exchangeable 发音
英:[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒəbl] 美:[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒəbl]
英: 美:
exchangeable 中文意思翻译
exchangeable 网络释义
adj. 可交换的;可兑换的;可替换的
exchangeable 同义词
switchable | returnable | standardised | interchangeable | interchangable | negotiable |replaceable | tradable | convertible | commutable | standardized | transferable | redeemable | similar
exchangeable 短语词组
1、exchangeable debt ─── 可互换债务
2、exchangeable base ─── 交换性盐基
3、base-exchangeable ions ─── [机] 碱交换离子
4、exchangeable heat ─── 可交换热量
5、exchangeable parts ─── 可更换零件
6、exchangeable power ─── 可转换功率
7、Exchangeable Production System ─── 可交换生产系统
8、exchangeable value ─── [经] 交换价值
9、exchangeable gain ─── 可交换收益
10、exchangeable store ─── 可换存储器
11、exchangeable disk ─── [计] 可换磁盘
12、exchangeable disk storage ─── [计] 可换磁盘存储器
13、exchangeable bases ─── 换算单位
14、exchangeable ion ─── [医]可交换离子
15、exchangeable barrel ─── 可交换的桶
exchangeable 反义词
exchangeable 相似词语短语
1、unchangeable ─── adj.不变的;不能改变的;安定的
2、changeably ─── adv.可变地;易变地;不安定地
3、changeable ─── adj.无常的;可改变的;易变的;不定的
4、nonexchangeable ─── 不可交换的
5、exchangee ─── n.被交换者;交换生
6、unexchangeable ─── 不变的
7、rechargeable ─── adj.可再充电的;收费的
8、chargeable ─── adj.应支付的;可以控诉的;可充电的;应课税的
9、exchangeably ─── 可交换的
exchangeable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He shows me how to exchang the fuse. ─── 他做给我看怎样换保险丝。
2、A monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is equal in value to and exchangeable for a specified amount of gold. ─── 金本位制:一种货币制度,在此制度下,通货基本单位与一定数量的黄金价值相同,并可与之兑换
3、soil exchangeable K ─── 速效钾
4、Total investment of project 1000 t/a FKM is about 180 million yuan, equipment construction invesment is 155 million yuan, and 7.5 million US dollars for foreign exchang. ─── 1000吨/年FKM项目的装置建设投资为18000万元,装置建设投资为15500万元,其中外汇为750万美元。
5、Something that is exchangeable or substitutable. Often used in the plural. ─── 代替物可互换的或可替换的物品。常用复数形式
6、In the picture scroll all results are lightened, is exchangeable “spoon of the amethyst”. ─── 画卷中所有结局都被点亮,更可兑换“紫水晶之匙”。
7、For example,Fullerton Global's 2003 zero coupon bond is exchangeable into Singa-pore Telecom shares. ─── Fullerton环球2003年到期的债券便可对换成新电信的股票。
8、LWB is one of the leading companies in this field and offers a variety of exchangeable or fixed systems to suit all applications. ─── 械哪突鸩?贰?wb集团在耐火材料领域是世界领先的生产商之一,在所有的应用领域为客户提供全面的解决方案。
9、On bearer stocks, the detachable part of the hide behind nominee status. Certificate exchangeable for dividends. ─── 不记名股票上,发行人状况后面可分离的部分。可兑换红利的证明。
10、The cold receptor was designed as an exchangeable part to avoid the cross interferences from one sample to another one. ─── 本文用组合蒸馏技术研制了一套用于气相色谱分析的样品前处理装置。
11、In soils with high heavy metal concentration,most of copper and zinc would distribute in exchangeable form.Most of nickel and lead distribute in reducible or oxidisable form. ─── 镍与铅在土壤中有大部分是存在于可还原态或有机结合态,用王水消化法会高估危害性。
12、Exchangeable disk storage Refers to disc pack storage used with mainframe computers. ─── 可替换磁碟贮存指大型电脑用的磁碟组贮存方法。
13、Cultural Exchang of Qin and Chu Based on the Diamond Pattern Decorated on the Bronzes Chariots of Qinshihuang Mausoleum ─── 从秦陵铜车马上的菱形纹样看秦文化与楚文化的交流
14、Under the IAM Equity Agreement, NWA employees who were IAM union members received shares of NWA Series C Voting Convertible Exchangeable Preferred Stock in consideration for wage concessions. ─── 根据该权益协议,西北航的雇员,如果属于协会的成员的话,为了工资上的妥协,可以得到西北航C系可转换优先股的股份。
15、Exchangeable search in forming quality control of high temperature alloy deformation ─── 变形高温合金成型质量控制中的转换研究
16、Goods sold are non refundable, exchangeable nor returnable. ─── 已售的商品恕不接受退换或退款。
17、Effects of Percentage of Exchangeable Sodium in Soil on Mycorrhizal Development of Festuca elata and Achnatherum splendens ─── 土壤碱化度对高羊茅和芨芨草菌根发育的影响
18、Participating in the Olympiad will get you olympiad points which are exchangeable for Blessed Enchant scrolls and some other items. ─── 贵族参加奥林匹克运动所得的的分数是可用作兑换祝褔强化卷轴和其它物品。
19、equipment: the inner lining is completely removeable and washable, wind deflector and breath deflector are removeable, exchangeable elements for noise reduction on the ears. ─── 配备:完全可拆式及清洗的内衬版次.下巴防风罩及鼻罩皆为可拆式.附赠一组耳塞可供高速下耳部减低音量噪音使用.
20、Phenotype and niche are exchangeable notions. ─── 表型与小生境是可以互相替换的概念。
21、Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable. ─── 本店货物售出概不退换。
22、Parameters of Rice N-nutrition and Rice Growing Status Obtained with Digital Camera and Exchangeable Resin ─── 利用数码相机获取水稻氮营养及其长势长相参数的初步研究
23、Prizes are not exchangeable, transferable or redeemable for cash and must be taken as stated.CCIL reserves the right to offer substitute prizes should this be necessary. ─── 所有奖品不能退换、转让或作现金兑换,须根据该奖品之描述而领取,如有需要,中国木球国际有限公司有保留更换奖品之权利。
24、However, the low exchangeable caution of cation is one of the reason about spruce death. ─── 但是土壤阳离子代换量低可能是云杉死亡的一个因子。
25、Keywords Blood corpuscle separator;COBE SPECTRA system;Plasma exchang;Intense care patients; ─── 血细胞分离机;血液分离系统;血浆置换;危重病人;
26、These tokens are exchangeable for DVDs only. ─── 这些赠券只能换 DVD 盘。
27、All tooling is exchangeable within the range making sale up to the full scale production machine possible using adaptors. ─── 所有的工具,是在作出交换个案分出到全面生产机器可以使用适配器范围。
28、the quality of being transferable or exchangeable. ─── 可以转让或互换的特性。
29、Well-controlled type 2 diabetic patients may eat small amount of watermelon,but it is necessary to deduct exchangeable amount of foodstuff. ─── 非严重高血糖的2 型糖尿病患者可吃少量西瓜,但必须扣除同等热能的粮食。
30、The average length of warp float of six-ply exchangeable weave should be as same as possible, the junction point is not applied. ─── 六层任意换层组织的经纱平均浮长应尽可能一致,一般不设置接结点。
31、Clearly, the issue of bonds exchangeable bonds and the main subject of the shares issued is not the same person. ─── 可见,可交换公司债券的发债主体与标的股票的发行人并非同一人。
32、Corporate bonds that are exchangeable for a set number of common stocks at preset prices. ─── 可以按照预先设定的价格转化为一定数量普通股的公司债券。
33、International reply coupon: A coupon of monetary value that is sold and exchangeable for postage at post offices in member countries of the Universal Postal Union. ─── 九国际回信邮票券:指万国邮政公约各会员国间相互约定,发售及兑换回信邮票之一种有价证券。
34、Exchangeable Security A security that grants its holder the right to exchange it for the common stock of a firm other than the issuer. ─── 可交换证券可交换成为发行人以外公司普通股的证券。
35、The elastic tourniquet band (approx. 50 cm) is exchangeable. ─── 弹性止血带波段(约50厘米)是换股.
36、bonds exchangeable for share ─── 可兑换股份的债券
37、In class, a strong singing voice earns students 'magic tokens' that are exchangeable into 'reward gifts' like Disney pens and hats on display in the lobby. ─── 在课堂上,大声唱歌可以让学生们赢得“魔币”,用来换取奖品,比如走廊里展示的迪士尼的笔、帽子。
39、These tokens are exchangeable for CDs and cassettes only. ─── 这些礼券只能用来兑取光盘和盒式磁带。
40、LWB is one of the leading companies in this field offers a variety of exchangeable or fixed systems to suit all applications. ─── LWB集团在耐火材料领域是世界领先的生产商之一,在所有的应用领域为客户提供全面的解决方案。
41、typewriter with exchangeable type elements ─── 打印部件可换式打字机打印头可更换的打字机
42、Total investment of project of 700 t/a PVDF(including project VDF) is about 100 million yuan, equipment construction invesment is 90 million yuan, and 3 million US dollars for foreign exchang. ─── 700吨/年PVDF项目(含VDF项目)的总投资约10000万元,装置建设投资为9000万元,其中外汇为300万美元。
43、Understanding spatio-temporal variability of exchangeable potassium(K) in agricultural soils plays a key role in improving the quality of agricultural soil and products. ─── 作者单位:土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室中国科学院南京土壤研究所;
44、Bremner J M ,Keeney D R. Determination and isotope2ratio analysis of diffferent forms of nitrogen in soil :3. Exchangeable ammonium , ─── 李新慧.京郊粮田土壤氮肥损失机制与提高氮肥利用率技术研究,北京土壤学会简讯,1999,(2):5
45、Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Measures for Administration of Adjusting Bank Position of Settlement and Sales of Foreign Exchang ─── 国家外匯管理局关于调整银行结售匯头寸管理办法的通知
46、The watch is exchangeable if it is not satisfactory. ─── 此手表如不合意可以更换。
47、In theory, to issue exchangeable bonds on the market is good. ─── 从理论上讲,在市场上发行可转换债券是好的。
48、the quality of being exchangeable (esp the ability to convert a currency into gold or other currencies without restriction) ─── 可以兑换的特性(尤其指货币和黄金之间可以兑换的特性)
49、The American currency alone was made exchangeable into gold. ─── 只有美国的货币可以兑换成黄金。
50、From balance of internetional payments to see the question of foreign exchang reserve ─── 从近年我国国际收支分析看外汇储备问题
51、Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable ─── 本店货物售出概不退换.
52、Because the program has many features such as good transferability and exchangeable parameters easily, using the program, it is very easy to select various change gears. ─── 由于程序通用性好,修改个别的语句和参数,程序就能完成各种型号滚齿机的挂轮计算。
53、The two words, as verds, both mean to try to take care of and make it undamaged, and they are exchangeable sometimes. ─── 都是动词,都含有尽力照顾、使不受损害的意思。有时可以互换。
54、isotopically exchangeable phosphate ─── 免疫血清疗法
55、the quality of being exchangeable (esp the ability to convert a currency into gold or other currencies without restriction). ─── 可以兑换的特性(尤其指货币和黄金之间可以兑换的特性)。
56、Exchangeable bonds are the same except that the option is to convert to another entity's stocks. ─── “可对换债券”与“可转换债券”类似,唯一的不同的是转换为另一家公司的股票。
57、The factors influencing the both two stages are: clay mineralogy, kinds of exchangeable cations, joining forces among parti... ─── 目前很难改变前一类因素,通常主要是控制后一类因素以尽量阻缓水向地层中迁移。
58、Tickets sold are not refundable, returnable, or exchangeable. ─── 门票一经出售概不退款或退换。
59、The average length of warp float of six-ply exchangeable weave should be as same as possible,the junction point is not applied. ─── 六层任意换层组织的经纱平均浮长应尽可能一致,一般不设置接结点。
60、Products are returnable and exchangeable within three months of purchase. ─── 产品售出后三个月内可以退换货。
61、the exchangeable arrangement ─── 置换安置
62、For example, Fullerton Global's 2003 zero coupon bond is exchangeable into Singapore Telecom shares ─── 例如,Fullerton环球2003年到期的债券便可对换成新电信的股票。
63、The first practice of large angle exchang mining in thin coal mining surface ─── 大角度调采在薄煤综采工作面的初次实践
64、exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) ─── 碱化度
65、annual report on exchang restrictions ─── 外汇管制年度报告
66、They feature exchangeable shells and they respond to your voice. ─── 它们的特点是,外壳可以替换,并能对声音做出回应。
67、Side Milling Cutters with Exchangeable Blades; Carbide-tipped ─── 带可换刀片的侧铣刀。硬质合金刀片
68、The pole is simplify device, low costs, easy to maintain, and exchangeable. ─── 永磁极头简化了装置,降低成本,易维护,通用性好。
70、To accomplish the mapping in a flexible and exchangeable way, there exists a set of interfaces that can be implemented as adapters to provide a representation that the FTP Publisher understands. ─── 为了能以一种灵活且可替换的方式来完成映射,有一系列的接口能够作为适配器被实现,用来提供一种能让 FTP 发布者理解的表示。
71、A written authorization or certificate, especially one exchangeable for cash or representing a credit against future expenditures. ─── 证书书面的委托或证书,尤指能换为现钞的或表示为能作为将来花费信用的凭证
72、For example, Fullerton Global's 2003 zero coupon bond is exchangeable into Singa-pore Telecom shares. ─── Fullerton环球2003年到期的债券便可对换成新 电信的股票。
73、No exchangeable for the reason of color variance, too large, too small..... Color may not as what you saw in computer, as different computer may show difference color. ─── 一律不接受以颜色不喜欢,色差,没有想象中漂亮,太透明,太薄,太大,太小,穿着不舒服等理由退换哦!每台电脑解析度不同.
74、Goods sold out are not refundable / exchangeable. ─── 货物寄出,恕不退还或更换。
75、To be widely used as the advertisement and information media in markets,banks,stock exchang es,stadiums,gym halls,stations,wharves,airports and etc. ─── 可广泛应用于商场、银行、证券、体育场馆、车站、码头、机场等行业,用做信息显示和广告宣传。
76、Exchangeable disk storage: Refers to disc pack storage used with mainframe computers. ─── 可替换磁碟贮存:指大型电脑用的磁碟组贮存方法。
77、Money followed, the general commodity with which all others 101 were exchangeable. ─── 随后就出现了货币,即其余一切商品都可以和它交换的普遍商品。
78、(law) of goods or commodities; freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation. ─── (法律)指货物或者商品;能自由的换成其他同样性质的东西或者能偿还债务的东西,能被这样的东西代替。
79、We'd like to express our desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchang of needed goods. ─── 我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。
80、exchangeable cation ─── 代换性阳离子
81、isotopically exchangeable phosphat ─── 同位素代换的磷酸盐
82、structured yield products exchangeable for stock ─── 可换股结构性收息产品
83、Sorry, according to our store rule, goods are neither refundable nor exchangeable once you leave the store. ─── 对不起,我们商店规定,货一离店,概不退换。
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