disingenuous 发音
英:[ˌdɪsɪnˈdʒenjuəs] 美:[ˌdɪsɪnˈdʒenjuəs]
英: 美:
disingenuous 中文意思翻译
disingenuous 网络释义
adj. 虚伪的;不诚实的;不老实的;狡猾的
disingenuous 词性/词形变化,disingenuous变形
副词: disingenuously |名词: disingenuousness |
disingenuous 反义词
disingenuous 同义词
deceitful | dishonest | untruthful | insincere | hypocritical | misleading | duplicitous | artful |crooked
disingenuous 相似词语短语
1、discontinuous ─── adj.不连续的;间断的
2、disincentives ─── n.不利于经济发展的因素(disincentive的复数)
3、disingenuousness ─── 虚伪;不真诚;有心机
4、disingenuously ─── adv.不诚实地
5、ingenious ─── adj.有独创性的;机灵的,精制的;心灵手巧的
6、discontiguous ─── adj.不连接的;不接触的
7、ingenuous ─── adj.天真的;坦白的;正直的;朴实的
8、disingenuity ─── n.不坦率,不正直;阴险、狡诈的行为
9、disinvents ─── 未命名
disingenuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But when the "company" is an individual (aka 50 Cent), having the "hard work" of tweeting subbed out to others seems disingenuous. ─── 但是当”公司“是个人时(如50美分同学),将每日发推这”苦差事“交给别人打理还是有让人觉得虚伪,无诚意。
2、" The answers they receive from admission professionals often sound evasive, disingenuous, and even haughty. ─── ” 他们从招生专家那里得到的答案往往是推托的,不真诚的,甚至傲慢的。
3、It is disingenuous of him to flatter me. ─── 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测。
4、The way I see it, naming something “sensitive” and “dangerous” is just a disingenuous way of saying, “This is not open for dialogue and discussion. ─── 以我的方式来看,以“敏感”和“危险”的字眼来命名一些东西是很不真诚的说法,“这不是拿来公开讨论的。
5、Even so, much of what Mr Obama said was disingenuous. ─── 抛开这些,奥巴马大部分的发言也是没有诚意的。
6、Lomborg is being disingenuous when he protests that our authors did not even mention half his book. ─── 隆伯格抗议我们的评论者对他的书连一半都没讨论到,其实不高明。
7、University officials are hiding behind the disingenuous claim that they're protecting applicants' privacy. ─── 大学官员还在假惺惺地掩饰,打着幌子说他们是在保护申请人的隐私。
8、He is quirkily, don't agree with this disingenuous deal any time. ─── 比如:他是个很阴险的家伙,不要和他做这一笔子买卖.
9、Both sides are being disingenuous. ─── 双方皆是虚伪的。
10、That is disingenuous. ─── 那是狡猾的说法。
11、It is disingenuous of him to flatter me. = He is disingenuous to flatter me. ─── 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测 [不怀好意]
12、Although he was young, his remarks indicated that he was disingenuous. ─── 虽然他很年轻,但他说的那一番话说明他相当老于世故。
13、Mr Elliot is evidently a disingenuous, artificial, worldly man, who has never had any better principle to guide him than selfishness. ─── 显然,他是个虚伪做作、老于世故的人,除了自私自利以外,从来没有过更好的指导原则。”
14、The European Union and Democracy Promotion in the Mediterranean: A New or Disingenuous Strategy? ─── 欧盟与地中海地区的民主推动。
15、Nevertheless, it would be disingenuous to suggest that foraging is always straight-forward and easy. ─── 然而,将觅食认为总是直接而容易的行动却是虚伪的表现。
16、The more sophisticated advocates of inflation, in brief, are disingenuous. ─── 总之,那些更老练的通货膨胀支持者实在不够坦率。
17、That view is widely held in official Georgian circles. In an interview, former Parliamentary President Nino Burjanadze termed the Russian pullout claim disingenuous. ─── 格鲁吉亚前议会议长布里扬纳泽认为俄罗斯的撤军说法是不真诚的。
18、Second, we do not see the introduction of such a charge as a punitive measure. Nor is it a disingenuous device conjured up by us. ─── 第二,我们没有把实施这项收费视为一种惩罚性的措施,这也不是一项我们自己想出来的诡计。
19、” In an interview, he said it would have been disingenuous to attribute her exit to other reasons. ─── ”在接受记者采访时,他说,它已坦诚归因于她的退出其他原因。
20、I think because his career progressed, I think he has maybe become a little bit more disingenuous about where his reference comes from. ─── 我想原因是他的职业生涯进步了,随着他在电影界取得越来越高的成就,昆汀可能会更加隐瞒其作品的参考出处。
21、It would be disingenuous to claim that we hadn't suspected them. ─── 要是说我们当时还没有怀疑他们,那就是言不由衷了。
22、be disingenuous of me to claim I had never seen it. ─── 从未看到过,那就是言不由衷了。
23、As you can see by the ingredients listed in Chap Stick?brand lip balm, broad generalizations stating "all Petroleum Distillates are bad" is just as disingenuous as stating "Silicones are Harmful". ─── 从成分列表中可看出有无色唇膏。从广义上来说,所有的石油蒸馏物都是不好的,它就像硅树脂是有害的一样。
24、Second, we do not see the introduction of such a charge as a punitive measure. Nor is it a disingenuous device conjured up by us. ─── 第二,我们没有把实施这项收费视为一种惩罚性的措施,这也不是一项我们自己想出来的诡计。
25、Like the dishonest claim that silicones are harmful, claiming that all petroleum distillates are harmful is also dishonest and disingenuous. ─── 就像那些假的声明说硅树脂是有害的,说它全是石油的蒸馏物,是有害的,并且成分不足。
26、Nevertheless, it would be disingenuous to suggest that foraging is always straight-forward and easy. ─── 然而,将觅食认为总是直接而容易的行动却是虚伪的表现。
27、It would be disingenuous to claim that this is great art. ─── 称其为伟大的艺术品就有些不真诚了。
28、It would be disingenuous of me to claim I had never seen it. ─── 要说我从未看到过,那就是言不由衷了。
29、For months the two hacked away at each other in bitter and disingenuous television ads in a state where such campaigns can cost $3m a week. ─── 这些月来两个人在加州的电视广告上彼此讥讽对方,这使得每周竞选费用为3百万美金。
30、Savvy travelers realize that hotels save on laundry bills if guests reuse their towels, so environmental appeals could appear disingenuous. ─── 聪明的房客了解重复使用毛巾可以让旅馆节省清洗费,所以诉诸于环保可能就显得有点虚伪。
31、Woman is perfidious and disingenuous. ─── 女人是邪淫寡信的。
32、The book is entertaining, meandering and at times disingenuous. ─── 这本书很有趣,也很调侃,并且有时,不那么真诚。
33、There are often excuses and justifications given for this type of behavior, but most of them are disingenuous. ─── 他们会有很多的借口和理由为他们的行为做解释,但很多都是不坦白的。
34、"It"s a bit disingenuous for the CIA to refer allegations to the inspector general" after the agency itself approved questionable techniques, he said. ─── 他说:在这个机构允许使用有争议手段后,中情局把辩解提交给检查官是没有诚意的。
35、But that's naive -- and even disingenuous. ─── 这种说法很天真,甚至于不坦诚。
36、Too often, our political leaders are just enablers, co-conspirators in a disingenuous and greedy silence. ─── 误导我们,转移我们-不管什么事都不得不让放弃或是为之付出代价。
37、Felicia: And they weren't disingenuous about it either. ─── 我觉得他们对电影也没有什么诚意可言。
38、It would be disingenuous of me to claim I had never thought it. ─── 要说我从来想过,那就是由不由衷了。
39、It would be disingenuous to deny that land reform will loosen party control in the long run. ─── 从长远来看,土地改革会使政党控制变的宽松,这一点是不容否认的。
40、His brother Shura with staring disingenuous eyes was plotting to master the world. ─── 他那长着一对狡诈眼睛的哥哥瑞拉,处心积虑图谋征服整个世界。
41、The budget may not be a model of transparency, but much of Congress's harrumphing is disingenuous. ─── 这项预算也许算不上什么公开透明的楷模,但国会不满的嘟囔声多半是没有依据的。
42、Lomborg is being disingenuous when he protests that our authors did not even mention half his book. ─── 隆伯格抗议我们的评论者对他的书连一半都没讨论到,其实不高明。
43、When McGhee, not one for disingenuous statements, claims that his side could not play any better, people should sit up and take notice. ─── 而以不拐弯抹角著称的麦克吉宣称球队已经尽力时,这就不能不引起人们注意了。
44、Confusion and disappointment over China's misunderstood promises of foreign direct investment have been compounded by disingenuous reports from Beijing. ─── 中国所做的直接投资承诺被误解,由此产生的困惑和失望被北京方面缺乏诚意的报导弄得更糟。
45、Pickard said Kohnstamm's claim about the book on Colombia were "disingenuous" because he was hired to write about the country's history, not to travel there to review accommodation and restaurants. ─── 皮卡德则说明,康斯坦说谎,他们雇用康斯坦撰写哥伦比亚历史,而不是评论该国食宿。
46、More than that he seems disingenuous;in fact, his smile looks phony too. ─── 更有甚者,他似乎并无诚意,事实上,他的笑容也显得虚伪。
47、So calling for Chinese firms to invest their savings is a bit disingenuous. ─── 因此,呼吁中国企业将储蓄用于投资,未免有点不够真诚。
48、It is disingenuous of him to flatter me. ─── 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测。
49、In an interview, he said it would have been disingenuous to attribute her exit to other reasons. ─── 在接受记者采访时,他说,它已坦诚归因于她的退出其他原因。
50、Don’t be beguiling, don’t be selfish, don’t be narrow-minded, don’t be disingenuous, don’t be futilitarian, don’t be lazy, don’t be wasteful! ─── 不要欺骗, 不要自私, 不要狭隘, 不要虚伪, 不要悲观, 不要懒惰, 不要浪费!
51、the quality of being disingenuous and lacking candor. ─── 无诚意或坦白直率的品质。
52、Should we leave the pure and unsophisticated part of our heart?Should we learn from those mean people and be a disingenuous, insidious and evil-minded person? ─── 今天从聊天记录里找出这段话,贴上来,希望朋友们心情不好的时候,看到这段话,能稍解郁闷的心情。
53、The commander of the northern troops, Captain Osman Mustafa, is more gracious, but also more disingenuous. ─── 北苏丹部队首领OsmanMustafa更亲切也更虚伪。
54、As the party's heir apparent to Adlai Stevenson's legacy of intellectual liberalism, McCarthy could be maddening, even disingenuous, in his efforts to appear almost saintly in his lack of ambition. ─── 在党内,他显然继承了阿德莱.史蒂文森遗留下来的理智自由主义,因此要他摆出一副毫无野心的圣人模样,则可能会让人受不了,甚至让人感觉不诚实。
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