;a hoodlum or thug. ─── 恶棍粗暴或爱吵闹的人;流氓或无赖
16、9, You chase me for 2km, naked, if I peep back, I AM a hoodlum!(hahaha.. ─── 你光着身子追我两公里,我回一次头都算我是流氓!(哈哈哈...)
17、The grey treepie, a corvid, was a late riser, but hoodlum gangs soon made up for it. ─── 灰树鹊,乌鸦的一种,是早起的鸟儿,但是暴徒的枪口往往对准它们。
18、Second line: Bows the head Gansu is the hoodlum; ─── 下联:俯首甘为光棍;
19、19 . “You dare to curse ours, Hoodlum!” Rolizawa shouted loudly. She did not know who Lueck was. ─── “你敢骂人,流氓!”热妮娅高喊了一声,她不知道这个利亚利克是什么人。
20、The Chumps series includes both street life hoodlum as well as incarcerated versions, complete with the whole jailbird outfit and ball &chain. ─── 笨蛋系列包括两街道生活流氓并且被禁闭的版本,完成与整体囚犯成套装备和球&束缚。
21、A young ruffian;a hoodlum. ─── 小流氓;无赖
22、If I was a hoodlum I could hit you on the head. ─── 如果我是强盗的话,我可以猛击你的头。
23、He is a well - known hoodlum in this neighborhood, always bullying others. ─── 他是这边有名的混子,经常欺负人。
24、hoodlum gang ─── 流氓团伙
25、Day!I say I am big hoodlum, had done 3 years of prisons, MM laughs gently: You are bad!You are bad!You are really bad! ─── 年少无知的我,不知温柔乡里陷阱多,满以为那些,青春美丽的小羊羔们可以多少弥补我迟钝的大脑抚慰我脆弱的心灵。
26、Side hoodlum too are many, is hungrier all day much quarrels. ─── 身边光棍太多,整天饿得直吵。
27、If I was a hoodlum I could hit you on the head ─── 如果我是强盗的话,我可以猛击你的头。
28、Men who visit these penetrating skirt celebrating hoodlum festival! ─── 首页>>搞笑贴图>>瞧瞧这些穿裙子过光棍节的男人们!
29、The hoodlum menaced the local merchants ─── 盗匪威胁着当地商人。
30、I have never been mugged or physically molested in any way , possibly because my large build does not make me an ideal prospect for a hoodlum . ─── 可能是因为自己的大块头并不适合犯罪分子下手,我倒从没遇上过抢劫或是被揍。
31、Qiao took the advise of Sun Mao-Tsai and persuaded local hoodlum Liu Hei-Chi to follow them south. ─── 乔致庸按照孙茂才的计策,以情理说服了刘黑七一起南下。
32、As he rose from his chair and stepped forward across the platform, he saw stalk through the wide door at the rear of the great room the young hoodlum with the square-cut coat and stiff-rim hat. ─── 那时他刚离开座位穿过讲台走向前去。他看见那年轻的流氓从巨大的厅堂后面的大门口神气十足地走了进来,身穿方襟短外衣,头戴硬檐阔边帽。
33、A young hoodlum, say, heaves a brick through the window of a baker's shop. ─── 话说一个顽童抡起砖头,砸破了面包店的橱窗。
34、He has the talent, therefore I said that he has the talent hoodlum direction, ha-ha. ─── 他非常有才,所以我说他是个有才的流氓导演,呵呵。
35、If I was a hoodlum I could hit you on the head. ─── 如果我是强盗的话,我可以猛击你的头。
36、From this time on the hoodlum is life-long, also can how me? ─── 从此光棍终生,又能把我奈何?
37、China is not the world hoodlum police. ─── 中国又不是世界的流氓警察。
38、Severely attacks the hoodlum evil force! Returns to give back to a common people fresh world! ─── 狠狠打击恶势力,还老百姓一个清亮的世界!
39、Originally this is she gives own “the hoodlum festival gift”. ─── 原来这是她送给自己的“光棍节礼物”。
40、If one day I become a hoodlum, please tell others, I am pure. ─── 假如有一天我变成流氓,请告诉别人,我纯挚过。
41、3.If discuss ed the love is discuss ed the love the speech, that is notplays the hoodlum? ─── 如果谈恋爱就是谈恋爱的话,那不是耍流氓吗?
42、One day, the dragonet runs into a man to rescue a woman and the hoodlum attacks brutally, thought that on this person of body has the Buddha reason, then goes forward with its acquaintance. ─── 一天,小龙遇到一男子为救一弱女子与流氓大打出手,认为这人身上有佛缘,便上前与其相识。
43、After breaking the law repeatedly, the hoodlum was finally caught and brought to account. ─── 多次犯法后,歹徒最终被捕受审。
44、A violent or rowdy person; a hoodlum or thug. ─── 恶棍粗暴或爱吵闹的人;流氓或无赖。
45、This figure, of the corner hoodlum, he saw merge into himself, sitting and talking with an actual university professor. ─── 他看见那街角的流氓的形象跟自己合而为一,正跟一个货真价实的大学教授并坐交谈。
46、hoodlum software ─── 流氓软件
47、'If I weren't going to he a dancer,'he once said,'I would have been a teenage hoodlum.' ─── 有一次他说:“如果我当不成一名舞蹈演员,我很可能会变成一个少年阿飞。”
48、Await a bit, listen to the girl to scold: "You are big hoodlum, it is scampish as a child, your Mom just gave birth to you, you do not forget to turn round to want to glance. ─── 稍候,听女孩骂道:“你是大流氓,从小就是流氓,你妈刚生你出来,你都不忘回头要看一眼。”
49、The hoodlum is still in jug. ─── 那个恶棍仍在坐牢。
50、If I weren't going to be a dancer, he once said, I would have been a teenage hoodlum. ─── 有一次他说:“如果我当不成一名舞蹈演员,我很可能会变成一个少年阿飞。”
51、The height only then 6 foot 9 inch Tomas is not the alliance most sexy center, but also calculated a hoodlum. ─── 他是他们的体系的基础,在球场两端都是,而且他还有一把杰出赛季没打呢。
52、The logical conclusion from all this would be, if the crowd drew it, that the little hoodlum who threw the brick, far from being a public menace, was a public benefactor. ─── 正确的能说明问题,错误的就不能说明问题,指标不得以真相为标准吗?
53、Side hoodlum too are many, is hungrier all day much quarrels. ─── 身边光棍太多,整天饿得直吵。
54、Every one of us, from the smallest hoodlum to the biggest, loved and respected him. ─── 我们当中的每一个人,就算是最调皮捣蛋的家伙,都对他敬爱有加。
55、The unit hoodlum has surrounded a pile , I have not hung reason right away to her. ─── 单位光棍围了一堆,就我对她不搭理。
56、He is nothing but a hoodlum!!! ─── (他就是一个标准的流氓!!
57、Vernon zhong: Is that Fage what the township head said the hoodlum who always asks for protecting fees? ─── 仲天骐:那个发哥就是乡长说的常常来收保护费的那个大流氓。
58、The hoodlum stabbed at me with a dagger. ─── 小流氓用匕首向我刺来
59、On Hoodlum Images in Luxun's Writing ─── 论鲁迅笔下的光棍形象
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