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grail 发音

英:[greɪl]  美:[ɡreɪl]

英:  美:

grail 中文意思翻译



grail 网络释义

n. 杯;圣杯(传说中耶稣最后晚餐所用之杯);大盘;长期以来梦寐以求的东西n. (Grail)人名;(法)格拉伊

grail 词性/词形变化,grail变形


grail 短语词组

1、the grail ─── 圣杯

2、Holy Grail ─── 圣杯;必杀技;传承皇家血统的女性

3、tainted grail companion ─── 受污染的圣杯同伴

4、magna carta holy grail 《 ─── 大宪章》圣杯

5、asteriated grail ─── 星号圣杯

6、monty python and the holy grail ─── 巨蟒与圣杯

7、tainted grail app ─── 受污染的grail应用程序

8、tainted grail ─── 受污染的圣杯

grail 相似词语短语

1、brail ─── n.卷帆索;(捕鱼用的)抄网;v.用卷帆索卷

2、Grail ─── n.杯;圣杯(传说中耶稣最后晚餐所用之杯);大盘;长期以来梦寐以求的东西;n.(Grail)人名;(法)格拉伊

3、drail ─── n.加铅鱼钩;犁柄的铁制突出部分;vi.用加铅鱼钩钓鱼

4、frail ─── adj.脆弱的;虚弱的;n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女

5、grain ─── 粮食

6、graip ─── n.三齿叉,四齿叉

7、grails ─── n.杯;圣杯(传说中耶稣最后晚餐所用之杯);大盘;长期以来梦寐以求的东西;n.(Grail)人名;(法)格拉伊

8、graal ─── 图形算法语言(graphalgorithmiclanguage)

9、rail ─── n.铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏;vi.抱怨;责骂;vt.铺铁轨;以横木围栏

grail 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grail map called from underground fixed ─── 出现在地下的终极宝物地图问题修正

2、As for the holy grail of drinking lots of water to ward off bad bumps, Kendall says it's completely unfounded. ─── 作为以多喝水来消除肿块的金科玉律,肯德尔说,这完全没有根据。

3、A theme joined to the Christianised Arthurian mythos relates to the quest for the Holy Grail. ─── 关于探索圣杯的问题上,一个主题与基督教式的亚瑟王故事相关。

4、Second line is to point to smaller than a gleam of meaning, compare grail namely small stock is not pannikin, even outstanding achievement supports, for second line blue prepare. ─── 二线是指比一线小的意思,就是比大盘股小的股票又不是小盘股,还要有业绩支持的,为二线蓝筹股。

5、In Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, cup or vessel that caught Jesus' blood during his crucifixion. ─── 在基督教神话里面,圣杯是碟子,盘子,杯或者容器,在耶稣受难期间盛着耶稣的血。

6、King Arthur lived a long life, but it finished sadly. In the search for the Holy Grail, many of his knights left Britain. Other knights died. Arthur was alone. ─── 亚瑟王得享高寿,但结局却很悲惨。在寻找圣杯时,很多圆桌骑士离开了不列颠。其他的骑士死去了。亚瑟王很孤单。

7、FANS of The Da Vinci Code have been trying to dig their way into Rosslyn Chapel's ancient vaults to find the Holy Grail. ─── 几百年来,来罗斯林教堂探询圣杯秘密的人们,无不被教堂内多不胜数、几乎在每个拱道都能见到的精致雕刻与神秘的符号深深吸引。

8、“Yes, I want to look for the Grail too.” said another knight. ─── “是的,我也想去寻找圣杯。”另一位骑士说。

9、"Creating beneficial result , bringing benefit to society " is our ceaseless grail. ─── “创造效益,造福社会”是我们不断追求的目标。

10、The low cost that afternoon is grail near future, low risk buys a place. ─── 下午是大盘近期的低成本、低风险买点。

11、"The idea of restoring tolerance is the holy grail of autoimmune research, and would make it possible to arrest and perhaps even prevent the development of diabetes," he explained. ─── 他解释说:“重建免疫系统容许功能的理念时候自身体免疫研究中梦寐以求的一步,重建免疫系统的容许功能可能会阻止,甚至可能会预防糖尿病的发病。

12、Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar. ─── 一些人就把玛丽亚和圣杯与圣骑士连接在一起。

13、The legendary Grail was hidden in this land. At the same time 4 adventurer set out for destiny's domination. ─── 传说中的圣杯就藏在这个大陆的某个地方。与此同时,4个冒险家在命运的支配下同时出发寻找。

14、The Grail is again presented as a platter of plenty but is also presented as part of a series of mystical relics, which also included a spear that drips blood and a broken sword. ─── 圣杯再次呈现成一个大浅盘,但也呈现成一系列神秘的遗物,也包括了一支滴着血的长矛和毁坏的剑。

15、According to the novel, the“ Magdalene” was the apostle of Jesus and the Holy Grail. ─── 依照小说内容,马达琳是耶稣的使徒,而且也是圣杯。

16、The Holy Grail Knight or a Kind of "Novel" ─── 圣杯骑士或一种"小说"

17、GRAIL GSDB Genome Sequence DataBase, ─── 基因组序列数据库一种跨平台的计算机语言

18、However, only the three knights---Bors, Galahad and Perceval were pure enough to be able to find the Grail. ─── 但其中只有博斯、加拉哈德和珀西瓦尔三人足够圣洁,有资格找到圣杯。

19、From the creator of HOLY GRAIL, one of the greatest visual advancements to the torn and restored card plot, JORDAN JOHNSON brings you a tattoo reveal like no other on the market. ─── 从圣杯的创作者,其中一最伟大的视觉推进对被撕毁的和被恢复的卡片剧情,乔丹约翰逊带来纹身花刺显露像没有其他在市场上的你。

20、Still every bit the Holy Grail of sports cars, it still commands respect from any warm-blooded enthusiast. ─── 不过每一个位的圣杯跑车,但它仍然命令尊重任何温血动物发烧友。

21、In his dream, he saw that his sheepfold was destroyed, the shepherd disappeared, and his holy grail fell off the peg. ─── 在梦中,他看见他的羊圈被破坏,牧羊人失踪了,他的圣杯从钉子上掉了下来。

22、Jeff: The "Holy Grail" is reuse. ─── Jeff:“圣杯”是重用。

23、Although do poineering work board on 100 companies, financing amount is returned not as good as a grail, can billabong Where is how many capital? ─── 即使创业板上一百家公司,融资金额还不及一家大盘股,能分流多少资金呢?”

24、The quest for the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one. ─── 圣杯在上,剑刃在下。剑刃和圣杯一道看护着她的门外。

25、"It has long been a Holy Grail to make a highly ductile material, "says Richard Siegel of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. ─── “生产出具有高度可延展性的材料长期以来一直是一个梦想。 ”位于纽约特洛伊的伦塞勒复合技术研究所的理查德·齐格说。

26、"Do poineering work board before the first batch of companies hang out his shingle, shanghai grail IPO restarts should discreet. ─── “创业板第一批公司挂牌之前,上海大盘IPO重启要慎重。”

27、The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail ─── 圣血与圣杯

28、It won't be surprising if come the beginning of next season, many pundits say that the Champions League has become Chelsea's and Mourinho's holy grail more than ever. ─── 下个赛季初的时候,不难想象,许些学者会说冠军联赛是切尔西和穆里尼奥比以往更渴望完成的终极目标。

29、After finding the Grail with two other knights, Percival and Bors, Galahad became King of Sarras.He died one year later. ─── 与另外两位骑士博斯和珀西瓦尔找到圣杯后,加拉哈德当上了萨拉斯的国王,一年后死去。

30、But I will not, for I know the Grail has left me without Merlin's tricks or thievery, as it has left a thousand times before. ─── 但我不会这么做,因为圣杯的消失和梅林无关,它只是如它曾千百次消失那样再次消失罢了。

31、Despite containing very little evidence, the report was treated by Congress as the holy grail of PED investigations. ─── 即使这份报告的证据很少,但是国会还是将它视为PED调查的圣杯一样来给予尊敬。

32、The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits. ─── 圣杯在罗斯林教堂下等待。

33、Of two Grail vessels that survive today, one is at Genoa, in the cathedral. ─── 今天幸存着两个圣杯容皿,一个是在热那亚的大教堂里。

34、Only three knights---Bors, Galahad, and Perceval---were pure enough in life to find the Grail in the castle of Corbenic. ─── 加拉哈德死后,圣杯升天,以后再没有人见过它。

35、Enabling an application to work offline is often viewed as the holy grail of mobile Web application development. ─── 使应用以脱机方式工作通常被视为移动Web应用开发的圣杯。

36、There is little hope they will ever find their holy grail. ─── 他们找到自己心目中圣杯的希望极其渺茫。

37、A: What do you want to do next after this movie? B: Well, my Holy Grail, is to direct my own movie. ─── 在这部影片之后你打算做些什么?哦,我真正渴望的是自己导演一部片子。

38、As for the holy grail of drinking lots of water to ward off bad bum , Kendall says it's completely unfounded. ─── 作为以多喝水来消除肿块的金科玉律,肯德尔说,这完全没有根据。

39、That's why it is a grail, something outstanding. ─── 因此这是一个圣杯,一个难以置信的东西。

40、In this way, each individual is able to create his and her own grail led only by a sense of self discovery and of personal bliss. ─── 只有这样,每个人才能在一种自我发现和个人天赐的感召下创造出他自己的“圣杯”。

41、It became our habit over the years to look in every jewelry store window as if searching for the Holy Grail. ─── 这些年来,好像寻找圣杯一样,看每一个珠宝商店橱窗成为了我们的习惯。

42、The two currently mainstream ideas about the main thread:" the Holy Grail legend" and" a process of breakdown and reintegration as it occurs in the individual psyche" each bear merits. ─── 关于《荒原》的主线,目前主要有两种观点,即“骑士寻找圣杯”和“个人精神世界的崩溃与重组过程”。

43、NBD: Grail arrived now 2000 dotty position, how does illicit collect consider? ─── NBD:大盘现在到了2000多点的位置,私募是怎么考虑的?

44、An old knight entrusted to protect the Holy Grail by King Gran. ─── 受格兰王之托以生命守护圣杯的老骑士。

45、But, do not have the yield of outstanding achievement of half an year with an illicit fiducial collect under grail the half an year of 48% drops. ─── 但是,并没有一只私募信托的半年业绩收益率低于大盘48%的半年跌幅。

46、After this point, Grail literature divides into two classes. ─── 从这以后,圣杯文学作品分成了两类。

47、The Grail will wait, I tell him. Go and fetch your King, your Arthur. I will give him the sword, the scabbard too, and may he use them well. ─── 圣杯会一直等着,我告诉他。去找到你的王,你的亚瑟王。我会把剑和剑鞘都给他,他定能随心所欲地使用它们。

48、In the course of trying to escape and solve the murder, they ally themselves with wealthy historian and Holy Grail fanatic Leigh Teabing, an acquaintance of Langdon's. ─── 在逃离及解答谋杀疑团过程中,又加入另一位富有的历史学者,也是圣杯的狂热份子雷、兵。他是连登的朋友。

49、He called it the Holy Grail. ─── 他把它叫做圣杯。

50、"Finding shorelines is a holy grail of sorts to us," said assistant professor Brian Hynek, adding it showed the lake existed at a time when Mars was thought to have been cold and dry. ─── 助理教授布莱恩?海尼克说: “对我们来说,在火星上发现湖岸线是一项重大收获。”他还补充称,研究表明湖泊存在于人们所认为的火星寒冷干旱期。

51、The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology. ─── Ok的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

52、They also searched for the Holy Grail. ─── 他们也找到了圣杯。

53、Authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh had argued that central theme of The Da Vinci Code had been copied from a book they and a third author had written 20 years earlier, called the Holly Blood and the Holy Grail. ─── 作者米歇尔·白根特和里查德·雷辩辩称《达芬奇密码》的内容主线剽窃了他们和另一作者早在20年前写的《圣血与圣杯》一书。

54、"Miss Neveu, your grandfather gave you this cryptex in hopes you would keep the secret of the Holy Grail alive. ─── “奈芙小姐,你祖父把这密码盒给了你,就是希望你在有生之年,会严守圣杯的秘密。”

55、Thus, the first Grail stories may have been celebrations of a renewal in this traditional sacrament. ─── 因此,最初的圣杯故事可能用来庆祝这个传统圣礼的更新。

56、The holy grail is broad-band. ─── 圣杯是宽广的-乐团。

57、The Holy Grail of mobile computing is a portable device that has the power of a desktop computer, lasts more than a day on a single battery charge, and weighs next to nothing. ─── 圣盘"是一种便携式电脑,它的能力如同一台台式电脑,电池充电一次可用一天多,而且重量很轻。

58、Conjoining believable motion with believable acting is the holy grail of animation, and this duality is demonstrated by animating the bouncing man. ─── 可信代理横断面调查与可信的议案是圣杯的动画,这是双重性的反弹男子动画演示。

59、Web services has been called the next holy grail for component reuse and language interoperability. ─── Web服务已被称为组件重用和语言互操作性的下一个圣杯。

60、The discovery is being hailed as the Holy Grail of astronomy. ─── 这个发现被认为是为天文学圆了梦。

61、"It has long been a Holy Grail to make a highly ductile material,"says Richard Siegel of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy,New York. ─── “生产出具有高度可延展性的材料长期以来一直是一个梦想。”位于纽约特洛伊的伦塞勒复合技术研究所的理查德·齐格说。

62、He has found his Holy Grail. ─── 他已经发现了自己的“法宝”。

63、Cold fusion is the Holy Grail of particle physics. ─── 冷熔解是粒子物理的圣杯。

64、"The Holy Grail, and Other Poems" ─── 圣怀及其他

65、Other stories claim that the Grail is buried beneath Rosslyn Chapel or is to be found deep in the spring at Glastonbury Tor. ─── 其他故事声称圣杯被埋藏在罗斯林礼拜堂的地底下,或者是在格拉斯顿伯里山丘的泉水深处被发现。

66、Even Mr Ballmer conceded back then that he was searching for the “holy grail” of healthcare. ─── 即使是鲍尔默先生当时也承认,说他是在搜寻保健行业的“圣杯”。

67、King Arthur was very worried. He knew that the search for the Holy Grail was dangerous. In fact, many knights died during the search. Others never returned to Camelot. ─── 亚瑟王非常担心。他知道寻找圣杯之旅是非常危险的。事实上,很多骑士们死于寻找圣杯的路途中。

68、Is your means black line be stock grail go situation? ─── 你的意思是不是黑线就是股票大盘的走势?

69、"Yes, I want to look for the Grail too." Said another knight. ─── “是的,我也想去寻找圣杯。”另一位骑士说。

70、Nor has the Grail been as popular a subject in some predominantly Catholic areas, such as Spain and Latin America, as it has been elsewhere. ─── 圣杯故事在一些天主教占支配地位的国家中,也不是一个通俗的话题,例如西班牙和拉丁美洲,就像在其它地区一样。

71、None of them are good enough that you'd sit and watch a two-hour movie through a mid-band connection, so that awaits sort of the ultimate holy grail, which is the broad band. ─── 他们没有人是够好的你将会经过一个中间-乐团连接坐着并且看一场二小时的电影,所以等候种终极的圣杯,是宽广的乐团。

72、Campbell urges us to do like King Arthur's knights when they set out on their Holy Grail. ─── 坎贝尔提醒我们要像亚瑟王的骑士们出发去寻找他们的圣杯一样去行事。

73、He will choose the sword for his Arthur, when he could have the grail. ─── 他会选择把剑给亚瑟王,尽管他可以得到圣杯。

74、The Champions League remains the Holy Grail to be pursued another year. ─── 冠军联赛让圣杯的竞逐延续到下一年。”

75、The Grail was there yesterday, but not now. ─── 圣杯昨天还在,现在不见了。

76、During the search for the Grail, Galahad showed himself to be a superb knight. ─── 在寻找圣杯的过程中,加拉哈德做的每一件事都使他无愧于最佳骑士的名声。

77、Some insist the Holy Grail, even if historical, should be considered separate from the Holy Chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper. ─── 一些人坚持说,圣杯即使是有关历史的,也应当被认为是与耶稣在最后的晚餐使用的圣餐杯区分开来。

78、Tonight, we shall sit together and discuss about the War, our Holy Grail War. ─── 今晚,我们共座同桌一起讨论这场战争,我们的圣杯战争。

79、King Arthur and his Knights: The Holy Grail ─── 亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士之九:圣杯的故事

80、The early Grail romances centered on Percival and were then woven into the more general Arthurian fabric. ─── 圣杯意思就是“神圣的容器”,圣血意思就是“皇室血统”。

81、In this way, each individual is able to create his and her own grail led only by a sense of self discovery and of personal bliss. ─── 只有这样,每个人才能在一种自我发现和个人天赐的感召下创造出他自己的“圣杯”。

82、That has made it something of a holy-grail dateline for reporters covering the military. ─── 这使得它对于军事记者来说可以算得上一个神圣的报道地。

83、The Holy Grail is the cup that Jesus Christ used at the Last Supper. ─── 传说圣杯是耶稣在最后的晚餐上使用过的杯子。

84、An old knight entrusted to protect the Holy Grail by King Gran. His ghost appeared at Kulyn Shrine and gave it to Destin, because he was worthy of possessing it. ─── 受格兰王之托以生命守护圣杯的老骑士。在德斯丁证明了自己配得上圣力的恩荣之后,这位老骑士会在克里努神殿亲手将圣杯交传给他。

85、Ever since, the quest for the perfect red rose has been the Holy Grail of rosaria. ─── 从此,寻求完美的红玫瑰一直是玫瑰栽培者所追求的理想。

86、to see a world in a grail of sand , and a heaven in wild flower. hold infinity in the palm of your hand, etinity is an hour. ─── 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,一朵野花中看到天堂,把握在手中的就是无限,一小时就是永远!

87、The holy grail in web search technology is to be able to ask a simple question, in natural language, and get a simple answer. ─── 网络搜索技术的焦点在于能够以自然的语言提出一个简单的问题,并得到一个简单的答案。

88、That's the Holy Grail in this field -- connecting our growing knowledge of the electronic states of DNA with the photoproducts that damage it," he said. ─── 他解释到这一点将是增加了解DNA的电子状态和破坏他的光产物之间关系的重要突破口。

89、For instance, cold fusion or anti-gravity devices are sometimes characterized as the "holy grail" of applied physics. ─── 例如,冷聚变或者是反引力装置有时候会表现为“圣杯”特色的应用物理学。

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