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09-13 投稿



livid 发音

英:['lɪvɪd]  美:['lɪvɪd]

英:  美:

livid 中文意思翻译



livid 网络释义

adj. 铅色的;青灰色的;非常生气的

livid 词性/词形变化,livid变形

名词: lividity |副词: lividly |

livid 相似词语短语

1、living ─── adj.活的;现存的;在使用的;供生活起居用的;活跃的;逼真的;(诗、文,指水)流淌不息的;n.生计;生活方式;(尤指旧时)有俸金住房的牧师职位;活着的人;v.生活;居住;度过;继续存在,留存,铭记;享受充实而令人兴奋的生活(live的现在分词);n.(Living)(英)利文(人名)

2、lipid ─── n.脂质;油脂

3、liveried ─── adj.穿制服的;穿规定服装的

4、vivid ─── adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的

5、lividity ─── n.铁青色,铅色

6、lived ─── adj.有生命的;v.居住(live的过去分词);活着;度过;以…为生

7、livier ─── 肝脏

8、livedo ─── n.青斑

9、lividly ─── 生气勃勃地

livid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the meantime, she had halted in front of Marius with a trace of joy in her livid countenance, and something which resembled a smile. ─── 这时,她走到马吕斯跟前停下来,枯黄的脸上略带一点喜色,并稍露一点笑容。

2、The dark discs of copper coins closed his laughing eyes,his kind face had becomed livid,and I was terrified by the glint of his set teeth. ─── 他含笑的眼睛紧闭着,就象上面盖着两枚黑色的铜钱;他那慈祥的脸也变成了青紫色。牙向外龇着,把我吓坏了。

3、have livid rings round one's eye ─── 眼眶发黑

4、m . de villefort a second time raised his head , looked at benedetto as if he had been gazing at the head of medusa , and became livid. ─── 维尔福先生第二次抬起头来,望着贝尼代托,象是看到了墨杜萨的头似的,他的脸上变得毫无血色。

5、A face livid with shock ─── 因震惊而变惨白的脸

6、Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in borrowed sandals, by day beside a livid sea, unbeheld, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. ─── 我坐在那儿,手执占卜师的梣木杖,脚登借来的便鞋。白天我呆在铅色的海洋之滨,没有人看得见我;到了紫罗兰色的夜晚,就徜徉在粗犷星宿的统驭下。

7、livid with anger ─── 发怒

8、Tottenham, livid, set a Friday midday deadline to sort out compensation or say they will report Chelsea to the Premier League. ─── 上午10点新赛季赛程出炉,出乎意料,首场比赛我们客场挑战维甘。

9、They may be livid with their leaders, pained by their place in the world and fearful of the future, but at least the French are still happy enough to hum. ─── 据最近的一份调查显示,绝大多数法国人喜爱音乐远甚于其它艺术形式,尤其是女性自吟自唱的概率更是高于男性。

10、But when Brando showed up on the set wearing livid make up and talking with a lisp, Oz tried to steer him toward a more low-key portrayal. ─── 作为一个国际职业惯偷,他谨慎细心、有过无数成功的“战绩”,但是现在,他准备洗手归隐了。

11、From that sky, bizarre and livid, Distorted as your destiny, What thoughts into your empty soul Descend? Answer me, libertine. ─── 奇异的铅灰色天空,扭曲得如同你的命运,是什么思绪从空中下降到你空虚的灵魂里?回答我,放荡者。

12、British taxpayers would be livid if they had to save the British bit of Barclays' investment bank. ─── 如果英国纳税人需要去拯救巴克莱投资银行,他们会把脸都气青。

13、“She was accosted by her livid husband and beaten for ‘bringing a bad name to the family”. ─── "她被怒气冲冲的丈夫叫过去,因为"坏了家里的名声"而被揍了一顿.

14、According to the head of a hedge fund that does a lot of business with large banks, their lending desks are now being stripped of risk-management responsibilities by livid chief executives. ─── 根据与大银行有着密切业务往来的一家对冲基金主管称,执行总裁气急败坏,他们借贷部的风险管理职能正在降低。

15、And at this moment there was a tremendous peal of thunder, while the livid lightning illumined the room, and the thunder, rolling away in the distance, seemed to withdraw unwillingly from the cursed abode. ' ─── 正当这个时候,他们听到了一连串轰隆隆的雷声,银白色的闪电照亮了房间,然后,那雷声渐渐地远去了,似乎有点不情愿离开这该诅咒的房子似的。

16、Many thanks to xdanger, Livid, and Jianshuo, it is all fixed now and faster than before ─── and Jianshuo(客齐集王建硕), 现在已经解决了,比以前快多了,非常感谢他们。

17、Her eyes were glassy,she turned pale instead of livid, and trembled with a quiver of terror ─── 她目光颓丧,面色由青转成死灰,浑身吓得发抖。

18、Some days ago, I had a dream going like this: in the livid slate-covered street only few people walked sparsely, I stepped on the slates rhythmically, watching this world. ─── 前些日子,有过这样一个梦:在铺着青花石的街道上些许走着几个人,我踩着石的韵节,浏览着这个世界。

19、The woman striking out with feet and fists, bareheaded, howling, minus hair and teeth, livid with wrath, horrible ─── 女人拳打脚踢,帽子也丢了,乱嚷着,她既无牙齿,又无头发,怒得面孔发青,好不吓人。

20、However, he need not have worried, for Tseng Tsang-hai suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes and glared fiercely, and his face became livid. ─── 然而他是白担忧。躺在烟榻上的曾沧海猛的睁开眼来,眼是凶狠狠地闪着红光,脸色也已经变成铁青;

21、I hear the ruin of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry, and time one livid final flame ─── 我听到整个空间的毁灭,玻璃碎成碴儿,砖石建筑坍塌下来,时光化为终极的一缕死灰色火焰[5]。

22、British taxpayers would be livid if they had to save the British bit of Barclays' investment bank. ─── 如果英国纳税人需要去拯救巴克莱投资银行,他们会把脸都气青。

23、His face was livid with anger [cold]. ─── 他气[冷]得脸色发青。

24、Tu Weiyueh strolled calmly out of the office to find that Wu Sun-fu had already got out of his car. His face was livid with fury and his eyes blazed. He did not give anybody so much as a look. ─── 屠维岳很镇静地跑出管理部去看时,吴荪甫已经下车,脸上是铁青的杀气,狞起眼睛,简直不把众人看一下。

25、People who have borrowed prudently and lived within their means are livid that they are being asked to bail out neighbours who splurged on McMansions and giant televisions. ─── 有的人平时借债谨慎、量入为出,他们的邻居却一贯大手大脚,掷重金购置麦克豪宅[2]和超大屏幕电视机,现在却要求他们救助这些邻居,自然怒从心头起。

26、"Put it on the bed." Suchultz's expression, snakelike and livid , did not change. ─── “放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。

27、Eighteen months in which the livid, still weeping, scar of Newcastle might heal. ─── 一年半,从纽卡斯尔带来的发青的、仍隐隐作痛的伤口或许会痊愈。

28、White theme designed by Livid , this blog is proudly powered by Project Nexus . ─── 嗯,还是白色主题好看些,黑色的只有一篇文章时很丑陋。

29、He hit the kid in the face with not just a bit of phlegm, but a real hoik.All the Liverpool lads were livid with him. ─── 早些时候在联赛里他让弗兰打进了一个球,他犯下的这个错误一直是人们的笑柄。

30、Her expression became livid, a foreign son-in-law buying a house would only happen once, how could he get a mortgage? ─── 上海丈母娘脸色铁青,老外女婿买房都是一次过,哪有按揭的?

31、Her friend's mother was livid. ─── 她朋友的母亲很生气。

32、Dad will be livid when he finds out. ─── 爸爸发现了会气疯的。

33、Ferguson was livid after Atkinson failed to award his side a penalty for an apparent foul by Sylvain Distin on Cristiano Ronaldo in the penalty area early in the game. ─── 弗格森爵士认为他的球队应该在比赛开始的时候拿到一个点球,因为迪斯丁在禁区内撞倒了罗纳尔多。

34、He grew livid with rage. ─── 他勃然大怒。

35、Struggling to make ends meet on a first-call salary, the pastor was livid when he confronted his wife with the receipt for a $250 dress she had bought."How could you do this? ─── 牧师正在想法设法使收支相抵,这时他碰到他的妻子手里拿着刚刚买的250美元一件的连衣裙的收据,他非常生气“你怎么可以这样?”

36、Sitting in his car, his face livid, Wu Sun-fu shouted repeatedly at the chauffeur: ─── 吴荪甫坐在车里,铁青着脸,一叠声喝道:

37、Tim: More than angry, he was absolutely livid. ─── 提姆:不但很生气,简直怒不可遏。

38、10.beaten black and blue; livid bruises. ─── 打得浑身青紫;青色的瘀伤。

39、His face was livid with anger. ─── 他气KK得脸色发青。

40、Besides that all secret men are men soon terrified, here were surely cards enough of one black suit, to justify the holder in growing rather livid as he turned them over. ─── 何况干秘密活动的人都是孬种,偏又摊上这么一手黑牌,难怪他掂量着牌时早已面如死灰。

41、But in private its top brass must be livid. ─── 但其大老板私下里一定大发雷霆。

42、The mangy one was livid with rage. "What's in that barrel?" he asked. ─── 瘌痢头气得脸色铁青,问道:“桶里装的是什么玩意儿?”

43、livid with rage ─── 狂怒

44、Her face turned livid with rage. ─── 她气得脸色铁青。

45、But reports suggest that the dressing room is in chaos and that key men such as Gigi Buffon are livid with the state of affairs. ─── 但是报道暗示现在尤文的更衣室非常的混乱,甚至一些关键球员像布冯因为这样的状态而感到非常的愤怒。

46、Cochran was livid with anger. "Damn you, Bartling," he said. "Who the hell do you think you are? You've got no right to run us off the planet." ─── 柯克兰气得脸色发青。“该死的,巴特灵。”他骂道。“你以为你是谁?你没权力把我们赶出这个星球!”

47、a face livid with shock; ─── 吓得苍白的脸;

48、His breathing was hoarse, his face livid, his limbs flaccid, his belly prominent. ─── 他的呼吸声沙哑,脸色苍白,双腿无力,肚子鼓胀。

49、I'm not grieving. I'm livid. ─── 我不是在伤心,我愤怒。

50、As Wim Wenders once put it: “when people think they've seen enough of something, but there's more, and no change of shot, then they react in a curiously livid way. ─── 文德斯说:当人们觉得他们已经看够这个了,但还有更多,镜头没有变化,人们就会有一种令我好奇地震惊的反应。

51、If the Rossoblu were livid, then the mood in the Turin camp was more serene and Deschamps shook off the controversial incidents. ─── 如果说博洛尼亚是怒气冲冲的话,那都灵方面德尚对这次争论的事件情绪显得很平静.

52、And other investors are livid too, not least those with funds still trapped in the country by capital controls. ─── 由于冰岛进行资本调控,许多投资者的融资额仍被套牢在冰岛国内,而其他的一些投资者也愤怒不已。

53、The teen explained that her coach chose another girl over her best friend for the varsity team.Her friend's mother was livid. ─── 女儿解释说教练选择了其他女孩子而不是选择她最好的朋友参加校队,她朋友的母亲大发雷霆。

54、Purple theme designed by Livid, this blog is proudly powered by Project Nexus . ─── 又是一个兰花开放的季节,种的兰花又开了几个品种.

55、Wu Sun-fu's face suddenly darkened and he sat speechless, the purplish pimples on his face turning livid with rage. ─── 现在是吴荪甫的脸色突然变了,僵在那里不动,也不说话;他脸上的紫疱,一个一个都冒出热气来。

56、China's trade surplus with America and its foreign-exchange reserves continue to grow, making economists fidgety and protectionist politicians livid. ─── 由于中美贸易赤字以及中国外汇储备均持续增加,经济学家坐卧不安,支持贸易保护主义的政客们怒气冲冲。

57、turn livid with rage ─── 气得脸色铁青

58、The chaplain is sent round to visit. The student is fine - but livid, and later describes this assault on her freedom in a newspaper. ─── 学校把这位父亲接来参观,这名学生却勃然大怒,后来在一家报纸上表示这是对她本人自由的践踏。

59、and the sabre cut across one cheek, a dirty, livid white. ─── 一侧的脸颊上留有一道灰色的刀疤。

60、The twilight pallor of the sky blanched the earth, and the lane formed a livid line between two rows of dark bushes. ─── 天上苍白的微光把大地映成白色,那条巷子成了两行深黑的矮树中间的一条灰白道儿。

61、Seeing his livid face and reddened ears, Jou-chia realized her remarks had gone too far and kept silent. ─── 柔嘉瞧他脸青耳红,自知说话过火,闭口不响。

62、Penetrate, at certain hours, past the livid face of a human being who is engaged in reflection, and look behind, gaze into that soul, gaze into that obscurity. ─── 在某些时候你不妨从一个运用心思的人的阴沉面容深入到他的皮里去,探索他的心情,穷究他的思绪。

63、Winston dared not turn his head even by a millimetre, but sometimes her livid, gasping face came within the angle of his vision ─── 温斯顿的脑袋一动也不敢动,但是有时她的紧张、憋气的脸进入到了他的视野之内。

64、willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid. ─── 故意的愚蠢之举把他气得脸色苍白。

65、I am absolutely livid about it. ─── 我对此恼怒至极。

66、A childhood terror paralyzed me on the spot, and my mouth filled with a livid saliva, but I walked with my mother into the crowded space that once had been the pharmacy's laboratory, and had been outfitted as an emergency bedroom. ─── 一种儿时的恐惧顿时充斥我的全身,我嘴里涌出大量紫色的口水,但我不得不跟着我妈走到那个隔板后面,那儿曾经是这个药房的实验室,后来还曾被改作临时卧室。

67、Some parents are understandably livid: they paid for a service (albeit indirectly)suddenly discover it's being handed out like a raffle prize. ─── 家长对此怒不可遏是理解的:他们为服务付费(是通过间接的方式),却突然发现这种服务要以类似抓阄的方法来进行分配。

68、Hao Bantian, my mother was gravely livid, in a huff: "You want to do it? ─── 好半天,妈妈才铁青着脸,气呼呼地说:“你们想好了呢?

69、Some parents are understandably livid: they paid for a service( albeit indirectly) and suddenly discover it's being handed out like a raffle prize. ─── 一些家长对此怒不可遏是可以理解的:他们为服务付费(管是通过间接的方式)却突然发现这种服务要以类似抓阄的方法来进行分配。

70、Back in the attorney-client visitation room, Lincoln is livid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution. ─── 在律师会客室,由于一个谎报的电话并不足以作为证据而延迟执行死刑的时间,Lincoln极为恼火。

71、Near the table, upon which Marius descried a pen, ink, and paper, sat a man about sixty years of age, small, thin, livid, haggard, with a cunning, cruel, and uneasy air;a hideous scoundrel. ─── 桌子旁坐着一个六十来岁的男人,马吕斯望见桌上有鹅翎笔、墨水和纸张,那男子是个瘦小个子,脸色蜡黄,眼睛阴狠,神态尖刁、凶恶而惶惑不安,是个坏透了顶的恶棍。

72、The moon cast a livid light into this open space. ─── 月光正把那十字路口照得雪亮。

73、I was livid when I found out that my boyfriend Philip had been two - timing me. ─── 当我发现我的男朋友菲利浦对我不忠时,我便大发雷霆。

74、Wu Sun-fu's face suddenly darkened and he sat speechless, the purplish pimples on his face turning livid with rage ─── 现在是吴荪甫的脸色突然变了,僵在那里不动,也不说话;他脸上的紫疱,一个一个都冒出热气来。

75、Many of them died of scurvy, a disease of the blood which causes swollen gums, livid white spots on the flesh and general exhaustion. ─── 他们中的许多人死于坏血病,这种疾病的血液造成牙龈红肿,铁青白色斑点的肉和一般用尽。

76、Livid lightning streaked the sky. ─── 乌青色的闪电划破了天空。

77、Instead of pushing away her husband, who was standing beside her, Mrs. Wang merely picked up the silk powder puff from her powder box and dabbed a few times at his livid face in the mirror, blurring his features. ─── 汪太太并不推开站在身后的丈夫,只从粉盒子里取出绒粉拍,在镜子里汪先生铁青的脸上,扑扑两下,使他面目模糊。

78、In fact they were totally livid, of course, and considered her a dangerous, loose cannon. ─── 事实上,他们完全是怨气冲天,当然,她视为一种危险的,松散的大炮。

79、After details of the proposed tax were unveiled a month ago, the boss of at least one huge global mining firm was reportedly livid. ─── 自从一个月新建议税收明细出台,据报道,至少一个全球超大矿业公司老板对此感到暴怒。

80、Treasure Palace, Queen livid at bamboos Zhao Lian, the Jade Emperor rage, I immediately know what exactly occurred. ─── 此时逍遥宝殿上王母娘娘铁青着脸,玉皇大帝暴跳如雷,要我马上了解到底发生了什么样事。

81、Livid agaric ─── 兰蘑菇

82、They kept me waiting for half an hour?annoyed wasn’t the word for it, I was livid! ─── 他们使我等了半小时??“生气”这字眼用在这儿还不够,我大发雷霆。

83、3.Thus Bernardo, leader of the Sharks, is livid when he learns that his sister Maria is in love with Jet Tony. ─── 当鲨鱼帮的头目伯纳多得知他的妹妹玛丽亚爱上气流帮的托尼时怒气冲冲。

84、Among the heap they could distinguish a livid face, streaming hair, a pierced hand and the half nude breast of a woman. It was Eponine. ─── 在这堆死人中可以认出一张惨白的脸,披散着的头发,一只打穿了的手,一个半裸着的女人的胸脯,这是爱潘妮。

85、the last movement of the heart ceased, the face became livid, the eyes remained open, but the eyeballs were glazed. ─── 心脏最后的跳动一停止,脸色就变得铁青,眼睛仍然睁着,但目光无神。

86、We'll never know,” revealed Mancini, who was also livid from the touchline. ─── 当然,克鲁斯也可能罚丢,谁也说不定。”

87、Livid entoloma ─── 兰粉褶蕈

88、For one night anyway, Bryant was livid. ─── 无论如何,今晚科比真的很气愤。

89、The livid light of late October illuminates Shishmaref Inlet, located just 21 miles (34 kilometers) south of the Arctic Circle. ─── 十月末,乌青色的光线照亮了希什马尔湾,希什马尔湾坐落于北极圈南部不远的21英里(34公里)处。

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