extravasating 发音
英: 美:
extravasating 中文意思翻译
extravasating 词性/词形变化,extravasating变形
动词第三人称单数: extravasates |动词过去分词: extravasated |名词: extravasation |动词过去式: extravasated |动词现在分词: extravasating |
extravasating 相似词语短语
1、extravasated ─── v.(使液体,尤指血液)外渗;(血液、淋巴液等)外渗(extravasate的过去式及过去分词)
2、extrapolating ─── 外推;进行推断(extrapolate的现在分词形式)
3、extravasates ─── n.渗出液;vi.溢出;vt.使从脉管中溢出
4、extravasate ─── n.渗出液;vi.溢出;vt.使从脉管中溢出
5、extravagating ─── vi.越轨;漂泊
6、extravagation ─── 迷走
7、extravasation ─── n.溢出;溢出物;[地质]熔岩外喷
8、extravasations ─── n.溢出;溢出物;[地质]熔岩外喷
9、intravasations ─── n.进入血管内渗;内渗
extravasating 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、wound extravasating ─── 切口渗液
2、Keeping the blood flowing within the vessels to prevent it from extravasating without reason. ─── 维持血液在脉管中运行,防止其无故外溢。
3、Conclusion :There are many measures that must be taken to avoid calcium compound extravasating on nursing care of premat... ─── 结论:高度认真负责,细心观察和护理,早预防,早发现,早期干预,及时有效处理,是避免钙剂外渗,促进好转的关键。
4、The spleen may keep blood flowing within the vessels and prevent it from extravasating. ─── 脾使血液流于脉管之中,防止其外溢。
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