relished 发音
英:[ˈrelɪʃt] 美:[ˈrelɪʃt]
英: 美:
relished 中文意思翻译
relished 同义词
nip | enjoyment |enjoy | zestfulness | elation | sapidity | flavor | savour | smack | zest | appreciate | flavour | gusto | enthusiasm | tang | appreciation | sauce | delight | tooth | delight in | bask | savor | like | pleasure | bliss | take pleasure in
relished 词性/词形变化,relished变形
动词第三人称单数: relishes |动词过去分词: relished |动词过去式: relished |动词现在分词: relishing |
relished 反义词
relished 相似词语短语
1、ravished ─── vt.强夺;强奸;使着迷;n.(Ravish)人名;(印)拉维什
2、repolished ─── vt.再磨光,再抛光
3、perished ─── v.死亡;毁灭;(橡胶等)老化;(使)虚弱(perish的过去式及过去分词);adj.(人、身体部位等)冰冷的
4、relighted ─── vt.重新燃点;vi.再点火;n.再次点火
5、relishes ─── n.享受,乐趣;爱好;调味品,风味佐料;引起食欲的香味;滋味;风味;吸引力;开胃小菜;v.尽情享受;从……得到乐趣;盼望,期待;喜爱;玩赏;品味;使……有滋味,给……加佐料;有特定意味;味道可口
6、polished ─── adj.擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的;v.擦亮(polish的过去式和过去分词)
7、unrelished ─── 未抛光
8、relied ─── vi.(rely的过去式、过去分词形式)信任;信赖;依赖,依靠
9、relisted ─── 重新上市
relished 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、And the world's ballers relish a chance to beat the Yanks. ─── 全世界的球员都很享受打败美国队的感觉。
2、English: Butter to butter is no relish. ─── 中文:黄油加黄油不成美味。
3、His speech had some relish of irony. ─── 他的演说带有些微的讽刺。
4、Flavorful relish,dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food. ─── 可口的小菜、敷料或浇头,作为食物的佐菜。
5、His task proved a vent for his emotion and he toiled more steadily each day, shunning the gaieties he once had relished. ─── 他用工作来宣泄自己的情感,每天都辛苦地劳作。他避开曾经沉醉其中的所有纵饮和狂欢,每天晚上都在朋友的坟边度过。
6、The game will lose its relish when you grow old. ─── 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
7、Don't hurry -- there will be a time for you to find relish in learning in the days to come. ─── 学问的趣味,留在将来慢慢享受一点也不迟。
8、He discovered that his adventures took him beyond his mother's realm and he relished this newfound taste of independence. ─── 他发现这一系列冒险历程使自己摆脱了母亲的束缚,品尝到从未有过的独立滋味。
9、While most pitchers relish going after a hitter, sometimes the best thing to do is to avoid trouble. ─── 大多数的投手总喜欢在打者面前表现一番,但有时候最好的解决办法是避开麻烦。
10、He snapped at heels and relished his time on the ball. ─── 他步伐稳健,优雅的享受着自己带球的时光。
11、From her face I could see that she relished the pace of the work world . ─── 如今已经退休的母亲和我就坐在这群人中间。
12、She lost none of her relish for beauty and mystery, but she had little opportunity to exercise it. ─── 她往日那种对美与神秘的热情有增无衰,只是没有适当机会得以施展罢了。
13、Paul and Wanda relished the time they had off from work. ─── 保罗和旺达喜欢休假不用上班的日子。
14、DURING his decade-long stint as chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown relished one achievement above all others. ─── 在他任财政部长的十年里,与取得的所有其它成就相比,布朗最中意其中一个。
15、MR LEOPOLD BLOOM ATE WITH RELISH THE INNER ORGANS OF BEASTS and fowls. ─── 利奥波德·布卢姆先生吃起牲口和家禽的下水来,真是津津有味。
16、They fell to with great relish. ─── 他们津津有味地吃了起来。
17、You know, with the mustard and the ketchup and the relish. ─── 加上芥末,番茄酱还有调料包。
18、Hearn pulled off another piece of turkey and ate it with relish. ─── 候恩,又撕下一片火鸡肉,吃得津津有味。
19、"Those who love wind in their hair relish the straightaway west of Seligman. ─── 喜欢微风拂过秀发的人会对塞利格曼小镇西边的高速公路感兴趣。
20、Take a moment and relish this with me! Soon all will be revealed! ─── 和我一起品味这份经历吧!很快一切都会浮出水面!
21、He didn't want any one massaging his prostate gland.No, that he didn't relish. ─── 他并不想叫别人按摩他的摄护腺,不,他不喜欢那样。
22、She relished her fame and basked in her glory. ─── 她品味她的声望并且乐于其中。
23、have for centuries relished city life. ─── 已经享受了几个世纪的城市生活了。
24、He has failed to replicate the form he showed in Serie A and may relish a return to the peninsula. ─── 之后他并没有重复在意甲时所显现的良好状态,这也许意味着他将重返亚平宁半岛。
25、Boulahrouz plainly relished the encounters, though he admitted Ronaldinho had been his toughest opponent so far. ─── 博拉鲁兹很享受遭遇战,尽管他承认小罗是他迄今为止遇到的最难防守的对手。
26、He won't relish having to walk all that distance. ─── 他不会喜欢走那么长的距离。
27、Has no relish for repetitive work. ─── 不喜欢重复性的工作
28、He ate --but without relish, and food seemed no longer to nourish him. ─── 他虽然吃东西,但是辨不出滋味,食物似乎失去了营养作用。
29、Deep down in each of them there was a kind of hearty joviality, a relish of life. ─── 在她们的心灵深处,都有着一种由衷的欢乐,一种生活的兴味。
30、They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness. ─── 他们吃我民的赎罪祭,满心愿意我民犯罪。
31、She savoured the joke with relish. ─── 她对这个笑话很感兴趣.
32、We did not relish the prospect of staying after school. ─── 一想到放学后还可能留下,我们便觉得不是滋味。
33、Do they anticipate each day with great relish? ─── 他们对每一天都充满干劲吗?
34、People don't seem to understand that an artist is free to do whatever he wants, and I've always relished that possibility. ─── 人们似乎不理解一位艺术家可以自由的创作他想做的东西,而我一直享受着这种机遇。
35、His wife wont relish having to wash all those dishes. ─── 中文:他的妻子不会喜欢洗这一大堆碟子的。
36、the girls laugh at the picture?" asked Jo, who relished the scrape. ─── 们有没有笑那幅画?”乔问,回味着那尴尬的局面。
37、An endlessly surprising, very dark, human comedy, with a plot that cannot be foreseen but only relished! ─── 毫不间断的惊喜,黑色幽默的极品喜剧;让你无法预知下一步的精巧剧情,却能津津有味的观赏!
38、If John Terry does not play he will relish the chance to throw his weight around. ─── 如果我们的队长不能在这场比赛中复出,那么他会有更多的得分机会。
39、To tell the truth, I didn't quite relish it. ─── 但是说老实话,我不是很喜欢这个学校,也许是因为康奈尔太美的关系。
40、Well, would you like to have the works on it relish, ketchup, onion, mustard and the like? ─── 嗯,你要不要加佐料在上面。香料、蕃茄酱、洋葱、芥茉粉等等?
41、He was extremely egotistical, and relished the sound of his own name. ─── 他极其自负,对自己的名字津津乐道。
42、"Daily Chinese Word": Refresh and relish a sensitivity to Chinese. ─── “每日中文词”:保持、享受一份对中文的敏感。
43、To taste with relish; savor. ─── 品尝,欣赏津津有味地品尝;品味
44、She retailed the neighbours' activities with relish. ─── 她饶有兴趣地对邻居们的活动说三道四。
45、Refresh and relish a sensitivity to Chinese. ─── 保持、享受一份对中文的敏感。
46、Some pastimes lose their relish when one grows old. ─── 一个人年长后便对许多事失去了兴头。
47、His speech had some relish of sarcasm . ─── 他的演讲带着些许讽刺。
48、Oh, yeah. I relished in checking out many eye candies there. It was like being in paradise, you know? ─── 噢,没错。我的眼睛在那儿吃了不少冰淇淋。那就好象在天堂一样,你知道吗?
49、More than anything else, he relished a spirited debate with worthy adversaries. ─── 与其他事务相比,萨默斯最喜欢与尊敬的顾问进行激烈的辩论。
50、She savoured the moment with obvious relish. ─── 她显然津津有味地回味着那一刻。
51、THERE was a time when Nicolas Sarkozy relished crisis management. ─── 曾几何时,尼古拉.萨科奇也是热衷危机管理的。
52、His wife won't relish having to wash all those dishes. ─── 他的妻子不会喜欢洗这一大堆碟子的。
53、As a player, I relished that competition for places, and it is clearly a big help for the manager. ─── 作为一名球员,我经历了当时的竞争,对于主帅来说明显是一个巨大的帮助。
54、He was created Duke of Windsor, married Wallis and relished in the rest life. ─── 他被降封为温莎公爵,与辛普森夫人终成眷属,幸福地度过了余生。
55、This little story about the Yu family was for a time told with great relish by many scholars. ─── 俞氏一家三口的问答,一时传为美谈。
56、She won't relish having to do the household chores every day. ─── 她不喜欢每天料理家务。
57、She had relished in his screams of pain, but his aroused, needy moans, groans and whimpers were even better. ─── 她听他痛苦的尖叫时也津津有味,但是他欲火中烧的、饥渴的哼声、呻吟声和啜泣声更好听。
58、It constantly outdistances us. “Relish the moment” is a good motto. ─── “享受现在”这句箴言颇有道理。
59、She relished the idea for a few seconds and then added one more joyous thought. “You'd be with the king,” she said. ─── 一时,幻想使她开心无比,过了一会儿,她又有了一个更为快活的想法。“跟国王在一起!”她说。
60、I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun's golden glow. ─── 但是所有人都是那么的来去匆匆,大部分人都是眼睛盯着地面。
61、However, many wineries in Vinos de la Tierra areas have relished the greater freedom than exists under the D. ─── 天使之堤拥有多种土壤类型和达到最新技术发展水平的酿造技艺(气象站、防结霜的塔站等)。
62、Tennis loses its relish when one gets old. ─── 人老了就觉得打网球没意思了。
63、I have no further relish for active pursuits now that I am 90. ─── 因为我90岁了,对费力的活动已无兴趣。
64、"Well now, I'll tell you." Dalleson said with relish. ─── “那好,我就来教你,”达尔生来了劲了。
65、A pungent relish made of fruits, spices, and herbs. ─── 印度酸辣酱用水果、调料和药草制成的有刺激性味道的调味品
66、The cheerfulness of the children added a relish to his existence. ─── 孩子们给他的欢娱,更使他加添了生活的乐趣。
67、It was nice for the Party to have a leader again with some relish for words. ─── 党又有了一位善于辞令的领袖,这是可喜的。
68、She ate her cake slowly and with relish. ─── 她慢慢地,津津有味地吃着蛋糕。
69、He drank up the wine with relish. ─── 他津津有味地把酒喝光了。
70、But now, with the fever gone, I feel hungry again and eat with great relish. ─── 不过,现在退烧了,我又觉得饿了,吃得津津有味呢。
71、Butter to butter is no relish. ─── 千篇一律的东西令人生厌。
72、He does not relish my advice. ─── 他不喜欢听我的劝告。
73、"Really? " I said, amused at how Grandmother relished her coffee so much that she related everything to it. ─── “是吗?”我说。见到奶奶如此钟爱她的咖啡,以致于将每一件事物都与之扯上关系,觉得挺逗的。
74、He drank the wine with relish. ─── 他津津有味地喝酒。
75、He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior. ─── 他不喜欢对他自己的所作所为作出解释。
76、Some fans in China relish how the album discomfits the establishment. ─── 一些中国歌迷纷纷谈到这张专辑为何会引起风波。
77、He seemed to relish the scandal. ─── 他似乎对这件丑闻十分欣赏。
78、We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas. ─── 我们可以轻蔑地谈论可怜的古罗马人,因为他们喜欢在竞技场上进行屠杀。
79、"Everyone is waiting for Chelsea to fail. It is a great motivation for us," he relished. ─── “每个人都在等待着切尔西的失败,这对我们来说是一个伟大的动力”。他说。
80、Frugal Sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal and hate being wasteful. ─── 勤俭的市民喜欢省钱的折价卷,爱好划算的交易,厌恶浪费。
81、Why do they relish picking on Singapore? ─── 为什么西方媒体老爱跟新加坡过不去呢?
82、From her face I could see that she relished the pace of the work world. ─── 从母亲的表情中,我看得出,母亲打心眼里喜欢上班族这种生活的节奏。
83、But the magazine's own troubles have involved just the sort of topic that Ms. Hu and Caijing relished covering. ─── 但是《财经》自己的问题恰恰就像胡舒立和《财经》团队喜欢的封面故事一样。
84、I relish, Gotama, the Great Seer's words well-expounded, without acquisition. ─── “大仙的话对抛弃生存因素作了透彻说明,我听了喜欢,乔达摩啊!
85、The tastiest tit-bit may not be relished when thrown at one's head. ─── 再好吃的东西,如果是扔在你头上,你也不会觉得有味。
86、"He's a dirty dog," Father Rank said, with a kind of relish . ─── “他是一条癞狗,”兰克神父带着某种欣赏的语气说。
87、She won't relish having to get up before dawn to catch that train. ─── 她不喜欢黎明前起床赶那班火车。
88、I don't relish the prospect of taking another man's life. Whether it's just or not. ─── 夺走一个人的生命并不值得庆贺,不管是否正义。
89、He muckraked his political rivals with great relish. ─── 他兴致勃勃地揭发政敌的贪污腐化。
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