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09-10 投稿



easting 发音

英:[['i:stɪŋ]]  美:[['i:stɪŋ]]

英:  美:

easting 中文意思翻译



easting 词性/词形变化,easting变形

名词: easternness |

easting 同义词

eastward | Oriental |easterly | Asian | east

easting 反义词


easting 相似词语短语

1、reasting ─── v.(特指马)不合作;不服从(等于reest)

2、eastings ─── n.[航]东行航程;朝东方

3、beasting ─── 珠饰

4、easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

5、feasting ─── v.享乐,请客(feast的现在分词);参加宴会

6、casting ─── n.铸造;铸件;投掷;角色分配;v.铸造;投掷;投向;选派演员;扔掉(cast的ing形式)

7、yeasting ─── v.(使)发酵,起沫(yeast的现在分词)

8、eastling ─── n.伊斯特灵(英国地名)

9、basting ─── n.疏缝;假缝;疏缝用线;(烤肉时的)涂油脂;v.假缝;涂以油脂(baste的ing形式);n.(Basting)人名;(德)巴斯廷

easting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China faces the Pacific on the east. ─── 中国东临太平洋。

2、East lake is made up of six scenic spots. ─── 东湖共有六个景。

3、They east their arms to the ground and ran off. ─── 他们把武器扔在地上逃走了。

4、Spring in East China usually sets in about March. ─── 华东的春天一般约在三月开始。

5、You are on Sixteenth Avenue,on the East Side. ─── 你在第十六街,在东侧。

6、Make a feint to the east but attack in the west . ─── 声东击西。

7、Have you ever been to Far East Department Store? ─── 你曾去过远东百货公司吗?

8、The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. ─── 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。

9、At last, he found out what was about East. ─── 他终于找到了正确的方向。

10、He lives to the east of (ie further east than) Exeter. ─── 他住在埃克塞特的东边。

11、They will not handle tours to the Far East. ─── 他们不经营远东旅游业务。

12、The east wind blows with mighty power. ─── 东风浩荡。

13、Dawn is beginning to show in the east. ─── 东方露出了曙光。

14、Women in the East are very traditional. ─── 东方妇女非常传统。

15、The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north. ─── 东北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正东中间,或正北偏东45度

16、An area or a region lying in the east. ─── 东部地区处于东面的区域或地带

17、A religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine. ─── 塔,宝塔一种远东的宗教建筑,尤指一种多层的佛塔,作为纪念塔或神龛而建立

18、He traveled east. ─── 他向东旅行。

19、The hospital is in the east of the city. ─── 医院在城市的东部。

20、A gale was blowing from the east. ─── 大风从东面吹来。

21、"What I wish to do is to go down into the East End and see things for myself ... " "You don't want to live down there!" everybody said, with disapprobation writ large upon their faces. ─── "我想做的就是到伦敦东区去,亲自去看一看 ... ""你决不会愿意住在那儿吧!"人人都这么说,一脸不赞成的神气。

22、The sun rise in the east and set in the west. ─── 太阳从东方升起, 至西方落下。

23、They shipped out for the Far East last week. ─── 他们上个星期动身去远东了。

24、He was posted to somewhere in the Far East. ─── 他被派往远东某地工作。

25、All communication with the east has been stopped by the earthquake. ─── 与东部的一切交通均因地震而断绝。

26、They had rung the sheds of the east and west. ─── 他们在东西部的剪羊毛比赛中获胜。

27、The Sun moves steadily from the east to the west. ─── 太阳稳定地从东向西移动。

28、Facing the Yellow Sea on the east. ─── 在东边面对黄海。

29、The highway here swings to the east. ─── 公路从此处向东拐弯。

30、Shanghai is the golden seacoast of East. ─── 上海是东方的黄金海岸。

31、East coast shipowners advocated free trade. ─── 东岸的船主们拥护自由贸易。

32、He left for his assignment in the Middle East. ─── 他去中东赴任。

33、This method performs its conversion by calling various methods to get the latitude and longitude zone and calculating the easting and northing and so on. ─── 该方法执行转换的方法为:调用各种方法获得经纬度区,然后计算以东和以北值,等等。

34、The sun always rises in the east. ─── 太阳总是从东方升起。

35、I'm going up the East Lake in the afternoon. ─── 下午我要到东湖去。

36、The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. ─── 九州日本最南端的主要岛屿,在西南部,位于东中国海和太平洋上

37、A former monetary unit of East Germany worth 100 pfennigs. ─── 东德马克德意志民主共和国使用的货币单位,等于100芬尼。

38、A hill bridges the town from east to west. ─── 一座山从东向西横贯全镇。

39、He took lodgings in the East End of London. ─── 他在伦敦东区租用寄宿舍。

40、Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa. ─── 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语。

41、Around700 Arabs began to colonize East Africa. ─── 公元700年阿拉伯人开始把东非变为殖民地。

42、He has sold all his holdings in the far east. ─── 他卖掉了所有远东公司的股票。

43、Objective to compare the retention of the plastic core with GISRR (Glass Ionomer Silver Reinforced Restorative) with that of the easting core. ─── 目的以实验方法比较银粉玻璃离子(GISRR)可塑性核桩和铸造核桩的固位力。

44、and, as we drew near the Cape of the Woods, though I saw I must infallibly miss that point, I had still made some hundred yards of easting. ─── 当我靠近森林岬角时,虽然我看得出我已经错过了在那里靠岸,我还是向东划了几百码。

45、The east broke out in ragged flame. ─── 东方天空射出零落的光辉。

46、Five men were shipped off to the Far East. ─── 五个人被派遣到远东去。

47、The river is swirled to the east here. ─── 在这儿河流回流向东。

48、The three ringed mountains run from east to west. ─── 三个环形山都呈东西走向。

49、Exotic costumes from the Far East. ─── 同远东不同的奇异服饰

50、He soon moved east to Allentown. ─── 不久他就迁往东边的阿伦敦。

51、The gleam of dawn shimmered in the east. ─── 东方发亮了。

52、The sun rises in the east, and sinks in the west. ─── 太阳从东边升起,在西方落下。

53、North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。

54、What lessons can East Asian learn from the EU? ─── 东亚可以从欧盟吸取到什么教益呢?

55、The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. ─── 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。

56、How do they view the situation in the Middle East? ─── 他们对中东形势怎样看?

57、The Middle East has been the cockpit of modern history. ─── 中东一直是现代历史上的战场。

58、In the east,the air is humid in summer. ─── 在东方,夏季空气潮湿。

59、They live in a town along the east coast. ─── 他们住在一个东部沿海的一个小镇里。

60、War clouds are gathering in the Middle East. ─── 中东战云密布。

61、The earth rotates from west to east. ─── 地球从西向东旋转。

62、He lived on the east coast of the United States. ─── 他住在美国的东海岸。

63、They reported a star to have appeared in the East. ─── 他们报告说,东方出现了一颗星星。

64、This is a special adhesive for easting the pain, apply it to the painful and change it every two days. ─── 这是专门的药膏,贴在患处,两天换一次。

65、He lives on the east coast. ─── 他住在东部海岸地区。

66、He had traveled widely and knew a thing or two about the Far East. ─── 他去过很多地方,对远东的情况颇为熟悉。

67、At last,he found out what was about East. ─── 他终于找到了去东方的正确的方向。

68、The land is barren on the east coast. ─── 东海岸的土地贫脊。

69、East Prussian was an exclave of Germany. ─── 东普鲁士原先是德国的飞地。

70、After 1989,peace broke out in the former East Bloc. ─── 1989年后,和平在以前的东部国家爆发。

71、A native of the East End of London. ─── 伦敦佬伦敦东区的本地人

72、Native to or growing in the east. ─── 东部本地的或长自东部的

73、The East End of London was badly blitzed in 1940. ─── 伦敦的东区在一九四零年遭到惨烈的闪电攻击。

74、China has emerged with a new visage in the East. ─── 中国以新的面貌出现在世界的东方。

75、Things are beginning to hot up in the Middle East again. ─── 中东的局势又开始紧张起来。

76、The sun rises in the east. ─── 太阳从东方升起。

77、East Indian and Australian storks. ─── 印度东部和澳大利亚产的一种鹳。

78、He lives to the east of Los Angeles. ─── 他住在洛杉矶以东(的地方)。

79、He saw several police cars hell to the east. ─── 他看见有几辆警车向东面疾驰而过。

80、The collection of photogrammctric data provides free elevation data in addition to the northing and easting data of the ground plane. ─── 资料的收集提供了无受限制的海拔资料还有南北地平线资料。

81、You change at Lewes and East Croydon. ─── 到路易斯和东克罗伊登转车。

82、East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit. ─── 东亚地区的酸的黄的象浆果的水果。

83、East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy. ─── 东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。

84、Found echoes of past civilizations while examining artifacts in the Middle East. ─── 在调查中东的史前古器物时,发现了旧时文明的遗迹

85、Is East Asia prepared to learn the first lesson? ─── 东亚是否准备好了要吸取这第一个经验呢?

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